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Removal of Mercury Fillings.

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Hi , I am interested to know who the dentist is that removed your

mercury fillings. I have been told by my thyroid doc to remove all mine

immediatley, I have 9, could you please tell me how much this might cost. Many

thanks. Spain

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My son had two fillings changed. A large one cost £220, and a medium one cost

£90. Are you are in Spain, or is that your surname? Would the Spanish health

service do this for you?

Before getting your mercury fillings removed be sure you are well enough to cope

with it. Your liver will have to do a lot of detoxification work to get the

mercury out of the body.

Can you find a dentist who follows the Hal Huggins protocol for safe mercury

filling removal?



> Hi , I am interested to know who the dentist is that removed your

mercury fillings. I have been told by my thyroid doc to remove all mine

immediatley, I have 9, could you please tell me how much this might cost. Many

thanks. Spain


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Hello ,

The dentist who dealt with my mercury fillings was Dr. Rhidian in Farnham



He is very good, friendly, extremely gentle (honestly, I did not feel any pain whatsoever, and I am a bit of a wimp), knowledgeable about the connection between thyroid conditions and amalgam fillings and he is extremely competent... but, as you can see above, not cheap. He does not charge for the removal of the amalgam as such – he charges for the composite filling that has to replace the amalgam filling - as you can see in the above link, between £90 and £ 160, I think it says; it depends on size and position of the filling.

However, anybody thinking of embarking on the removal of amalgams please bear the following in mind. Amalgam fillings are extremely hard and durable – harder than the tooth enamel. Amalgams also discolours the tooth – so removal often means drilling a bigger hole than is already there, and there is always the risk that the tooth might crumble during the procedure – something that cannot necessarily be foretold.... and in such a case a simple filling might become a crown or an inlay.... and the cost goes up. Although Dr. R. is pretty good in judging what is possible and what might be risky. He warned me about one of my fillings, but all went well in the event.

Dr. Rhidian does not simply embark on replacing the fillings – he first wants to see the patient and you have to fill in a questionnaire. He will do a thorough oral examination, discuss any health problems you might have, photograph all around the teeth, take x-rays and then he shows you what's going on in close-up on his computer screen. He will discuss the entire planned procedure and time scale with you, tooth by tooth and point out any risks involved. I tell you, it's quite a revelation. This appointment takes about one hour and I paid £125 some years back... it might have gone up since.

I was so impressed with him that I left my local dentist and now make the ½ hourly journey to Farnham. I feel I am in very good hand there.

With best wishes,

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I had about 11 fillings safely removed and replaced by Dr R in Huddersfield

during last August/Sept and cost me just short of £2,500.

Jackie x

I have 9, could you please tell me how much this might cost. Many thanks.


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Hi Miriam

I looked looked at the Huggins website when I saw your post.

Thanks, is v interesting info, if not somewhat scary! - especially what the site

says about root canal fillings. I am about to see a dentist who specialises. Now

reading Huggins site am wondering what on earth to do with decay in a root...

any experience/pointers in that area? I googled to see if any Huggins protocols

dentists in UK, could not find anything

I need to look into amalgam removal as well. Seems never ending!



> My son had two fillings changed. A large one cost �220, and a medium one

cost �90. Are you are in Spain, or is that your surname? Would the Spanish

health service do this for you?



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No, sorry, no experience of root canal fillings. I hope some other people will

be able to comment on these.

I suppose that is another thing we could sue the NHS over - putting so much

mercury in our mouths, causing mercury poisoning (which I have lab tests to

prove), and putting us to the expense of having them taken out again.


> I looked looked at the Huggins website when I saw your post.

> Thanks, is v interesting info, if not somewhat scary! - especially what the

site says about root canal fillings. I am about to see a dentist who

specialises. Now reading Huggins site am wondering what on earth to do with

decay in a root... any experience/pointers in that area? I googled to see if

any Huggins protocols dentists in UK, could not find anything

> I need to look into amalgam removal as well. Seems never ending!

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Hi Judy

Dr P told me he thinks root canals suffer from the risk of trapping infection

which then lurks and can cause chronic infection/ongoing illness. He has

recommended having my offending tooth out instead. I would like to find a good

dentist who will deal with amalgam as well as a safe extraction. I researched

what Dr P had said, there's plenty on the net about root canals; here's a link

to Dr Mercola's opinion:

I am in the same boat as you at the moment, and struggling to find a good

dentist. (There were several in Devon who all seem to have retired at the same




> Hi Miriam

> I looked looked at the Huggins website when I saw your post.

> Thanks, is v interesting info, if not somewhat scary! - especially what the

site says about root canal fillings. I am about to see a dentist who

specialises. Now reading Huggins site am wondering what on earth to do with

decay in a root... any experience/pointers in that area? I googled to see if

any Huggins protocols dentists in UK, could not find anything

> I need to look into amalgam removal as well. Seems never ending!

> JT


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I read your info with interest, and have heard of this practice before. I made

an appt today for an initial assessment,(as the therapists I work with on

thyroid side said I really need to have mine out asap) and was given Dr Rhidian!

Cannot say it is something I am looking forward to, like you I have x 9 to come

out & 4 of those are in wisdom teeth!

Fortunately I am already on all the supplements they recommend before procedure

- so hopefully can commence quite soon..

Thanks again for sharing the info




> Hello ,


> The dentist who dealt with my mercury fillings was Dr. Rhidian in

> Farnham

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