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Re: Short synac and aldesterone tested

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> Hi guys so on 20th of feb im due to get these tested on the NHS at 8am. Now my endo said to stay off adrenal support for 1 month before hand. I had been off for about 1 month 1 week but the test was not for another 2 weeks.> > Due to my candida flaring up i had no other option but to go back on adreanl support today as i was feelign suicdial and the yeast was going crazy the coating on my tongue was the thickest its been and really white.> > What should i do regarding the test, should i try and stop a few days before again or would the results be very misleading ?

Hi Steve,

Unless you can stay off ALL adrenal support (NAX and any kind of steroid) for at least a full month, better 6 weeks, an SST result will not give you a valid result. There is really no point at all in undergoing the test.

One thing I do not understand. If your Candida flares up, why are you taking steroids for that? That's like pouring lighter fuel on a fire... steroids make Candida worse, not better.... or have I misunderstood??

Best wishes,

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Thanks for the reply , how would i be able to get a diagnosis for

addisons if i am unable to stay off adrenal support for the time needed to under

go the tests ?

I believe that i have addisons caused by fungal infection...

" At its most destructive, candida can exhaust the adrenal glands, leading to

's disease, can interfere with digestion so much that virtually no

nutrients are absorbed from food, and can cause life threatening infestations of

the vital organs and the brain. "


" Other, much rarer causes of 's include certain fungal infections,

adrenal cancer and adrenal haemorrhage (for example, following a car accident). "


I cannont believe i did not think to look into this sooner since i have/had

adrenal fatigue and i have a had a fungal infection the whole time.

Regarding your last statement i am not taking steroids to fix/cure the candida,

i am taking them as my adrenals are unable to produce the cortisol needed when

it flares up so less T3 is getting into the cells and that is then making the

candida even worse. A really bad cache 22






If your Candida flares up, why are you

> taking steroids for that? That's like pouring lighter fuel on a fire...

> steroids make Candida worse, not better.... or have I misunderstood??


> Best wishes,




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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply , how would i be able to get a diagnosis foraddisons if i am unable to stay off adrenal support for the time needed to undergo the tests ?I believe that i have addisons caused by fungal infection...

In my opinion it is highly unlikely that you have got primary 's, Steve. I remember that you take (or took) relatively high doses of T3 even when not taking HC or Florinef and you saying that you felt quite well on it ... if you had AD, doing that would very likely have thrown you into an adrenal crisis and might have killed you. A body would not be able to cope for any length of time with T3 in case of adrenal damage and without sufficient mineral- and glucocorticoid support. - Furthermore I remember that you had trouble keeping up your potassium and had to even supplement.... people with primary AD have dangerously high (not low) levels of potassium – well above the ref range... and they have dangerously low sodium – well below the threshold.... an electrolyte with very high K and very low Na could indicate primary 's.

Other than that – the only 100% method to diagnose primary 's that I know of is an ACTH stimulation test (short SST would do). But in order to get a positive result you would have to have AM cortisol levels of around 100 and the doc would not be able to raise that level by more than 20% even with injecting ACTH hormone. Only something like that would confirm primary 's. People who are that ill are usually bed-bound and so fatigued that they cannot function normally anymore – not surprisingly, since by the time you'd get a result like that, about 85% of the outer layer of the adrenal glands will have been irreparably destroyed.

There is a HUGE difference between damaged adrenals and fatigued adrenals. You probably have adrenal fatigue, but that is a condition that can be rectified with time and TLC. 's is an incurable, potentially life-threatening disease.

The best thing you can do to keep the Candida in check is to stay off all alcohol, all refined sugar, grains and gluten for at least a year to give your body a chance to fight the Candida. I know this is hard. I have had Candida albicans all my life, and I have been fighting it and been able to stay on top of it for the past 18 years with more or less success.... One thing I do know for certain – if I do not cut out sugar, the beast will return with a vengeance.

Regarding your last statement i am not taking steroids to fix/cure the candida,i am taking them as my adrenals are unable to produce the cortisol needed whenit flares up so less T3 is getting into the cells and that is then making thecandida even worse. A really bad cache 22

Yes, it is a bad circle....once you start on steroids your adrenals very quickly rely on the supplementation and they produce even less. The more you supplement, the less they produce. This is why steroid supplementation should be the very last resort. But once on steroid supplementation you can't suddenly withdraw – it needs to be done very, very slowly, to give the adrenals a chance to realize that there is less forthcoming and that they are required to produce more – which is what they will do, if they are able. But a withdrawal process can take many weeks, many months or even over a year in extreme cases. It depends on the amounts and length of time you have been supplementing. If you withdraw too fast, your body will "go empty" and you run into problems.....

