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this link has a list of that tyoe of med...maybe one of the ones on the list

are what he is talking about?


osdbmom <osdbmom@...> wrote:

hi guys, I need some help. We're looking for the name of a med, and

would like it to get ordered before we leave for our MAW trip next

Friday. This is what our nurse says: the same way that a manufacturer

took the recipe for albuterol and changed it up--that same company has

taken the recipe for Foradil, and changed it up.....its in respule

form, less side effects, and half the dose of regular foradil. Bc

we've had a tough time with asthma this yr, we'd like to try soemthing

a little different, and our dr and nurse both think this will help.

Problem being dr heard about it at a meeting last week, but cant

remember the name. Nurse has been online, but cant find anything on

it-=-its supposedly brand new. Hospital pharmacist is out for a weeks

vacation, so thats no help. Im going to drive up to my pharmacy and

talk to the guy there.....but figured Id get more help from you guys:)

Nurse says she " thinks " it starts with letter " B " .

can anyone help me? if we can get it ordered soon, I know since its a

new med, we'll need prior auth, it;ll take a few days for ins to go

through....and with the holiday......but if we can get it soon, we're

hoping we can get it all through before we leave.

Im really hoping someone here can help me:)


When everything seems to be going against you, remember the airplane takes off

against the wind, not with it.

--Henry Ford

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this one has only been out for a year...maybe its this one?

i hope you find it!


osdbmom <osdbmom@...> wrote:

hi guys, I need some help. We're looking for the name of a med, and

would like it to get ordered before we leave for our MAW trip next

Friday. This is what our nurse says: the same way that a manufacturer

took the recipe for albuterol and changed it up--that same company has

taken the recipe for Foradil, and changed it up.....its in respule

form, less side effects, and half the dose of regular foradil. Bc

we've had a tough time with asthma this yr, we'd like to try soemthing

a little different, and our dr and nurse both think this will help.

Problem being dr heard about it at a meeting last week, but cant

remember the name. Nurse has been online, but cant find anything on

it-=-its supposedly brand new. Hospital pharmacist is out for a weeks

vacation, so thats no help. Im going to drive up to my pharmacy and

talk to the guy there.....but figured Id get more help from you guys:)

Nurse says she " thinks " it starts with letter " B " .

can anyone help me? if we can get it ordered soon, I know since its a

new med, we'll need prior auth, it;ll take a few days for ins to go

through....and with the holiday......but if we can get it soon, we're

hoping we can get it all through before we leave.

Im really hoping someone here can help me:)


When everything seems to be going against you, remember the airplane takes off

against the wind, not with it.

--Henry Ford

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THANKS, I do think that might be it. Nurse said she " thought " it

started with a B and ended with an A, so......we do have that:) Im

going to call first thing in the morning and ask. HAH.....I knew I

would get more info here.......I did ask our pharmacist, who is great,

but even he had no idea, he said he'd look for me.....but almost

always, moms come thru first for me:) thanks a lot!


mom to three w/cvid

In , april rock <april_rock@...> wrote:


> http://www.brovana.com/


> this one has only been out for a year...maybe its this one?


> i hope you find it!


> APril


> osdbmom <osdbmom@...> wrote:

> hi guys, I need some help. We're looking for the name of a

med, and

> would like it to get ordered before we leave for our MAW trip next

> Friday. This is what our nurse says: the same way that a manufacturer

> took the recipe for albuterol and changed it up--that same company has

> taken the recipe for Foradil, and changed it up.....its in respule

> form, less side effects, and half the dose of regular foradil. Bc

> we've had a tough time with asthma this yr, we'd like to try soemthing

> a little different, and our dr and nurse both think this will help.

> Problem being dr heard about it at a meeting last week, but cant

> remember the name. Nurse has been online, but cant find anything on

> it-=-its supposedly brand new. Hospital pharmacist is out for a weeks

> vacation, so thats no help. Im going to drive up to my pharmacy and

> talk to the guy there.....but figured Id get more help from you guys:)

> Nurse says she " thinks " it starts with letter " B " .


