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Re: Anyone used PALS service re issues with Endo?

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Regarding complaint procedures, these procedures are provided for us to state

the probems we have with a GP for instance, but I have been struck off by one

surgery through a complaint with GP and ask if I could have another GP at the

surgery, but this was refused and she struck me off her list.The way this GP was

treating me was in turn affecting my health.

I have had to complain quite a lot to my local hospital and would not wish to be

a patient in there as I am sure that harm would befall me.

On one occasion I had to attend this hospital for a mamogramn, and had to wait a

long time. The A & E appeared shut and there were a lot of patients in beds at the

front desk.

I noticed two ambulance men close to these beds having sneezing fits.

Within a few days I ended up in bed ill, and on getting to my feet came across

another resident comming back from the hospital with having gone to the A & E due

to a chest infection.

I was advised to report this incident, which of course they blamed the ambulance

service, so in turn I had to voice my concerns there too.

Next time I had to go to this X-ray dept I went armed with a mask, but found

they had altered it all round and inpatients were put in a seperate room away

from outpatients and the reception area. The reception area was also changed so

they in turn did not face onto the out patient area.

On this occasion although they denied and pushed the blame on the ambulance

service it achieved something.

My feelings are that at times if they do not like or want you as a patient due

to the knowledge that we now have, they will use a complaint to get rid of

you.Don't forget how much knowledge the TPA have, and must be getting known, so

it is not so easy to fob us off as mental now.




> Morning All [:)]


> Back in January I spoke with my hospital's PALS team in relation to

> issues I had concerning the treatment I was receiving (or not) for my

> thyroid condition. I stressed that at this stage I only had " concerns "

> and wasn't actually wanting to make an official complaint. Basically

> following months of treatment, I felt I was no further forward than when I

first saw him.

Is it enough for him to be able to just say " if you're not happy with the

treatment you're getting from me, feel free to get a second opinion " - subject

> closed!?

after my second appointment when I (wisely/unwisely) told him about TPA and

that I was a member!

> Thanks.... Gill


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Hi GillI am currently being helped by ICAS. I have complained about 5 GPs in my Practice and they responded but did not offer any answers to my questions. I was offered to discuss my concerns with the head GP, but he was one of the five I was complaining about so declined. I will be taking this now to the Health Ombudsman. I have covertly recorded some consultations and photographed all the wall in the Practice which have posters on them, as the head GP said that there was a poster on the wall of the Practice explaining that patients' private and personal information could be sent to other professionals without the patient's consent. There is no such poster and I have proof in the photos I took of ever wall in the surgery.PALS helped me by liaising with the Practice Manager in that I could change to an endocrinologist of MY choice (on Sheila's list) as my first endo almost killed me and misinterpreted my TFTs, and also told my GPs that I had a possible psychiatric disorder as I had informed him that I had taken my health into my own hands and was self medicating with T3.I am now in the process of complaining against this endocrinologist AND the psychiatrist who diagnosed me as a 'Hypochondriasis' and want this taken off my records, and if they cannot do this, to rectify my medical records. Once I have put forth these complaints and received their responses, I will be putting the GP, Endo and psychiatrist responses together and sending it to the Health Ombudsman as they are all connected and they all know each other. I may also complain to the GMC!It's been a nightmare and has made me very ill but I do not want to let them get away with it. What is on my medical records is very damaging as they have basically said that my symptoms had been 'all functional' and that I was suffering a psychiatric disorder, which were in letter of referral. The diagnosis of Hypochondriasis just puts the nail in the coffin and is extremely damaging!If we ALL complained the Ombudsman and the GMC we may get somewhere but we have to first go through the correct procedures, which I am currently doing. I am persevering but do not know what the outcome will be. If you want to chat privately, please feel free to email me but I must warn you that I may be offline from tomorrow or Friday as I am sending my laptop in for repairs which will take a week or so.LoveJacquie

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Hi KathleenThey are not allowed to strike you off their list if you complain. Please read this article from Pulse Magazine thyroid treatment/message/100380 LoveJacquie--- In thyroid treatment , "khgparrish@..." <khgparrish@...> wrote:> Regarding complaint procedures, these procedures are provided for us to state the probems we have with a GP for instance, but I have been struck off by one surgery through a complaint with GP and ask if I could have another GP at the surgery, but this was refused and she struck me off her list.The way this GP was treating me was in turn affecting my health.> > My feelings are that at times if they do not like or want you as a patient due to the knowledge that we now have, they will use a complaint to get rid of you.Don't forget how much knowledge the TPA have, and must be getting known, so it is not so easy to fob us off as mental now. > Kathleen>

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Hi Kath

Thank you for your response. Sorry to hear you've had such a bad time with your

hospital. This is the first time I've ever taken an issue further and like I

said, I didn't raise it initially as a complaint, I just wanted some concerns I

had addressing. I'm looking forward to receiving the endo's response in one

respect, but dreading it at the same time!




