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Autism Rates in California

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July 10, 2000

Autism Epidemic Rages... 15% Increase In Three-Months!

Also: * Autism on HBO Mon. Night -: A Family


* ASA Conference and The Riddles Of Autism

Autism Epidemic Rages

[This quarterly update on the spiraling growth of

“official” autism comes on the heels of the California

Legislature's funding of the M.I.N.D.

Institute at UC a week and a half ago for a

broadside scientific research assault on discovering the

causes of the spectrum disorder. With

this steady, persistent rate of increase, one quarter

after the next, it has become more difficult to dismiss

the disturbing growth as the result of better diagnosing

and changing, wider-defined criteria.

Thanks to Rick

Rollens for providing this information. –ls]

Information recently obtained from the California

Department of Developmental Services confirms that the

unexplained growing autism epidemic

in California continues to increase at an alarming rate.

The number of new children with professionally diagnosed

DSM IV autism, NOT including any children with PDD, NOS,

or Asperger's, increased by 15% over the previous

three months.

California's developmental services system added

488 new children with DSM IV autism to its roles, or

better put, California is adding 6 newly

diagnosed children with full blown autism everyday,

seven day's a week to its system.

This most recent three-month report represents the

second highest number of intakes in ANY three-month

period in the past five years. This

most current second quarter report also is the largest



1994 42

1995 170

1996 248

1997 304

1998 467

1999 434

2000 488

The Department of Developmental Services estimates

it costs taxpayers over $2 million for every child with

autism that is added to the system. The

488 new children added just in the past three months

will cost taxpayers $976 million.

This three-month report of 488 new children with

DSM IV autism represents 23% of all the new intakes into

the developmental services system...nearly 8 times what

the traditional intake percentage is for


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www.geocities.com/mom2q (my work in progress!)

Mom of two great kids who are vaccine free!

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