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Word Count: 864

Author: Denny Bodoh

Email: dbodoh@...

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Copyright 2005 drbodoh

Let's look at the 8 distinct cold sore stages, and what you

can do now to lessen the severity, discomfort and length of

your cold sore event.

Cold sore stages 2-8 are the active stages and are very

contagious during this time. Usually 3 to 4 weeks is the

average life-span of a cold sore. Much depends on your

health and choice of treatments for each of your cold sore


COLD SORE STAGES: #1 - LATENT - Here the cold sore herpes

simplex virus is hiding in the nerve ganglia near the back

of the jaw on the same side as your cold sore usually

appears. The cold sore virus may " sleep " for weeks or

years without incident. Your body's defense " soldiers "

keep them in check. When there is stress in another part

of your body, your defenses may drop at this location.

Then the cold sore virus can escape and travel to the

surface to reproduce - beginning the active cold sore


COLD SORE STAGES: # 2 - PRODROME - The cold sore virus

reproductive cycle begins here. The cold sore virus

travels down your nerve fibers to the surface. This

movement causes your cold sore target area to itch or

tingle. You may notice a burning or dryness sensation.

This stage could last a few hours to a few days before

entering the more intense cold sore stages.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 3 - INFLAMMATION Your cold sore virus

has now arrived at the surface and begins it's reproductive

cycle by entering the cells at the end of the nerve. This

causes a lot of swelling and redness at the cold sore site

as your cells react to being invaded by the herpes cold

sore virus .

COLD SORE STAGES: # 4 - PRE-SORE - Cold sores at this stage

are defined by the appearance of cold sore vesicles. A

full blown cold sore is not one big blister but a grouping

of small blisters called vesicles. You will notice these

vesicles as tiny, hard pimples or red bumps that are

painfully sensitive to the touch.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 5 - OPEN SORE - Your most painful and

contagious of the cold sore stages. All the vesicles break

open and merge to create one big open, weeping sore.

Depending on the severity, you may develop a fever and

swollen lymph glands under the jaw.

The weeping fluid is teaming with newly born cold sore

viruses. Touching this fluid, you could easily spread the

cold sore virus to another part of your own body or to

someone else - either by direct touch or shared objects

such as hand towels, telephones, and faucets.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 6 - CRUSTING - A cold sore will develop

a yellowish crust or scab as it begins to finally start the

healing process. Your cold sore is still painful at this

stage. More painful, however, is the constant cracking of

your cold sore scab when you move or stretch your lips, as

in smiling.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 7- HEALING - Cold sores, once scabbed

over, begin healing from the inside out. As new skin forms

under the crust, you will experience continued itching,

irritation and some pain. Your cold sore virus is now

retreating back to the nerve ganglia area where it will

sleep until the next opportunity.

COLD SORE STAGES: # 8 - POST SCAB - Cold sores at this

stage no longer have a visible cold sore scab and your skin

has totally healed. Under your new skin, healing is still

taking place as the destroyed cells are regenerated. This

produces a red spot that may linger for another 2 to 14

days - depending on your personal healing speed. You are

still contagious until this red spot disappears. This

waiting is the most frustrating of the cold sore stages.


Cold sore over-the-counter medications, experts agree, are

primarily comfort treatments for the cold sore stages.

Some contain numbing agents that greatly reduce your pain.

Some cold sore medications contain an anti-bacterial to

prevent secondary infections. None of these cold sore

medications have been shown to actually shorten the

life-span of any of your cold sore stages.

Medical science has been working feverishly on a cure for

the herpes virus but have not, as yet, had any real success

in developing an effective cold sore remedy. Prescription

anti-virals, both the oral versions and the topical salves,

have been a dismal failure for the most part. Vaccines are

being tested but are 3-4 years out yet. New breakthroughs

could be just around the corner however.

But you don't need to wait!

More and more doctors now agree. There are times when

natural science just seems to be the best choice. Often

our ONLY choice. This is certainly true - right now - for

herpes cold sores.

Data studies have shown natural science remedies can reduce

the cold sore events by as much as 79%.

Yes! And, in fact, actually prevent your cold sores from

taking place altogether.

The great news - these remedies are available to you today.

If you are a cold sore victim, you would be well advised to

look into these powerful natural remedies without delay for

shortening or preventing your cold sores.

About the Author:

Denny Bodoh is a newspaper publisher and 33 year veteran

research writer on alternative health and nutrition. If

you would like to know more about herpes and cold sores,

and what you can do about them, visit his popular site at:


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