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Most ppl DO need an antidepressant while on treatment and thats because the interferon depletes the seretonin in your brain,, its NOT you, its the meds and most ppl do get depressed,, Don Hoskin <eust2be@...> wrote: What about anti-depressants? (Sorry if you've discussed this...I just jumped onboard this thread.Don All New

Mail – Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you. Jackie

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I've been treated for years for depression b4 I went on tx and am doing fine now because I am taking adaquate anti-d's. I experienced some depression at the beginning of tx but it soon mellowed out because of the meds, I believe. I don't expect to have any more problems the rest of tx because I am already in week 23. Was there other reasons why you couldn't do tx besides the problem with depression?


On 9/9/06, Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote:

Most ppl DO need an antidepressant while on treatment and thats because the interferon depletes the seretonin in your brain,, its NOT you, its the meds and most ppl do get depressed,,

Don Hoskin <eust2be (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

What about anti-depressants? (Sorry if you've discussed this...I just jumped onboard this thread.Don

All New – Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you.


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Hey Christie.

My first name is and what a coincedence. As I stated before my liver doc said that I should wait untill they have better treatment and he asked me how I got my liver enzymes down. I had been taking a liver cleansing herbal remedy and I told him that I had stopped taking it untill I spoke with him about it. He said to keep taking it but i have to stay hydrated due to the fact the my bun/creatin had dropped marginaly. Juicing is another good remedy for the "BLUE"S' . I think that we have to make the most out of bad situations like this. As Jackie said maybe a second oppinion is in order but in the interum please take care of yourself the way one would take care of a sick child, with love patience,commitment and good nutrition.


ALL THE BEST TO YOU! CHRISTINE @ NOVARA > >> > I KNOW WE NEED THEM FOR THE PRESCRIPTON FOR TREATMENT BUT WHAT ELSE > > ARE THEY ANY GOOD FOR - PLAYING HANGMAN WITH IN YOUR MIND? I HATE > > THEM ALL EXCEPT FOR ONE> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Get your email and more, right on the new .com>

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  • 2 months later...

All my blood work was really good, Janet, I am still crediting my one time visit with the second opinion Holistic MD in October with that. She gave me a list of Supplements and I came home and did my own research and got on them all as soon as possible. Maximum Milk Thistle was of course one of them. My Primary Doc has that list and does my blood work every 30 days, he is so very impressed with the major drop in my liver ensymes.. Can't CURE with Alternative meds, but they can for some eventually put the Dragon back to sleep.. Blessings, Sheena Janet <doc_jade@...> wrote: Sheena my AFP was high too, so they wanted me to have a ultrasound. Okie doke, had the ultrasound nothing there just a liver and it didn't look that bad. I wouldn't eat it with onions. But not bad for a Hep C liver. Anyway I really need to go to comedy college my jokes are lame. But one of the things that can make it high is if you have recovered from Hepatitis any form or fashion. I had did treatment at that time, was 6 months post treatment the first time had the AFP done. Guess what I had got my virus count down at that time to 1500, that was the reason for the High AFP reading. Could be a thought in your case, I would discuss it with my doctor if I was you. I know you are waiting for your GI Doc to get off his lazy butt and do something. Man it still ticks me off thinking that he is ignoring you. Let me at em, Let me at em. Love JanetSheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: As you said, they are tumor markers. The test is Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) AFP levels are higher than normal in 2 out of 3 patients with liver cancer The level

increases with the size of the tumor. My "mass' is very small and that test was thankfully within the normal range, I talked to my Primary today. I just didn't know how to interpret, it, as all they give is a "reference range"! <6.1 Mine was 3.9 ng/mL All of my blood work was very good and given the fact that I am still not on tx, he was more than pleased to see my liver enzymes still very much on the down swing.. When are you leaving for down under? Lucky you! Please take picture of the critters, especially the Marsupials, I rehab North America's only version! :) Sheena elizabeth savage <elizabethnv1 > wrote: AFP's are used as tumor markers ......Sheena what does yours say and what are your other results ?Jackie on <redjaxjm > wrote: Sheena, write out what the report says,, word for word and we can try to figure out what it means,, Sheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: Thank you all for your support, it's really meant a whole lot while I was totally freaking out! My AFP levels came back, (Cat Scan report suggested