Best wishes,

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you are very knowledgeable on the subject and i am thankfull for all

your time and information. If it seems i disagree with you i am trying to learn

and get a better picture and its not that i do not believe you.

I have been taking 50mcg of T3 at 4am when i am not on adrenal support, this is

to feel some what normal but i still suffer low cortisol symptoms.

You keep saying that addisons is adrenal damage, the definitions i have been

reading simply say when your adrenals are unable to produce the required amount

of cortisol needed.

When i am not on adrenal support it does seem that my potassium goes low and my

sodium goes high, kind of the oppsite. What would this be a sign of ?

I could probably get a cortisol reading of under 100 without taking my 4am dose

of T3. People that are diagnosed with addisions would not be taking extremly

high doses of T3 at 4am ? It was 300 with me taking my 4am dose.


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Hi Steve,

It's not a problem, this forum is for discussing all things thyroid and adrenal and I don't mean to lecture. I am sorry if it sometimes comes over like that. I just want to help....

You keep saying that addisons is adrenal damage, the definitions i have beenreading simply say when your adrenals are unable to produce the required amountof cortisol needed.

Yes, it is correct that primary s means irreparable damage, and therefore it is also true to say that with primary 's (not to be confused with secondary AD, which is a malfunctioning at the pituitary end) the adrenals are unable to produce the required amount of cortisol. It is just a bit misleading putting it this way.

With primary AD the outer layer of the adrenal glands will have been destroyed by autoantibodies and the second layer will be severely compromised. It is the outer layer of the adrenals (the adrenal cortex has 3 layers) that produces mineralcorticoids (mainly represented by Aldosterone). Mineralcorticoids regulate the fluid- and electrolyte balance.... they retain the correct level of sodium and potassium in the bloodstream. This is why patients with primary AD need to take Florinef, as this replaces the lost Aldosterone. Without this mineralcorticoid their electrolytes would spiral out of control and the patient would die.

The next layer of the adrenal cortex produces the glucocorticoids – cortisol and cortisone. With primary AD this layer is also badly affected, but I do not know to what degree this second layer is also damaged or just severely weakened.

Dr. Peatfield says in his book about 's disease (quote)

described a disease in 1855, where the patient had become chronically ill, with lethargy, loss of appetite, low blood pressure (low enough to cause fainting attacks), hypoglycaemia (extreme sensitivity to lack of carbohydrate and sugars in the diet), a poor response to even mild illness, and a risk of sudden collapse or even death when subject to illness, injury or shock. These unfortunates classically developed a pigmentation or darkening of the skin, especially in skin folds and creases, but also generally. They pursued a steady downhill course, until their death. What struck was that there seemed little to find at post mortem – except both adrenal glands were taken over by TB bacilli, and consequently not working. Today the adrenals are more likely to be damaged by other processes, most commonly autoimmune diseases; but the principle is the same. There is a steady loss of function, with accumulating symptoms of an illness, which, untreated, will end in death. While gross adrenal failure is not too difficult to diagnose – if it is thought about – it is partial adrenal failure we are concerned about. In this book I prefer to use the term low adrenal reserve. (unquote)

What can kill an untreated ian patient in an adrenal crisis is dehydration, which leads to an imbalance of the electrolytes – without mineralcorticoid (aldosterone) to control and balance K and Na, the potassium (K) spirals to dangerously high levels... high potassium stops the heart from beating. At the same time the sodium (Na) drops like a stone and this stops the kidneys from working – so the patient dies of heart & kidney failure.... In an ian crisis the first thing that needs doing is to link the patient up to a drip and to rehydrate him and then to give cortisol to help the system deal with the shock.

Low adrenal reserve, adrenal fatigue or whatever you want to call it, is something very different and it is very common. It means your adrenals are knackered, worn out by stress or illness and they just haven't got what it takes anymore. Depending on the level of exhaustion they need more or less of a helping hand in form of minerals and vitamins, rest – and in extreme cases - a physiological (but not therapeutic !) amount of HC. In time you can recover from adrenal fatigue, because basically your adrenals are in working order....they are just too tired and worn out to work. But they are not broken. Unlike with AD, adrenal fatigue is in most cases reversible.

