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Welcome to the group. It sure sounds like you have got your hands full. I

used to drive truck with my hubby until last year when I started helping my

brother with his son. This list has been a blessing to me as I am learning

how to care for my nephew. A lot of my questions were answered before I got

a chance to post.


Jill in MI

Aunt to Albert, 22/DS

See my crochet pages at: http://www.geocities.com/jabberjavw/index.html


> was born on January 26, 2000. She was born with only two

> pushes -she really wanted out! She was born with a collapsed lung

> and " thick " blood (high iron). She was whisked away from me and

> taken to NICU. Three hours later the doc came in and told me (while

> holding my hand) that she may have down syndrome: she has an ear

> tag, one deep line in the palm of her hand, extra skin on the back of

> the neck, low muscle tone and " those " eyes. I said, " Ok, have you

> done the bloodwork for testing yet? " . This surprised the doc who

> told me that I may not want to get my tubes tied like I had planned.

> WHY NOT???? Was I going to turn my back on this child??? NO WAY!!!

> The next day was my 10th wedding anniversary and for my present I got

> my tubes tied - yipeee. Jen was in NICU for 5 days. She has no

> heart probs - Thank God! Her muscle tone is great now, she is

> working on walking. She has met every milestone right on time. She

> does have a hearing loss in one ear and has a hearing aid, but seems

> to hear fine without it. Her ear tag (turned over at the top) is

> gone, she has all the normal lines on her hands, the extra skin on

> her neck is gone and her eyes are only slightly " downs looking " . She

> is amazing in every aspect of her life. Saying her first words mama,

> hi, bubber (for brother), dada, book, bottle - she is a real joy.

> She has been my calming influence since she was born. My boys are

> agressive, hyperactive and loud while she is quiet, loving & cuddly.

> My eldest son is bipolar (manic-depressive) and my younger son may

> also be (too young to tell). My husband is a truck drive and home

> every other weekend for two days - he did this so I could remain home

> and care for our children. I was hesitant to join this group

> because I feel so badly when I hear about the problems everyone is

> having with their down syndrome children, while Jen is doing so

> great - I kinda feel guilty. I look forward to hearing from you all

> and maybe some of else will eventually be able to get our angels

> together. Thanks for listening.


> , stay at home mom to :

> Jeff, 10, bpnos or schizoaffective, neurontin, day therapy center

> Ken, 29 months, " terrible twos " ???

> Jen, 15 months, down syndrome

> wife to " Mr. Moody "

> Oregon



> Please edit posts when replying!



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It's wonderful to hear how well Jen is doing.

Your husband sounds like mine. He is a Police officer and does overtime etc.

so i can remain home with the kids. It's great to always be around for them.

ny 7 weeks Ds

3 1/2

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi . I am sorry to hear about all your troubles. I know what you are going through. I was disappointed when I learned that there was no "magic pill" or procedure to cure me. As for trips to the ER, I have had a few also. Twice for dehydration when swallowing even water became impossible. It was always embarrassing for me, trying to explain a disease to doctors whom had never heard of it. I suppose a few thought that I was an attention seeking nutcase! This disease can thoroughly ruin your life. That being said, I think it is still best to keep a positive attitude. Best of luck to you and please, keep in touch.



Hello all,

I've been reading through the emails posted over the past 2-3 months and for the first time ever see other people who know and understand what this disease entails. I don't care for the phrase "misery loves company" but it is a comfort to know that this group exists and that there are other people who have a clue.