those be run and my Primary Doc did so, though I can't understand them.) Anyone know how to read blood work reports? I have been resting up and will start by giving him a call next week, now that I am calmer.. Tim, Janet, Jax, Sharon, Kerri and all, thank you for your continued prayers, that's really the very best thing we can do for one another! That, and share the good times, as well as the bad. Janet you really made my day with your "snow day" post! Your husband and family will be in my prayers, as well, my son

served 10 years, God Bless our Troops! And Jax, you had me on-line looking up "abandonment" this weekend. Not sure it fits yet, but I like having that "word" to fling around.. ;-) It was my Primary, btw, that suggested it was likely malignant. He means well, but always looks to the worst, and I forget that as he's new to me, I've only been seeing him since September.. Thank you, , you are a sweetie to offer to go with me, I know you work and trust me when I say you don't need the stress of this

particular GI. I'm going to take it one step at a time until the biopsy is at least ordered.. I didn't call you, you have enough on your own plate, but I appreciate knowing that you're near by! I'm here for you, too, such as I am.. And another very good, Everett non detectable by his 12th week, again, Congratulations! I forgot to share my own good news, my AST/ALT levels were WAY down, (55) those I can read! Thanks again, and a very good new week to all! Sheena Janet <doc_jade > wrote: Oh honey!! I hope and pray that it is something that is benign. BE PUSHY!!!!! Now is not the time to be pussy footing around with this. Anything I can do to help let me know. Also call the HMO corparate offices and tell them just what you wrote here, about the GI Doctor and his not returning phone calls. And it wouldn't hurt to say to them do I have to hire a lawyer to resolve this action. Honey they might thing they have the world by its balls but I got news for them. (Cuse my french

but heck fire sometimes you just have to say what you think.) Lots of love and comforting hugs. Janet Sheena <mom4possums2002 > wrote: I appreciate your below post, . I hope everyone is doing as well as can be. I've been caught up this week in a dilemma. Seems my Cat Scan showed a (small) mass in my liver that

"appears to be hepatoma".. cancer of the liver. My GI has never bothered to call me to tell me, nor has he returned my phone calls. I have also been unable to make an appointment with him. I picked up my report myself and took it in to see my Primary Doc this week. Even he had no luck with pushing for an appointment with the GI, I believe that office has written me off entirely. Having an HMO, my Primary Doc has done all that he can, it's the GI doc that MUST shedule a liver biopsy to confirm findings. There is one other GI in the medical group, but I would have to wait at least 8 weeks to

see him, and start all over at square one.. I will give them until Wednesday, that will be 2 weeks that they've had the report in their office, then I go to shove to get it done.. I hate to rock the boat with the only GI I have to work with, but it's either rock it, or sink.. How sad the things we have to go through.. I don't know what I'd do without you all. Thank you again..and nope, I'm not on treatment yet, just thankfully good Supplements and my Faith in a God that loves us all, or I suspect I'd be in even deeper doo.. Sheena <marvindamartian05 > wrote: -I certainly sympathize with your point of view, and agree that weshould all be positive and focus on what is important.