> Regarding complaint procedures, these procedures are provided for us to state

the probems we have with a GP for instance, but I have been struck off by one

surgery through a complaint with GP and ask if I could have another GP at the

surgery, but this was refused and she struck me off her list.The way this GP was

treating me was in turn affecting my health.


> I have had to complain quite a lot to my local hospital and would not wish to

be a patient in there as I am sure that harm would befall me.

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Hi Jacquie

Thank you for replying, and sorry you've had such a tough time. I can

understand how stressful this is for you, but I agree with you when you say that

you are not going to let them get away with this treatment - I feel the same

way. I noticed you said that GP's are not allowed to " strike you off " just

because you have made a complaint, and I'm not sure whether this is the same for

endos, but in a round-about way, this is what this endo has done to me. He took

it upon himself to cancel my next appointment - what if I had wanted to keep

this appointment? I probably wouldn't have, but surely that's up to me! Or is

this just standard NHS procedure - not sure.

When I first spoke with PALS I was told that the procedure involved the endo in

question having to provide a response to each of my concerns, so if the GP's at

your practice have failed to do this for you, then you have every right to take

it further - otherwise, what's the point in having a procedure in the first


I will also e-mail you privately (thanks for the offer) with some more details.



> Hi Gill

> I am currently being helped by ICAS. I have complained about 5 GPs in

> my Practice and they responded but did not offer any answers to my

> questions. I was offered to discuss my concerns with the head GP, but

> he was one of the five I was complaining about so declined. I will be

> taking this now to the Health Ombudsman. > LoveJacquie


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I was in the right to complain as I went to the surgery in a lot of pain in the

pelvic area on a Saturday, and I think it was a locum on who prescribed a

painkiller with codeine in it. I was in tears in the Chemist as my feelings were

that it would make me worse.

Because I was in much pain I took one of these painkillers waiting for the bus

and went straight to bed on getting home. I awoke feeling a lot worse and in

pain so used my warden control. They got in touch with the O.O.HRS,and the

oncall Doctor decided to come out. All he did was to diagnose an irritable colon

and said it could wait until Monday and see the GP.

She was livid with me as it cost her £60, and told me that she would sooner see

me several times a week than have it cost her £60. She agreed that I should not

have been prescribed that painkiller.

About three visits later and again in much pain in the same area, and she

herself had been off sick for a day, so I have to wonder if she was suffering

mentally still, but there is no excuse for her behavior to a sick patient.

She was angry this time over the fact that I was seeing her too much. It is not

our fault if Doctors cannot diagnose, but to shout and be angry with a patient

they are examining is not on.

I was in tears over this and felt let down, so I had to complain and ask if I

could be seen by another GP, but was fobbed off saying that the other GPs books

were full. This GP had in fact took a dislike to me, and I would never have

wanted to see her again. I had just signed on with the next surgery when I

received a letter telling me to find another GP as she had, had me struck off

her list.

The laws have changed since then as you do not have to sign on with any

particular GP, and can see the GP you get on best with.

I have faced being struck off twice so in turn it does nothing as far as trust


The first time was due to asking for a second opinion on my kidney abnormality.

I ask for a second opinion as having just been into the local hospital for D & C I

was only informed that there was an erosion, and not about the cystorectocele

which I think was caused through being sterilized two years before.

I do have a copy of this report, but had not realised that this record had not

been passed on from that surgery, and clearly he withheld any records from my

childhood GP that contained information on my lungs. He has withheld crucial

information regarding my health.

When I obtained my records I had to go back to the hospital as they had not

provided the ones I really wanted regarding sterilization and urology that

concerned this GP.

I got the tests done on the kidney which consisted of another IVP and

Cystoscophy, and was then told to find another GP and to take my family with me.

