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Hypo/Hashis - testing for allergies?

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I was on 75 mcgs Levo, but decided to introduce T3 about 3 weeks ago after my 8

week blood test. I am now on 50 mcgs Levo and 25+12.5 mcgs T3 daily. Discovered

had Hashis about 3/4 months ago through own testing. The only change, since

taking the Levo is that I do not now sleep during the day. There does not seem

to be any change since introducing the T3 either.

Have been on AdrenoMax for the last 2 months as adrenals found to be knackered.

Was slightly low on ferritin (though results showed as normal). But

supplementing with iron and B12 makes me feel ill so tend to think its not


Have been on gluten free diet for about 3 months but this hasn`t relieved any of

my symptoms. Terrible IBS, stiff muscles and joints, pain after exercise,

periodic deep depressions, enlarged abdomen and weight gain, burning hands and

feet, slow thinking and memory loss plus zero motivation for life. GP

prescribed anti-depressants about 1 month ago but I just took one tablet and

started shaking about 2 hours later so stopped taking them.

Last night, I could not sleep and was still awake at 4am - got up and ankles

swelled up massively which is a new symptom for me. In the last 24 hours I

have a pounding heart and breathlessness on movement and ankles have swelled up

big time once more since being up and about today. Quite shakey as well.

My son has suggested that because I`ve been gluten free for 3 months with no

improvement, that perhaps gluten may not be the thing I`m allergic to. Is it

possible to get a thorough allergy test done to find out once and for all what`s

causing these awful gut problems?


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Check the following Jane. There are MANY reasons and

many medical conditions associated with thyroid disease that stop thyroid

hormone from getting into the cells, where it does its work. I mention these

over and over and over again - ad nauseum - people must be bored with the same

old stuff, but as each new member joins us, they need to know about these.

The main condition responsible for stopping thyroid hormone from

working is, quite simply, a patient’s dose is too low because the doctor

or consultant refuses to increase it, because the serum thyroid function test

results appear OK. Sometimes, the dose is too high, yet patients still

don't feel well. They continue to suffer. Some reasons for this:

They may be suffering with low adrenal reserve. The production

of T4, its conversion to T3, and the receptor uptake requires a normal amount

of adrenal hormones, notably, of course, cortisone. (Excess cortisone can shut

production down, however.) This is what happens if the adrenals are not

responding properly, and provision of cortisone usually switches it on again.

But sometimes it doesn’t. If the illness has been going on for a

long time, the enzyme seems to fail. This conversion failure

(inexplicably denied by many endocrinologists) means the thyroxine builds up,

unconverted. So it doesn’t work, and T4 toxicosis results. This

makes the patient feel quite unwell, toxic, often with palpitations and chest

pain. If provision of adrenal support doesn’t remedy the situation, the

final solution is the use of the active thyroid hormone, already converted, T3

- either synthetic or natural.

Then, we have systemic candidiasis. This is where candida

albicans, yeast, which causes skin infections almost anywhere in the body,

invades the lining of the lower part of the small intestine and the large

intestine. Here, the candida sets up residence in the warmth and the

dark, and demands to be fed. Loving sugars and starches, candida can make

you suffer terrible sweet cravings. Candida can produce toxins which can

cause very many symptoms of exhaustion, headache, general illness, and which

interfere with the uptake of thyroid and adrenal treatment. Sometimes the

levels - which we usually test for - can be very high, and make successful

treatment difficult to achieve until adequately treated.

Then there is receptor resistance which could be a culprit. Being

hypothyroid for some considerable time may mean the biochemical mechanisms

which permit the binding of T3 to the receptors, is downgraded - so the T3

won’t go in. With slow build up of T3, with full adrenal support

and adequate vitamins and minerals, the receptors do come on line again.

But this can be quite a slow process, and care has to be taken to build the

dose up gradually.

And then there are Food allergies. The most common food allergy

is allergy to gluten, the protein fraction of wheat. The antibody generated by

the body, by a process of molecular mimicry, cross reacts with the

thyroperoxidase enzyme, (which makes thyroxine) and shuts it down. So

allergy to bread can make you hypothyroid. There may be other food allergies

with this kind of effect, but information on these is scanty. Certainly

allergic response to certain foods can affect adrenal function and imperil

thyroid production and uptake.

Then we have hormone imbalances. The whole of the endocrine

system is linked; each part of it needs the other parts to be operating

normally to work properly. An example of this we have seen already, with

cortisone. But another example is the operation of sex hormones.

The imbalance that occurs at the menopause with progesterone running down, and

a relative dominance of oestrogen is a further case in point – oestrogen

dominance downgrades production, transportation and uptake of thyroid

hormones. This is why hypothyroidism may first appear at the menopause;

the symptoms ascribed to this alone, which is then treated – often with

extra oestrogen, making the whole thing worse. Deficiency in progesterone

most especially needs to be dealt with, since it reverses oestrogen dominance,

improves many menopausal symptoms like sweats and mood swings, and reverses

osteoporosis. Happily natural progesterone cream is easily obtained: when

used it has the added benefit of helping to stabilise adrenal function.

Then, we must never forget the possibility of mercury poisoning

(through amalgam fillings) Do you have amalgam fillings?