However, amember of this group was very much interested in discussing the legalremedies that may be available to him, and perhaps he needs toexercise his legal rights in order to obtain the resources fortreatment. Our member may be experiencing stress from dealing withtrying to figure out how to not only pay his doctor bills, but justhave enough money to live on if he is disabled. Since stress is nevera positive thing for us to deal with, anything that we can do toalleviate stress, either by providing information, suggestions abouthow to get through tx, or just "be there" is helpful to members.Some of us can't use this forum yet to talk about our experiences withtx because if insurance or other issues preventing us from paying fortx! I myself would LOVE to talking about how my tx is going, but dueto insurance issues, I won't be able to start till the spring. I amluckier than many, who don't have any insurance and

have no hope ofgetting any.This group is for people suffering from hep c and their families andfriends, NOT just for people on tx!-- In Hepatitis C , Denisa Dodd<denisa_dodd@...> wrote:>> I just had to put my 2cents in. I am not meaning to be rude or outof line. But for real folks, I really think that the focus should beon treating the HCV. If you spend all your time trying to figure outhow you got it, or who gave it to you I think its a waste of time andenergy. Stop playing the name game and get on with it, finding out howyou got it sure ain't gonna make it go away. The exception is theprison worker thing... That is a little freaky. But how on earth canwe really know for sure how we all got here... The doc's can't evengive you an idea other than speculation. More power to you all, butpersonally

I had to put the hows and whys away and focus on tx. I meanno disrespect, just one heppers opinon.> good luck to all> d> > <marvindamartian05@...> wrote:> Thanks, but not an attorney...just a paralegal that's beenat it a > long time...I am actually a compliance officer for a mortgage bank, > so my main practice is real estate and banking law. I have seen lots > of litigation though. Lots of people think it is easy to just sue > others and make "money for nothing" and it ain't the truth! In the > case of Hep C, AIDs or other diseases that people "catch" from > others, I think that oftentimes people manifest the anger stage of > their diagnosis by wanting to get revenge on the person who infected > them. > > In Bruce's case, it sounds like he may actually HAVE a viable case, > if it can be proved that his employer KNEW that there was a

danger > and they failed to protect him. All healthcare professionals know > there is an inherent danger of contracting diseases in the course of > performing their work duties, and thus they are trained in proper > protocol and given the tools and devices to protect themselves. I > don't know what the protocol is at prisons.> > There is a guy in Sheena and my support group that contracted hep c > in prison, and it seems to be rampant there. I would think that by > now there would be protocols in place for correctional workers, but > maybe not back when Bruce was exposed.> > > > > > I am quit certain I got HCV from my ex-husband. My new > > > husband does > >

> > not want me to tell my ex about the HCV because he is worried > > that > > > I > > > > could be sued by him? That he could make me pay for his medical > > > bills. > > > > I have never heard of anything like this. My ex is a real jerk, > > > > though, and if he could get any money from me, believe me he > > would > > > > try. At the same time, I feel obligated to tell him... or > should > > I > > > > even care? I guess I would want to be told... My current > husband > > is > > > > very paranoid about me saying anything, though.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > >

> > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > > > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > > Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Tim Parsons > > > > knoxville,tn 37931 > > > > 865-588-2465 x107 work> > > > > > www.knoxville1.com> > > > > > >

> ---------------------------------> > Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.> Check out the all-new beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. Take the ordinary things of life, and make them your own. Do the impossible with a smile __________________________________________________

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Sounds like the sleep doctor is still will ing to learn.To bad your specialist isn't



Hi Guys,

Just got back from an appointment with the sleep doc. He doesn't think there's much he can do to help with my sleep patterns or lack thereof if it's because of the encephalopathy. He's getting the results of my overnight oxywhatsis & I'm to call him next week. It seems we're probably going to do a sleep study - he thinks I have sleep apnea.

He & I educated each other today. I printed out your post from yesterday re encephalopathy & gave it to him. He didn't know about it & said he's going to give serious thought to testing new patients ammonia levels, apparently he sees quite a lot of people with liver problems. He told me that there's no tx to bring up my platelet numbers. Since my spleen is enlarged, it is destroying my platelets. The only way to bring the platelet count up is to fix the spleen & that's not going to happen. Oh well, I've got an appointment with the infectious diseases guy (Dr Idiot, you remember him) & see what he has to say about it. Such fun I'm having.


SuZie & Sir SpYke the Sleepy - or should that be Sneaky??