An SST will prove the following – If your cortisol level can be doubled within 1 hour by injecting ACTH hormone into your bloodstream, then your adrenals are not damaged and you do not have primary 's. Damaged adrenals will not produce sufficient cortisol under stimulation – they can't, however much you try to make them; the base cortisol level would start off below 150 and might go up by as little as 20% after one hour, but basically it will be a flat lined response.... and THAT would be a diagnosis for primary 's – a very rare and life threatening autoimmune condition. The unfortunate patient would have to take Florinef for life and manually simulate what the outer layer of healthy adrenals would automatically do... regulate the fluid- and electrolyte balance. Any stressful situation can trigger a life-threatening crisis and the patient would have to learn to stress-dose him or herself with extra HC to keep everything ticking over just so. The condition is manageable, but it's not an easy thing to do.

I have been taking 50mcg of T3 at 4am when i am not on adrenal support, this isto feel some what normal but i still suffer low cortisol symptoms.If your adrenals can be stimulated into producing cortisol by taking T3 at 4 am, then you do not suffer from primary 's. If your adrenals can be stimulated by anything into producing cortisol you would not suffer from primary AD, because when someone suffers from primary AD, the adrenals are broken.... they can't produce aldosterone nor sufficient cortisol to keep you alive. When i am not on adrenal support it does seem that my potassium goes low and my sodium goes high, kind of the oppsite. What would this be a sign of ?

This is very difficult to answer, because you do take and have taken various hormones and I do not know what the combined effect of this might be on the functioning of your body. If this happened to a patient not taking various medication, it might signal high stress, hypertension, inflammation or/and insufficient kidney function.... I could probably get a cortisol reading of under 100 without taking my 4am dose of T3. But why would you want to do that?? It would not prove anything. You already know that your adrenal function is low. So the best you can do is to gently coax your adrenal function back to normal. If taking T3 at 4am achieves that, then all the better! That would save taking HC, but if you really need a physiological dose of HC for a while because your adrenals are truly exhausted, then that is what you'll have to do...just take care not to exceed the physiological dose. Once you go above 35-40 mg of HC per day you are entering a whole new ball game – and not one you'd want to play.

People that are diagnosed with addisions would not be taking extremlyhigh doses of T3 at 4am ?

No – a patient with primary 's would not be able to tolerate high doses of T3 without the support of Florinef and/or HC. Taking T3 on top of damaged adrenals would be a recipe for disaster.

It was 300 with me taking my 4am dose.Sorry – don't follow.... what was 300? Your am cortisol level? If so, then yes, it's low-ish, but not disastrously so. Mine is not much higher either.... think around 350 at last count. Having a low am cortisol level does not necessarily mean that is all the body has at its disposal for the day. If the adrenals are basically in working order, they will be able to push out some cortisol when it is needed.... just not as much as healthy and fully functioning adrenals would push out. So we have to give them a little TLC and coax them along. Vit C, Vit B complex, some glandulars, clean living, rest as well as gentle exercise will all help to restore the adrenals to their former glory... well – maybe not quite that good, but well enough to make the body function normally.

With best wishes,

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Hi again , a couple more questions and a bit of discussion if you have

a spare moment.

What happens if i take the ACTH test after having only been off adrenal support

for 3 days but my adreals are functioning as best as they can as im on T3 early

morning dosing. (not that i would ever reccomend this but i am able to stop 70mg

of HC and 0.15 of florinef over nite by simplying having 50mcg of T3 at 4am) -

What i am trying to say will the results likely be higher or lower?

My 9am cortisol was 350 but what if my body needs 900 for my morning reading

this can be very misleading? While it mite be in range is nowhere near enough

for me.

Lastly you say not to go above 35-40mg of HC, why is this? - I am not sure you

understand the severity of my candida its causing that much stress/havoc on my

body that somedays i can need 70mg of HC without any high cortisol symptoms.







> Hi Steve,


> It's not a problem, this forum is for discussing all things thyroid

> and adrenal and I don't mean to lecture. I am sorry if it sometimes

> comes over like that. I just want to help.... [: " >]


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Hi Steve,

Hi again , a couple more questions and a bit of discussion if you have a spare moment.

