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Hi Lynn

Sorry to say, I'm not feeling great this week. Last weekend

was brilliant but I may have over done it up at my allotment! I also may have

eaten some gluten when we went out for a Japanese meal on Saturday.

This is possible, when we start to feel better, it is so easy to

overdo things having found energy from somewhere we had forgotten we had.

Always take things very carefully, or you really can set yourself back to

square one, until your health has fully returned.

I woke up feeling groggy on Tuesday and haven't been able to

fully pick up since. Today, I am feeling really down, like I am a wrung out

dish cloth, and actually burst into tears this afternoon which hasn't happened

in a while.

Think adrenals! Go to our files section thyroid treatment/files/

and on the page that opens, scroll down to the one entitled 'MEDICAL

QUESTIONNAIRES' and answer all the questions in the Adrenal questionnaire to

see how you score. Whilst you are there, also complete the magnesium, and

candida questionnaires too. Let us know how you got on.

(Oh, I also got the letter from the endo saying " your

suppressed TSH at 0.02 does indicate over replacement of your thyroid hormone

and is not advisable " . I will need to go back to my GP and have a chat

about what to do. I have decided to find out whether going back to see Dr

Skinner will be an option, but last year when I spoke with my GP about it, he

said he was no longer happy to refer patients to Dr Skinner... It is all so


Same old, same old! When will they learn that for anybody taking

T3 (whether synthetic or natural) their TSH will be naturally suppressed

because there simply is no need for the pituitary to secrete any thyroid

stimulating hormone when it recognises there is sufficient thyroid hormone in

the blood. Copy out the attached paper and show it to your endocrinologist who

has obviously done little to no research lately http://www.endocrinology.org/press/pressreleases/2010-03-16_Thyroxine.pdf.


he wants to worry about it, let him get on with it, but this is nothing for you

to worry about. Also, tell your GP that you are very happy with Dr Skinner and

wish him to refer you again. Dr Skinner is the one who is making patients

better, and your GP is not and he should be pleased that there is somebody out

there who knows what he is doing and how the greater thyroid system works.

I have had a week off the progesterone cream, so maybe I

will feel better in a few days after being back on it?

Why did you stop the progesterone cream. Are you back on it

again now?

I have also noticed increased tingling in my feet, which is

a symptom I have had on and off over the years. It seems a bit of a random

thing. I had a few muscle twitches during the week. I have been very tired -

feeling increasingly hopeless!

If you have not had your vitamin B12 level checked, ask your GP

to do this. The reference range is very, very wide i.e. 175 to 800 and your level

should be right at the top of the range. You can buy sublingual B12 and you

should take 1000mcgs daily as a maintenance dose, but if your level is found to

be very low, you might need B12 injections. Also, while getting blood drawn for

B12, ask the GP to also check your iron, transferrin saturation, ferritin,

vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc. If any of these are low in the

range, your thyroid hormone cannot work properly until whatever is low has been

supplemented. When you get these results, post them here with the reference

range and we will help with their interpretation.

At times I have had lots of intestinal goings on. This

seemed to start around the time of taking the iron and I've been putting up

with it, but starting to feel worried that I may have candida in addition to

everything else!

Are you taking high doses of vitamin C with the iron and are you

taking your iron with food. Also, are you taking your iron at least four hours

away from your thyroid replacements? This is vital.

I had a dull ache in the sacrum area last night. Also have

had some hip discomfort.

This can happen to many people who are not getting sufficient of

the active thyroid hormone T3. People suffering with chronic fatigue,

fibromyalgia and ME have found that when they started taking T3, they got

better. You may need to think about stopping the thyroxine if it is not

converting and increasing your natural thyroid extract, or even changing to T3


I also have a feeling there's something in the back of my

throat and it's a bit sore and achy. Maybe I have a bit of a bug. The inside of

my mouth feels a bit odd as if there is something coating it.

Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This is a cause of

hypothyroidism. Thyroid antibodies see the thyroid gland as public enemy number

one and sets about its complete destruction. As the antibodies attack your

thyroid gland this can cause discomfort and soreness as the thyroid becomes

inflamed and can cause a feeling of soreness. Have you looked inside your mouth

to see if it is coated and checked the colour?

This morning I checked my pulse and it was around the mid

50s. At the moment it's around the mid 60s. I've checked my morning temperature

a couple of times this week. It has been 36.4 and then 36.0 today.

The pulse seems low for me. A couple of years ago when I was

on a higher dose of Nature-throid, it would have been in the mid 70 or

even the 80s.

