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Re: exposures

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I had my unvaxed breast fed child in daycare from 8weeks of age until 3 1/2

without any problems except for a few colds and hand foot mouth virus.

As far as the structured playgroup--if you are there with her, you can make

sure she doesn't mouth any toys right after another child does. If she's in

daycare, just express concern with the provider to keep her away from kids

who just got their vaccines and to be more wary of her mouthing dirty toys.

I don't know if that will help, but I found that her being breast fed, she

was the only one with out a runny nose all winter!!! Good luck with your



> Hi folks,


> my 13 month old daughter is receiving Early Intervention (in our home) and

> they have invited us to a weekly playgroup at their site. It meets for

> about 1 1/2 hours. There are about 6-8 other small children there and


> have structured play therapy.


> i am concerned about exposure risk. I didn't expect she would be in close

> contact with this many kids so soon. My daughter is unvaxed and breastfed

> 5x/day. I want her to be involved as it will foster her development but I

> guess I am more nervous than I thought I would be about her going out into

> the " world " unvaxed.


> anybody out there have there unvaxed small kids in playgorups or around

> vaxed kids in close contact?


> Another question, anybody out there have their unvaxed kids (age 1-3) in a

> child care setting, like daycare? Flirting with the idea of a 4 hour

> daycare 2 days a week.


> I need help with this decision as I feel vulnerabe and don't want to take


> lightly. I appreciate any input.



> thanks, Bonnie in Somerville, MA


> Sheri previously wrote:

> Your pediatrician has told you wrong.


> They are live vaccines. The only cases of polio in the US in recent

> decades were from OPV from a vaccinated child or the vaccinated child got

> it. Definitely chickenpox vaccine gives others chicken pox (not an issue

> here, I know) and Measles, Mumps and Rubella are LIVE vaccines and have


> potential to expose your child.


> I would not take the chance.

> Sheri

> ________________________________________________________________________

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Hi Bonnie! My almost 5 year old (who received one series of vaccinations

as a baby, but none since we started seriously researching them) was 3

when she began attending a ative Preschool. The program was 3 days

a week from noon to three in the afternoon, and we were able to do a

religious exemption from vaxing her. As far as her health was concerned,

I trusted that an organic, whole foods diet would keep her very vigorous

immune system strong & healthy - we had a few more colds that year than

in the previous 3, but nothing that lasted longer than a couple of days.

My second daughter turned 2 in May, and we're planning on sending her to

the same school next year; she has had no vaccinations. Hope this helps!

Namaste, G.

On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 21:55:56 GMT " Bonnie "

<pistachio33@...> writes:

> Hi folks,


> my 13 month old daughter is receiving Early Intervention (in our

> home) and

> they have invited us to a weekly playgroup at their site.



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I've been going to Gymboree, a play group, since my son was 3 months old.

He is now almost a year and has never been sick...knock on wood!

I am still breastfeeding all day & night. I too worry about the

exposure and have been considering not going anymore.

Does anyone know how long a virus lives on an inanimate object?

- Jax, FL

> Hi folks,


> my 13 month old daughter is receiving Early Intervention (in

our home) and

> they have invited us to a weekly playgroup at their site.

It meets for

> about 1 1/2 hours. There are about 6-8 other small children

there and


> have structured play therapy.


> i am concerned about exposure risk. I didn't expect she

would be in close

> contact with this many kids so soon. My daughter is unvaxed

and breastfed

> 5x/day. I want her to be involved as it will foster her development

but I

> guess I am more nervous than I thought I would be about her going

out into

> the "world" unvaxed.


> anybody out there have there unvaxed small kids in playgorups

or around

> vaxed kids in close contact?


> Another question, anybody out there have their unvaxed kids (age

1-3) in a

> child care setting, like daycare? Flirting with the idea

of a 4 hour

> daycare 2 days a week.


> I need help with this decision as I feel vulnerabe and don't

want to take


> lightly. I appreciate any input.



> thanks, Bonnie in Somerville, MA


> Sheri previously wrote:

> Your pediatrician has told you wrong.