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


My daughter sees Dr Henry Feder (ID)at Children's Medical Center in

Hartford, Ct. (860) 545-9440, and Dr Sundel and Dr Brown at

Children's Hospital in Boston (617) 355-6493. They were all excellent.

Good luck and hope your son's fever has ended.


mom to Carina 4-??, break in fevers/ on cimetidine!


Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.


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Breana has been at BCH since 01. She has several specialists that she sees for

Rheum it's Dr. Sundel. The responses from all depts whenever I email ?'s is

always so quick(within hour usually). PLUS Dr. Sundel knows Dr. Kastner and

things have worked very well for Breana as far as the communication between NIH

and BCH!


RE: Doctors


My daughter sees Dr Henry Feder (ID)at Children's Medical Center in

Hartford, Ct. (860) 545-9440, and Dr Sundel and Dr Brown at

Children's Hospital in Boston (617) 355-6493. They were all excellent.

Good luck and hope your son's fever has ended.


mom to Carina 4-??, break in fevers/ on cimetidine!


Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.


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Thanks for the response. I think I will try to see if we can get in

with Dr Sundel.



> Breana has been at BCH since 01. She has several specialists that

she sees for Rheum it's Dr. Sundel. The responses from all depts

whenever I email ?'s is always so quick(within hour usually). PLUS

Dr. Sundel knows Dr. Kastner and things have worked very well for

Breana as far as the communication between NIH and BCH!

> TRacy

> RE: Doctors



> ,

> My daughter sees Dr Henry Feder (ID)at Children's Medical Center


> Hartford, Ct. (860) 545-9440, and Dr Sundel and Dr

Brown at

> Children's Hospital in Boston (617) 355-6493. They were all


> Good luck and hope your son's fever has ended.

> Carmela

> mom to Carina 4-??, break in fevers/ on cimetidine!


> __________________________________________________________

> Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.

> http://games.msn.com/en/flexicon/default.htm?








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Hi , I live in Rhode Island but saw doctors in Mass. Our pediatric

rheumatologist was Dr. (wonderful) who referred us to Dr. Licamelli

(ENT). He took out our sons tonsils and adnoids in January and knock on wood

fever free. If you'd like numbers let me know. I am at work and don't have them

on me but I'll be happy to get them for you.

Dawn Mom to C.J. 2 years old (fever free since January)

4 years old

jbrettschmidt25 <Jbrettschmidt@...> wrote:

Hi All-

Just a quick question to those of you in the Mass. area. We live in

Maine, but travel down to Tufts every month to meet with the pediatric

rheumatologist Dr. . I am interested in obtaining a second

opinion and wanted to know if anyone had any recommendations for

doctors in the Mass. area. I have also heard good things about the

Cleveland clinic-- does anyone go there? I am not opposed to traveling-

- although on the east coast would be easier! : ) Hope everyone could

understand this message- we are on day five on my son's fever and he

never sleeps when he is fevering. And as you all know, when a sick

toddler doesn't sleep, no one sleeps!!!!



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Autos.

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Thanks to everyone that responded. I have our first appointment with

Dr. Sundel at the end of May. The doctor at Tufts told me yesterday

that it def. could not be because of the lack of mouth sores

and that it is " very rare " . However, he is continuing to test for FMF

and TRAPS-- both which are rare and benjamin does not really fit with

either diagnosis. So, hopefully a second opinion will help!

Thanks All!


> Breana has been at BCH since 01. She has several specialists that

she sees for Rheum it's Dr. Sundel. The responses from all depts

whenever I email ?'s is always so quick(within hour usually). PLUS

Dr. Sundel knows Dr. Kastner and things have worked very well for

Breana as far as the communication between NIH and BCH!

> TRacy

> RE: Doctors



> ,

> My daughter sees Dr Henry Feder (ID)at Children's Medical Center


> Hartford, Ct. (860) 545-9440, and Dr Sundel and Dr

Brown at

> Children's Hospital in Boston (617) 355-6493. They were all


> Good luck and hope your son's fever has ended.

