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natural inductions

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My first labor was 20 hours in a birth center with no

herbs/assistance, my second was 6 hours at home and I took an herbal

supplement called Last 6 Weeks Formula for the 2 weeks I was overdue. It

had the cohoshes, red raspberry, etc. and I got it from my midwife (who

had used it to get her own labor going 2 months before.) I'm also aware -

through my job in a Natural Foods Co-op - of a supplement called PN-6,

probably very similar, from Nature's Way. I'm currently pregnant with

babe #3 and am considering Caulophylum(sp?) for the last month or so.

Anyone out there with experience good or bad using homeopathics to

induce/support labor? Namaste, G.



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, I went 15 days passed due with my daughter. I tried many

different things to bring on labour. Here is a site you may find useful

http://www.nurturing.ca/labor.htm. I can't say any of these techniques

worked for me... the day I went into labour I'd tried a homeopathic remedy,

walked 2 miles, had sex, stimulated nipples, used evening primrose oil etc.

but I'd been doing most of these things every day past my adjusted due date.

Due date calculation:


" ...we found that uncomplicated spontaneous labor pregnancy in private-care

white mothers is longer than Naegele's rule predicts. For Primiparas, the

median duration of gestation...was 274 days {compare 274 to the 266 doctors

use currently--8 days later!} For Multiparas, the median duration...was 269

days...Thus, this study suggests that when estimating a due date for

private-care white patients, one should count back 3 months from the first

day of the last menses, then add 15 days for primiparas or 10 days for

multiparas, instead of using the common algorithm for Naegele's rule. "

Good luck!

Melinda (Oregon)

At 10:18 AM 8/1/00 EDT, you wrote:

>Baby may not be ready to come out, dr's estimates are usually 14 days off

>because of the little " wheel " they use. Pregnancies are normally last 280

>days. My first was given the due date of Jan 5, I had estimated Jan 20

>based on the conception date plus 280 days...I went into labor on the 19th

>and she was born at 2:09am on the 20th. My 2nd was given a due date of Jan

>20th, I estimated Feb 3 based on the 280 day time frame, he was born the






>>From: " & Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


>><water_birthsegroups>, <Vaccinationsegroups>,

>><attachedatthehipegroups>, <APandWOHMomsegroups>

>>Subject: natural inductions

>>Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 20:48:24 -0500


>>Has anyone had any personal experiences with using natural inductions?

>>I've been reading alot on them and have dabbled a little with the nipple

>>stim. and pressure point near the ankle without any noticeable changes

>>today. Just wondering. I'm only 1 day overdue.



>> " In time and with water, everything changes. " Leonardo da Vinci



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In a message dated 8/1/00 4:49:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucasjt@... writes:

<< sounds like a good candidate to be on TLC's THe Baby Story!!! Yuck >>

When I was preg. with abbey, every night for about 2 weeks I would wake up

with contractions at the same time. It was either 2 or 2:30 can't remember,

anyway, baby story was always on at that time. Yes, it was so depressing.

Everyone on the phone giggling after their epidural and walking around with

iv's. Then, the nurses would say, " Yes, she's now at 4 centimeters, we're

going to give her an epidural now, and things will be much nicer for her " . I

so wish they'd do a baby story in my area...I'd show them. <G>


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--- Levy <1levy1@...> wrote:

> I know of an OB in my area who apparently has an

> induction rate of about 80%.

> Supposedly she takes on midwifery students for our

> obstetrical placement just to

> prove to us that birth is a medical event that

> should be managed and that

> midwifery and home birth are dangerous.



I just feel plain sorry for people like that. How do

they think the human race has survived? Glad I don't

live in that world.



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They do do it in my area (a friend a of a friend was on it). I can't imagine

wanting a camera crew etc attending my birth - I didn't even want any family

members there.

I stayed at my moms a few days last week and she watches it. One day there was 2

homebirths - the next, 2 inductions resulting in c/s.


teresav26@... wrote:

> In a message dated 8/1/00 4:49:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> lucasjt@... writes:


> << sounds like a good candidate to be on TLC's THe Baby Story!!! Yuck >>

> When I was preg. with abbey, every night for about 2 weeks I would wake up

> with contractions at the same time. It was either 2 or 2:30 can't remember,

> anyway, baby story was always on at that time. Yes, it was so depressing.

> Everyone on the phone giggling after their epidural and walking around with

> iv's. Then, the nurses would say, " Yes, she's now at 4 centimeters, we're

> going to give her an epidural now, and things will be much nicer for her " . I

> so wish they'd do a baby story in my area...I'd show them. <G>



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Having power over yourself is an inoculation

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In this age, which believes that there is a shortcut to

everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that

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Births are always so eerie after the woman gets an epidural. There's something

not quite real about it after that point.

teresav26@... wrote:

> In a message dated 8/1/00 4:49:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> lucasjt@... writes:


> << sounds like a good candidate to be on TLC's THe Baby Story!!! Yuck >>

> When I was preg. with abbey, every night for about 2 weeks I would wake up

> with contractions at the same time. It was either 2 or 2:30 can't remember,

> anyway, baby story was always on at that time. Yes, it was so depressing.

> Everyone on the phone giggling after their epidural and walking around with

> iv's. Then, the nurses would say, " Yes, she's now at 4 centimeters, we're

> going to give her an epidural now, and things will be much nicer for her " . I

> so wish they'd do a baby story in my area...I'd show them. <G>



> www.diapers.bizland.com

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