> can anyone help me? if we can get it ordered soon, I know since its a

> new med, we'll need prior auth, it;ll take a few days for ins to go

> through....and with the holiday......but if we can get it soon, we're

> hoping we can get it all through before we leave.


> Im really hoping someone here can help me:)


> valarie







> When everything seems to be going against you, remember the airplane

takes off against the wind, not with it.

> --Henry Ford




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  • 3 years later...
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I am seeing my GP later today to try and convince them to test my properly for

hypothyroidism. I am just feeling so ill and cotton wool headed that I can't

even begin to think about what i need to say.

In the past, I've just had my TS3 and possibly TS4 tested and been told it's

normal. I know something is very wrong with me.

I ahve sleep apnoea, raised BP, muscle cramps especially in my legs and it takes

nothing to set them off, a facial tic under my right eye, exhaustion, not

energy, no stamina, chronic insomnia, Vit B12 deficiency but as a result of

stomach surgery, obese,early waking, anxiety, depression, joint pain everywhere,

chronic headahes, hate bright light and loud noises, IBS, extreme nausea that

sometimes makes me vomit and just generally feel so ill. I almost certainly have

systemic candidiasis although getting medics to accept this is a nightmare and I

suually self-treat.I feel so foggy and cotton wool headed that it's becoming

diffiult to function. Today, it's a struggle to manage a coherant sentence. I

can't think and organise my thoughts at all.

I'm actually sitting here crying because I don't know what to do. I ahve no idea

how I've turned into this pathetic person. I used to be so bright and neergetic.

And so verbally able, now I can't even organise my mind never mind speak what I


I think I know which blood tests to ask for. Could someone, anyone, please just

write me a list of what I need to ask for.

Thank you,


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I forgot to say that my basal temp is never above 36.5 and I'm usually cld.

I'm os sorry my first post is so whining.



> I am seeing my GP later today to try and convince them to test my properly for

hypothyroidism. I am just feeling so ill and cotton wool headed that I can't

even begin to think about what i need to say.


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Hi Kath

so sorry you feel so bad.

i would ask for FT4 and FT3 to be tested and it they are willing

your RT3 (reverse t3) so you can see how much t3 is actually being

used by the cells.

it would also be a good idea to have your cortisol checked.

hope it goes well with the doc

love sian

> >

> > I am seeing my GP later today to try and convince them to test my properly

for hypothyroidism. I am just feeling so ill and cotton wool headed that I can't

even begin to think about what i need to say.

> >


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Hi Kath,

Try to keep as calm as possible and keep it simple when you see your GP today. You `sound' pretty hypothyroid to me, but that won't get you anywhere with your GP. I know this will be hard, but do try your utmost not to `fall apart' when you are in the surgery, as this is likely to set your GP off on the "you are depressed, you need antidepressants" route. If he tries this on, be firm and tell him you do not feel depressed, you are frustrated to your back teeth because you cannot function normally anymore and you display clinical signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism! Hence you would like him to order a full thyroid function check, including antibodies..... Ask for

TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus TPO and TgAB antibodies.... it is likely that the lab will only do the TSH and FT4, but there is always hope.... however, they must do the antibodies (make sure the doc puts them on the form), and if either of the antibodies came back positive (there is a high chance of that) then that alone would prove that you are hypothyroid, and you then have something to build on.

For now forget about asking about Candida or even adrenal fatigue, both of which you probably suffer from, but you won't get any help for either from your GP. You will have to help yourself and we will give you all the info on how to do that.

For your GP write a list of your signs and symptoms, ie:

Feel permanently cold

"woolly" thinking

Lack of concentration

sleep apnoea

chronic insomnia

raised BP



no energy, no stamina

unexplained weight gain

chronic joint and muscle pain


Sensitivity to bright light and loud noises

chronic headaches

.... and whichever other symptoms you can think of..... – Be, however, very careful not to use the word "depression", as this might set his mind off into direction of mental illness. Also make a point of `unexplained' weight gain with no change to your diet (if that is what it is).