> They are live vaccines. The only cases of polio in the

US in recent

> decades were from OPV from a vaccinated child or the vaccinated

child got

> it. Definitely chickenpox vaccine gives others chicken

pox (not an issue

> here, I know) and Measles, Mumps and Rubella are LIVE vaccines

and have


> potential to expose your child.


> I would not take the chance.

> Sheri

> ________________________________________________________________________

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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

Hi all - new to the site - I have a 7 y.o. with OCD - I have Tamar's

book and have read some but not all since I realized she had OCD in

March - it was SO bad - but she/we got a grip on it pretty quick and

were feeling good about it - now it's coming in sneaky little ways that

she/us may not notice but we're staying on top of it and fighting with

exposure therapy and it seems to nip it quickly - I have a few

questions which I'll research and post to the professionals (but I

imagine most of you/us are slowly becoming professionals living with

this daily ) I've informed teachers, docs everybody - many have no clue

about the ASO tests and DNase but sure enough - my dd who has NEVER

been on an antibiotic and is SO healhty had titer numbers in the

1400's!!! we were gaining a grip at the time but I chose to run a 10

day course and she improved but again improvement was there anyway - so

I don't know if there's a link - we're strong believers in the power

of prayer and feel that helped too! - so as of now - I'm wondering how

what to expect or tell the school (they are aware)- she's so bright but

her work didn't see up to par - also her numbers are at 1000 now - how

often should we check? - is she a constant carrier? can she give people

strep as a carrier - so many questions and with 4 little ones (dd with

OCD being the oldest ) I know I should commit more time to research and

educating but don't have time - wish it would go away and STAY AWAY!!!!


Quoting Sandy <melbiscuit5@...>:

> Hi All, I just got back from vacation and am trying to catch up on

> housework, etc. My dd, Bre(15)ocd, is adjusting to summer routine.

> She has more time to " think " and thus it leads to more anxiety. So

> she does more exposure homework and when she stays on top of it, her

> anxiety goes away quicker. We have tried the " natural " methods too,

> but the tried and true method that works for her, is ERP.


> I have finally come to the realization that Bre is fighting this

> battle on her own and even though I want to make it better for her,

> I can't. I live with the pain of watching her suffer at times and I

> know how all of you feel! Helpless. I am so thankful for her

> therapist and I am glad I learned all I could about ocd.

> This " illogical " disease is something I hate and since I can't make

> it go away, I accept it and tell Bre how proud I am of her for

> choosing to battle it. It is her choice to do exposures and push

> herself when needed. I can't make her.


> There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel! So I hope

> everyone hangs in there! Remember to take some time out for yourself.


> Sandy





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Hi Eileen.

I have been reading this site for some time but have never entered in until

now. I so appreciated your share. I have a twelve year old boy who was

diagnosed four and one-half years ago. We started treatment at UCLA with

relaxation and ERP. These helped some and about a year and a half ago

started him on Prozac as he became so negative and suicidal. He is still

taking Prozac but we are weaning him off. He is sooooo much better. I have

asked my pediatrician to check his titer but he said it wouldn't be worth it

financially as we know he was diagnosed with OCD. I think I would like to

pursue it though. Would you share more of what you know about it. His

symptoms came on sooo suddenly, we are certain it was strep related

(PANDAS). We too believe in prayer and have done so a lot. Thank you again

for your share.


>From: " autumn71A@... " <autumn71A@...>



>Subject: Re: Exposures

>Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:50:31 -0400


>Hi all - new to the site - I have a 7 y.o. with OCD - I have Tamar's

>book and have read some but not all since I realized she had OCD in

>March - it was SO bad - but she/we got a grip on it pretty quick and

>were feeling good about it - now it's coming in sneaky little ways that

>she/us may not notice but we're staying on top of it and fighting with

>exposure therapy and it seems to nip it quickly - I have a few

>questions which I'll research and post to the professionals (but I

>imagine most of you/us are slowly becoming professionals living with

>this daily ) I've informed teachers, docs everybody - many have no clue

>about the ASO tests and DNase but sure enough - my dd who has NEVER

>been on an antibiotic and is SO healhty had titer numbers in the

>1400's!!! we were gaining a grip at the time but I chose to run a 10

>day course and she improved but again improvement was there anyway - so

>I don't know if there's a link - we're strong believers in the power

>of prayer and feel that helped too! - so as of now - I'm wondering how

>what to expect or tell the school (they are aware)- she's so bright but

>her work didn't see up to par - also her numbers are at 1000 now - how

>often should we check? - is she a constant carrier? can she give people

>strep as a carrier - so many questions and with 4 little ones (dd with

>OCD being the oldest ) I know I should commit more time to research and

>educating but don't have time - wish it would go away and STAY AWAY!!!!