Check out Dr Rind's metabolic temperature chart to see whether

this is adrenal or thyroid related. http://www.drrind.com/therapies/metabolic-temperature-graph

I'm wondering if I should invest in an adrenal saliva test?

Or is all this to be expected when going through the menopause?!

If you can afford it, then most definitely get this done. This

will measure your level of cortisol and DHEA at four specific times during the

day, i.e. 8.00a.m. - 12 noon - 4.00p.m. and again at midnight. Having low

adrenal reserve can be a cause of most of your symptoms and will stop the

thyroid hormone from being properly utilised at the cellular level. Go to the

FILES SECTION again, and scroll down to the folder entitled 'Discounts on Tests

and Supplements' and on that page, scroll down to the 'Genova Diagnostics'

file. Follow the instructions for ordering and tell them that Thyroid Patient

Advocacy is your practitioner.

Hope this helps.

Luv - Sheila


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It's OK to have lower TSH when taking thyroxine.doc

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Dear Sheila 

Thank you so much for getting back to me and nudging  me forward!

I did the adrenal stress questionnaire today. The number of

questions I answered positively totalled 67. And the total points came to 106

indicating moderate adrenal fatigue. My asterisk total was 9. I don’t have any

of the Addinson’s symptoms.

I did the skin scratch test and it was normal – skin went

red within seconds.

I also did the pupil reflex test and my pupil stayed

contracted normally for 3 minutes.

I scored 55 in the magnesium questionnaire. I have just

recently started taking some magnesium – 250mcg each day.

I scored 214 on the candida questionnaire (over 180

indicative of candida connected health problems) Is there a blood test for

candida? I really dread going on the candida diet on top of being gluten free!

I’ll check out Dr Rind’s metabolic temperature chart over

the next few days.

I have noticed in the past that there is quite a difference

between my underarm temperature and my under the tongue temperature. I have been

using the temperature reading from under my tongue which is the higher of the

two. Is that OK?

I do have Hashimoto’s - the Anti TPO antibodies were one of

the first things to appear in blood tests:

 Aug 2004    221 KU/l (<32.0)

Jan 2005     278KU/l  (<32.0)

Sept 2005  

147LU/l (<32.0)

May 2006  

309 Ku/L (<32.0)

June 2007   

223 KU/l  (<60)

Thank you for the article. I’ve printed it out. I’ll show it to my GP

(not sure about showing it to the endo as they don't want to see me again!)

I hope a TSH of .02 is not a problem even though it is lower

than the 0.04 level in the article. I did drop my meds last summer and the TSH

rose to around 0.06 but by that time I was getting really quite hypo again.

I’m back on the progesterone cream. I was taking a week off

after being on it for 24 days.  I

started back on it on Friday and I am feeling better today, - more positive

mood - although still a bit drained.

My B12 was 599ng/L 9 (130 – 900) on 10th February

this year. I have been taking 1000mcg a day of methylcobalamin by Yarrow

formulas for the last couple of months.


My ferritin on 10th February was 28mg/L (15-300) and I have been

taking 1 x 305mg of ferrous fumerate twice a day, for about 5 weeks, along with

1g of vitamin C each time. I also take 1g of vit C with my breakfast.

I take the first dose of iron at around 11.30am – 12noon which

is 4-5 hours after my morning Nature-throid. I take another dose of

Nature-throid at 3.30- 4pm and then the second iron dose in the evening at

around 9pm.

I don’t take the iron with food. It says on the packet to

take without food before meals – which I manage with the 11.30 – 12 noon dose.

But haven’t really bothered to take food sometime after the evening dose.

My GP wouldn’t run the tests for transferring saturation or

the other test for iron. Nor the magnesium, copper or zinc.

My D3 on 10/2/2012 was 45.5 mcg/L  (30 – 100mcg/L)  I had been taking 2000IU of vitamin D3 daily for around 6

months. For the last month I’ve upped that to 4000IU.

The D2 came back as not detected.

I have been taking 10mcg of zinc a day for the last few


When I looked at my tongue this morning, it was a bit coated

with white stuff first thing. Later on it looked greyish and a bit puffy.

I went back to taking 2 grains of Nature-throid in February,

after feeling terrible on the thyroxine/Nature-throid combi – which I’d been on

from November – February. I take the first dose of Nature-throid very first thing when I wake up at least half hour before eating.

I was on 2.5 Grains of Nature-throid  up until I saw the endos last May.  I think that the 2 grains which I’ve

been back on for around 5 weeks, is pretty much the bare minimum dose. Maybe I

just ran really low of thyroid hormones after some extra physical activity last

weekend up the allotment?