I'm a mother of 4 (ages 15, 13,10 & 8) and had my first sign of trouble Dec. 26, 1978. I was 18 and thought I was having a heart attack. Before I was diagnosed with Achalasia in 1982 the Drs were treating me as a nervous person, in your head-type problem. I live in New York and have seen many physicians here as well as Vermont and in Montreal, Canada. I've undergone a few bougee (spelling?) dilatations which I deem my garden hose treatment and over the past 22+ years many balloon dilatations. My first thoracic myotomy was in Sept 1984 and the surgeon recommended a conservative approach to only cutting the sphincter muscle between the stomach and the esophagus. He told me that I could expect a good 10 years relief or possibly even a lifetime. I did manage the 10 years pretty well with only having more dilatations in the last 2-3 years. The second thoracic myotomy occurred in July 1994 and was considered a "long myotomy", where the esophagus was cut from the top down to and including the sphincter muscle. Because of scar tissue from the first surgery they had to remove one of my ribs. Does that now make me Adam? We have got to hang on to what ever humor we have. Anyway, this time when I asked how long it would be good for this surgeon (different Dr from the first) said that if it didn't last a lifetime then he didn't do his job. *smile* I think back now, especially after reading all these emails, on how ridiculous his statement was. Maybe ridiculous is not the right word but I guess he felt he could cure all and I'm not sure that's even possible.

Well here I am 7 years later wondering how many more "lifetime" procedures a person can have. I am back on the dilatation treatment and have more medication than the pharmacy does. I sleep with blocks under the head of the bed (thank goodness my husband doesn't mind sleeping on a tilt) and I have numerous pillows to prop up with. Like so many of you eating is a chore or if you prefer a work of art. My biggest problem/complaint at the moment are the frequency of esoph spasms and pain. As of January of this year my symptoms took on a new twist. Shortly after the onset of an esoph spasm I started to vomit and couldn't stop. This occurred every 20-30 min until eventually I was throwing up blood. The first time it happened I thought I had the flu and after 9 hours went to a Dr. The second time my husband took me to the ER after about 4 hours and they were able to give me meds to stop and pain/muscle relaxants for the spasm. At that point I had created numerous sores and an ulcer in the esoph. I now carry injectable anti-nausea meds and tell my husband that if he snickers when he tells me to bend over for the shot, then I'll shoot him. I've had a few more trips to the ER for this but I do my best to inject myself or have my husband do so asap so I can avoid the hospital. Right now, my Dr is looking to send me to another specialist in Pennsylvania in hopes that there is something else that might be done for me. The only alternative otherwise, which he doesn't want to do, is yet another thoracic myotomy which would be hindered I imagine with even more scar tissue. I'm also looking into a research facility in Vermont that deals in pain management.

I can't believe I wrote as much as I have. I guess this is one of those "venting" moments. I better get going ... children and duties await.


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Thanks for writing back Alan. Thinking back many moons ago, no one ever really said that there was a cure for this. At best I was given a range of month-years for dilatation to be effective and a possibility of thoracic myotomy lasting a lifetime. This is with exception to the second surgeon who basically said surgery would definitely be a lifetime of relief. I think I came to my own conclusion of "this is my life and I have to live and just deal with it" when I began having recurring incidents and increasing problems between the two surgeries. I kept that to myself for a long time for not wanting to sound negative and contrary. I guess it's difficult to get past the unknowns like ... Why did this occur at age 18 and not right from birth? Why is it so difficult to make others understand? My career deals in programming computers and as annoying as they may seem to the layman at times, they are logical entities that only do what they've been told to. Hence my thinking tends to lean on the logical, black and white, side and there are few to no grey areas. Lack of control, lack of advance warning for spasms and pain, has taken me years to learn how to deal with. Most of all has been the effect and worry caused to my husband, children and parents. So I have lived and learned. You could not have said it any better about maintaining a positive attitude. There is more at stake here than just myself. I have so many others to consider and this helps to keep me in balance.

Again thanks for writing.


Re: Introduction

Hi . I am sorry to hear about all your troubles. I know what you are going through. I was disappointed when I learned that there was no "magic pill" or procedure to cure me. As for trips to the ER, I have had a few also. Twice for dehydration when swallowing even water became impossible. It was always embarrassing for me, trying to explain a disease to doctors whom had never heard of it. I suppose a few thought that I was an attention seeking nutcase! This disease can thoroughly ruin your life. That being said, I think it is still best to keep a positive attitude. Best of luck to you and please, keep in touch.


