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Hi Adam, Yes mould can contribute to bad health. It particularly attacks your lungs and can make breathing difficult, sometimes it just looks like a chest infection. You can have tests from a Respiratory specialist to see how you are responding to the mould. If, like me you are also allergic to it it can be a real problem with frequent bursts of breathing problems and chest infections. Aspergillis is the main culprit (farmers lung). If you are at all worried about any breathing problems ask your GP to refer you to a chest Consultant and ask that Consultant to test you for these specific allergies.


I have has an energy problem for over 10 years - all the classic symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue really.

I moved in a new accommodation in July 2010. Within a few short months my health worsened dramatically.

My home has a major dampness and mould problem. There is rising damp and mould all over the walls. My bedroom, for example, collects 3 litres of water per day in the de-humidifier.

I have become healthy is most area of my life but I health is still poor. It wasn't until recently that I was talking to a new friend who has problems with Sick Building Syndrome that she pointed out the possible cause.

Now it makes clear sense. I must have been immunocompromised from the adrenal fatigue. This allowed the mould spores to affect me so strongly. Also, it's too much of a coincidence that I should get so ill so quick after moving in here.

By the way, I am hoping to move out in a few weeks time and I will be getting a high quality air purifier.

Have you had any similar experiences with buildings/mould and your health?


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Hello Adam,

As somebody who lived in a mould-ridden garden flat (cellar?) for nearly

10 years, I can guarantee that it is having an impact on your health -

it certainly did on mine. Unfortunately, the mould was hidden at the

back of the built-in wardrobes and cupboards, and in the chimney breasts

so it wasn't overly obvious.

Symptoms came on slowly initially but they built up significantly over

the period of time we were there. I felt as if I had a constant

hangover - even though I didn't drink. My nose ran permanently, my eyes

itched fairly regularly and I had permanent flu symptoms. Everything I

ate made me ill. If I actually got a cold, I also got severe sinusitis

to the extent that I would keel over in a dead faint if I leaned down to

pick something off the floor.

Unfortunately, due to feeling utterly awful (and being told there was

nothing wrong with me - Hah!), being bullied in my then job by a new

manager, watching my relationship with my partner fall apart due to us

both being ill, and having our privacy constantly invaded by the

landlord and his family living upstairs, I wasn't in a physical or

emotional position to do anything about it. One day, a close (and

honest!) friend pointedly asked, when the children upstairs and their

friends ran riot over our heads and through the garden yet again, why I

put up with it all. I eventually realised how appallingly ill the place

had made me and that I had to move out. A week later we informed the

landlord that we were leaving. And why. We also told everybody who

came to view the place. Petty, no doubt, but it made us feel better!

Get out as soon as you feasibly can. It's good to hear that you are

hoping to move out in the next few weeks and your de-humidifier will

certainly help - ours was on constantly at the end. It WILL affect your

health and your ability to deal with life - your adrenals will suffer

for it. My symptoms slowly disappeared over the course of several

months after I moved into the house we're in now and our relationship

also recovered. Your symptoms may take considerably less time to abate.

I'm fairly certain that the enviroment I was living in at the time

contributed greatly to the eventual breakdown of my health which

affected my career and my relationships, both personal and professional.

Dr Peatfield points out that environmental toxins can play havoc with

adrenal fatigue and consequently on thyroid disease. The knowledge

available and the kindness shown on this forum saved my life. Thanks to

the TPA I now feel like a human being and not the zombie I was. I have

diagnosed and treated my hypothyroid disease, my most important

relationships have been rebuilt and I am now in a position to resurrect

my career.

Good luck to you. Do your own research and don't believe everything the

doctors tell you ;-).




> I have has an energy problem for over 10 years - all the classic

> symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue really.


> I moved in a new accommodation in July 2010. Within a few short months

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Mould is like, or is, a fungus.   It gives out spores into the air, and anyone breathing in these spores will more than likely get respiratory problems.Lilian

As somebody who lived in a mould-ridden garden flat (cellar?) for nearly

10 years, I can guarantee that it is having an impact on your health -

it certainly did on mine.

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Hi Del, Thank you for

sharing your story.

I would never have

believed that mould could be so lethal. You don't hear many people talk about

it so you never really see the link yourself.