Also ask for a Vitamin B12 check.... if you are low in B12, the thyroid hormone that your thyroid gland produces, cannot be utilized properly. If your GP were willing to do more blood tests, it would be useful to ask for:

Vit B12, Vit D3, Ferritin, Folate, Magnesium - and Zinc and Copper if possible (unlikely), but the other parameters he should order hopefully without too much resistance. If you were low in ANY of the above, your body would not be able to properly utilize your thyroid hormone and you might get symptoms of Hypothyrodism. But if your GP does not play ball, at an absolute minimum ask for B12, D3 and Ferritin in addition to a full thyroid check with antibodies.... he will probably agree to that.

Good luck and fingers crossed - let us know....

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Hi Kath

I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, but don't apologise...

everyone here knows what you're going through.

Regarding your GP appointment, I would personally be tempted to cancel today and

put your requests in writing. I did this last year and it's so much easier than

sitting in front of the doctor, with a foggy head feeling anxious and upset,

whilst trying to get across to him/her how bad you're feeling at the moment and

not being taken seriously. The written word will carry more weight and will be

much less stressful for you. I still have a copy of the letter I wrote, and if

you want to e-mail me privately, please feel free to do so, and I will send you

a copy, which you can then adapt to suit yourself.

If however you feel up to facing your GP tell him/her you would like to be

re-tested for TSH, Free T4, Free T3, and thyroid antibodies - that's just for

starters!! If he/she agrees and you get the results, post them here and we can

help you intrepret them. Tell him/her just how badly these symptoms are

affecting your life (a few tears won't hurt either!!).

I hope this helps... and let us know how you get on, if you go today.

Take care..... Gill


> I am seeing my GP later today to try and convince them to test my properly for

hypothyroidism. I am just feeling so ill and cotton wool headed that I can't

even begin to think about what i need to say.

> Thank you,


> Kath


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Thank you so much. I've printed this off and I'll take it with me..




> Hi Kath,


> Try to keep as calm as possible and keep it simple when you see your GP

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Thank you Gill.

You've no idea how much I want to cancel this appointment. However, the GP I'm

seeing today is one of the more sensible ones and nicer ones. I've waited a

month to see her so I'm going to go. I don't want to go but I will. Really, I'd

just like to medicte mysel f but I ahve no idea where tos tart and it seems

sensible to try and get some bloods done to at least get a baseline to work


If I get nowhere o day, I'll email you for a copy of your letter if that's OK.


> Hi Kath


> I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, but don't apologise...

everyone here knows what you're going through.


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Hi Kath

Are you being treated for sleep apnoea? It is crucial to be treated for this, I

cannot stress this enough. I went undiagnosed and untreated for a long time,

and it did damage to my health. left untreated it can be directly or indirecty


I would ask for TSH, Free T4, Free T3. You need to get the results of these

tests plus the reference ranges.

Have you had electrolytes tested? (potassium, sodium).

Magnesium, calcium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, ferritin, Vitamin A (deficiency can

be linked to bowel problems but so can thyroid)

Your doctor may not do all these tests but at least try to get TSH, Free T4 and

Free T3

> I think I know which blood tests to ask for. Could someone, anyone, please

just write me a list of what I need to ask for.

What was on your list?


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Yes, I am being treated and have been on CPAP since 2006. For a long time I

thought my symptoms were down to my sleep apnoea not being well controlled as I

ahd a number of issues around that. However, now it's very well controlled but

my symptoms ahve got a lot worse espeically in the last year. I do think I ahve

other sleep issues and I'm waiting for an appt to see the consultant to discuss

this. I think there is something wrong with my deep sleep cycle but not quite

sure what. I've been told some sort of neurological problem and some

investigations are needed to try and sort out exactly what . Another night in

the sleep lab I would think.

My electolytes always come back in normal range.

