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Re: Circadian dosing anyone?

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If it is any help I started using the Ciracadian Method a while ago with my T3.

I seem to stir around 3-4 ish and keep a pill dispenser by my bedside - i pop it

under my tongue and then fall back to sleep until my alarm about 6.45 ish.

Sometimes I sleep through until my partner gets up at 5.30 and then I take it.

I am convinced that if I do take it earlier then I wake up feeling much warmer

and 'ok' - as opposed to tired, a bit low and not quite with it and ready for

the day.

I take 37.5 of T3 a day - so I am taking half a tab 12.5 early hours of am,

another dose approx 11-12 noon ish and final around 3ish.

Seems to work for me.


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That does help. So you are splitting into 3 equal doses. I have just read a few

good things about doing it this way and feel it may help me to try it. It

certainly can't do any harm to try I think.

It would be interesting to see if anyone else does it this way and especially

anyone on NDT, but thank you for the answer. I think I will give it a go.





> ---Hi,


> If it is any help I started using the Ciracadian Method a while ago with my

T3. I seem to stir around 3-4 ish and keep a pill dispenser by my bedside - i

pop it under my tongue and then fall back to sleep until my alarm about 6.45

ish. Sometimes I sleep through until my partner gets up at 5.30 and then I take



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Hi Stacey, I posted an answer earlier, but it seems to have vanished into cyber


I see that you split your dose into three equal portions, so I might try

splitting into 3 1/2 grain doses and see how that feels. I just never feel Like

getting up and starting the day.........and of course, we all have to.

I would be interested to hear from anyone doing this with NDT. Thanks for the






> ---Hi,


> If it is any help I started using the Ciracadian Method a while ago with my

T3. I seem to stir around 3-4 ish and keep a pill dispenser by my bedside - i

pop it under my tongue and then fall back to sleep until my alarm about 6.45

ish. Sometimes I sleep through until my partner gets up at 5.30 and then I take



> Stacey


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I would be interested to hear from anyone doing this with NDT.

Hello Sue,

Not sure if I am a good representative, but I have noticed that taking my NDT when I first stir at daybreak - usually around 4 am - does help me to get up earlier (between 7 and 8 am). When I am too lazy to reach over and pop the pills into my mouth, I usually sleep in (I am one of the lucky ones who can afford to do that).

I always have my NDT and Vit C by my bedside (and in my handbag and on the kitchen counter... you name it, my tablets are never far away <g>) When I stir around 4 am I pop the Armour together with 1000 mg Vit C, take a swig of water and turn over again. NDT gives me the best sleep of the night in the small hours – deep and often with lovely dreams. I wake refreshed and naturally around 7.30, ready to get up....(not that I always do, but I could!)

If I do not take my NDT between 4 and 5 am, I take my NDT and Vit C around 7ish and promptly fall asleep again for a further 2 hours before I am ready to get up.

With me this seems to be an established pattern. Perhaps it is habit or perhaps the Vit C is a factor too, but my subjective feeling is that taking my first dose of NDT around 4 – 4.30 am does help me to get out of bed at a reasonable hour without feeling comatose. Btw, I take my second dose in the afternoons around 4-5 pm and during the cold winter months I often take a third dose of another ¼ or ½ grain at night. I play that one by ear....

May I just add something.... perhaps it's my age, but because taking my NDT around 4 am sends me back into a really deep sleep, sometimes when I wake up "proper" I can't remember whether or not I have actually taken my dose. So I have made it a rule to put my dose of NDT and Vit C into a little pill dispenser by my bedside every night without fail. If that is empty when I wake up in the morning, then I know I have taken the pills. You'd be surprised how confused one can be sometimes. As I say, p'haps it's me age.....;o)

Best wishes,

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Thank you .......I am really going to try this as I am fed up with

feeling comatose when I try to get up. Maybe it does help the adrenals to get


The comment you made about winter and cold interests me as even on T4 I have

always had to up my dose slightly in the winter. I will also try keeping the Vit

C on hand and see how it goes for a while. At least this way, I can take my

other vits and such in the mornings with no worries.