I think I can

relate to your particular feelings. At my lowest point living in this flat, I

wasn't too ill and weak to be able to contemplate moving again. I always find

it so stressful have to move, I seem to have many things.

I have also since

found out about a government system for ensuring that private landlords keep

their properties healthy and safe for their tenants. It is called HHSRS. There

are resources out there designed to support us, it's just that you never really

find out about them until you are forces to actually look.

I am glad to hear

that you managed to move out and recover some of your health. Hopefully I will

be able to see of my own health improve.

Adam As somebody who lived in a mould-ridden garden flat (cellar?) for nearly 10 years, I can guarantee that it is having an impact on your health - it certainly did on mine.

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i grew up in a very bad mould / damp house as we had no central heating just a

gas fire in the front room and i had severe asthma and was hospitalized many

times, when we finally had central heating fitted when i was 14 my ashtma went!

i have four brothers and a sister and we were also all ill quite often so yes

mould is bad.


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Hi, Just a thought when I saw you had a gas fire. I am terribly allergic to

gas. I get a burning throat and then flu and bronchitis type symptoms which can

last a couple of months. To this day I cant even be in a house centrally heated

with gas let alone a gas fire. Thats why I moved to Panama!




> Hi,


> i grew up in a very bad mould / damp house as we had no central heating just a

gas fire in the front room and i had severe asthma and was hospitalized many

times, when we finally had central heating fitted when i was 14 my ashtma went!

i have four brothers and a sister and we were also all ill quite often so yes

mould is bad.


> Ali


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Have you done a

RAST test to see if they have raised IgE level.

I did a RAST test

privately in December which gave my total IgE level as 273 U/ml (Ref range 20 – 100). This

is pretty high. However the results did not show what the specific allergens


I am going to try

to get this done on the NHS.

Have you had any

luck with this?


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Adam you could of hit the nail on the head as to why my problems even started ?!

Mould could of lowered my immune system leaving it vulnerable and could be a

very big factor.

I used to live in a different room in my house when i was younger without many

health problems. Now 1-2 years before my health problems started i moved into a

new room in my house and there is now mould on the walls/windows corners of the

room!! This cannont be good for my health but ive tried everything to get rid of


After the english summer im going for an all or nothing regarding my health and

im going to up sticks and move country to somewhere warm for 6 months. It should

hopefully make a huge difference living in a mould free room.




> I have has an energy problem for over 10 years - all the classic

> symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue really.


> I moved in a new accommodation in July 2010. Within a few short months

> my health worsened dramatically.

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Hi Steve,

I guess moving to a warm

country would do the trick.

I think that dampness, mould and the air-born mould spores are a bigger problem than most people

in the UK think. I read somewhere that in the US there is a lot more awareness

about the dangers of mould (mold, as they spell it).

One of my sisters

used to stay in the room than I now live in. She told me that she developed all

sorts of strange symptoms like itchy skin and blurred vision during that time.

A new friend of

mine told me that she suffered from Sick Building Syndrome at

work. A mycologist friend of hers tested the mould sample in the building

against her blood and found a clear link. I thank her for getting me to take

this mould thing seriously.

You should still

try to get the mould in your house sorted. There are specialist companies out there.

Adam I used to live in a different room in my house when i was younger without many health problems. Now 1-2 years before my health problems started i moved into a new room in my house and there is now mould on the walls/windows corners of the room!!

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You could try East Anglia- with the current drought and a 'normal " rainfall of

about 20 " it is a an official semi arid region!



> Hi Steve,


> I guess moving to a warm country would do the trick.


> I think that dampness, mould and the air-born mould spores are a bigger

> problem than most people in the UK think. I read somewhere that in the

> US there is a lot more awareness about the dangers of mould (mold, as

> they spell it).


> One of my sisters used to stay in the room than I now live in. She told

> me that she developed all sorts of strange symptoms like itchy skin and

> blurred vision during that time.


> A new friend of mine told me that she suffered from Sick Building

> Syndrome at work. A mycologist friend of hers tested the mould sample in

> the building against her blood and found a clear link. I thank her for

> getting me to take this mould thing seriously.


> You should still try to get the mould in your house sorted. There are

> specialist companies out there.


> Adam


> I used to live in a different room in my house when i was younger

> without many health problems. Now 1-2 years before my health problems

> started i moved into a new room in my house and there is now mould on

> the walls/windows corners of the room!!


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