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Welcome Lolita, I just wanted to say that you should consider writing your

letter of exemption from vaccinations (even though you homeschool).

Depending on what state you live in and that state's " medical neglect " law,

it is feasible that one day one day one of those angry emergency room doctors

could report you for medical neglect. When that happens, social services

doesn't play around. They like to either force you to vaccinate or take your

kids. The only way to show that you are not medically neglecting them is to

have your affidavit of exemption. Please read

http://www.mothering.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000754.html It tells you of one

lady's experience in Illinois.

If you have any questions about exemptions, just keep reading over there at

MOTHERING or ask here.


P.S. Just for fun, you may want to research the history of vaccination and

diseases such as smallpox and polio. It will be quite an eye-opener

regarding about vaccination and epidemics.

In a message dated 6/11/2001 11:53:26 AM Central Daylight Time,

lita@... writes:

> Hi everyone,


> My name is Lolita, I'm mother to eight children (actually seven kids,

> one adult). I'm a stay-at-home mom, who also homeschools.


> The reason I chose not to vaccinate my last seven children is because

> of the reactions my eldest had to vaccinations and because I heard

> about the negative results that vaccinations can cause. My eldest

> would develop fever and vomiting, and would be sick a good 24-48

> hours after being vaccinated. I was always told that there might be

> crankiness after being vaccinated but the fever and vomiting was not

> due to the vaccination. HA.


> I kept hearing more and more about children who were killed or

> permanently altered due to vaccinations and I decided that I didn't

> want to take that chance with my next seven children. My doctor told

> me that we could delay until school age, when they would be required

> to have them before entering school. Since I homeschool, I didn't see

> any reason to worry about it.


> I have several children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) issues.

> Since learning about ASD and possible causes, I feel if I had allowed

> my children to be vaccinated I would have ended up with at least one

> with full blown autism, very possibly more than one.


> I realize that vaccinations have prevented many deaths, that before

> vaccinations a disease could become epidemic and affect many. I also

> realize that since then we have developed antibiotics and better

> medical care. I believe that vaccinations lower our bodies ability to

> fight off sickness, that they weaken our immune systems.


> The only time I have problems due to my kids not be vaccinated is

> when we have to take a trip to the emergency room. I always end up in

> an argument, and usually end up saying " fine, I'll look into getting

> them vaccinated " just to get them off of me and onto caring for my

> sick or hurt child. One doctor told me that he was not police, but

> that I should be turned in for not having them vaccinated.


> I'm interested in learning of others experiences and in learning ways

> to protect myself from threats and harrassment.


> Lolita


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Did you ever find the right place to vent! I'm afraid to say, it

seems the times when I come here regularly, are when I have been

having an especially bad time. The good times inbetween, I go crazy

and do all the stuff I haven't been up to, which I'm sure is not a

good thing, but there it is. Welcome to the group, I've learned so

much here, most importantly, I am not alone, and I am not as bad as I

could be! :o) Janet

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You're the greatest. Thanks for joining this group. We'll all benefit

from your hands on info on why 'not to vaccinate'. Please keep




> Hi everyone,


> My name is Lolita, I'm mother to eight children (actually seven


> one adult). I'm a stay-at-home mom, who also homeschools.


> The reason I chose not to vaccinate my last seven children is


> of the reactions my eldest had to vaccinations and because I heard

> about the negative results that vaccinations can cause. My eldest

> would develop fever and vomiting, and would be sick a good 24-48

> hours after being vaccinated. I was always told that there might be

> crankiness after being vaccinated but the fever and vomiting was not

> due to the vaccination. HA.


> I kept hearing more and more about children who were killed or

> permanently altered due to vaccinations and I decided that I didn't

> want to take that chance with my next seven children. My doctor told

> me that we could delay until school age, when they would be required

> to have them before entering school. Since I homeschool, I didn't


> any reason to worry about it.


> I have several children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) issues.