I have never reared up in anger at a Doctor, but cannot take this sort of thing

from a Doctor.

It also goes back to when I was 9 months old, and not NHS, and my Mother had

also been sent away for a rest, so my Sister took me as she described that my

eyes were black and she could not stop me from crying. She said this GP told her

to take me away as he did not want to see me like that.

My Mother in turn reported that my health improved with a good GP,and this GP

was well liked and still continued being a GP after losing a leg in a boating

accident, so this shows that it is Doctors that can make our health worse by the

way they treat us, and it is also natural for anyone to want to know all they

can about their health.



> Hi Kathleen

> They are not allowed to strike you off their list if you complain.

> Please read this article from Pulse Magazine

> thyroid treatment/message/1003\

> 80

> <thyroid treatment/message/100\

> 380>

> LoveJacquie

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I wish you well Gill and hope you achieve something, but I think Doctors do not

realise that we are human and we all have feelings and want to know how best to

look after ourselves, and be correctly diagnosed and treated. A good vet will

treat an animal better.



> Hi Kath


> Thank you for your response. Sorry to hear you've had such a bad time with

your hospital. This is the first time I've ever taken an issue further

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Hi Gill

If the reason your endocrinologist is treating you in such a bad

way is because you confessed to being a member of TPA, then I think he feels

threatened, because it is likely he knows very well that we are on to these

endocrinologists who are giving out bad information to their patients , plus, even worse, giving them bad treatment. He is putting up

a wall so as to not be associated with us through his patients. This is good

news for us (hooray - we are a threat!), but not good news for patients if such

endoprats are going to discharge their patients without giving them back their

optimal health once more and again, worse, without being able to back up what

they say to their patients.

I would insist on getting this endocrinologist to back up his

recommendations by citing the scientific evidence and not let him get away with

this any longer. We have allowed our doctors to get away with this for too

long, and this is WHY they now think they are god, and that we should do what

they tell us without question.

Challenge, challenge and challenged again and don't let him get

away with doing nothing for the sake of all those sufferers who will find

themselves in his careless hands, after you.

Good luck.

Luv - Sheila

It wasn't just the direction in which the treatment was going though (i.e.

nowhere!) it was his attitude towards me - which I do feel changed after my

second appointment when I (wisely/unwisely) told him about TPA and that I was a


If anyone has gone down this route themselves and could offer any insight or

advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks.... Gill


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Hi KathleenSo sorry to hear how appallingly you have been treated. They had no right to strike you off. I was also shouted at to 'get out, get out' of the head GPs office because my GP of 9+ years had turned him and the rest of the GPs in the Practice against me by telling him that there was nothing wrong with me, and that my so called hypothyroid symptoms were all in my mind. Now that I was formally diagnosed by the lovely Dr S at Chelsea and Westminster, every GP in the Practice is avoiding me and no one wants to see me. This is why when Sheila told me to go to my GP for tests etc I had a severe panic attack because this is one thing I cannot do until all is resolved with my complaints. if I do get to see a GP, I am treated with such antagonism and suspicion, which I am unable to deal with at the moment. as I am still terribly vulnerable. This is why I now record all my consultations (at Sheila's advice) with a USB covert recorder... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UltraDisk-8GB-DVR10-Digital-Voice-Recorder-USB-Memory-Stick-ver-2012-NEW-/230755310954?pt=UK_AudioVisualElectronics_PortableAudio_DictaphonesDictationMachines & hash=item35ba169d6a#ht_4356wt_840I have found that what has been written in my medical notes contradicts what I have recorded so this is a valuable item to have, and the sound is date stamped and crystal clear. I clip it onto my handbag zip and switch it on the minute I hear my name, and position my handbag carefully so that it is free from my coat or cardigan slipping over it. I also use it for telephone conversations between my advocate at ICAS and anything else I feel is important, and I am too ill to remember so can refer back to the conversation when feeling better. It is easy to save recordings onto CD for future reference. I even have every consultation with Dr S on CD just in case.I would recommend this to everyone here!The laws still aren't stopping GPs from striking people off as per the current statistics and the amount of Appeals. This is why the article in Pulse was interesting as GPs are also not allowed to pass on ANY information as to why they have struck a person off to the next surgery which the patient joins. Problem is, not many bide by this rule so it's always good to keep on top of the game. It's been interesting reading some of the GPs comments in Pulse. For example, one comment made regarding an article on the BMA balloting over pensions below, made me chuckle:Anonymous, GP Partner, 26 Feb 2012The "DAILY THUG" is reporting on this and soon Lansley's pet newspaper will be menacing us GPs yet again. I realise that we are lucky that the populace haven't ethnically cleansed the country of us GPs so they can live in harmony with their other private sector chums. The public don't need us anyway as they all know the answers from the internet. I am surprised they aren't flying 747s just using the internet for information...we only see piles and colds anyway and are the thicko doctors. If only we were all tabloid journalists, the world would be a better place....people would die of preventable medical problems but at least it would get better coverage.ReportYour RatingRate this 1 stars out of 5.Rate this 2 stars out of 5.Rate this 3 stars out of 5.Rate this 4 stars out of 5.Rate this 5 stars out of 5.Average (3 Votes)The average rating is 5 stars out of 5.Especially about the internet and patients flying 747s. You gotta laugh!! LoveJacquie> The laws have changed since then as you do not have to sign on with any particular GP, and can see the GP you get on best with.>