Thank you


Could I ask how much Vit C you take in a day please. There are so many

conflicting reports about whether you can take too much or not. I just take

1000mgs at the moment

> Hello Sue,


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--- In thyroid treatment , "sue_b_09" <suebantin@...> wrote> The comment you made about winter and cold interests me as even on T4 I have always had to up my dose slightly in the winter.> Could I ask how much Vit C you take in a day please. There are so many conflicting reports about whether you can take too much or not. I just take 1000mgs at the momentHi Sue,

I usually take 2000 mg Vit C per day, Lamberts time released variety. But when I am ill or under more stress than normal, physically or mentally, I up the dose to 3000 or even 4000 mg temporarily. 4000 mg is my limit, else I spend all day on the loo.Unless you have kidney problems a high dose of Vit C is safe. Vit C is water soluable and excess just gets wee-ed out. We hypos have a greater need of Vit C than healthy people. Vit C is fodder for the adrenals. They soak it up like a sponge.The body uses more thyroid hormone when it is cold,just like we use more gas or electricity when we turn up the thermostat in the room. I always tweak my dose slightly as and when needed, although the amounts are minimal. A quarter or half a grain are usually enough. I can feel when I "run low" on thyroid.... My brain goes all "fuzzy".Good luck

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Hi I know everyone is different, but from a curiosity perspective, how much Thiroyd do you take in the AM and PM?Thank you for all your posts, btw... they help me so much.Love Jacquie> > Not sure if I am a good representative, but I have noticed that taking> my NDT when I first stir at daybreak - usually around 4 am - does help> me to get up earlier (between 7 and 8 am). When I am too lazy to reach> over and pop the pills into my mouth, I usually sleep in (I am one of> the lucky ones who can afford to do that).> With me this seems to be an established pattern. Perhaps it is habit or> perhaps the Vit C is a factor too, but my subjective feeling is that> taking my first dose of NDT around 4 – 4.30 am does help me to get> out of bed at a reasonable hour without feeling comatose. Btw, I take my> second dose in the afternoons around 4-5 pm and during the cold winter> months I often take a third dose of another ¼ or ½ grain at> night. I play that one by ear....

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Hi Sue,

Go to our FILES SECTION thyroid treatment/files/

and open the FOLDER entitled 'All Natural Thyroid Extract' and scroll down

there to the file entitled 'How to Use Natural Thyroid Extract' and you will

see that we always recommend taking NDT in split doses. This is the same for

T3, it is ALWAYS recommended you split the dose and take it 2 or 3 times during

the day, or even more for some people. This is because the T3 (either synthetic

or natural) only has a very short half life. It peaks in the blood 2 to 3 hours

after taking it and then the level of T3 decreases slowly over the next 6 hours

so the 'good' effect start to leave you. By taking the dose split throughout

the day, you are keeping the engine topped up. Some people do take it all in

one dose and it works fine for them, but the higher the dose you take, the

better it is to split it throughout the day. Taking high doses all at once can

give you feeling of palpitations, dizziness, dire -rear, general symptoms of


In the FILES SECTION also, check out the FOLDER 'hypothyroidism'

and open that. Scroll down to the file entitled ' How to Use T3' by Dr

Peatfield and read that too.

Luv - Sheila

That does help. So you are splitting into 3 equal doses. I have just read a

few good things about doing it this way and feel it may help me to try it. It

certainly can't do any harm to try I think.

It would be interesting to see if anyone else does it this way and especially

anyone on NDT, but thank you for the answer. I think I will give it a go.


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> I know everyone is different, but from a curiosity perspective, how much> Thiroyd do you take in the AM and PM?

Hello Jacquie,

I am 'cheap to run' - I only take 1 grain Thiroyd am and 1 grain pm.... but every now and again I feel the need for a tiny bit more and I throw in either another half grain at night or 6.25 mcg T3 during the day. It's not a regular thing; I always play it by ear. When my head starts buzzing, I know I am running low....


