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I'd suggest looking into Diagnos-Techs.com as I found them to be the most

sophisticated in their approach to adrenal testing and function.

Or perhaps others are already familiar with them.

Joyce Waterhouse, Ph.D.


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  • 8 years later...
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Hi there,

Yes I have – are you on thyroid meds too –

I find when I get up in the morning my legs and hands look great but after

taking my meds the ERFA and then HC I am puffed up it really gets me down

actually. I was told can’t remember by whom that it was because I

don’t have enough thyroid hormone to support the HC being offered or the

thyroid hormone is not getting through – but I know HC makes the cells

retain water so I personally think it is the skin cells just bloating up because

of the steroid. I know oestrogen reduces HC and so does Vitamin C reduce

its potency so this might help with the excess HC and it also acts as a diuretic

so may get rid of the water being held in the cells.

Its horrible I know but can’t think of anything

else to help

Best wishes


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Strange that

, I also wondered whether Vickyanne's daughter could be suffering with

Lupus, it is certainly something that should be looked into.

Luv - Sheila

Is your daughter's endo sufficiently clued up on Lupus/adrenal

function/Cushing's/hypothalamic-pituitary malfunctioning ? Do you have

confidence in him? If not, it would be worth finding one who will do all

those tests and get to the bottom of what is going on. She might need a

referral to a rheumatologist to test for Lupus. Purple striation without any

signs of steroid overmedication might be a pointer for Lupus and this

needs to be investigated properly. A negative ANA test (if this had

already been done) will not rule out Lupus - you get up to 50% false

negatives.... it needs the full shooting match to get a reliable


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Hi Sheila and Sheila many thanks for your previous reply to me and the information you put in it. I am so sorry that I did not reply sooner. I went on the link you provided which showed the Lupus rash and thankfully it looked nothing like the rash my Daughter had. Her rash was more on the forehead although still a few on the cheeks, but not like Lupus. I thought at the time it maybe could have been that she was having too much levothyroxine, she was taking 100mcg at the time. At the same she had really swollen out in her body, especially her stomach. Along with her swollen body she was experiencing bad abdominal pain. The pain has since gone since she stopped the levo. She told me the pain was like having a period but she hasnt had a period for 5 months., thank you so much for your input in your last message

to me. It was very interesting to see that Lupus can be caused by the Epstin Barr Virus. My Daughter did test positive for this 2 years ago. The test showed that she had had it previously, and a reactivation of it within the last 6 months prior to blood test. My Daughter has had a short synacthen test just 2 months ago and the Endo said everything was normal, however I asked for another cortisol test a month ago as she looked dreadful. He agreed and the results that she was very low indeed. This was when he said to start back on the hydrocortisone but at a lower dose, hence my original question to the group about hydrocortisone and fluid retention. Although she light fluid retention she is looking a little better and she will tart back on the levo tomorrow which by then it would have been 7 days of adrenal support. With regard the rheumatism, she saw a consultant last year who ran a full test and he said that everything was fine and that she

didn't have rheumatism. But I will be looking at her ANA test results from a previous blood test and see if it is raised, I am sure that it was.Sorry that this post is so long but I am hoping that I have covered everything you and Sheila very kindly wrote to me about.Thank you both very much for taking the time to respond to me.Kindest regardsVikyanne


Sheila <sheila@...>;


<thyroid treatment >;


RE: Re: Hydrocortisone


Tue, Mar 20, 2012 6:44:56 AM

Strange that

, I also wondered whether Vickyanne's daughter could be suffering with

Lupus, it is certainly something that should be looked into. Luv - Sheila Is your daughter's endo sufficiently clued up on Lupus/adrenal

function/Cushing's/hypothalamic-pituitary malfunctioning ? Do you have

confidence in him? If not, it would be worth finding one who will do all

those tests and get to the bottom of what is going on. She might need a

referral to a rheumatologist to test for Lupus. Purple striation without any

signs of steroid overmedication might be a pointer for Lupus and this

needs to be investigated properly. A negative ANA test (if this had

already been done) will not rule out Lupus - you get up to 50% false

negatives.... it needs the full shooting match to get a reliable


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Hi JeannieMany thanks for your reply, I will certainly look this up.Once again, thank you.Kind regardsVickyanne


Jeannie <jeannie.wright63@...>;


<thyroid treatment >;


Re: Re: Hydrocortisone


Mon, Mar 19, 2012 3:39:54 PM

Hi Vickyanne,On the purple striations, you might want to look up bartonella stretch marks or cat scratch fever.How old is your daughter? By any chance has she had the Gardasil vaccine? Many girls have thyroid and bartonella issues (among others) after having the vaccine.Good luck,JeannieOn Mar 19, 2012, at 9:30 AM, wrote:

At present my Daughter is taking 5mg am and 5mg Noon. She used to be on 20mg daily spread out over the day but she discontinued it as she had purple striations on her tummy and thighs plus she said it made her feel slightly angry. She has only just started up taking it again but at a smaller dose. She has started up again at this dose under the advice of her Endocrinologist.

