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Re: Finally I have some test results - but what do they mean?

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Hi Nicola,

I have found a fantastic South African doctor here in Dubai who appears to understand a lot more aboutHashimotos and the Thyroid than any endocrinologist I ever met in the UK. He is willing to prescribe T3 if needed, he is waiting until I have seen Dr P to see what he recommends. (however I still need to order it myself as it is not available here).

Yep, that was a stroke of luck, you finding this S.A. doctor ! And fantastic result for getting all that lot tested !!!!

I've put my comments in red below. The ones I have not commented on seem ok to me.I would appreciate some help interpreting these results – all from Jan 2012TSH 2.25 0.35-4.94

too high for someone on medication (should be around 1 or less)Free T4 1.21 0.7-1.48

looks ok-ish, but that means nothing ... the Levo is not workingFree T3 2.10 1.71-3.71

too low for someone on medication – extremely low D3 and B12 might prevent thyroid hormone from getting properly utilizedTSH Receptor antibodies <0.30 <1.75 - negativeTgAB 727.6 0-115 - positive = Hashimoto'sTPOAb 209.5 0-34 - positive = Hashimoto'sVitamin D3 24 20-80

way too low (!) - need to supplement D3 with 4000 iu per dayVitamin B12 117 133-675

way too low (!) – might need B12 injections or at least B12 nuggests 2000 iu/day

Iron 59.9 25-156

Ferritin 130.4 12-250

Transferrin Saturation 18.5 13-37

TIBC 323.7 250-450

Hmmm – I "think" this is ok – or is it a little on the low side ? - what do others make of that ???

Copper (serum) 17.9 13-24Zinc 111 70-150DHEA Sulphate 7.51 0.96-6.95Cortisol Random 345 184-618Gliadin Antibodies (IgA) 2.8 0-3

Considering that you cut out sugar and gluten (presumably b4 the test), this result is a little on the high side... you might be gluten intolerant, although not fully blown celiacGlucose Fasting 5.83 3.89-5.83 Insulin Fasting 9.6 3-25HOMA Index 2.49

<2 insulin resistance unlikely2-2.5 Possible insulin Resistance (!)2.5-5 Insulin Resistance Likely>5 Average value in type 2 Diabetes.Food intolerance Test – Shows high IgG concentration to – All cows milkproducts, Oats and pineapple. Followed by a medium/high IgG concentration toBarley, Gluten, Rye, Spelt and wheat. This also showed negative for Candida.I currently take 150 mg Thyroxine in the morning, I did not take it on themorning of these tests.I have also been following a Gluten free diet and cutting back on carbs andsugar since the beginning of January.

Considering all of the above it transpires that your body is not utilizing the thyroid hormone properly – possibly because you are severely B12 and D3 deficient, but also because you might be insulin resistant. I am not familiar with insulin resistance, but it is another endocrine disorder – I am sure others here will tell you more about it. You also appear to have some food intolerance issues (see above) and although you did not test positive for Celiac you appear to be intolerant to gluten and need to keep cutting it out along with Barley Wheat Rye and Spelt. Those food issues might also have hampered your thyroid hormone uptake.

Following these results I am now taking:Vit C – 4000mg (powder form) with BreakfastSelenium - 200mcg (softgel) with breakfastNeurobion coated tablets which have – 100mg B1, 200mg B6, 200mcg B12, X2 a day,breakfast and dinerGlucophage 850mg once a day with breakfast for 2 weeks, increasing then toinclude another tablet with diner.I have also been prescribed, but not managed to find yet:Beotin 5000 (B7) X1 dailyChromium (no specific dose stated) X1 daily.Should I be taking any other supplements.

The above looks ok to me, but in addition I would recommend D3, 4000 iu per day until your D3 level is at the top of the ref range and Solgar's B12 nuggets 1000 iu, twice a day – unless your doctor offers you B12 injections, which would be much better and bring up your level faster. A Good quality mega mineral complex would also be beneficial. You also would benefit from chelated Magnesium citrate, at least 400 mg per day. Make sure it is chelated, or it might give you the runs. Dr. Peatfield usually also recommends Co-Q10, 100 mg or higher for all hypos.