> Carmela

> mom to Carina 4-??, break in fevers/ on cimetidine!


> __________________________________________________________

> Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.

> http://games.msn.com/en/flexicon/default.htm?








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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

, of the 3 doctors you mentioned, I have only heard of

Dr. W. McCallum who some years ago was at the

University of AL. I believe though he is a GI and not a surgeon.

I ask about him once when I went to UAB for treatment and

they told me he had not been there for years but they were

still getting calls for him.

I thought though that you were going for the surgery, so

this may not even be the man you were asking about. In

either case this is all I know about him. If you put his name

in Pubmed.com you will bring up several articles about


Maggie See what's free at AOL.com.

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My surgeon's name was Dr. Brent s in St. Louis. Not sure if he

is the same as Brent s, but I wanted to let you know.

Good luck in your search!

a in St. Louis :)








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  • 5 months later...

Have you tried the Adult DS practice at Lutheran General Hospital? http://www.advocatehealth.com/luth/services/other/adsc/When turns 12, we will start going there too. Carol in IL AIM doihavtasay1 GigaTribe doihavtasayMom to seven including , 7 with TOF, AVcanal, GERD, LS, Asthma, subglottal stenosis, and DS.My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me. Join our Down Syndrome information group - Down Syndrome Treatment/ Listen to oldest dd's

music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusic----- Original Message ----From: momofchris2007 <slpanda2@...>Down Syndrome Treatment Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2008 11:40:40 AMSubject: Doctors

Happy New Year to you all. I was just wondering if any of you in the

Chicago suburbs near Elmhurst have a doctor for your adult son or

daughter with DS? is 26 and I just feel the GP does not know

that much about DS. I have been lucky that all of Chris's problems

were when he was young. I just thought I would like to find a good

doctor for his future needs. Thanks. Shirley

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Dr. Chiocoine and Dr. McGuire the authors of the book Mental Health in Adults with DS have a DS clinic in Chicago somewhere...wish we lived there, they are definately experts!

, Mom to 1, DS, Southern CaliforniaTo succeed in life,you need three things:a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.~ Reba McIntyre

Diagnosis Down Syndrome: A Site of Hope for New Parents or Parents with a Prenatal Diagnosishttp://www.leeworks.net/DDS/What to Say to Parents of a Child with a Diagnosishttp://www.leeworks.net/DDS/speech.html


Happy New Year to you all. I was just wondering if any of you in the Chicago suburbs near Elmhurst have a doctor for your adult son or daughter with DS? is 26 and I just feel the GP does not know that much about DS. I have been lucky that all of Chris's problems were when he was young. I just thought I would like to find a good doctor for his future needs. Thanks. Shirley

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  • 2 weeks later...

My surgeon is Dr. Campos of UCSF and he has referred me to see

Dr. Cello as my new GI. My former GI also recommended Dr. Cello if I was

to leave Stanford for UCSF.

in SF


achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of lasunnygirlday

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 3:14 PM


Subject: Doctors


Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if

there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California

(northern and southern).


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> Hi,


> Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if

> there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California

> (northern and southern).


> Thanks!


I went to Dr. Maish at UCLA and she is very familiar and totally


sandy (Las Vegas)

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In Southern CA:

Dr. Ippoliti gi @ Cedars Sinai

Dr. Fuller surgeon @ Cedars Sinai

Dr. DeMeester, surgeon @ USC. By chance I have a friend whose father had esophageal cancer and he did a removal. She was very pleased with him, as well as a woman in San Diego is seeing him and is pleased.

Personally, I'd start w/ Dr. Ippoliti if you are at all unsure about what type of treatments you want. No other gi is coming to my memory. I used Dr. Fuller and Dr. Ippoliti, loved them both. Dr. Fuller has had some issues w/ office staff and follow up on phone calls, I'm sad to add.