Ok, but I fear it'll be more like a spare hour or two <bg> What happens if i take the ACTH test after having only been off adrenal support for 3 days but my adreals are functioning as best as they can as im on T3 early morning dosing. (not that i would ever reccomend this but i am able to stop 70mg of HC and 0.15 of florinef over nite by simplying having 50mcg of T3 at 4am) - What i am trying to say will the results likely be higher or lower?

Well, for starters the ACTH stim test would be a complete and utter waste of time, effort and NHS money. The results – whatever figures it will show – would be erroneous and of no value whatsoever to anyone.

I assure you, Steve, if your body is able to withstand taking 70 mg of HC plus 0.15 mg of Florinef for some time and then it is able to compensate for a cold turkey withdrawal by simply taking T3 in the early hours, then you are one lucky guy and there really would be nothing wrong with your adrenal function whatsoever. ly, on the basis of that I very much doubt that you actually need either, HC or Florinef....but by now you will have suppressed your adrenal function, which is why you feel that you need it.

As for the results of such a hypothetical scenario, I have no idea, and could only take a wild guess, as such an experiment is not something that anybody in his or her right mind should attempt to do. –

My guess would be that the results of a test under such conditions would come back pretty low, because the adrenal function would have been suppressed by weeks of taking therapeutic dosages of steroids. When you supplement steroids, the adrenals will shut down. They need about 6 weeks to start up their normal function when you stop a therapeutic (and even a physiological) dosage, and during those 6 weeks the adrenal output would appear to be extremely low – which would be an induced reaction and not a true account of the state of the adrenals.

As I understand it, 's theory is that steroids or any adrenal support will be surplus to requirement if your adrenals can be coaxed into producing sufficient cortisol simply by starting T3 supplementation in the early hours of the day. If your adrenals will actually oblige and produce enough cortisol when you take 50mcg T3 at 4 am, then thank the Lord and carry on doing that and forget about HC and Florinef (although you first would need to wean yourself safely off). Seriously, Steve, I wonder if you are fully aware of the potential damage of steroids when taken unnecessarily and in therapeutic dosages (anything above 40 mcg HC or 10 mg Prednisolone counts as a therapeutic dosage).

My 9am cortisol was 350 but what if my body needs 900 for my morning reading this can be very misleading? While it mite be in range is nowhere near enough for me.

Lastly you say not to go above 35-40mg of HC, why is this?.... I would be seriously worried if you had an am serum cortisol reading of 900, Steve.... and I would be suspecting Cushing's . There is a saying in Germany, which does not translate very well, but basically is says that too much is just as bad as too little... aiming for extremes does not do anybody any favours. I reckon that if you weaned yourself off all steroids over a slow period of say 6 weeks (rather than go cold turkey) you might find that just taking your T3 in the early hours plus clean living will gve you better health than all this experimenting. If you keep on taking therapeutic dosages of HC you will regret it bitterly soon... and I will attempt to explain why –

If you check with Dr. Peatfield's book in `the adrenal connection' section, page 120 , 4th para, you will read that the natural daily output of HC is variable and may be as much as 200 mg under extreme stress, but about 40-60 mg in a normal resting state, and he points out that obviously then any dose significantly greater than 40 mg HC daily will tend to take over the adrenal production of cortisone.... in plain English - any HC dose above 40 mg will first suppress and then switch off the adrenal function ... if you are lucky, temporarily, if unlucky, for good. This answers the second part of your question above about the amounts.

The reason you feel you need so much HC is because you have already overstepped the threshold. You are suppressing your adrenal output by supplementing not only the entire amount of glucocorticoid that the body needs for the average day, but in addition to that you also have manually taken over the role of Aldosterone by taking Florinef as well.... so your adrenals are likely to have stopped normal output there as well – they've gone on holiday, so to speak, leaving you to do the work for them! Your adrenals are most likely perfectly able to work normally, but they won't work at present because they don't have to - you have taken over. For as long as you supplement, your hypothalamus will get the feed-back that the body has sufficient cortisol. Subsequently the pituitary gland will excrete less ACTH hormone (which is the signal to produce cortisone and cortisol), because the body is ticking over nicely with all the supplemented HC..... until you are faced with a stressful situation. Normally when faced with stress the adrenals would instantly react with an adrenaline surge, which triggers other very complex reactions and enables the body to deal with this new situation.... but your adrenals are on holiday, remember? Nothing works automatically anymore, so you might be forced to pump even more HC into your body to deal with this extra stress... but whilst the normal body reaction is instant – your manual reaction will be slow. By the time your brain has worked out that the body can't cope, you will be flagging.... and all of this will make you believe strongly (and wrongly) that you need more and more HC, without realizing that this is all down to your own doing.