> Since learning about ASD and possible causes, I feel if I had


> my children to be vaccinated I would have ended up with at least one

> with full blown autism, very possibly more than one.


> I realize that vaccinations have prevented many deaths, that before

> vaccinations a disease could become epidemic and affect many. I also

> realize that since then we have developed antibiotics and better

> medical care. I believe that vaccinations lower our bodies ability


> fight off sickness, that they weaken our immune systems.


> The only time I have problems due to my kids not be vaccinated is

> when we have to take a trip to the emergency room. I always end up


> an argument, and usually end up saying " fine, I'll look into getting

> them vaccinated " just to get them off of me and onto caring for my

> sick or hurt child. One doctor told me that he was not police, but

> that I should be turned in for not having them vaccinated.


> I'm interested in learning of others experiences and in learning


> to protect myself from threats and harrassment.


> Lolita

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Natasha, One place to start is my website: www.vaccinationnews.com. Be

sure to check out the search capacity. Let me know if you have any

questions. And good luck. Sandy from Alaska








Hi, My name is Natasha. I just joined this list a few day's ago. My first

son was vaccinated, we opted not to vaccinate my daughter until about 3

months ago when I felt pressured from family members and I was not

well-informed. She's not all the way caught up yet. In fact we are


to finish the shots at her next visit. My newest baby has had some shots,

but now I'm totally confused about what to do. In my group of friends and

family I stand alone in feeling all these immunizations aren't necessary and

can do more harm then good.

My first born had all the shots and he's had so many problems. They've

diagnosed him with asthma even though there's no athsma history in our

family. He's been hospitalized 3 times. My second child had no shots and

has had no problems except for maybe a cold once in a while. So far my


child has been pretty healthy.

Here's a question for you all when I did take my daughter in and they found

out she hadn't had shots they were all upset at me, giving me speech after

speech. How do you all handle the DR's and nurses. The nurses were worse

then the Dr.

I wanted to join this group to obtain more knowledge on vaccination. I


appreciate any helpful links you all might have! Thanks

~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

SAHM to three wonderful kids!

Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)

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This is the same problem I'm having; I am not a very assertive person, and

although I have all of this information in my head, when the doctor starts

" attacking " me my tongue grows 5 sizes and my jaw muscles turn to jello!

Next week I take Katarina for her 2-month check and nna for her 4-year

check, and I am dreading it.


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01


Here's a question for you all when I did take my daughter in and they found

out she hadn't had shots they were all upset at me, giving me speech after

speech. How do you all handle the DR's and nurses. The nurses were worse

then the Dr.

I wanted to join this group to obtain more knowledge on vaccination. I


appreciate any helpful links you all might have! Thanks

~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

SAHM to three wonderful kids!

Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)


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In a message dated 6/14/2001 3:08:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

laura_j_Luster@... writes:

> What you do is find a family doctor versus a pediatrician and make

> phone call after phone call (interviews) until you find one willing

> to allow you to make a choice.


Thanks so much for the information at least now I know where to start

looking! :-)

~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

SAHM to three wonderful kids!

Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)

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What you do is find a family doctor versus a pediatrician and make

phone call after phone call (interviews) until you find one willing

to allow you to make a choice.

I found out through word of mouth in my La Leche League group the

name of a family doctor who did not care - felt it was the parent's

choice. Even if you don't breastfeed, you might call a local La

Leche League member and ask that person if you can speak to any

member she might know who does not vaccinate. You often find that

people who are nursing and are involved in a group like La Leche

League are composed of at least one or two people practicing

alternative parenting. In my area alone, I have a choice of 3 groups

close to may house. I have been to all three groups, and all three

had members not vaccinating. Through them, you can find out the

doctors who are pro-choice.

Another option is to call cold turkey - you can point blank navigate

from the receptionist to the nurse, state your position, and simply

ask if this is a problem for that practice.

But don't bother going to any more visits with a doctor who is

pressuring you. If you think about it, if you are not going to

vaccinate, what difference does a 'well-baby' visit make as far as if

it occurs at X months versus Y months?

