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Nutrients for Thyroid

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is a hard-sell, but there may be something new or useful for you

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Publishing, LLC

A South Pacific Herb Just As Effective

as Anxiety Drugs?

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?

*Featured Article:

Could a Silent Health Issue That Plagues 40% of Americans be Making You Fat

and Fatigued?

*A Word from Our

Sponsor: How

About a Little 'Revenge' at the Gas Pump...

Did You Know...

.... that an herb that grows on the islands of the South Pacific is a remarkable remedy for stress,

anxiety and insomnia—just as effective as

prescription drugs—and is also an excellent sleep aid?

According to the Centers for Disease

Control (CDC), a shocking two-thirds

of all doctor's visits are prompted by stress-related ailments,

including high blood

pressure, arthritis

and cancer.

In the past, stress management was limited to prescription medications,

such as Valium and Xanax, but today stress can be treated safely with

natural herbs.

Kava Kava, botanically known as Piper Methysticum,

is an excellent stress-reducing herb touted for its ability to calm

anxious nerves and relax overworked minds and muscles. Pacific

Islanders have been using the kava root for thousands of years as a

ceremonial drink, social beverage and anti-anxiety medicine.

Parents in Hawaii give kava to crying babies to hush up tears and soothe

sobs. Preliminary evidence also indicates kava's ability to not

only reduce the amount of time it takes to drift off to dreamland, but to

also promote sounder, deeper sleep.

Research studies prove kava effectively










Infections, stings and


Convulsions and palpitations

According to the University of land

Medical Center, a review of 7 scientific studies shows that kava reduced anxiety-related symptoms

much more effectively than the placebo drug. One

such study published in Herbal

Gram, the journal of the American Botanical Council, measured

how well kava treated anxiety in 58 participants. After one week of

receiving 100 mg of kava daily, participants showed a significant

decrease in anxiety and experienced no side effects.

Other research studies indicate that kava

is just

as successful in healing stress as anti-anxiety prescription drugs.

A 1993 study compared kava root to the anxiety-reducing prescription

medication oxazepam (Serax). Researchers measured word recognition,

specifically testing accuracy, reaction time and EEG responses. The

participants given oxazepam showed slower processing speed, decreased

word recognition, less activity, and drowsiness. Those given kava

demonstrated no slowness, and increased reaction time and word


One of the main complaints about

prescription medications is their sedative quality. Not only is

kava not a sedative, but it has also been shown to enhance memory

and concentration. A 2004 study found that volunteers receiving 300

mg of kava showed an overall improvement in mood and cognitive function.


Calms Your Body ... But Keeps Your Mind Alert

Dr. Hyla Cass, author of " Kava:

Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia, "

attributes kava's efficacy to its active ingredients: kavalactones,

which communicate with the central nervous system to soothe anxious

nerves. Rather than interacting with the brain, kava interacts with

the spine, so the body is calmed while the mind stays alert.

Kava's ability to calm without making the

mind drowsy is also what makes it such an outstanding sleep aid.

Its effects are gradual and users wake up feeling alert and rested,

rather than drowsy and rundown.


have been warnings against kava that must be taken into account. In

March of 2002 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the consumer

advisory warning that kava carries the " rare " but potential

risk of liver failure. This warning followed Europe's decision to

remove kava from the market due to a possible link to liver damage.

It is important to note that reported cases attributing liver disease to

kava usage followed Europe's importation of kava stems and leaves.

Traditional kava treatments are prepared using the kava root, which

contains no toxic

compound. The stems and leaves of the herb should be


Further investigation by Professor of

Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Illinois, Waller

Ph.D, indicates no link between the kava root and liver failure.

Dr. Waller concluded that the association is more likely attributed to

increased hypersensitivity caused by kava's interaction with alcohol or

other drugs.


practitioners warn against using kava if you are currently taking an

anti-depressant, anti-anxiety or antipsychotic drug. It is not to

be mixed with alcohol or any medicines that are metabolized in the

liver, such as cholesterol medications or diuretics. Pregnant or

nursing women, as well as those with Parkinson's disease, are warned

against using kava.

Kava is widely available in the United

States as a tea, tincture or capsule. A dosage not exceeding 300

mg daily is recommended, and it is advisable to only use root

preparations. A kava treatment is easy to make and administer;

the root is sundried and ground into a powder—and then mixed with

cold water. Kava should be used for no more than 24 weeks without

a 2-week rest period.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Featured Article:


a Silent Health Issue That Plagues 40% of

Americans be Making

You Fat and Fatigued?


this Simple Quiz to Discover if You're At Risk...

and What You Can Do to

Turn it Around!

Health Quiz: Is an easily treated

medical concern silently ruining your health? Take 10 seconds to

answer the following questions:


you tired all the time?

[ ]

YES [ ] NO


you struggle to lose weight, no matter how healthy your diet and


[ ]

YES [ ] NO


your hands and feet often cold?

[ ]

YES [ ] NO


you feel " down in the dumps " or apathetic?

[ ]

YES [ ] NO


" brain fog " cloud your ability to focus and remember


[ ]

YES [ ] NO

If you answered yes to one or more of these

questions, you may be one of the millions of Americans suffering from a serious, undiagnosed health


But startling new research (that not many people

have heard about) has revealed a simple, natural, and highly effective

solution to this issue. While millions suffer from it, 100,000

people " in the know " are getting their bodies—and their

lives—back on track.