And this is just the mechanism.... worse is what the over-use of steroids (more than a physiological dosage) will do to your body in the long run. Please believe me when I say that steroids are as much a curse as they can be a Godsend. The side effects of over-use are horrendous. I won't list them all here, but feel free to google them.... Long term use of steroids can lead to personality changes, along with weight gain, water retention, thinning of the skin, yeast overgrowth, bowel problems, loss of bone density... to name just a few.

Listen to Dr. Peatfield, who says in his book... (when HC is really needed) -quote...the final dose is usually 20 mg daily, that is half a tablet four times a day, but careful adjustment relating to the response may take the dose to 25 mg of 30 mg daily, exceptionally even 40 mg. These higher doses are related more to absorption in the stomach that to deficiency, but low adrenal reserve, reaching ian levels may make such doses necessary.....

My best advice for you would be to very, very slowly reduce your HC down to say 20 or 30 mg max per day. You would have to do this extremely carefully. It will take your adrenals an absolute minimum of 6 weeks to bit by bit getting used to the idea that their holiday is over and that they need to start working again. Depending on how long you have been taking HC already, his could take a long time – many months even. But you need to do this, Steve. If you carry on taking 70 mg HC or even more per day, you will very soon run into very serious problems. And I can't stress enough that you will have to do this slowly. Going cold turkey can damage your adrenals permanently. The body needs cortisone to live. To first supplement and thereby shut down the adrenal function and then to suddenly stop it is extremely dangerous and could land you in A & E with a life-threatening adrenal crisis.... and that would not be because your adrenals are too weak, but because you would have made a serious mistake in handling the use of steroids. I don't know who told you to take as much HC as you are taking, but whoever it was did not do you any favours. The use of steroids is ALL about amounts and duration; a little will help, a lot will do damage....

- I am not sure you understand the severity of my candida its causing that much stress/havoc on my body that somedays i can need 70mg of HC without any high cortisol symptoms.

Please believe me - I do.... and it does not surprise me one bit that you can't get on top of your Candida problem either. For as long as you take steroids, you will not be able to kill off Candida. You would have to live the life of a saint – no sugar, no alcohol, no soft drinks, no grains, only complex carbs – to just even keep the status quo and not make the Candida worse... By taking therapeutic amounts of steroids you are laying your immune system wide open for any foreign intruders to march in.... your systems ability to fight infection, viruses, cancer cells, is drastically reduced when taking steroids. By taking the amounts you do, you are actually achieving the opposite of what you want to achieve. You are trying to fight fire with lighter fuel.... – you need to at least reduce back to therapeutic levels, if not come off HC totally, Steve. And you need to do it very slowly.

With very best wishes,

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You are trying to fight fire with lighter> fuel.... – you need to at least reduce back to therapeutic levels,> if not come off HC totally, Steve. And you need to do it very slowly.

Sorry- meant to say physiological levels.... - it's late, I need my pillow

nite nite, everyone,


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thanks for your time but i wont take anymore of it. We are on

different wave lengths.

I have seen dr peatfield back when i was on 50mg of HC and 0.15 of florinef and

he simply said if thats what your body needs then thats what your body needs.

You dont seem to understand the early morning dosing method so your advice is a

bit misleading.

I know the dangers of steroids i dont like to be scared into stopping something

when at this very moment in time it is needed. (i have had such bad time's with

doctors in the past trying this method.)

I want to get off HC/Florinef but until the yeast is more under control i am

going to need high dose's as thats what my body needs.

Please dont take any of this as me being rude as thats not as its intended.




> Hi Steve,


> Hi again , a couple more questions and a bit of discussion if

> you have a spare moment.