> Hi, My name is Natasha. I just joined this list a few day's ago.

My first

> son was vaccinated, we opted not to vaccinate my daughter until

about 3

> months ago when I felt pressured from family members and I was not

> well-informed. She's not all the way caught up yet. In fact we

are supposed

> to finish the shots at her next visit. My newest baby has had some


> but now I'm totally confused about what to do. In my group of

friends and

> family I stand alone in feeling all these immunizations aren't

necessary and

> can do more harm then good.


> My first born had all the shots and he's had so many problems.


> diagnosed him with asthma even though there's no athsma history in


> family. He's been hospitalized 3 times. My second child had no

shots and

> has had no problems except for maybe a cold once in a while. So

far my third

> child has been pretty healthy.


> Here's a question for you all when I did take my daughter in and

they found

> out she hadn't had shots they were all upset at me, giving me

speech after

> speech. How do you all handle the DR's and nurses. The nurses

were worse

> then the Dr.


> I wanted to join this group to obtain more knowledge on

vaccination. I would

> appreciate any helpful links you all might have! Thanks


> ~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

> SAHM to three wonderful kids!

> Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)






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I have been fortunate to not have overly pushy doctors when it comes to

immunization discussions. I understand that at every visit they are required to

inform me of the safety and benefits of vaccinations. I hold my ground,

thanking them for the information, but explain that I have done a great deal of

research and I chose to maintain my decision to have my baby unvaccinated. It

ties my stomach in knots to hear doctors telling me that vaccines are 100% safe.

I have also found that the nurses are a lot more critical of my decision and

look at me like I have grown a third head. I ignore them. :)


Mommy to Miranda Eve (12/99)

The Truth is out there.



Here's a question for you all when I did take my daughter in and they found

out she hadn't had shots they were all upset at me, giving me speech after

speech. How do you all handle the DR's and nurses. The nurses were worse

then the Dr.

I wanted to join this group to obtain more knowledge on vaccination. I would

appreciate any helpful links you all might have! Thanks

~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

SAHM to three wonderful kids!

Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)

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don't go!

you are an experienced mom, you know if your children are progessing


avoid the confrontation


: This is the same problem I'm having; I am not a very assertive person,


: although I have all of this information in my head, when the doctor


: " attacking " me my tongue grows 5 sizes and my jaw muscles turn to


: Next week I take Katarina for her 2-month check and nna for her


: check, and I am dreading it.


: Michele

: ~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

: ~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

: ~ - 10/5/99

: ~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01


: .



: Here's a question for you all when I did take my daughter in and they


: out she hadn't had shots they were all upset at me, giving me speech


: speech. How do you all handle the DR's and nurses. The nurses were


: then the Dr.


: I wanted to join this group to obtain more knowledge on vaccination.


: would

: appreciate any helpful links you all might have! Thanks


: ~~~~~~~ Natasha ~~~~~~~

: SAHM to three wonderful kids!

: Tre (11-10-96) Summer (12-01-98) and (11-10-2000)












: .






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Not going might avoid the confrontation, but you could also loose the

doctor. Which might not be a bad thing if there are plenty of other

doctors to chose from. I know not everyone has several options close by

them. We cancelled our 15 month check up and the doctor immediately

sent us a letter stating we could no longer be a patient since we

weren't going to come in for reg. check ups and vaccinations. DH nearly

freaked, b/c what would happen if ds fell very ill?

Happy ending (so far), though. A woman I went to high school with is

practicing in the area. Her group does not have a " no shots, no

service " policy (like was suggested we asked the receptionist right off

the bat). At least this dr. would understand that I often haven't

followed the crowd blindly in my life, and not be surprised if i made

different choices as a parent. She is respectful of our right to

choice, even though she disagrees. At our last visit all she said was

did we want any information on vaccines. She had said the first visit

that she would mention it each time, but not be pressuring. She kept

her word:-) She also didn't argue when we opted not to take antibiotics

when she found " a little bit of fluid " in the ears.

