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Chronic Yeast Infection - EXPOSED

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Chronic Yeast Infection - EXPOSED

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Tough Truth about Chronic Yeast Infection Your Doctor Doesn't


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Chronic Yeast Infection - EXPOSED

Copyright © 2008

Yeast Infection No More


A distressing health condition, chronic yeast infection is

brought on by Candida species. Candida species are pathogens that

seemingly occur in 85% of the population, but that, being

opportunists, only lead to chronic yeast infection in certain


Naturally occurring Candida species exceed 100, but only a

quarter of them are identified as triggering human yeast

infection. The most common strain is Candida albicans, and then

Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis, and Candida

parapsilosis. About four out of five yeast infections are caused

by Candida albicans, the other one out of five coming from

Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, and other kinds of fungi.

Yeast microbes are typically to be found in many healthy people.

They live in the moisture and the warmth of areas such as the

vagina, the mouth, the bowels and the rectum. Yeast microbes are

held in check by probiotics, favorable microorganisms, and have

few negative effects in the healthy individual. Nevertheless,

when infection sets in, they multiply fast.

Yeast infection (candidiasis) may be the result of abnormal

concentration of yeast microbes, above all in moist and warm

areas of the surface of the body. The process can be accelerated

by certain conditions out of the ordinary. It is the subtype of

the yeast infection that typically determines these conditions.

For example: pregnancy, contraceptive pills, antibiotics or

hormone replacement therapy may quicken vaginal candidiasis,

whereas neglect of personal hygiene can trigger male yeast

infection. However, weakness in immunity systems can be a general

cause of recurrent yeast infection due to any subtype. Further to

this, stress or an excess of weight can also drive up the chance

of candidiasis.

The following are data concerning yeast infections:

1. Certain research indicates that the age group of 21-30 suffers

most from chronic candidiasis, after which it is the age group of


2. Vaginal Candida infections are the most often observed,

affecting about three quarters of all women at least once in

their life. Up to two out of five women have yeast infections

that recur or of long duration.

3. Hot weather accentuates the occurrence of chronic yeast

infection as the yeast microbe is most active in warm, moist


4. Stress, either of a physical or emotional nature can

debilitate your immune system and heighten your risk of outbreaks

of cold and herpes. This can encourage the cultivation of yeast

as well.

5. Particular nutrition such as yeast foods, candy, refined

carbohydrates, dairy products (difficult to digest, high in

lactose and substances for hormone growth as well as encouraging

mucus) and wines (loaded with glucose) can bring on candidiasis.

6. Certain research indicated that eating live strains of

lactobacillus acidophilus either as a yogurt or as supplements

could contribute to preventing yeast infections. In fact, in a

study made in the last decade of the twentieth century at New

York's Long Island Jewish Medical Center showed that women

having consumed a cup of yogurt on a daily basis for half a year

were able to lower the occurrence of chronic yeast by a factor of

three. The theory however lacked substantial data as only 13

women completed the investigation.

7. Dogs as well as people can suffer from yeast infections.

Indeed, yeast turns out to be a common fact amongst many dogs

suffering from different kinds of skin disease.

The highest occurring subtypes of yeast infection are:

1. Vaginal Candida infection: developing inside the vagina or the

vulva. This is the most common kind of chronic candidiasis.

2. Oral thrush: this develops in the mouth. It is most commonly

seen in babies or in people with drastically weakened immune


3. Diaper rash: this causes inflammation in the area of the


4. Candida balanitis: this type of yeast infection causes a rash

on the head of the penis.

5. Paronychia (infections of the tissue underlying the nail): a

kind of yeast infection habitually appearing next to the


6. Other Candida infections can occur almost anywhere in the

body, and often in folds of the skin: beneath the arms or the

breasts, in between toes and so on. It should be noted that each

subtype of candidiasis is of a different nature.

Usually, candidiasis is without gravity, easily treated and do

not lead to serious health consequences. In many cases, it will

disappear after a time without needing medication. On the other

hand, in certain cases, yeast infections can extend to other

areas of the body. This may indicate severe disrepair of the

internal balance of the body.

Chronic yeast infections may be just a symptom of more serious

problems, including diseases with similar symptoms that are

transmitted sexually, leukemia, diabetes and AIDS, just to give a

few examples. This explains why the manifestation of candidiasis

symptoms needs professional advice with a qualified doctor.

Although chronic yeast infections can be treated domestically

using over the counter medication or a prescription, remember

that practically all such infections are an alarm signal of a

serious internal malfunction that should be correctly handled. As

excessive growth of Candida is at the bottom of almost all

Candida infections, failing to resolve the internal problem that

is causing the symptom of discharge, rash or other related to

Candida, will not prevent the recurrence of these symptoms after

a while. More than this, failure to treat the internal problems

causing symptoms related to candidiasis could also cause grave

health complications.

While chronic candidiasis can be treated at home using an over

the counter or prescription medication, bear in mind that almost

all Candida infections are a warning sign of a major internal

imbalance that needs to be properly addressed. Since the root

cause of most infections of this type is Candida overgrowth,

unless you fix the internal problem that's causing the

discharge, rash and other Candida related symptoms, these

symptoms will re-appear after a while. Moreover, failing to

tackle the internal factors that trigger chronic yeast infection

related symptoms could often lead to serious health



is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist,

health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book,

" Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free

Life”. has written dozens of holistic health articles and

has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on

hundreds of websites worldwide. To Learn More About ´s

Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Yeast

Infection No More.http://www.yeastinfectionnomore.com/index4.html

For further information visit: Chronic Yeast Infection


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