> Ok, but I fear it'll be more like a spare hour or two <bg> [;)]

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have you considered swapping to medrol - it's supposed to be useful for people

who burn through HC too fast.


http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=12 & t=15455

" Around 80% of people with AI do well on HC or Coref, but the other 20% can

experiance less potency or can experiance no noticable benefit from these

steroids. It is in your best interest to figure out your steroid replacement

regimin well before starting any kind of thyroid med, so take the time to set it

up well. It may seem difficult to determine if you need to switch to Medrol or

not, especially if they have other hormone problems that haven't been dealt with

yet. The rule I use is if you've been on 30 mg for at least 2 weeks, but you

find you are still looking at the clock towards your next dose and or you are

stress dosing often or taking more than 30 mg everyday, you are a canidate for

Medrol. If you think 35 to 40 mg is what your daily need is, then you definately

need to switch to Medrol. If you take to much HC / Cortef for to long, even if

you don't feel much from it, you stand a very good chance of getting Cushing's

Sydrome. See the sticky " Symptoms of to much glucocorticosteroid (cortisol) and

Cushing's " "

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Thanks its something i will look into, i have been wondering about giving

Medrol/pred a trial one time just to see how it goes.

Do you have any personal expierence/information about Medrol or would it be

better for me to ask over at the adrenals group ?




> Steve


> have you considered swapping to medrol - it's supposed to be useful for people

who burn through HC too fast.


> chris

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Hi Steve, you did ask for to give a little of her time

to answering your questions and she gave you a lot of her time and offered very

good recommendations. However, it is up to you whether you choose to ignore it

or not. Perhaps you should do a little research yourself and you would find

that what is saying, is in agreement with other research that is

readily available on the Internet, publications, medical journals etc. Please

see the following


" Hormonal Imbalances: Elevated tissue levels of steroid

hormones from oral contraceptives, corticosteroid therapy, pregnancy, and

chronic stress provide nourishment for hungry candida organisms. Steroids bind

with candida, suppressing the immune response, thereby increasing colonization

and promoting the spread of candida to cells which are penetrated in search of

nutrients "

http://candidaclinic.org/ If the

candida should continue to spread and it finds its way into the bloodstream, a

condition called systemic candida can develop. This is where you have yeast

overgrowth in various places in the body. Common sites include the liver, stomach,

lungs, bronchial region, sinuses and the brain. In addition

to the use and abuse of antibiotics the use of steroid drugs can also lead to

explosive candida overgrowth due to the fact that they destroy the healthy

bacteria that keeps candida overgrowth in check. Steroid drugs are not as

commonly used so they account for less incidence of systemic candida but those

using steroid drugs often must do so for long periods of time, making the

problem much more severe.


type in 'steroids systemic candidiasis' into Google Steve and you will see that

you are really spoilt for choice.


I want to get off HC/Florinef but until the yeast is more under control i am

going to need high dose's as thats what my body needs.

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I've tried it on prescription but it does not agree with me. i think it's too


even 0.5mg, doesn't make me feel good.

It's supposed to be several times stronger than HC, with a much longer half


obviously as it's much stronger you need much less :-)


> Thanks its something i will look into, i have been wondering about

giving Medrol/pred a trial one time just to see how it goes.


> Do you have any personal expierence/information about Medrol or would it be

better for me to ask over at the adrenals group ?


> Cheers

> Steve


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I know and i have thanked her many times throughout the thread for her time and

replies, which is also why i made sure to ask that she not be offended (to which

she replied she is not).

I am not sure what made you think i was in disagreement with steroids relattion

to candida. I know fully too well that taking steroids lowers the immune system.

When i am not on steroids my lymth nodes enlarge implying that my immune system

is boosted when not taking steroids.

Do i have a plan?.... yes i do.

It involves me saving up for a candida treatment and possibly moving abroad to a

summer country. I need to get the candida under control (while on steroids, but

on a lower dose due to less fungal infection) and then stop the steroids and

boost my immune system as much as possible.

All of the above is going to take months but i dont see any other way.

If you would like to know what i am in disagreement with its more so that fact

that she believes i do not need any adrenal support and the fact she believes i

should be able to wean down to 20-30 mg of HC. If my body actually needs 70mg of

HC then trying to get to 20-30 would be impossible and dangerous. I do not see

any point for me to go into more detail of my disagrements unless is really




> Hi Steve, you did ask for to give a little of her time to

> answering your questions and she gave you a lot of her time and offered very

> good recommendations. However, it is up to you whether you choose to ignore

> it or not. Perhaps you should do a little research yourself and you would

> find that what is saying, is in agreement with other research that

> is readily available on the Internet, publications, medical journals etc.