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Hi Sheila

Thanks for your response. I'm glad I posted about this now. I was beginning to

wonder whether I was doing the right thing or not. Sometimes it's easy,

especially when you're feeling ill and vulnerable and not " up for a fight " to

let things drop. But this is something I and everyone else here I guess feel

passionately about, so we have to fight on!!

What really bugged me as well, was when I received a copy of the letter,

reporting back to my GP re my consultation, he'd actually taken it upon himself

to inform her that I am a member of TPA!! I was fuming, because this was

something that I hadn't divulged to my GP, and I had my reasons for that - if I

had wanted my GP to know I would have told her myself. I did think about

confronting him on my next visit about it, but decided to let it drop as I don't

really care what they think, It just annoyed me that he found it necessary to be

reporting it back to her - I didn't think it was relevant.

I'll keep you informed.



> Hi Gill


> If the reason your endocrinologist is treating you in such a bad way is

> because you confessed to being a member of TPA, then I think he feels

> threatened, because it is likely he knows very well that we are on to these

> endocrinologists who are giving out bad information to their patients :),

> plus, even worse, giving them bad treatment. He is putting up a wall so as

> to not be associated with us through his patients. This is good news for us

> (hooray - we are a threat!), but not good news for patients if such

> endoprats are going to discharge their patients without giving them back

> their optimal health once more and again, worse, without being able to back

> up what they say to their patients.


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I used my video camera which I forgot to turn off, but I have in tur officially

ask if I can film and record any meetings they wish me to have with a

Psychiatrist, as in main this is where my nasty remarks have come from, which in

turn can cause problems with GP'S. At the start I will ask him to state his name

registration number and the Trust he works for, as then the Trust in turn cannot

deny that a Doctor has worked for them, but this gadget looks great and small

enough to be concealed. I do not belong to Ebay, but they must be available

elsewhere. I would presume that I could then transfer it into my PC and use my

video software to put it to a DVD.

When I went for my 2 hour review at the local hospital I was presented with a

recording on CD, but it could only be used in a computer, so I transported it

into my video software, and as I had some photos that I took at the hospital

when I had cancer, I placed these along the video part, and made chapters as it

was a two hour long recording. By doing this I could change the files so that

they could be used on a TV or mini DVD player. Needless to say I had to provide

my GP with a copy, but I also included a straight copy as he said I hope you

have included everything. My answer to this was why would I want to doctor the

recording, enhance it yes.

As I have also as I have faced being struck off twice without just cause I have

said that if it happens again that I will not sign on again, but my records can

be sent to Mr Lansley MP, as I would not wish a GP to strike me off then still

claim for me as a patient.

Some GP's will try and antagonise you to make you flare up at them, and they

know full well that a Thyroid Patient cannot take this so take care not to allow

them to upset you.

My action is to now walk out, and that is what I would do if ever put in the

same situation as the London Hospital who placed me next to a patient with a

chest infection after her surgery. I ended up with pneumonia as a result. I do

not blame the patient, but other patients should not be put at risk, and I to

would not wish to cause another patient to become even sicker.

I can foresee many demonstrations outside GP surgeries with GP's in charge of

funding, and more rationalism.