Thank you,



> Hi Kath


> Are you being treated for sleep apnoea? It is crucial to be treated for this,

I cannot stress this enough. I went undiagnosed and untreated for a long time,

and it did damage to my health. left untreated it can be directly or indirecty



> I would ask for TSH, Free T4, Free T3. You need to get the results of these

tests plus the reference ranges.


> Have you had electrolytes tested? (potassium, sodium).


> Magnesium, calcium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, ferritin, Vitamin A (deficiency

can be linked to bowel problems but so can thyroid)


> Your doctor may not do all these tests but at least try to get TSH, Free T4

and Free T3


> > I think I know which blood tests to ask for. Could someone, anyone, please

just write me a list of what I need to ask for.


> What was on your list?



> chris


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I'm back and it's excellent news. My Gp has ordered all the blood tests that

she's allowed to order. One or two can only be ordered by a consultant


Anyway, I'm booked for Ferritin, TSH, FT4, FT3, TPO, Corisol, B12, Folate,

Magnesium, LFTs, renal fucntion and FBC. She's also testing my hormones to see

if the menopause might be causing any additional problems.

The bad news is that my BP is 190/114 so I've started on another

antihypertensive as I couldn't tolerate the previous one and had stopped it

which is why my BP has popped up so much.

I feel better in myself already which I expect is my anxiety levels dropping off

because finally something is going to be done.

Many thanks for all your help,


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> I'm back and it's excellent news. My Gp has ordered all the blood tests that she's allowed to order. One or two can only be ordered by a consultant apparently. > The bad news is that my BP is 190/114 so I've started on another antihypertensive as I couldn't tolerate the previous one and had stopped it which is why my BP has popped up so much.

Brilliant, Kath - well done you ! Turn up for the blood draw as early as possible around 8-9 am and do not have breakfast or any stimulating drinks .... just water ! She has ordered serum cortisol amongst the lot (great!) and you want to know your early morning level without the stimulating effects of coffee or tea pushing up the level.....

As for the new statins.... hmmmm - might be worth to try Q10 and flushing Niacin instead of statins.... Sheila or somebody else - can you help, please - what's the dose?.... 300 mg of Co-Q10 and how much of Niacin?- I can't remember the correct amounts needed for lowering BP....


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Hi Kath

I'm really pleased everything went well for you today at the doctor's, and glad

you're feeling better about it all.

I'd be inclined to agree with in relation to statins... i.e. trying a

natural approach first rather than a prescription medication. Check out this

website for information on the Ayurvedic remedy, Mukta Vati:


Your BP was most probably elevated due to you psyching yourself up for your

visit to your GP!

Take care.... Gill

> I'm back and it's excellent news. My Gp has ordered all the blood tests that

she's allowed to order. One or two can only be ordered by a consultant



> Many thanks for all your help,


> Kath


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dear, I have only just seen your message Kath. I actually hope that you

cancelled your trip to your GP today as previously suggested but if you have

not, let us know what happened. You can always make another appointment if it

was not satisfactory and we can put a letter together to help you. It's always

better under circumstances such as yours to write a letter to your GP setting

out everything you need her to know. Something along the following lines:


Doctor ******


I have been suffering with so many symptoms of hypothyroidism for a long time

now, I am now determined to do whatever is necessary to find the cause, and

hope that you will work with me. My health is deteriorating rapidly and nobody

is finding the answers as to why this is.


present symptoms I am suffering are (here, list all of your symptoms and

list your signs. You can check these against those under ‘Hypothyroidism

Symptoms and Signs Checklist in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk ).


basal temperatures before getting out of bed in a morning and before having

anything to drink for the last four mornings have been (here, list these if

they were 97.8 degrees F (36.6 degrees C) – or less.


this applies…)There are members of my family who have a thyroid and/or

autoimmune disease and I am aware this can run down the family line (here,

list those members of your family and their relationship to you).


would you therefore arrange for me to have a FULL thyroid function test to

include TSH, free T4, free T3, TPO and TgAb.