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Any benefit is still a benefit? I think you need quite a high dose to get the

effect - i'm not sure exactly of the dose though

I think I mentioned to you about glutamine, and the gut? The book the stress

effect is very good. If you read that you'll see how cortisol is required to

suppress gut infllammation. I needed higher amounts of HC but i was able to

reduce quite a lot when I changed my diet and took slippery elm and glutamine.

If you have leaky gut perhaps that is linked to candida.



> I will give it a try but my fungal infection is already in the

mycial/systemic form so i believe if there is any benefit it would be limited ?


> Steve


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Yeh i am my diet is very restrcied at the moment because if i dont things

get even worse!

I have just bought some digestive enzymes, l-glutamine, slippery elm and i have

the biotin ordered.

When you mentioned about gut inflamtion " using " up alot of cortisol that got me

thinking and it actually made sense with myself and what is happening at the

moment, i also bought some more florinef as i am not sure why but it seems my

old florinef just wasnt working.

I hope that all of the above puts me over until my gastrologist appointment in

march and then i can take things from there.

Thanks for your help mate



> are you gluten free Steve? I've read/heard that bread will feed candida.


> chris


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i found the slippery elm quite helpful - i open up the capsules and tip them

into hot water, like a slimy cup of tea! it's quite soothing though. it may

affect how your meds absorb so you might want to time when you take it depending

on whn you take your meds. i found a nice tincture o f it once but it was

dear - i think it was one by nature's answer - i think it's on iherb.

Do you think you might have leaky gut?

There is a leaky gut protocol somewhere - Adam sent me it. it is more of a

natural approach..... it is suposed to treat leaky gut and candida...

if you can get 'the stress effect' book that may help you. i gather some

thyroid is supposed to convert into active t3 in the gut, and if you have gut

problems,it probably can't? Maybe this could possibly be a part of your

problem? if i remember rightly you have too much rt3?


> Yeh i am my diet is very restrcied at the moment because if i dont

things get even worse!



> When you mentioned about gut inflamtion " using " up alot of cortisol that got

me thinking and it actually made sense with myself and what is happening at the

moment, i also bought some more florinef as i am not sure why but it seems my

old florinef just wasnt working.


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Hi Steve, sorry you're having a rotten time.

Can you tell me where you're getting your Florinef now?

I was using Value but they need prescriptions now don't they? I know International has Florinef but they're a bit more expensive. So wondering if you have a cheaper source.

Best wishes Alison

> When you mentioned about gut inflamtion "using" up alot of cortisol that got me thinking and it actually made sense with myself and what is happening at the moment, i also bought some more florinef as i am not sure why but it seems my old florinef just wasnt working.

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I've bought it from someone via email who i talk to sorry i cant help!

The company i was using no longer does business sucks!

I guess i will have to start looking around in a month or two.



> Hi Steve, sorry you're having a rotten time. Can you tell me where

> you're getting your Florinef now?

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My slippery elm is a powder i plan to take it for breakfast, its something i

have done in the past not the nicest breakfast but it will do :)

Funny story slightly off topic i got pulled by the police 1-2 years ago when i

first started slippery elm and my slippery elm was on the passenger seat the cop

looked in seen it, though it was heroin tasted it and then rang the health food

shop i bought it from to check before he would let me go LOL.

I know 100% that i have leaky gut it goes hand in hand with candida, but

sometimes i can feel that food ect has leaked through my gut into the blood

stream and it causes a reaction in my body of an iching feeling its horrible and

im pretty sure this puts more stress on the body also.

I dont believe leaky gut is cureable until the candida has gone or is very

little - but i would be interested to read the protocol.

I have read that about the conversion in the gut also, makes sense. I am on T3

only thought im never going near T4 again :P



> i found the slippery elm quite helpful - i open up the capsules and tip them

into hot water, like a slimy cup of tea! it's quite soothing though. it may

affect how your meds absorb so you might want to time when you take it depending

on whn you take your meds. i found a nice tincture o f it once but it was

dear - i think it was one by nature's answer - i think it's on iherb.


> Do you think you might have leaky gut?

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good grief, that sounds very stressful.

> Funny story slightly off topic i got pulled by the police 1-2 years ago when i

first started slippery elm and my slippery elm was on the passenger seat the cop

looked in seen it, though it was heroin tasted it and then rang the health food

shop i bought it from to check before he would let me go LOL.



> I dont believe leaky gut is cureable until the candida has gone or is very

little - but i would be interested to read the protocol.

ok, please keep an open mind....


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