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Help needed after I crashed my thyroids.

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I need some help to understand my situation. My body is rejecting 1/4 grain of

Armour and I don't know why, nor what to do next.

I crashed my thyroids 3 months ago. I dosed Armour incorrectly (only in the

morning) and when I corrected this and dosed morning and evening, this

overwhelmed me and I had a full-blown thyroid crash. I was on 3 grains at the

time. It was all rather unpleasant with heart palpitations, racing pulse,

breathless, hypoglycaemia was off the scale, and zero energy. Nasty symptoms

lasted a hard month.

I was supporting my Adrenals with Adrenal extract cortex (ACE) at the time.

Over the next month I messed around with lower doses of both ACE and Armour and

after repeated problems eventually reduced both ACE and Armour to zero. My blood

pressure came down to reasonable levels 130/75, pulse 75. Temps steady around

35.4-35.6 deg' C.

The low steady temps indicate adrenals ok, but thyroid still fatigued.

I stayed at zero support levels for 3 weeks, then re-introduced Armour @ ¼

grain. But immediately my BP dropped 113/69 and pulse went crazy up at 91 BPM. I

am breathless, tired and jittery.

Does anyone have any idea why my body is rejecting ¼ grain of Armour?


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your body could be rejecting your natural thyroid extract for one or several

reasons. One reason could be that your levels of thyroid hormone are sufficient

and therefore has no need of any extract, or other reasons could be any one of

the following. Go through all of these by way of a process of elimination, but

you need to be VERY strict when you start a particular treatment protocol and

not go switching around the doses too much or too quickly.


main condition responsible for stopping thyroid hormone from working is, quite

simply, a patient’s thyroxine dose is too low because the doctor or

consultant refuses to increase it, because the serum thyroid function test

results appear OK. Sometimes, the thyroxine dose is too high, yet patients

still don't feel well. They continue to suffer. Some reasons for this:


may be suffering with low adrenal reserve. The production of T4, its conversion

to T3, and the receptor uptake requires a normal amount of adrenal hormones,

notably, of course, cortisone. (Excess cortisone can shut production down,

however.) This is what happens if the adrenals are not responding properly, and

provision of cortisone usually switches it on again. But sometimes it

doesn’t. If the illness has been going on for a long time, the

enzyme seems to fail. This conversion failure (inexplicably denied by

many endocrinologists) means the thyroxine builds up, unconverted. So it

doesn’t work, and T4 toxicosis results. This makes the patient feel quite

unwell, toxic, often with palpitations and chest pain. If provision of adrenal

support doesn’t remedy the situation, the final solution is the use of

the active thyroid hormone, already converted, T3 - either synthetic or



we have systemic candidiasis. This is where candida albicans, yeast, which

causes skin infections almost anywhere in the body, invades the lining of the

lower part of the small intestine and the large intestine. Here, the

candida sets up residence in the warmth and the dark, and demands to be fed.

Loving sugars and starches, candida can make you suffer terrible sweet

cravings. Candida can produce toxins which can cause very many symptoms

of exhaustion, headache, general illness, and which interfere with the uptake

of thyroid and adrenal treatment. Sometimes the levels - which we usually

test for - can be very high, and make successful treatment difficult to achieve

until adequately treated.