A side comment about Cedars and their recent activity in the news from my perspective. Cedars is located in the midst of Beverly Hills, thus the "known celebrities" tend to go there. UCLA is close also. There are several other large hospitals in the area, USC and UCI and many regional hospitals that are still quite large. Cedars gets the press, obviously because of the visibility of some of their clients. A good website to view is US & World Reports which runs annual ratings of different things, including hospitals. The problems that happen at Cedars likely happen everywhere. That is obvious of course, but to people who aren't familiar with the area it is hard to understand just how large and how many choices there are here. Cedars is still highly regarded, but like all hospitals have room for improvement. The best hospital I've ever had experience with is MD in Houston. For instance, they were constantly cleaning even the air conditioning vents for dust, daily. I often look at them in other hospitals and notice how dirty they are, even the "good" hospitals.

A while ago there were some comments about other surgeons and their bedside manners. In a perfect world, doctors would have the whole package, but just like the rest of us they don't. And they have bad days and can have personality conflicts with us. I wish there was feedback we could leave about results, similar to Ebay. We could rate them on sucess, bedside manner, office staff, cost etc. It is VERY hard to get past the issues we CAN rate them on to what really matters, which is skill, expertise and success.

Just a general comment, sometimes we elevate certain doctors to a pedestal and I think people who are new to the group, or maybe had a different result, be it success, complications or bad mood are timid to make comments on their experiences that might be different. It would be ideal if we could have a database where we list the doctors and then leave comments on our experiences with them. I've been in this group for a long time and I've heard of some complications and experiences that are brought up once, then never brought up again, yet that doctor is given the "highest ratings" by active members here. I too keep my mouth shut if it wasn't my doctor or a situation where I had knowledge, none of us wants to bring up the bad, and if that person has left the group, it is lost.

In our own careers we have good days, bad days, bad co-workers and personal problems that can interfere, they are no different. It would be so wonderful if we really had the expertise to know who was the best surgeon or gi and in what situations without regard to bedside manner and other issues. It is impossible to do.

Sandy in So Cal

>> My surgeon is Dr. Campos of UCSF and he has referred me to see Dr. Cello as> my new GI. My former GI also recommended Dr. Cello if I was to leave> Stanford for UCSF.> > > > in SF> > > > From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf> Of lasunnygirlday> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 3:14 PM> achalasia > Subject: Doctors> > > > Hi,> > Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if> there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California> (northern and southern). > > Thanks!>

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I was wondering if there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California> (northern and southern).

Dr. Steve DeMeester at USC in Los Angeles is a surgeon who sees 20 to 25 people with Achalasia each year.

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A comment about Dr. Fuller. My son had surgery in November, I was due to take him for a follow up in March. We had trouble getting in touch with Dr. Fuller, but finally heard from him today. Turns out he has been busy dealing with a new addition to his family. A good excuse, I would think. Take care!

Adam's dad

Doctors> > > > Hi,> > Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if> there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California> (northern and southern). > > Thanks!>

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That is great news! Another realization doctors have a private life. It would have been nice if he had thought of an automated response to emails that he might be slow to get back to non-emergency patients or had told his office staff to say something, or left that on his voice mail. But doctors don't think of that do they? They try to perpetuate the myth they are perfect. I still adore him as I think he made my quality of life almost normal and hopefully has greatly delayed any further treatment I may need. We all love our surgeons, and good gi's don't we?

Sandy in So Cal

> >> > My surgeon is Dr. Campos of UCSF and he has referred me to see Dr. Cello as> > my new GI. My former GI also recommended Dr. Cello if I was to leave> > Stanford for UCSF.> > > > > > > > in SF> > > > > > > > From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf> > Of lasunnygirlday> > Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 3:14 PM> > achalasia > > Subject: Doctors> > > > > > > > Hi,> > > > Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if> > there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California> > (northern and southern). > > > > Thanks!> >>

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Imagine that...surgeons with a private life!! Like you Sandy, I greatly respect Dr. Fuller for giving me my son back...with absolutely no problems, thus far. I will continue to recommend him without hesitation!