understand there are specific minerals and vitamins that should be checked to

see whether any of them are low in the reference range that stop thyroid

hormone from being fully utilised at the cellular level. Would you please

therefore arrange for my levels of iron, transferrin saturation %, ferritin,

vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc levels to be

tested? (If your doctor doesn’t know about these, or tries to tell you

there is no connection, please copy out the references attached to show your

doctor that there is a connection).


would you make these results available to me together with the reference range

for each test done? (If any are shown to be low in the range, these will

need to be supplemented before the thyroid hormone will work).(Post these

results to the forum so we can help with their interpretation).


do not have to give any reason to a doctor why you want these results. Also,

doctors cannot withhold any information that is in your medical notes under The

Date Protection Act 1998).


would like a referral to a specialist in thyroid disease for a thorough

clinical examination and an assessment of my clinical history, as well as the

results of serum thyroid function tests.


will you place my letter of requests into my Medical Notes.





I think you probably need to check what your level of cortisol

and DHEA are at four specific times during the day. Also, if possible, can you

get the test done, again through Genova Diagnostics to see whether you are

suffering with Candida Antibodies. The same as low minerals and vitamins, no

amount of thyroid hormone (not even your own) can be used properly by the cells

if you are suffering with either of these, and these must be treated.

Luv - Sheila

I am seeing my GP later today to try and

convince them to test my properly for hypothyroidism. I am just feeling so ill

and cotton wool headed that I can't even begin to think about what i need to


In the past, I've just had my TS3 and possibly TS4 tested and been told it's

normal. I know something is very wrong with me.

I have sleep apnoea, raised BP, muscle cramps especially in my legs and it

takes nothing to set them off, a facial tic under my right eye, exhaustion, not

energy, no stamina, chronic insomnia, Vit B12 deficiency but as a result of

stomach surgery, obese,early waking, anxiety, depression, joint pain

everywhere, chronic headahes, hate bright light and loud noises, IBS, extreme

nausea that sometimes makes me vomit and just generally feel so ill. I almost

certainly have systemic candidiasis although getting medics to accept this is a

nightmare and I suually self-treat.I feel so foggy and cotton wool headed that

it's becoming diffiult to function. Today, it's a struggle to manage a coherant

sentence. I can't think and organise my thoughts at all.

I'm actually sitting here crying because I don't know what to do. I ahve no

idea how I've turned into this pathetic person. I used to be so bright and

neergetic. And so verbally able, now I can't even organise my mind never mind

speak what I think.

I think I know which blood tests to ask for. Could someone, anyone, please just

write me a list of what I need to ask for.

Thank you,



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Kath, it isn't a matter of your blood results always coming back

within the normal range, what we are concerned about (which doctors apparently

are n ot) is WHERE in the range they come back. We need to know whether they

are at the bottom, the middle or the top of the range. Doctors will tell you

that you are normal if they are one point above the bottom of the range, or one

point from the top e.g. ferritin levels, in a range of 20 to 200 for a woman,

need to be between 90 and 130. B12 levels need to be right at the top in a

range of 175 to 80 etc. This is why it is so important to post the results here

with the ref. range and we will help with their interpretation.

Have you tried Melatonin to see if that helps with sleep

problems. This is a natural hormone and helps many people, including me.

Luv - Sheila

Yes, I am being treated and have been on CPAP since 2006. For a long time I

thought my symptoms were down to my sleep apnoea not being well controlled as I

ahd a number of issues around that. However, now it's very well controlled but

my symptoms ahve got a lot worse espeically in the last year. I do think I ahve

other sleep issues and I'm waiting for an appt to see the consultant to discuss

this. I think there is something wrong with my deep sleep cycle but not quite

sure what. I've been told some sort of neurological problem and some

investigations are needed to try and sort out exactly what . Another night in

the sleep lab I would think.

My electolytes always come back in normal


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Thanks ,

I'm not sure about the alternative medicines. Not that I'm not a fan, I am. It's

simply that we live on benefits and I simply can't aford to buy all this stuff

every month so I'm forced to get things on prescription which is free in Wales.