there is receptor resistance which could be a culprit. Being hypothyroid

for some considerable time may mean the biochemical mechanisms which permit the

binding of T3 to the receptors, is downgraded - so the T3 won’t go

in. With slow build up of T3, with full adrenal support and adequate

vitamins and minerals, the receptors do come on line again. But this can

be quite a slow process, and care has to be taken to build the dose up



then there are Food allergies. The most common food allergy is allergy to

gluten, the protein fraction of wheat. The antibody generated by the body, by a

process of molecular mimicry, cross reacts with the thyroperoxidase enzyme,

(which makes thyroxine) and shuts it down. So allergy to bread can make

you hypothyroid. There may be other food allergies with this kind of effect,

but information on these is scanty. Certainly allergic response to

certain foods can affect adrenal function and imperil thyroid production and


Then we

have hormone imbalances. The whole of the endocrine system is linked; each part

of it needs the other parts to be operating normally to work properly. An

example of this we have seen already, with cortisone. But another example

is the operation of sex hormones. The imbalance that occurs at the

menopause with progesterone running down, and a relative dominance of oestrogen

is a further case in point – oestrogen dominance downgrades production,

transportation and uptake of thyroid hormones. This is why hypothyroidism

may first appear at the menopause; the symptoms ascribed to this alone, which

is then treated – often with extra oestrogen, making the whole thing

worse. Deficiency in progesterone most especially needs to be dealt with,

since it reverses oestrogen dominance, improves many menopausal symptoms like

sweats and mood swings, and reverses osteoporosis. Happily natural

progesterone cream is easily obtained: when used it has the added benefit of

helping to stabilise adrenal function.


we must never forget the possibility of mercury poisoning (through amalgam

fillings) - low levels of iron, transferring saturation%, ferritin, vitamin

B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc - all of which, if low,

stop the thyroid hormone from being utilised by the cells - these have to be

treated. Ask your GP to test for these and then when you get the results, post

them on the forum together with the reference range for each of the tests done

and we will help with their interpretation.


steady low temperature of 35.4 - 35.6 does not indicate that your adrenals are

OK - this indicates that you could well have an adrenal problem and your

temperatures should be much higher than this.

The above problems must be eliminated if thyroid hormone isn't

working for you.

Luv - Sheila

I need some help to understand my situation. My

body is rejecting 1/4 grain of Armour and I don't know why, nor what to do


I crashed my thyroids 3 months ago. I dosed Armour incorrectly (only in the

morning) and when I corrected this and dosed morning and evening, this

overwhelmed me and I had a full-blown thyroid crash. I was on 3 grains at the

time. It was all rather unpleasant with heart palpitations, racing pulse,

breathless, hypoglycaemia was off the scale, and zero energy. Nasty symptoms

lasted a hard month.

I was supporting my Adrenals with Adrenal extract cortex (ACE) at the time.

Over the next month I messed around with lower doses of both ACE and Armour and

after repeated problems eventually reduced both ACE and Armour to zero. My

blood pressure came down to reasonable levels 130/75, pulse 75. Temps steady

around 35.4-35.6 deg' C.

The low steady temps indicate adrenals ok, but thyroid still fatigued.

I stayed at zero support levels for 3 weeks, then re-introduced Armour @ ¼

grain. But immediately my BP dropped 113/69 and pulse went crazy up at 91 BPM.

I am breathless, tired and jittery.

Does anyone have any idea why my body is rejecting ¼ grain of Armour?



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Hello again Sheila. You still here helping everyone out? Wow! Respect. Good on

you. The world is a better place for your help. Congrats and keep up the good


I have been self-treating my adrenals and thyroids for 4 years now, so I know

well this subject. What seems to have happened now is:

1) The overdosed/crashed thyroid I unfortunately caused by dosing incorrectly

has made me super sensitive to any additional hormone support I give; both

Armour and ACE. Low dosages of each seem to cause me to have too many hormones

in my system. The falling BP and racing pulse clearly show me this. 1/4 of a

grain of Armour should not do this. I have dosed much higher than this in the


2) But I am definitely 100pct thyroid fatigued. My low temps, tiredness, always

cold, lack of libido and my other symptoms clearly show this.

The reason my body is rejecting the Armour must be because of the crash I

caused. But the question remains, how do I support my fatigued thyroid when my

body refuses to accept even low dosages of thyroid support? Even a cup of

liquorice tea sets my heart hammering and my BP to rise.

I re-read Dr Peatfields book and he said after a thyroid crash like I had, to go

zero hormone supplement for 10 days, then restart at a low dose and start from

the beginning. In fact I waited 3 weeks just to be sure. I waited and watched my

BP fall, my pulse fall and things normalise to a degree. (average temps remained

low, but steady)

Do I just need to wait for longer at zero thyroid support, to give my body a

chance to recover/forget about the thyroid crash I had?

Re the list of things you sent: nothing seems to match my situation.

