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thyroid issues worse after hormone implant

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I wonder if any of you have experienced the following:-

I was given a hormone implant in 2010 which gave me a severe reaction. The

hospital thought my severe sweating, visual disturbances, hair loss, severe

joint pains, really bad headeaches, head feeling like I wasn't in this world

(drugged up feeling), tummy really distended like I was pregnant, palpitations,

the list goes on, was due to the HRT I was given at the same time. I was taken

off the HRT and then my symptoms worsened to the point I was so dizzy, off

balance, couldn't stop going to sleep,weight gain increased over 4 1/2 stone and

I felt exhausted. My hormones had shut down and I had no oestrogen, FSH/LH.

I was already on Levothyroxine but had to have my dose increased as it had

affected this as well (now on 100mcg).

I was given Premarin (an oestrogen tablet) to try ease my symptoms by one doctor

and then told to come off it by another so my hormones were all over the place.

I was told my hormones should go back to normal 3 months after the implant, but

they didn't. Due to the severe headaches and vision problems, my consultant

thought I may have a pituitary tumour, but scans discounted this. I've had many

scans on my swollen tummy but they've drawn a blank, apart from now I have small

fibroids growing that I didn't have before all this started. My periods didn't

start again until a year after the event but they are so scanty and yet painful,

it's really odd.

I am still off work with really bad headaches, (my head feels like I'm still

drugged up and I have a floating feeling so I can't drive yet), my weight won't

go down (even though I walk a lot each day to keep my joints from stiffening up

any more), I'm always tired out with dark circles under my eyes, sleeping can be

difficult, I've still got hair thinning/eyelash thinning, joint pains (elevated

Rh factor to 26), blepharitis.

I've been told by the endocrinologist my thyroid blood levels are normal . My

own GP says I am 'middle of normal' and would like my to be 'lower end of

normal' and that there's scope to increase the Levothyroxine but as the

endocrinologist has said it's fine I have a battle on. I know from a scan I had

on my face and neck (I found a lump in my left cheek in 2011 which wasn't there

before) it showed my thyroid was 'darker than normal' and 'a lot smaller than it

should be' and the scanner knew I was Hypothyroid from that as well.

I've heard of T3 being useful in some patients and would like to know if anyone

can give me some advice on this please - I'm getting desperate to find out what

I can do next.

Oh - and I was told when I first started on Levothyroxine many years ago that

even though my TSH was normal, it was found I was auto antibody thyroid but

don't know what specific blood tests were done for this. Would anyone know? I

just want to go back to work, but can't possibly do so the way I'm feeling.

Many thanks

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