> Brilliant, Kath [;;)] - well done you ! Turn up for the blood draw

> as early as possible around 8-9 am and do not have breakfast or any

> stimulating drinks .... just water ! She has ordered serum cortisol

> amongst the lot (great!) and you want to know your early morning level

> without the stimulating effects of coffee or tea pushing up the

> level.....


> As for the new statins.... hmmmm - might be worth to try Q10 and

> flushing Niacin instead of statins.... Sheila or somebody else - can you

> help, please - what's the dose?.... 300 mg of Co-Q10 and how much of

> Niacin?- I can't remember the correct amounts needed for lowering BP....


> Love,




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Thanks Gill,

My raised BP has been an issue for some time and I don't have white coat

syndrome. It's high because I stopped Ramipril a week ago because it was making

me ill. It was 150/9- then and we were reviewing to increase the dose but I

decided to stop. The side effects are gone hence the meds change today.

Like I said, I simply can't afford tp pay for all this myself.

But thank you for the info.



> Hi Kath


> I'm really pleased everything went well for you today at the doctor's, and

glad you're feeling better about it all.


> I'd be inclined to agree with in relation to statins... i.e. trying

a natural approach first rather than a prescription medication. Check out this

website for information on the Ayurvedic remedy, Mukta Vati:


> http://www.muktavati.com/muktavati_herbal_remedy_for_hypertension.html


> Your BP was most probably elevated due to you psyching yourself up for your

visit to your GP!


> Take care.... Gill





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Hi Sheila,

I've tried Melatonin several times and it always improves things for a short

time and then doesn't work anymore. It also doesn't deal with issues of why I'm

tensing my muscles in deep sleep to the point that the pain wakes me up.

I'll definitely bring the results and reference ranges back here to see what you

think. My intention is to them work out, with some help, how to get the best

effect from medication.

My B12 will be skewed anyway because I already ahve B12 injections.

Thank you,



> Kath, it isn't a matter of your blood results always coming back within the

> normal range, what we are concerned about (which doctors apparently are n

> ot) is WHERE in the range they come back. We need

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Sorry, I'm very conscious that you're all trying to help me and all I'm doing is

saying why those things won't work for me. I don't mean to sound so negative

and I am very grateful for all you're trying to do.


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Brilliant news. So pleased it all went so well.

The most natural way to help your BP is to start taking high

doses of Niacin (vitamin B3) 350mgs daily (the flushing kind) and 300mgs

CoEnzymeQ10 daily. This lowers cholesterol, stops the plaque building up in

your blood vessels making for easier blood flow.

I'm back and it's excellent news. My Gp has

ordered all the blood tests that she's allowed to order. One or two can only be

ordered by a consultant apparently.

Anyway, I'm booked for Ferritin, TSH, FT4, FT3, TPO, Corisol, B12, Folate,

Magnesium, LFTs, renal fucntion and FBC. She's also testing my hormones to see

if the menopause might be causing any additional problems.


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what form of biotonin have you taken? Biotonin - a subolingual form - is very

effective for me

have they tested you for growth hormone deficiency?



> Hi Sheila,


> I've tried Melatonin several times and it always improves things for a short

time and then doesn't work anymore. It also doesn't deal with issues of why I'm

tensing my muscles in deep sleep to the point that the pain wakes me up.

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--- In thyroid treatment , "ravengoldenhand" <RavenGoldenhand@...> wrote,>I'm not sure about the alternative medicines. Not that I'm not a fan, I am. It's simply that we live on benefits and I simply can't aford to buy all this stuff every month so I'm forced to get things on prescription which is free in Wales.

Hi Kath,

ok, I understand - but there is a way round it and it is worth asking your GP about it .... Q10 you can - with a willing GP, get on prescription. It is called Ubidecarenone .....and you'd need 300 mg of it per day....


Flushing Niacin is not expensive, but I have a feeling you can get that on Rx as well....

It is worth a try.... Statins are awful and the side effects frightening... perhaps you can talk your GP round to your way of thinking? - give it a go.

Best wishes,

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