But I remember what it was to dread our first doctor... I hope you find

a better medical situation:-) There are respectful doctors out there.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Dena,

Welcome. I'd love to know about those articles you mentioned. You have a very

unique perspective since you know the medical side and I look forward to your


M. Parish, CPRW* (Certified Professional Resume Writer)

Career Coach / Business Start-Up & Support Consultant

CareerPlan, Inc., Premier Career, Business, and Life Planning Services

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My name is Dena, I am an RN and have 3 children. I vaccinated my first 2,

unfortunately, and have not allowed my youngest to undergo the regime of

vaccinations. In nursing school, I of course learned how vaccinations have

saved countless lives. But since then I have conducted my own research and am

just beginning to learn the " rest of the story " I have a few articles that I

have saved and am willing to share and am looking forward to hearing from all of

you and your experiences, many blessings,

Doc and Dena


Radical and Rejected by the Establishment


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Welcome Dena, you are my kind of person, never take anything for granted

and look into things for yourself.....great!! :o)

Western NY


> Hello,

> My name is Dena, I am an RN and have 3 children. I vaccinated my first 2,

unfortunately, and have not allowed my youngest to undergo the regime of

vaccinations. In nursing school, I of course learned how vaccinations have

saved countless lives. But since then I have conducted my own research and

am just beginning to learn the " rest of the story " I have a few articles

that I have saved and am willing to share and am looking forward to hearing

from all of you and your experiences, many blessings,

> Doc and Dena

> 15:13

> Radical and Rejected by the Establishment

> www.spiritualaroma.com




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At 12:14 AM 06/28/2001 -0400, you wrote:


>Hello! I'm new here and would like to introduce myself. I'm a native

Texan (and an Aggie to boot) temporarily living in Ky who lives with two

cats, a horse and a husband :)) I've been wavering back and forth over the

last two years about the vaccination issue and decided it was time to try

and learn all I could so I can make an informed (and final) decision as to

my animal friend's health care and that of any future children.


>I'm off to " dig " through the archives! I look forward to getting to know


>~Nat in KY



Welcome Nat & all who I have missed while I'm away,

Make yourself familiar with my webpages - lots of info there


And the archives!

I have a tour company and am gone much of spring and summer but share a lot

in the fall and winter!




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters



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Hi ,

Thanks for the welcome! I am reading through the articles your moderator

has posted. This is alot of information, I want to make sure I don't

duplicate anything you guys already have. Are the most of this group

Christian oriented? I find that alot of un-vaccinated people have a

Christian background, will be posting my articles in the near future, until

then I will read, read, ...... many blessings,

Doc and Dena


Radical and Rejected by the Establishment





> Hello,

> My name is Dena, I am an RN and have 3 children. I vaccinated my first

2, unfortunately, and have not allowed my youngest to undergo the regime of

vaccinations. In nursing school, I of course learned how vaccinations have

saved countless lives. But since then I have conducted my own research and

am just beginning to learn the " rest of the story " I have a few articles

that I have saved and am willing to share and am looking forward to hearing

from all of you and your experiences, many blessings,

> Doc and Dena

> 15:13

> Radical and Rejected by the Establishment

> www.spiritualaroma.com




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Hi Dena,

Welcome to this list.......Im a Uk mum with a husband and 1 daughter ,aged 2

(Ruby ). I work from home part time on my own business venture/s. Ruby

goes to a day nursery 2 mornings a week and she loves it! :-)

I dont know if most ppl on this list are Christians.......I personally, have no

particular religious ties.


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Hi Kim,

I am the SAH-Homeschooling mother of four. I have been doing Life Lift for

almost two years now and love it. I bet you will too. My kids like doing

the Kids tape, it is one that I can do with them.





