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Food As Medicine Touted As New Drug for Treating Chronic Illnesses

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Food As Medicine Touted As New Drug for Treating Chronic Illnesses

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Scientists have discovered a powerful new drug that may help cure

all chronic illnesses. It is a drug you take every day.

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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-03-31 11:24:00

Written By: Mark Hyman, M.D.

Copyright: 2008

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Food As Medicine Touted As New Drug for Treating Chronic Illnesses

Copyright © 2008 Mark Hyman, M.D.

The UltraWellness Blog


A powerful new drug -- one that you already take every day -- may

help cure all chronic illnesses.

What am I talking about?

Just take a look at the end of your fork.

It’s called food.

Although there’s no magic bullet to prevent, treat, cure, and

reverse most chronic illnesses, a growing body of research

suggests that food is the most powerful drug we have to do just


Yet most medical schools never taught physicians about the two

most important things we need to know -- nutrition and the role

of the environment and toxins in our health.

My goal is to help my patients heal and get better and I have no

particular allegiance to any type of treatment -- whether it is a

drug, surgery, radiation, or new procedure.

But time after time, I find the most powerful, fastest acting,

and most dramatic results come from using food as our main


I use food for healing, not because I believe it is better to use

natural treatments than to use drugs, but because it works better

and only has positive side effects.

These days, an increasing number of doctors agree.

This June, I will give the keynote speech on the history of

nutrition and medicine at a course in Baltimore called “Food as

Medicine,” sponsored by the Center for Mind Body Medicine.

You can find out more about this here:

==> http://www.ultrawellness.com/fam

This ground-breaking course brings nutritional science to

healthcare professionals in a digestible, practical, hands-on


The course was created more than seven years ago by Dr. Jim

Gordon, who was the chairman of the White House Commission on

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. He was recently honored

as one of the five pioneers of integrative medicine by the

Bravewell Collaborative and has been a leader in mind-body

medicine, nutrition, and healing for nearly 40 years.

For the last seven years, Dr. Gordon has trained hundreds of

practitioners, including faculty from more than 50 medical

schools, which are now including this knowledge of how to use

food as medicine in their curriculum.

That’s a lot different from the early days.

Years ago, I attended a food-related meeting with the

nutritionists, doctors, chefs, and owners of Canyon Ranch, where

I worked. I emphasized that I believed the future of nutrition

and the culinary arts must recognize the therapeutic value of

food to heal chronic illnesses.

As soon as the words “food is medicine” left my lips, I was under


The chief chef vehemently argued that food is only about good

taste, not good health.

Luckily, this outdated view is changing.

An increasing number of food services, restaurants, and other

institutions now recognize the healing power of food and are

including healing foods as part of their offerings.

The “Food as Medicine” course addresses things that most

practitioners never learn in medical school. These include the

scientific basis of nutrition as a therapeutic tool, how we can

eat in a sustainable way, and how the health of our planet has

directly affected the health of our food and the health of our


The course stresses areas such as nutrigenomics, the idea that

food is information that speaks to our genes and activates

messages that create health or disease.

It also explores the role of stress, nutrition, hormone balance,

the health of our gut, and the importance of detoxification and


The course is based on the basic tenets of Functional Medicine

but is broken down into simple, practical tools practitioners can

use every day with their patients.

It addresses specific nutritional approaches for conditions such

as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ADD, asthma,

allergies, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, and adrenal,

thyroid, and neurodegenerative problems. We also teach

practitioners about the use of nutritional supplements and

cutting edge laboratory tests.

We also increase self-awareness -- and make it fun -- with food

demonstrations and organic meals.

The faculty this year is amazing.

They include:

* ph, a leading antioxidant researcher from Tufts

University * Collin Fogarty Draper, an expert in nutrigenomics *

Ludwig, head of the obesity program at Children’s Hospital

and Harvard Medical School * Gerard Mullin, from Hopkins

Medical School * Lumpkin, a professor at town

University Medical School * Many other distinguished speakers

Kathie Swift -- the nutrition director of The UltraWellness

Center -- is the course director.

The course will benefit health practitioners, including

physicians, osteopaths, medical school faculty, nurses, nurse

practitioners, registered dietitians and nutritionists, physician

assistants, community healthcare practitioners, psychologists,

mental health professionals, and other health professionals.

According to Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the Department of

Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and one of the

leading researchers in the world in nutrition, “It is time to end

the confusion. ‘Food as Medicine’ presents the best current

scientific evidence for physicians, nutritionists, and other

health professionals who want to counsel patients and teach


But the course is open to everyone.

So I encourage all of you to tell your healthcare practitioners

about it -- and consider attending yourself. This course provides

tools and information to use the most powerful weapon against

disease in the 21st century, your fork.

You can find out more about this here:


Remember what Hippocrates said:

“Leave your potions in the chemist’s crucible if you can handle

your patients with food.”


Mark Hyman, M.D. is a pioneer in functional medicine, practicing

physician and best-selling author. A sneak preview of his book

'The UltraSimple Diet' is available. See The UltraWellness Blog

for more on Food as Medicine: http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog/

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