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Re: Felt like death after magnesium!

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yes oh poor you ,

only yesterday i read an article about how high dose of magnesium increases pain

sensation and heat intolerance, i will try ad find it .

during reasearch into the electrics of the heart as mg is used to transmit the

current during your heart beat , a high level of amgnesium can have serious

symptoms all of which you mentioned.

I wonder how you came about taking the suppelmemtation in the first place,

usually also if you are already taking muti vitamins they will contain mg and

probably eneough in you diet.

you poor thing , the cramps must have been awfull but not to worry your body

shoud wee it out and you will be back to normal jsut do not take any more.

take care good luck


> Hello all,


> I have what I think is Hashimotos and low adrenal function (still awaiting SST

result etc)


> I started taking some recommended supplements over a week ago and felt fine, I

only managed to get magnesium the other day and took one yesterday morning. A

few hours later I felt totally awful! my muscles were painful and started going

numb, I felt heavy headed and like I was going to pass out. My back around my

kidneys was terribly painful and I have stomach pain also.


> My question is could the magnesium have caused this?


> Many Thanks




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Thanks for your reply, I will certainly not take anymore just incase it was

that. Its got my brain into overdrive though! I have read that when the adrenals

are not functioning correctly it can cause high magnesium (I am actually waiting

for a test back for that) as I have low cortisol levels I'm wondering if I had

such a bad reaction due to that? Guess we'll fine out when my results come




> yes oh poor you ,

> only yesterday i read an article about how high dose of magnesium increases

pain sensation and heat intolerance, i will try ad find it .

> during reasearch into the electrics of the heart as mg is used to transmit the

current during your heart beat , a high level of amgnesium can have serious

symptoms all of which you mentioned.


> >

> >

> >


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> Thanks for your reply, I will certainly not take anymore just incase it was that. Its got my brain into overdrive though! I have read that when the adrenals are not functioning correctly it can cause high magnesium (I am actually waiting for a test back for that) as I have low cortisol levels I'm wondering if I had such a bad reaction due to that? Guess we'll fine out when my results come through.

Hi ,

I am sorry you had such a bad reaction to it... and yes, definitely stop it and see what the SST results reveal....


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, you should never take any vitamins or minerals without

first ensuring that your levels are low. This can be dangerous. Ask your GP to

test and when the results are back, post them on the forum together with the

reference range for each of the tests done and we will help with their

interpretation. Never allow a doctor to tell you that they are

" normal " and that you don't therefore have a problem, just because

they have been returned " within the reference interval " . We need to

know what they are. It all depends on whether they are at the bottom, the

middle or the top of the range.

Luv - Sheila

Thanks for your reply, I will certainly not take anymore just incase it was

that. Its got my brain into overdrive though! I have read that when the

adrenals are not functioning correctly it can cause high magnesium (I am

actually waiting for a test back for that) as I have low cortisol levels I'm

wondering if I had such a bad reaction due to that? Guess we'll fine out when

my results come through.

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HI there,

I think what you have experienced tells us all a

story – that we are all different and have different levels of deficiency

in so many different things that for one person to take magnesium is for

another to take it and have a bad experience.

Mg has to clear via the kidneys and is implicated in

the adrenal glands – what you actually did was put a further strain on

your adrenals. The pain in your back and indeed the pain in your muscles was

the adrenal gland response to be being hit with something it didn’t want

and couldn’t cope with.

As you get things sorted out one day you will be able

to take it again and you will feel the benefit – but not yet obviously.

Hope this helps

Best wishes


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HI sorry forgot to add – adrenal pain is in the

back (kidney area) and around the front (like appendicitis) and then runs down

the muscles.

You had all symptoms of adrenal issues.

Best wishes,


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Hi Mandy thanks for your imput, can I just ask you a question about when you say

pain in the back and front running down the muscles?

When you say muscles do you mean in the abdomen? For years I have been back and

forth to doctors with pains on both sides of my abdomen directly opposite the

adrenals/kidneys. Mine is like a burning muscle type pain starting from this

area and running downwards constantly. I always attributed it to the intestines

but I get the pain with no altered bowel movements. When it gets bad it feels

like a stabbing sensation. When this happens I always get pain in the back

directly opposite.

Drs always just say 'IBS' I hate that damn word! I have always and still do

think it is something else.

Is this the type of pain you mean?


Don't know if I've explained myself properly?


> HI sorry forgot to add - adrenal pain is in the back (kidney area)


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Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal

Fatigue - very interesting http://www.naturalnews.com/024985_cortisol_blood_fatigue.html#ixzz1m3ngj5cY


WEAKNESS AND BACK PAIN: Dr. Goodheart identified five skeletal muscles

which can indicate adrenal function. These are 1) sartorius, 2) gracilis, 3)

posterior tibialis, 4) gastrocnemius, and 5) soleus. When the adrenal glands

are malfunctioning, there will be weakness in one or more of these muscles. The

sartorius and gracilis attach on the pelvis. Weakness in these muscles can

cause the sacro-iliac joint to subluxate posteriorally (toward the back)

leading to low back pain. In persons with adrenal fatigue, low back pain is

frequently caused by instability of the pelvis rather than an actual back

problem. These same two muscles also attach to the knee and help provide

support. Weakness will cause knee pain, weakness and instability of the joint.

Any person with knee problems should be checked for adrenal fatigue. The other

3 muscles mentioned stabilize the feet and ankles. Weakness of any of these

muscles leads to complaints of tired, aching feet, weak ankles or aching

calves. The symptoms related to the muscle weakness will improve when the

adrenal glands are treated.

Hi Mandy thanks for your imput, can I just ask

you a question about when you say pain in the back and front running down the


When you say muscles do you mean in the abdomen?

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Hi ,

I am so sorry you are experiencing these obscure

symptoms it is so frightening when the medical profession don’t know what

it is. I had almost complete collapse of the adrenal system which

included all the muscle issues in the document that Sheila has sent you –

pelvic and shoulder disclocating etc. so I do profess to know a little about

this awful problem. Can I ask if you are suffering from muscle issues –

weakness in the pelvis area etc. – are you on thyroid medication and what

supplements are you taking? You might be taking something that is putting

pressure on your system.

The pain I experienced was around the front –

right hand side of the flank (right adrenal gland) – and then into the

back – but with this went muscles – what I call collapsing –

by that I mean the muscle tone just completely goes so much so that I had

issues with bladder control etc. - I am a little concerned that your GP is not

looking into this pain for you as it could be an ovarian cyst or something like


Let me know what you are taking – particularly supplements

as it could be the kidneys unhappy you are taking too much for it to cope with

(I am also a kidney patient so do know a little about how they can kick off

when unhappy !).

What I can tell you is that many people have had

their appendixes removed and it has been perfectly healthy as it was an adrenal

gland issue – the symptoms are identical apparently.

I do think you should have an ultrasound of your

abdomen to see if there is anything going on – just to say the old

favourite it’s IBS is not on I’m afraid.

Take care

Best wishes


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