Hello, My name is Kim and I am a SAH-Homeschooling mom to three overly

energetic kids today. I am due around thanksgiving with #4. Seems that

between DH, the kids and trying to fix up the money pit of a house we


last year I am always busy. My latest project is making diapers for the

baby. We are going to cloth diaper this one, I am such a newbe at sewing

that is has been rather comical to watch. We are also planning a


it will be my second and it was so amazing that I would not go to the

hospital just for a routine delivery ever again. I did labor in a pool


time but ended up delivering on our bed. I have also been a surrogate


for some very close friends of ours and they now have two beautiful little

girls. That is my life in a nutshell not very exciting now that I look at


but busy enough that I don't have time to notice. Life lift is all new to

me I just found it the other day and thought it was very interesting. I am

looking forward to learning more about it.


SAH-Homeschooling Mom to:

Kadence, Grace, , & Bean edd 11/26/01


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Guest guest

Hi Kim,

Welcome to our group. I am certain you will find that our list is filled with

wonderful people who will show you the true meaning of a caring heart. There are

many people on our list who will make you feel welcome.

I am always so impressed when I read how much you Mom's are doing for your

beloved children. It is so wonderful to know that our most precious gifts, our

children are being loved and cared for this way.

My own children are grown, but I have a vivid recollection of how much effort it

takes to be there for them when they are small and need us. The wonderful thing

is that they continue to repay the love we give them in a million ways all

through our lives. Just thinking of my children and grandchildren ALWAYS brings

a smile to my face.

Have a wonderful weekend,


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Statistics show that those who belong to a support group are more successful in

reaching goals.To join our discussion support group click here:



Hello, My name is Kim and I am a SAH-Homeschooling mom to three overly

energetic kids today. I am due around thanksgiving with #4. Seems that

between DH, the kids and trying to fix up the money pit of a house we bought

last year I am always busy. My latest project is making diapers for the

baby. We are going to cloth diaper this one, I am such a newbe at sewing

that is has been rather comical to watch. We are also planning a homebirth,

it will be my second and it was so amazing that I would not go to the

hospital just for a routine delivery ever again. I did labor in a pool last

time but ended up delivering on our bed. I have also been a surrogate twice

for some very close friends of ours and they now have two beautiful little

girls. That is my life in a nutshell not very exciting now that I look at it

but busy enough that I don't have time to notice. Life lift is all new to me

I just found it the other day and thought it was very interesting. I am looking

forward to learning more about it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

This is a great, informative, supportive, funny and inspirational group. I

was thinking the other day that 10 years ago when my daughter was a baby,

there was nothing like this in existence. It was even hard to find a decent

book in the bookstores about people with DS. I remember when an author/dad

of a special needs child won the right for & Noble to have a seperate

special needs section in their bookstores. and it was around the time when

my daughter was just a baby.

How far the world has come in a short 10 years! now just click on the 'puter

and you can find a group such as this one! I'm still amazed!

~ Mom to almost 11 DS and going into 5th grade inclusion and


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Guest guest

Hi ,

This is a great, informative, supportive, funny and inspirational group. I

was thinking the other day that 10 years ago when my daughter was a baby,

there was nothing like this in existence. It was even hard to find a decent

book in the bookstores about people with DS. I remember when an author/dad

of a special needs child won the right for & Noble to have a seperate

special needs section in their bookstores. and it was around the time when

my daughter was just a baby.

How far the world has come in a short 10 years! now just click on the 'puter

and you can find a group such as this one! I'm still amazed!

~ Mom to almost 11 DS and going into 5th grade inclusion and


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So what have you heard about Synthroid?? takes is everyday.


mom to 18/ds

In a message dated 7/27/01 6:37:07 PM, lowenthalrj@... writes:

>I was interested in your comment about Synthroid--I thought I heard

>something about it on the tv earlier this week, but didn't catch it all.

>What's up with that? Both my parents also take it.


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Guest guest

So what have you heard about Synthroid?? takes is everyday.


mom to 18/ds

In a message dated 7/27/01 6:37:07 PM, lowenthalrj@... writes:

>I was interested in your comment about Synthroid--I thought I heard

>something about it on the tv earlier this week, but didn't catch it all.

>What's up with that? Both my parents also take it.


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