Are the supplements I am taking OK, are there any rules that I need to follow.i.e. when to take them, what should not be taken with what.I have no gall bladder, didn't know if that made a difference to anytreatment/supplements

A doctor once told me that supplements that are restoring the body tissues (like B12, Q10, D3) should best be taken in the evenings. Other supplements are best taken during the day. I don't think it is critical, but it's easy enough to do, so I follow that advice. Having no gall bladder, you need to be careful with fatty foods, but I am sure you know that already.I am seeing Dr P in March, is there any other tests which would be useful to have.

Off the top of my head I can't think of any more – you've done very well with all the tests you've had. But perhaps others can think of something I have missed ?Well done, Nicola !!!!

With best wishes,

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Thank you so much for your reply.

I have also now got my magnesium results.

Magnesium 0.88 0.70-1.00

Do you still think I need to take the chelated Magnesium Citrate?

I will start taking all the other supplements you recommended in order to get my

body as ready as I can before potentialy changing to NDT or adding T3 -

dependant on my appointment with DrP.

Can anyone else comment on these results?

I am the most optimistic I have been in years, and feel that at last I may be

getting to the roots of my health issues which have been going on for 16 years.

The information and enpowerment the TPA give others is just fantastic.

I am so looking forward to meeting DR P. Is it worth sending him copies of my

results and medical history before my appointment so he can look over them or

does he just not have the time, I imagine his is very busy, but just thinking




> Iron 59.9 25-156


> Ferritin 130.4 12-250


> Transferrin Saturation 18.5 13-37


> TIBC 323.7 250-450


> Hmmm – I " think " this is ok – or is it a little on the

> low side ? - what do others make of that ???

> DHEA Sulphate 7.51 0.96-6.95 - Higher than ref range!

You also would benefit from chelated Magnesium citrate, at least 400 mg per day.

Make sure it is chelated, or it might give you the

> runs. >

> With best wishes,




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> Dear


> Thank you so much for your reply.


> I have also now got my magnesium results.


> Magnesium 0.88 0.70-1.00


> Do you still think I need to take the chelated Magnesium Citrate?


> I will start taking all the other supplements you recommended in order to get

my body as ready as I can before potentialy changing to NDT or adding T3 -

dependant on my appointment with DrP.


> Can anyone else comment on these results?


> I am the most optimistic I have been in years, and feel that at last I may be

getting to the roots of my health issues which have been going on for 16 years.

The information and enpowerment the TPA give others is just fantastic.


> I am so looking forward to meeting DR P. Is it worth sending him copies of my

results and medical history before my appointment so he can look over them or

does he just not have the time, I imagine his is very busy, but just thinking



> luv

> Nicola



> > Iron 59.9 25-156

> >

> > Ferritin 130.4 12-250

> >

> > Transferrin Saturation 18.5 13-37

> >

> > TIBC 323.7 250-450

> >

> > Hmmm – I " think " this is ok – or is it a little on the

> > low side ? - what do others make of that ???


> > DHEA Sulphate 7.51 0.96-6.95 - Higher than ref range!


> You also would benefit from chelated Magnesium citrate, at least 400 mg per

day. Make sure it is chelated, or it might give you the

> > runs. >

> > With best wishes,

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Nicola, no, don't send anything to Dr Peatfield, bring it all

with you to the appointment. He sees so many patients that if everybody sent

him their results through the post, he would be buried underneath them all and

then they would have to be filed into your medical notes. This makes so much

work for him and his secretaries. Magnesium levels would improve with

supplementation at this stage, but it is not essential so long as your other

results are fine.

Luv - Sheila



> Dear


> Thank you so much for your reply.


> I have also now got my magnesium results.


> Magnesium 0.88 0.70-1.00


> Do you still think I need to take the chelated Magnesium Citrate?



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