Issue that Afflicts Millions—Whether They Know it or Not

Chances are, you've heard about thyroid conditions. After all,

former President Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush ... singer Rod

... actor Joe Piscopo ... athletes Carl and Gail Devers

have talked openly about their thyroid conditions.

But the alarming truth you may not have heard—according

to many experts and validated studies—is that a thyroid issue may

very well be the culprit keeping you exhausted and overweight (even if

your doctor has tested your thyroid and says it's " fine " ).

Extra pounds are a big concern for anyone

with a thyroid issue. In one study, over 60% of obese adults had

thyroid concerns. When your thyroid slows down, so

does your metabolism, making it practically impossible to budge the


FACT: 40% of Americans have a

thyroid condition—and most don't even know it!

The good news is that many have reported

tremendous success resolving thyroid issues naturally (despite the fact

that conventional treatments are often unsatisfactory). Dr.

Yale, chiropractic physician and integrative medical practitioner, says

the right nutritional support for thyroid function can bring about...

Healthy weight loss





Silky hair

Positive mood


is a Thyroid, Anyway—and Why is it So Important?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the lower part of your

neck. It weighs only one ounce, and secretes just a teaspoon of

thyroid hormone in a whole year!

But don't be fooled. Your health depends on your thyroid,

because it...

Drives the metabolic rate of


cell in

your body

Converts oxygen and calories into


Governs everything from energy to

appetite, from

body temperature to


from mood to sex drive

Affects your heart, cholesterol, brain,


bones, and joints

Ignoring a thyroid imbalance doesn't just

make you fat and sluggish. It could cause you to face serious



Epidemic " Mystery " Issue

Sadly, doctors frequently fail to solve the " mystery " of a

thyroid issue. They overlook the signs entirely—chalking them

up to aging or lifestyle—or misdiagnose them as something else,

since sluggish thyroid symptoms can mimic many other common ailments.

In addition, many thyroid tests, such as

the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test, are notoriously inaccurate,

and can't pick up on slight imbalances. As a result, such tests

identify only a small percentage of thyroid issues. But even a

slightly unbalanced thyroid can doom you to a lifetime of excessive

weight and poor health.

That's why if you answered " yes "

to one or more questions in the quiz at the beginning of this article,

you may have an underperforming thyroid ... and not even be aware of it!


are More Vulnerable—but Men Could Suffer from Thyroid Troubles, Too

In one study (1) of 370 adults, about 30% had either current

or past thyroid troubles ranging from mild to severe. That suggests that millions more

Americans are suffering in the dark.

Thyroid concerns affect everyone, but women are more vulnerable.

According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 8 out

of every 10 who suffer from thyroid issues are women. By age 60,

close to 20% of all women are affected! (2)


Your Thyroid Back on Track: " The Baker's Dozen "

Getting your thyroid back in action the natural way is shockingly easy, thanks

to research revealing a synergistic

" Baker's Dozen " of nutrients that can get a

sluggish thyroid revving strong.

When your thyroid gets reactivated, everything runs better.

It's like your body is on " cruise control " and you feel like

your " good old self. " Pounds melt away, and you feel

renewed when it comes to energy ... temperature ... mood ... even sex


The " Baker's Dozen "

of Unique Nutrients for a


Thyroid Include...

A potent

trace mineral vital for thyroid function—it's the chief

component of thyroid hormones. Amazingly, 75% of your body's

supply of this mineral is stored in your thyroid.

A wonderful

plant source from the sea, rich with naturally occurring

trace minerals and life-enhancing nutrients.

The " fat

metabolizer " vitamin that keeps your thyroid

humming. It ignites fat-burning so you stay slim and trim,

and releases energy from carbs, proteins, and fats so you lose

more weight.

The " fat

releaser " mineral closely associated with thyroid

health—and 80%

of Americans are deficient, which interferes with

their cells' ability to use glucose for energy and

metabolism. As a result, it's harder to shed excess weight.


" slim down " mineral that

activates certain enzymes key to metabolizing carbs, amino acids,

and cholesterol ... 3 things you must address if you want

to be slimmer and trimmer.

A critical

mineral that helps convert the thyroid hormone T4 into the

active form of T3 for strong metabolism and more energy.


" energy stimulator " vitamin that aids in

the production of enzymes that convert carbs, glucose, and fats

into usable energy.


" fatigue fighter " vitamin that boosts

energy, fights fatigue, and fires up your metabolism and

circulation for high energy.


" metabolism booster " vitamin, essential

for energy and metabolic processes, especially the conversion of


4 additional

key nutrients critical to a healthy thyroid.


Support for Boosting Thyroid Function

In the right dosage and combination, these carefully researched Baker's

Dozen of nutrients can get your thyroid back up to speed, resulting in

remarkable benefits, such as:


more calories and fat—and avoiding excess fat build-up


your basal metabolic rate


your energy


healthy circulation


up brain fog


thinning hair, dry skin, cracked nails


elimination issues


mood swings


up your heart and supporting healthy cholesterol




smoother, more youthful skin

If you want to " re-set " your

metabolism and burn more fat ... get your body back on " cruise

control " so you're filled with energy and your body functions

better—all within 30 days... Click

here for the full details on the Baker's Dozen of nutrients that can

enable you to re-fire your thyroid to drop pounds, supercharge your

energy, and feel alive again.

Bemben, D.A., Winn, P., Hamm, R.M., ,

L., , A., & Barton, E. (1994). The Journal of Family

Practice, 38 (6), 577-82

AACE Newsroom: Thyroid

Undercover- hiding in plainsite. (2003, January 18). AACE

Newsroom: Home.



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