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Hi Sue,

My book is the best source of information on this. In it I suggest that the best

way to start this is to use a split NDT dose with at least the equivalent of 10

mcg of T3 in your CIrcadian dose of NDT. However, do not go straight back to 4

hours prior to when you get up. Start slowly, use 1.5 to 2 hours to begin with

and watch the effects for a few days before moving it back by another half hour.

If you do reach 4 hours and the effects are not beneficial then you go back to

1.5-2 hours with a slightly larger NDT first dose (perhaps the equivalent of 15

mcg of T3 content e.g. 1 grain is 38 mcg T4 and 9 mcg of T3 - so 1 grain might

be sufficient for the first attempt. Many are using between 1 and 2 grains of


My book has more information on this. Note - it is important to use an adrenal

test to monitor progress rather than just working on symptoms. In addition, this

will not work if you have 's disease or hypopituitarism.

Best wishes,


Author of: Recovering with T3 My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health

Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone

My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/recoveringwitht3

My website: http://recoveringwitht3.com/


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Thanks again , I will go up to 2000mg. I tried the early dosing last

night and have to say I feel very slightly better. I dosed at 6am as don't

usually surface until 9.30am. I might try an hour earlier tonight and see what


I am still on a very low dose of NDT though and feeling extremely hypo. I can't

see myself managing for 3 weeks on 1 !/2grains as I also have a stressful couple

of weeks now.

I'll let you know how it goes.




> Hi Sue, I usually take 2000 mg Vit C per day, Lamberts time released

> variety. But when I am ill or under more stress than normal, physically

> or mentally, I up the dose to 3000 or even 4000 mg temporarily. 4000 mg

> is my limit, else I spend all day on the loo.Unless you have kidney

> problems a high dose of Vit C is safe. Vit C is water soluable and

> excess just gets wee-ed out. We hypos have a greater need of Vit C than

> healthy people. Vit C is fodder for the adrenals. They soak it up like a

> sponge


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This is common - the deeper sleep is what you get when the Circadian

T3 dose of T3 or NDT raises cortisol levels. It is probably one of the very

common responses to using the Circadian T3 Method and one of the reasons why

using this method is not hard at all for many people - because the sleep quality

is so much higher as a result of taking the early morning dose.

Best wishes,



> I would be interested to hear from anyone doing this with NDT.



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I am on NatureThroid 2 grains for now, due to go up to 2.5 next week and then up

to 3 grains 3 weeks after that (am a 'skinnerette' :D YAY)

I was taking my NDT at 6am then 2pm

found I was getting really tired around 9pm this way so then I changed to:

6am and 4pm, but then was TOO AWAKE until midnight and difficult to get to sleep

LOL (I usually go to sleep between 10 and 11pm)

so then changed to 6am and 3pm, this was ok, I was ready for bed at 10 to 11 :)

but then something started to change in the hours around lunch-time!

I started getting quite tired around 12 to 2pm!!! very 'fatigued'

so now am splitting into 3 doses:

6am/12pm/5pm and am taking 1 grain at 6am, half at 12pm and half at 5pm

this is working GREAT

I am no longer fatigued between 12 and 2pm and I am still ok in the later hours

before bed-time, not fatigued and not too awake as I am taking half a grain at

5pm rather than a full grain at 4pm like I did in my earlier trial.

When I go up to 2.5 and 3 grains I might have to do 'slight' readjustments, am

not sure I guess I'll see how I feel :)

I am doing things based on how 'I' feel basically and my lifestyle so I think

everyone should do that, we are all different (ok, perhaps circadian rhythm is

fairly similar in all but we do have different lifestyles and yes, different

'bodies' so we have variations between individuals.....).

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Thank you for your help . I have literally only done this one day so far and

feel 50% better than I have felt in the last few days. I certainly was able to

get up without too much hassle this morning.

I am being conservative with doses as I am only just coverting to NDT and am

just on 1 1/2 grains in total, but may up that slightly before the 3 week point

as a lot of my hypo symptoms are returning quite quickly.

