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Has anyone used neem for systemic candidiasis?

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Hi All,

Has anyone used neem for candida? I was looking at the neem-genie site and they

say that it takes about two weeks for neem to clear the body of candida,

although they also say that people with auto-immune issues shouldn't use neem

internally as it stimulates the immune system. But I wondered whether a short

course of neem might be healthier for the body in the longer run than multiple

courses of anti-fungals? I most probably have candida and shifting it is my

next health project - when will it all end...



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Hello Finola,

Hmmm, an interesting idea... I have not used Neem oil; just read up on Wiki


.... and it seems that it is a natural antifungal among other properties like acting as a pesticide and killing off cockroaches, termites and such. I would still be cautious. It says that it can cause infertility, so for anybody at child bearing age I would stick to other natural antifungals like olive oil, garlic etc.

As for ridding yourself of mucosal Candida... I believe that the only safe way to do that is to stop ALL processed sugars in any shape or form for at least 3 months+ (and thereafter largely avoid it for life), and incorporate as many safe natural antifungals into your diet as possible.

When the infection is bad, using 150 mg Fluconazole once a week for 3 applications will help to kill off the yeast, and yes, it is hard on the liver.... But the liver is a tough old thing. With a little TLC and clean living it will recover from such abuse. The biggest misconception is to think that treating Candida is enough to kill it off for good.... it isn't. As soon as you put processed sugar back into your system, the beast comes back with a vengeance. I've been fighting to stay on top of mucosal Candida for the past 18 years with varying success. I would pay good money if someone could cure me from liking chocolates. I even consulted a Hypnotherapist to make me hate sweets.... either she was no good, or hypnotherapy doesn't work <g>.... but bottom line is – cut out all processed sugars and the natural bacteria in the gut will be able to control the yeast overgrowth. The Canida albicans strain is a normal part of the (necessary) "bad" bacteria in our gut. It needs to be there, just like the "good guys" need to be there to make up the balance of good and bad .... it is the overgrowth that needs to be controlled, and sugar will make the Candida mushroom... literally.

If I have learned one thing about keeping Candida under control over the years, it is that there are foods and products that help, but there are no short cuts and no miracle cures. If you manage to cut out all processed sugars for good, your body will do the rest.

One tip... make sure you do not suffer from Hypochlorhydria (too little stomach acid). It is a common problem with us hypos. Hypochlorhydria will prevent the proper absorption and utilization of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It will also "let through" Candida into the intestines. Candida flourishes in slightly acidic conditions (like a mouth full of amalgam fillings, for example) but it gets killed off by strong stomach acids. I had no idea for most of my life that my stomach acid was almost non-existent and no doubt, this aggravated my Candida problem throughout the years. Now that I take Betaine HCl, my tummy problems are much more manageable. Read this


The confusing thing is that low stomach acid and too much stomach acid produces exactly the same symptoms – so doctors and patients alike assume their problems must be caused by high acid and prescribe antacids…. and thereby make the problem worse.

It is for the above reasons, that personally I question the use of bicarb of soda for the treatment of Candida… I am not a scientist, and chemistry is a closed book to me, so I do not know, but to me it does not sound plausible that making the stomach more alkaline should help to kill off yeast. I have tried drinking water with bicarb of soda, and it just made me feel sick. But others may have a differing view, and say it works… so I don't know, but it is not for me.

With best wishes,

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Hi there, i have not heard of this one, i have taken two kinds of anti-fungals. and now realize that it may have been an underlyingfood allergy (gluten sensitivity). may have had this for some time (three years or more). now trying a gluten free diet.i would say if the usual reasons for getting candida are not their then try a food allergy testing. you never no what you may find.the candida may be the result of the gluten.!!!ummmmm. Angel.

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