> Hi Kathleen

> So sorry to hear how appallingly you have been treated. They had no

> right to strike you off. I was also shouted at to 'get out, get out' of

> the head GPs office because my GP of 9+ years had turned him and the

> rest of the GPs in the Practice against me by telling him that there was

> nothing wrong with me, and that my so called hypothyroid symptoms were

> all in my mind.

> Now that I was formally diagnosed by the lovely Dr S at Chelsea and

> Westminster, every GP in the Practice is avoiding me and no one wants to

> see me.

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Gill, you can always tell them that TPA is becoming well

recognised with the endocrinology specialty and is also being used by general

practitioners who are suffering with hypothyroidism themselves and who remain

unwell on levothyroxine only. I have had several telephone calls of an evening

from GP's who ask me where they can find out more information about natural

thyroid extract and want to know where they can purchase it. They also ask me

for information about how to use it and I give them all the details. We have

several doctors who have joined this forum, one telling me he had joined to

receive information only and that as he would not be writing, could he hide his

email address. I told him that as he would not be writing, there would be no

need to hide his address, but if he changed his mind and wanted to write to

create a new addy using pseudonym. It really is good to know that we are being

noticed - because that is exactly what we are all about. Be proud that you are

a member of TPA and tell your doctor that we have the true facts and that they

might well benefit by joining us too and reading the success stories as and

when they occur. We take the NHS failures and make them better.

I think quite a few members of the medical profession are

benefiting through our organisation. I really am delighted that they are

realising that TPA is an organisation to be reckoned with.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila

Thanks for your response. I'm glad I posted about this now. I was beginning to

wonder whether I was doing the right thing or not. Sometimes it's easy,

especially when you're feeling ill and vulnerable and not " up for a

fight " to let things drop. But this is something I and everyone else here

I guess feel passionately about, so we have to fight on!!

What really bugged me as well, was when I received a copy of the letter,

reporting back to my GP re my consultation, he'd actually taken it upon himself

to inform her that I am a member of TPA!! I was fuming, because this was

something that I hadn't divulged to my GP, and I had my reasons for that - if I

had wanted my GP to know I would have told her myself. I did think about

confronting him on my next visit about it, but decided to let it drop as I

don't really care what they think, It just annoyed me that he found it

necessary to be reporting it back to her - I didn't think it was relevant.

I'll keep you informed.


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Hi Sheila

I have today received the response from the endo regarding my concerns and TPA gets a mention - I have e-mailed you with the details, but prepare yourself to be jumping up and down with indignation

I am very proud to be a member of TPA and I read the boards every single day. I have learnt so much information during the past 10 months and would recommend it to anyone. I also find it a source of comfort knowing that even on my worst days, there are people out there who know exactly what I'm going through and can empathise.

Thanks.... Gill

>> Gill, you can always tell them that TPA is becoming well recognised with the> endocrinology specialty and is also being used by general practitioners who> are suffering with hypothyroidism themselves and who remain unwell on> levothyroxine only. I have had several telephone calls of an evening from> GP's who ask me where they can find out more information about natural> thyroid extract and want to know where they can purchase it. > >> Luv - Sheila

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Well, he recognises that TPA is keeping an eye on all NHS

endocrinologists and that is good, keeping him on his toes, so rather than put

a foot wrong, he is discharging his patients who are members of TPA. At least,

he is not challenging anything that we say which is good, because he cannot,

and he probably knows it. I will be writing to you privately about this but no

time right now as the letter needs some work doing on it that will take some


I will get back to you.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila

I have today received the response from the endo regarding my concerns and

TPA gets a mention - I have e-mailed you with the details, but prepare yourself

to be jumping up and down with indignation

I am very proud to be a member of TPA and I read the boards every single

day. I have learnt so much information during the past 10 months and

would recommend it to anyone. I also find it a source of comfort knowing

that even on my worst days, there are people out there who know exactly what

I'm going through and can empathise.

Thanks.... Gill


> Gill, you can always tell them that TPA is becoming well recognised with


> endocrinology specialty and is also being used by general practitioners


> are suffering with hypothyroidism themselves and who remain unwell on

> levothyroxine only. I have had several telephone calls of an evening from

> GP's who ask me where they can find out more information about natural

> thyroid extract and want to know where they can purchase it. >

>> Luv - Sheila


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