Best wishes



> Hi Sue,


> My book is the best source of information on this. In it I suggest that the

best way to start this is to use a split NDT dose with at least the equivalent

of 10 mcg of T3 in your CIrcadian dose of NDT.

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Hi 'Nobodysdriving',

What time do you get up on a morning?

I'm trying to assess how far into the Main Cortisol Production Window your 6am

first NDT dose is?

Also, could I take this text and stick it on my website as a Circadian T3 Method

(CT3M) success story? I'd probably say it was 'ND's Story' unless you tell me

otherwise - either don't publish it at all or a different alias.

Many thanks,


Author of: Recovering with T3 My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health

Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone

My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/recoveringwitht3

My website: http://recoveringwitht3.com/



> Hi,


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This is now my 4th day and I feel so much better. I have tweeked my dose a

little and gone to 05.30am for am dose of 1 grain. I then found that I needed

another dose at 12noon and then at 5pm otherwise, by lunch the fatigue returned.

My temp has seemed to stabalise, but goes down throughout the day. It seems to

start at 36.3c, goes down to 36.1c by lunch time and down to 35.8c by 6pm. Does

anyone understand why that is please?

I do intend to read 's book, but am just manic caring for both of my

children (adult disabled) and Mum who has the start of dementia at the moment,

so any help gratefully accepted.






> >

> > Hi Sue,

> >

> > My book is the best source of information on this. In it I suggest that the

best way to start this is to use a split NDT dose with at least the equivalent

of 10 mcg of T3 in your CIrcadian dose of NDT.


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Hi Sue, I am pleased to hear this and will be interested to know

what difference it will make when you tweak your timing of your first dose to

5.00a.m. and then later, at 4.30a.m. which is what recommends. It may be

that you need an increase in your thyroid extract throughout the day. When did

you last increase your dose?

The temperature going lower throughout the day could be because

you have low adrenal reserve. Has this been tested using the 24 hour salivary

test to see where your cortisol and DHEA levels are at four specific times

during the day. If not, I would recommend you get this test, but wait until you

have tweaked your early morning timing down to 4.30a.m. to see if this improves

matters then.

Luv - Sheila

This is now my 4th day and I feel so much better. I have tweeked my dose a

little and gone to 05.30am for am dose of 1 grain. I then found that I needed

another dose at 12noon and then at 5pm otherwise, by lunch the fatigue


My temp has seemed to stabalise, but goes down throughout the day. It seems to

start at 36.3c, goes down to 36.1c by lunch time and down to 35.8c by 6pm. Does

anyone understand why that is please?

I do intend to read 's book, but am just manic caring for both of my children

(adult disabled) and Mum who has the start of dementia at the moment, so any

help gratefully accepted.

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Sorry for late reply , I was away from the computer :)

I wake up at 06:00 mostly every day, at least I do Monday to Friday

therefore I take 1 grain 'at waking' then 1/2 grain at midday and 1/2 grain at


as mentioned in my earlier post I will go up to 2.5 grains next tuesday....

will try to take 1 grain at 6am, 3/4 grain at midday and 3/4 grain at 5pm and

see how I go....if this does not work out I will see where I am too tired/too

awake and adjust accordingly :)

yes you are welcome to publish/use my story anywhere I don't mind at all, you

can use my alias if you wish or change, up to you.


> Hi 'Nobodysdriving',


> What time do you get up on a morning?

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Hi Sheila,

LAst increase was 10 days ago so not due until at least next week. I had my

adrenal saliva test done and my results were in range, even though the lower

half of the range.

I was wondering about the earliest dose as it seems says to build to 4

hours before natural wake up time, which for me is about 9am these days as I

have an early morning carer to get my son up.

I did go to see a homeopath this week and am waiting for her to corrulate all

information and prescribe, which she says should be done by today. I'm hoping

that may help as well.




> Hi Sue, I am pleased to hear this and will be interested to know what

> difference it will make when you tweak your timing of your first dose to

> 5.00a.m. and then later, at 4.30a.m. which is what recommends. It may

> be that you need an increase in your thyroid extract throughout the day.

> When did you last increase your dose?

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