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Judge troubled in MMR vaccine

research row


- has taken his case against

the General Medical

Council to the High Court'.

The decision to strike off an eminent doctor over the MMR jab controversy has

been defended at the High Court as " just and fair - not wrong " . The

General Medical Council (GMC) admitted to a judge that " inadequate

reasons " may have been given by a disciplinary panel that found Professor

- guilty of serious professional misconduct. Those reasons

related to conflicts over expert evidence. Professor - is asking Mr

Justice Mitting at London's High Court to rule that he was denied a fair

hearing. On the fourth day of his challenge, the judge said that the case had

been " complex and difficult from the start - it greatly troubles me " .

The professor is being supported by the parents of many children with autism

and bowel disease seen by him at the Royal Free Hospital, north London, up to

his retirement in 2001. They say one consequence of the GMC's decision is that

families now face serious difficulties in f inding NHS treatment for autistic

children with bowel disease. In May 2010, Prof - lost his license to

practice along with Dr Wakefield, the doctor who triggered a global

scare about the MMR vaccine. QC, appearing for the professor,

told the High Court the disciplinary findings were seriously flawed and must be

quashed. He said investigations, including lumbar punctures and colonoscopies,

were carried out because they were clinically indicated and were necessary for

the purposes of diagnosis and treatment - not for a research project.

Press Association


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