It’ll be interesting what the Dr Rind charting shows, plus

the adrenal saliva test.I've been taking 2 x 100mg of adrenal with breakfast and one at 12-1pm (don't always remember) Plus B vits at breakfast, including 400mcg of folate. 

Thanks again!





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If this was me, I would be starting Nutri Adrenal Extra which

you can buy from Nutri Ltd with a 33% discount - these will do you no harm but

will probably do you a world of good.

Yes, I do think you should check to see if you have candida

antibodies. If you have candida, thyroid hormone cannot be fully utilised at

the cellular level until the candida has been treated. Go back to the files

section and click on 'Genova Diagnostics' to order the test for Candida

Antibodies. They send the kit and you pay when you send the sample back

thyroid treatment/files/

Start taking your temperature in the way recommended by Dr Rind

and use his temperature chart. If your problems are adrenal related, you will

see your temperature slowly start to rise, which will show that the tablets are

doing the job they are supposed to. This will be an interesting exercise. If

your symptoms are all related to your thyroid, they temperature will probably

not change very much. Use the 'under the tongue' temperature is best.

The magnesium tablets should help keep your levels stable.

It appears that you are tackling everything in the right way, so

hope there will be improvements showing soon. However, it is When

I looked at my tongue this morning, it was a bit coated with white stuff first

thing. Later on it looked greyish and a bit puffy.

Check out this web site http://www.icanm.com/pages/samples/ch6ObsTongue.asp

I was on 2.5 Grains of Nature-throid up until I saw the endos last

May. I think that the 2 grains which I’ve been back on for around 5

weeks, is pretty much the bare minimum dose. Maybe I just ran really low of

thyroid hormones after some extra physical activity last weekend up the


Lynne, you need to take the amount of thyroid hormone that takes

away all of your symptoms, and you should not be titrating your dose according

to the results of any blood tests. Blood tests are useless once you are taking

any form of T3. We recommend increasing natural thyroid hormone by half a grain

(30mgs) every 3 to 4 weeks. You do this until after one increase, a couple of

hours or so afterwards, you start to get symptoms of hyperthyroidism, i.e.

palpitations, feeling 'spaced-out', sweaty, dizzy, and generally pretty Yuk!

This will last only a couple of hours or so and then it will fade so you feel

normal again. During that time, take it easy, and be calm in that you

understand what is happening. Don't take anymore thyroid hormone that day, and

the following day, go back onto the dose you were taking before that last

increase and that is how you find the correct dose of thyroid hormone that your

body requires. Endocrinologists cause more suffering for their patients by

following the results of blood tests only and making them drop their dose, or

stopping them using NDT and putting them back onto the thyroxine again, that

doesn't work for them.

If you have been taking your 2 grains for at least 3 to 4 weeks,

now is the time to try an increase again of 30mgs.

Good luck

Luv - Sheila


be interesting what the Dr Rind charting shows, plus the adrenal saliva test.


been taking 2 x 100mg of adrenal with breakfast and one at 12-1pm (don't always

remember) Plus B vits at breakfast, including 400mcg of folate.





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I've printed out the Dr Rind temperature charts. I recognise them and realise I tried plotting my temperatures 5 or 6 years ago. They were very up and down and made a graph which looked like a hedgehog! 

I've ordered a Fahrenheit digital thermometer on Amazon which I think will be more useful than my Celcius one.Should I stick on what I am currently doing dosage wise and plot temperatures for about a week before making any further dosage changes? I am feeling OK today. Slept OK.

As I'm currently fragile - would it make sense if I try the Nutri adrenal Extra before increasing the Nature-throid? Or would it be OK to make both changes at around the same time?

There's also a lot to read on Dr Rind's page - I'll try to look at it all over the next few days. Lynne x

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If you are taking Nutri Adrenal

Extra, you should not take any thyroid hormone replacement for 7 days but start

again on the 8th day. So yes, that would make sense to wait to increase your

Nature Throid. After 7 days, go back onto the dose you were taking and in

another week, increase your dose of Nature Throid by 30mcgs. Otherwise, carry

on with what you are doing.

Luv - Sheila.

As I'm currently fragile - would it make sense if I try the

Nutri adrenal Extra before increasing the Nature-throid? Or would it be OK to

make both changes at around the same time?

There's also a lot to read on Dr Rind's page - I'll try to

look at it all over the next few days.

Lynne x


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