Adam's dad

Doctors> > > > > > > > Hi,> > > > Since Dr. Patti will no longer be in California, I was wondering if> > there are any doctors extremely familiar with Achalasia in California> > (northern and southern). > > > > Thanks!> >>

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Guys, I’ve had a little bit of a “chopped

liver” day today and your nice words are very much appreciated and

welcome, although not deserving.

You are fighting a war that we are all

afraid of having to face in the future. What you are learning now is benefiting

all of us in the end.

I don’t believe doctors are going to

be the ones saving you or any of us. For the most part, they treat

symptoms rather than addressing the real problems. It is up to us to take

care of our health. My great concern with you guys were the toxic

components that you continuously exposed yourself to. You are

fighting one war and will end up causing another (cancer or some other god-awful


This being said, I noticed over recent months

you appeared to have evolved to healthier choices. When I started on this

list, people were still drowsing themselves with chloride and pesticides.

Now you appear to be so much more conscious of long-term effects, which

is great news. And guess what, the “healthier choices” are


Congrats to those who have beaten this


Anyhow, thank you for your kind words.

I hope to meet some of you sometimes in the future …

Warm regards,

Sibylle Faye


From: bird mites [mailto:bird mites ] On Behalf Of Rita and Mike Carlson

Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 4:02


bird mites

Subject: Re: Re:

Sib's site

She's great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been putting

up with my screaming for almost half a year now!!!! Rita


Sib's site

Thanks Rita! It is a very wonderfully informative

website! My thanks to

Sib too!


> Here is Sib's site. It's wonderful.



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Guest guest


Thank you for all your support on our behalf. Who knows, maybe the

cure for this will be discovered right here in this group......many

of the remedies suggested are bringing all of us closer to getting

rid of these " merciless mites " , whatever they may be! God Bless us


Lady Dee

-- In bird mites , " Sib " <sf@...> wrote:


> Guys, I've had a little bit of a " chopped liver " day today and your


> words are very much appreciated and welcome, although not deserving.




> You are fighting a war that we are all afraid of having to face in


> future. What you are learning now is benefiting all of us in the





> I don't believe doctors are going to be the ones saving you or any

of us.

> For the most part, they treat symptoms rather than addressing the


> problems. It is up to us to take care of our health. My great

concern with

> you guys were the toxic components that you continuously exposed


> to. You are fighting one war and will end up causing another

(cancer or

> some other god-awful disease).




> This being said, I noticed over recent months you appeared to have


> to healthier choices. When I started on this list, people were


> drowsing themselves with chloride and pesticides. Now you appear

to be so

> much more conscious of long-term effects, which is great news. And


> what, the " healthier choices " are working!




> Congrats to those who have beaten this thing.




> Anyhow, thank you for your kind words. I hope to meet some of you


> in the future .




> Warm regards,




> Sibylle Faye


> <http://www.avianweb.com/> http://www.avianweb.com




> _____


> From: bird mites

[mailto:bird mites ] On

> Behalf Of Rita and Mike Carlson

> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 4:02 PM

> bird mites

> Subject: Re: Re: Sib's site




> She's great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been putting up with my


> for almost half a year now!!!! Rita




> Re: Sib's site




> Thanks Rita! It is a very wonderfully informative website! My

thanks to

> Sib too!



> >

> > Here is Sib's site. It's wonderful.

> http://www.avianweb <http://www.avianweb.com/bitingmites.html>

> .com/bitingmites.html

> >



> _____


> size=2 width= " 100% " align=center>


> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.518 / Virus Database: 269.21.7/1324 - Release Date:


> 7:27 PM


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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Does anyone have experience, either positive or negative, with KS and Chelsea

and Westminster, J P M at the London Clinic, or PM (London & Dublin), would you

mind terribly emailing me privately at [jc_benson@...]?

Many thanks,

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