Then there are low levels of specific minerals and vitamins that

must be tested. e.g. iron, transferring saturation%, ferritin, vitamin B12,

vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc - all of which, if low, stop the

thyroid hormone from being utilised by the cells - if any are low, they must be

The above problems must be checked for, recognised and eliminated

by a process of elimination if thyroid hormone isn't working for you.


I was on 75 mcgs Levo, but decided to introduce

T3 about 3 weeks ago after my 8 week blood test. I am now on 50 mcgs Levo and

25+12.5 mcgs T3 daily. Discovered had Hashis about 3/4 months ago through own

testing. The only change, since taking the Levo is that I do not now sleep

during the day. There does not seem to be any change since introducing the T3


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Hello Jane,

Have you tried dropping the Levo completely to see what happens?

My gut problems were multiplied ten-fold whilst on thyroxine.Couldn't understand why either.In answer to your question I'm afraid I doubt you will get any specific allergy tests offered to you regarding this.I could be wrong but the NHS will be far more inclined to fob you off with the IBS diagnosis.

Have you tried high dose probiotics or even Betaine Hydrochloride.Many Hypothyroids suffer from low stomach acid and this impairs the ability to digest food efficiently.It's worth a trial and seemed to help with my own severe bloating.

The other thing that crossed my mind is lactose intolerance.I'm pretty sure Levothyroxine has lactose as an ingredient.Most thyroid medications do,so this might be worth looking into.There is a test that can be done on the NHS but again I doubt it will be willingly offered to you.It depends on your GP I guess.

Hope you find relief soon.

Regards Peary

>> . Is it possible to get a thorough allergy test done to find out once and for all what`s causing these awful gut problems?> > Jane>

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Hi Peary - that`s interesting because I`m sure my gut probs have got worse since

starting the Levo. Regarding the Betaine, I started that a week ago but as yet

no significant improvement in gas and bloating etc only a weird change in

eliminations from t`other end, without going into detail ! I just take one

tablet with each meal.

Its a job to know which thing it is that`s causing the upset. I have cut out

dairy today but still belching away like a good`un and a belly bigger than my

boobs !

If I decide to leave off the T4, do you know what a 50mcgs dose of T4 should be

replaced with in T3 form? I read somewhere that the affects of T3 are 5 times

greater than that of T4, so would it just be 10mcgs of T3 a day?




> Hello Jane,


> Have you tried dropping the Levo completely to see what happens?


> My gut problems were multiplied ten-fold whilst on thyroxine.> >


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It is usual to start taking T3 using a small dose, i.e. 10mcgs

or 12.5mcgs (depending on whether using Cytomel or Liothyronine). Recommended

dosage is 10mcgs to start for 2 to 3 weeks, and then increase by another 10mcgs

daily, only take this split in two doses, i.e. when you wake and again around

2.00p.m. T3 has a short half life of 2 days in humans, but the effect starts to

leave your after about 6 to 8 hours, so you need to keep the engine topped up. You

then increase by another 10mcgs daily in another 2 to 3 weeks and continue like

that until you find the dose where your symptoms disappear. If at any time you

get palpitations, sweatiness, dizziness, feeling spaced out, dire-rear and

generally over-active, then don't take any more that day, and the following

day, you need to go back onto the dose you were on before that last increase.

However, before all of this, you should ensure that your levels

of iron, transferrin saturation%, ferritin, vitamin b12, vitamin D3, magnesium,

folate, copper and zinc are all well within the reference range. Low levels

will stop any thyroid hormone from working. Your GP should test you for these,

but don't allow him to tell you your results are 'normal' get the numbers for

each test done together with the reference range and post them here on the


Luv - Sheila

Hi Peary - that`s interesting because I`m sure my gut probs have got worse

since starting the Levo. Regarding the Betaine, I started that a week ago but

as yet no significant improvement in gas and bloating etc only a weird change

in eliminations from t`other end, without going into detail ! I just take one

tablet with each meal.

Its a job to know which thing it is that`s causing the upset. I have cut out

dairy today but still belching away like a good`un and a belly bigger than my

boobs !

If I decide to leave off the T4, do you know what a 50mcgs dose of T4 should be

replaced with in T3 form? I read somewhere that the affects of T3 are 5 times

greater than that of T4, so would it just be 10mcgs of T3 a day?


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Hi there, the gut problems could be low acid! the other may point to the adrenals. as they may be knackered (your words )they need to be strong before introducing the thyroid meds. the IBS could be something else like candida or even( SIBO)which is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. you need to get tested for the last two to eliminate . Angel. their is am article in the you mag mail on Sunday. 22/01/2012.

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Thanks Angel - found the article online and is really interesting. I have just

started Betaine with every meal and have been taking 1 AdrenoMax daily for a

couple of months.



> Hi there, the gut problems could be low acid! the other may point to the

adrenals. as they may be knackered (your words )they need to be strong before

introducing the thyroid meds.  the IBS could be something else like candida or

even( SIBO)which is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. you need to get tested

for the last two to eliminate  . Angel. their is am article in the you mag mail

on Sunday. 22/01/2012.


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