Any insight/thoughts/ideas or avenues to investigate would be great. I am at a

loss to understand why my body is refusing even small amounts of adrenal and

thyroid support even when I am clearly thyroid fatigued.

Happy New Year and thx



> Sunshine, your body could be rejecting your natural thyroid extract for one

> or several reasons.


> The steady low temperature of 35.4 - 35.6 does not indicate that your

> adrenals are OK - this indicates that you could well have an adrenal problem

> and your temperatures should be much higher than this.

------------I agree.


> The above problems must be eliminated if thyroid hormone isn't working for

> you.


> Luv - Sheila




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Hello Sunshine, what appears to be happening to you has happened

to me twice since I started taking natural thyroid extract over 8 years ago.

Right out of the blue, and for apparently no reason I ever found, I suddenly

became massively thyrotoxic. I was extremely frightened and didn't know what to

do. I was, the first time, taking Armour Thyroid 2 grains plus 25mcgs T4 plus 2

Nutri Adrenal Extra daily. I was so frightened at that time that I telephoned

Dr Peatfield who told me to stop all thyroid hormone replacement immediately and

also the Nutri Adrenal Extra to get it completely out of my system. It actually

took 23 days on the first occasion and 21 days on the second occasion before

symptoms started to creep back. I then started back taking just 1 Nutri Adrenal

Extra for 7 days, before adding back 1 grain of Armour Thyroid and then built

up from there by increasing the Armour by half a grain every 3 weeks. I also

got back into taking 2 tablets of NAE again. Why this happened once, never mind

twice, to this day, I have absolutely no idea, but I do know it does happen to

some of us.

Whilst I was not taking any thyroid hormone replacement for

those three weeks I felt absolutely terrific, feeling better and better every

day, so much so that at one time, I believed my thyroid had started functioning

again and that I would not need any more hormone replacement, but that was

wrong as I found out. I do have Hashimoto's, and that might have had something

to do with it, but at that time, I thought my thyroid gland had become

completely destroyed.

I would stop to liquorice tea if it is having that effect -

which it is well known for if taking too much.

Not sure whether this is of any help, but just to let you know

that you are not alone. If this was me, I think I would stay off all the

supplements until you really do start to get back symptoms and they start

taking the thyroid hormone and adrenal support again.

Luv - Sheila

Any insight/thoughts/ideas or avenues to investigate would be great. I am at a

loss to understand why my body is refusing even small amounts of adrenal and

thyroid support even when I am clearly thyroid fatigued.

Happy New Year and thx


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It helps greatly. I will go no hormone supplements for a month and see what

happens in February. Plenty of other things to do in the meantime. Thanks for

your wisdom.



> Hello Sunshine, what appears to be happening to you has happened to me twice


If this was me, I think I would stay off all the supplements

> until you really do start to get back symptoms and they start taking the

> thyroid hormone and adrenal support again.


> Luv - Sheila





> Any insight/thoughts/ideas or avenues to investigate would be great. I am at

> a loss to understand why my body is refusing even small amounts of adrenal

> and thyroid support even when I am clearly thyroid fatigued.


> Happy New Year and thx

> Sunshine


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> Hi, Sunshine, how do you no if your Adrenals are OK?   Angel.


Because my daily average body temperature is very similar from one day to the


Because my blood pressure stays the same from lying down to standing up.

And because i have been taking Adrenal cortex extract (ace) for 4 months and

that seems to have done the trick... for now.

However, i may need more adrenal support once i start supporting my

thyroids...that i will have to wait and see if & when i can restart thyroid


Further reading about body temps:


Further reading about blood pressure:



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Sunshine its been a while!

Sorry to hear things aren't going too well at the moment, but im sure youll be

back live and kicking soon enough.

All the best

Steve " stehendie "

> >

> > Hi, Sunshine

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Hi there, yes you seem to no what you are doing, but the length of time to get the Adrenals well again may take a long time ,as your temps are good do not think they must be OK. i would take support for at lest a year.! and maybe longer, also you need to stop the support slowly so your body can a justto the changes. if after a year then try to introduce the thyroid medicine again but slowly.- angel.

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