>Quoting Sandy <melbiscuit5@...>:


> > Hi All, I just got back from vacation and am trying to catch up on

> > housework, etc. My dd, Bre(15)ocd, is adjusting to summer routine.

> > She has more time to " think " and thus it leads to more anxiety. So

> > she does more exposure homework and when she stays on top of it, her

> > anxiety goes away quicker. We have tried the " natural " methods too,

> > but the tried and true method that works for her, is ERP.

> >

> > I have finally come to the realization that Bre is fighting this

> > battle on her own and even though I want to make it better for her,

> > I can't. I live with the pain of watching her suffer at times and I

> > know how all of you feel! Helpless. I am so thankful for her

> > therapist and I am glad I learned all I could about ocd.

> > This " illogical " disease is something I hate and since I can't make

> > it go away, I accept it and tell Bre how proud I am of her for

> > choosing to battle it. It is her choice to do exposures and push

> > herself when needed. I can't make her.

> >

> > There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel! So I hope

> > everyone hangs in there! Remember to take some time out for yourself.

> >

> > Sandy

> >

> >

> >

> >







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I am really curious about this too -- I know my 9 year old has tested

positive for strep at least once (a couple of years ago, pre-OCD

diagnosis) but I have no idea what his titer is now. Is it even worth

finding out? He's had so many courses of antibiotics to fight ear

infections and URIs over the years -- other than exchange of blood

products (which I would not do at this point) is there anything that

can be done for PANDAS at this late date?


> Hi Eileen.


> I have been reading this site for some time but have never entered

in until

> now. I so appreciated your share. I have a twelve year old boy who


> diagnosed four and one-half years ago. We started treatment at UCLA


> relaxation and ERP. These helped some and about a year and a half ago

> started him on Prozac as he became so negative and suicidal. He is


> taking Prozac but we are weaning him off. He is sooooo much better.

I have

> asked my pediatrician to check his titer but he said it wouldn't be

worth it

> financially as we know he was diagnosed with OCD. I think I would

like to

> pursue it though. Would you share more of what you know about it. His

> symptoms came on sooo suddenly, we are certain it was strep related

> (PANDAS). We too believe in prayer and have done so a lot. Thank

you again

> for your share.


> Joyce



> >From: " autumn71A@... " <autumn71A@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: Re: Exposures

> >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:50:31 -0400

> >

> >Hi all - new to the site - I have a 7 y.o. with OCD - I have Tamar's

> >book and have read some but not all since I realized she had OCD in

> >March - it was SO bad - but she/we got a grip on it pretty quick and

> >were feeling good about it - now it's coming in sneaky little ways that

> >she/us may not notice but we're staying on top of it and fighting with

> >exposure therapy and it seems to nip it quickly - I have a few

> >questions which I'll research and post to the professionals (but I

> >imagine most of you/us are slowly becoming professionals living with

> >this daily ) I've informed teachers, docs everybody - many have no clue

> >about the ASO tests and DNase but sure enough - my dd who has NEVER

> >been on an antibiotic and is SO healhty had titer numbers in the

> >1400's!!! we were gaining a grip at the time but I chose to run a 10

> >day course and she improved but again improvement was there anyway - so

> >I don't know if there's a link - we're strong believers in the power

> >of prayer and feel that helped too! - so as of now - I'm wondering how

> >what to expect or tell the school (they are aware)- she's so bright but

> >her work didn't see up to par - also her numbers are at 1000 now - how

> >often should we check? - is she a constant carrier? can she give people

> >strep as a carrier - so many questions and with 4 little ones (dd with

> >OCD being the oldest ) I know I should commit more time to research and

> >educating but don't have time - wish it would go away and STAY AWAY!!!!

> >Eileen

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