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Acid Reflux Recovery - Simple and Easy!

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Article Title:


Acid Reflux Recovery - Simple and Easy!

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Acid reflux is a condition that plagues millions of people

worldwide. It is caused by stomach acid splashing up into the

esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a ring-like

valve at the bottom of the esophagus. It opens to allow food to

enter the stomach and then closes to keep it there. When the LES

becomes damaged and, or relaxed, stomach fluids are refluxed up

into the esophagus and throat.

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787 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-19 10:12:00

Written By: Richey

Copyright: 2006-2008

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Acid Reflux Recovery - Simple and Easy!

Copyright © 2006-2008 Wind Publishing

Written by: Richey

REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies


Acid reflux is a condition that plagues millions of people

worldwide. It is caused by stomach acid splashing up into the

esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a ring-like

valve at the bottom of the esophagus. It opens to allow food to

enter the stomach and then closes to keep it there. When the LES

becomes damaged and, or relaxed, stomach fluids are refluxed up

into the esophagus and throat. The hydrochloric acid in this

fluid has been compared to the corrosive acid in a common car


It is important to remember why this condition usually exists in

the first place. In most cases it is due to a damaged esophagus

and LES. These can easily be scratched by eating foods with

jagged edges like corn chips or crackers. Even crusty bread

which has not been chewed properly can cause this type of damage.

These little lacerations can then be irritated by acidic foods

which are spicy or fried. Before you know it, you have a full

fledged case of acid reflux. Once this cycle begins, it is not

that easy to stop.

Let the esophagus heal by not eating the same foods in the same

manner that caused the damage in the first place. Losing

weight, exercising, chewing properly, drinking sufficient amounts

of water and eating in a pleasant atmosphere are all simple

things that anyone can do to improve this condition.

There are also many natural ingredients found in any grocery

market or health food store, which can help during the acid

reflux recovery period. Herbs, like slippery elm and marshmallow

have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera juice, licorice and

natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing


By eating dinner at least three hours before retiring, one can

drastically reduce the chances of acid reflux. Chewing gum

between meals actually reduces stomach acid. Saliva is extremely

alkaline in nature and chewing stimulates its production causing

the system to be more alkaline.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Forget the " Three Big Meals "

we have been taught to indulge in. Try eating four or five

little meals each day. Start the day with Kukicha Twig tea

instead of acidic coffee. This tea has been used for hundreds of

years to make the body more alkaline. For breakfast, banish that

cereal and instead eat fruit, like bananas and melons. Have

several snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit during the day.

For lunch have a salad, made with grilled chicken breasts, or

tofu, mixed with hearts of romaine tossed with a little lemon

juice and olive oil. Lemon juice is preferable to vinegar, as it

is more alkaline in nature.

During this reflux recovery period, eating anything which could

irritate or damage the esophagus must be avoided. Until the

lacerations have had a chance to heal, spicy foods, such as

acidic tomato products, hot peppers, raw garlic and raw onions

should be eliminated from the diet. They just further irritate

the condition. Eating chocolate, smoking and drinking alcohol

relax the LES, allowing stomach acid to splash up into the

esophagus, thus impeding the healing process.

The key to acid reflux recovery is to eat only mild, easy to

digest food until the esophagus has healed. Eat early and

slowly, chewing your food completely. Last, but not least, try

to eat in a relaxed, pleasant and stress free environment.

There are many things one can do to improve the chances for

success in defeating acid reflux. The choices in behavior that

we make like exercising, losing weight, wearing loose clothing,

eating and chewing properly and avoiding carbonated drinks are

all very important. There is still another very potent technique

for managing this condition. It is called meditation.

Meditation has the power to eliminate any unpleasant side affect

of our stressful lives, including acid reflux. Try this out; in

a quiet place, sit erect with your hands at your side and take a

long deep breath. Close your eyes and look up toward the space

between the eyebrows, without straining. Continue to breathe

deeply. You will soon find yourself in a very relaxed state with

no particular thoughts in mind. Now visualize yourself eating

beautiful food slowly and carefully. See your mouth, throat,

esophagus, LES and stomach all pink, young and perfect. Feel all

the parts of your body working in complete harmony. Look at

yourself. You are smiling. You are enjoying perfect health.

I promise you that if you did this exercise at least once a day,

your acid reflux would go into remission. With these little

changes in food choices and lifestyle and a few natural

supplements thrown into the mix, anyone can accomplish acid

reflux recovery.

© 2006 Wind Publishing


Richey resides in Pike County, PA.

Mr. Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux

disease, by natural means and has written an extensive report

entitled, " REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies " .

He explains how the proper application of herbs, health store

items, meditation, diet and exercise can heal acid reflux,

gerd and heartburn, without the use of drugs.

For information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way,

go to: http://www.refluxgoneforever.com

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