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With regard the rheumatism, she saw a consultant last year who ran a full test and he said that everything was fine and that she didn't have rheumatism. But I will be looking at her ANA test results from a previous blood test and see if it is raised, I am sure that it was.

Hello again Vickyanne,

Just a couple of points.... the test you are mentioning was very likely just a test for rheumatoid arthritis, which (although also an autoimmune disease) is very different from Lupus. A full rheumatology panel to check for Lupus is a very extensive and expensive test. I doubt if they would have done that unless they were looking specifically for Lupus.

Also – the typical "butterfly rash" only shows up in some, but certainly not all, Lupus patients. Rashes of all kinds, however, and purple striation are very common in Lupus....

Please ask the endo as well as the rheumatologist to specifically test for Lupus.... if her ANA test had indeed been raised, then chances are high that it might be Lupus. To the best of my knowledge, a positive ANA test is 100% reliable, whilst a negative ANA test cannot be trusted to be accurate.

With best wishes,

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Hi Vickyanne,If you are in the UK, Ceravix which is similar to Gardasil is causing many of the same effects. If you go to Sanevax.org they have reliable information on side effects from these vaccines. As I mentioned thyroid dysfunction is a common injury. Loss of menses, rashes, swelling, neuro issues, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, gastro issues, brain fog - the list goes on.If you do see a connection, let me know as there are a couple of good groups on and FaceBook for support. My daughter who is now 24 and was injured 5 years ago has an "injured girls only" Facebook group. There is a lady who is a very strong international advocate in the UK as well.I am very interested in trying the T3 protocol for my daughter, as I know a Gardasil injured girl with Hashimoto's who has improved on it. She also saw a big drop in Hashi antibodies and believes it could possibly be due to Low Dose Naltrexone.Best wishes,Jeannie

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have you tried taking extra vit b1 mandy ...i've got a note that says 10-50mg

helps with waterlogging (but no other reference i'm afraid). another thing i've

read is that low protein intake can cause fluid retention.



> Hi there,




> Yes I have - are you on thyroid meds too - I find when I get up in the

> morning my legs and hands look great but after taking my meds the ERFA and

> then HC I am puffed up it really gets me down actually. I was told can't

> remember by whom that it was because I don't have enough thyroid hormone to

> support the HC being offered or the thyroid hormone is not getting through -

> but I know HC makes the cells retain water so I personally think it is the

> skin cells just bloating up because of the steroid. I know oestrogen

> reduces HC and so does Vitamin C reduce its potency so this might help with

> the excess HC and it also acts as a diuretic so may get rid of the water

> being held in the cells.

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> Is there is anybody on the forum who is taking hydrocortisone and is/has

experienced swelling of the legs, feet and hands might know what causes this and

what they have done to stop it?

Hi Vickyanne

I take Hydrocortisone. I have not experienced this symptom myself but was told

by my doctor to watch out for it, as it is a sign of overreplacement/too much

mineralcorticoid activity.

HC has a lot more mineracorticoid activity (ie. it helps the body to retain salt

which causes swelling) than other synthetic steroids like predinsolone, If this

is an ongoing problem for your daughter, you could ask for her to trial a

different steroid that has less mineralcorticoid activity.

You can look at this chart to see the relative sodium retention of each


http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=mineralocorticoid+activity+of+steroids & um=1 & hl=\

en & sa=N & biw=1076 & bih=772 & tbm=isch & tbnid=QJUvsJ2uRHq38M: & imgrefurl=http://www.sci\


3Den & docid=sGzmzxeUJ_tnzM & imgurl=http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/rboto/v74n6/e\

n_a17fig02.jpg & w=785 & h=304 & ei=uAhqT622MaGm0QXYy6CECQ & zoom=1 & iact=hc & vpx=58 & vpy=2\

27 & dur=1688 & hovh=140 & hovw=361 & tx=202 & ty=54 & sig=113301940282217391834 & page=1 & tbnh\

=60 & tbnw=156 & start=0 & ndsp=23 & ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

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Hi LouThank you very much for your reply, that was very helpful. I had a look at the chart which was in the link you sent and found it to be extremey helpful. My Daught does have some prednisolone here and judging by the sodium content of it and anti inflammatory efficacy of prednisolone it would seem far better for her to try that.The chart and your reply certainly rang a bell and answered my question with regard to the swelling of the body.Thanks once again for taking the time to find this out and sending it to me.Kind regardsVickyanne


Lou <enkai111@...>;


<thyroid treatment >;


Re: Hydrocortisone


Wed, Mar 21, 2012 5:00:27 PM

> Is there is anybody on the forum who is taking hydrocortisone and is/has experienced swelling of the legs, feet and hands might know what causes this and what they have done to stop it?

Hi Vickyanne

I take Hydrocortisone. I have not experienced this symptom myself but was told by my doctor to watch out for it, as it is a sign of overreplacement/too much mineralcorticoid activity.


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