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Are Toxins and Allergens Causing an Autoimmune Epidemic?

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Article Title:


Are Toxins and Allergens Causing an Autoimmune Epidemic?

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Boosting Your Body's Detoxification System Against Environmental

Toxins Could Prevent Autoimmune Disease.

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806 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-27 11:00:00

Written By: Mark Hyman, M.D.

Copyright: 2008

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Are Toxins and Allergens Causing an Autoimmune Epidemic?

Copyright © 2008 Mark Hyman, M.D.



It's a condition that affects 24 million Americans – and its

incidence has tripled in the last few decades.

It affects more women that breast cancer and heart disease


And it just may be caused by the huge burden of environmental

toxins that surround us.

What am I talking about?

It's autoimmune disease.

Most of us know the most common autoimmune diseases, like

rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory

bowel disease, type-1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and psoriasis.

But there are actually more than 100 different autoimmune

conditions, which can affect different bodily systems. These

conditions occur when the body's immune system attacks its own

tissues rather than a foreign molecule like bacteria.

Swimming in a Toxic Soup

Although autoimmune disease can have many causes, toxins may be

the most important.

You can read more about this issue in Donna Nakazawa's

groundbreaking new book, The Autoimmune Epidemic.

Fueled by her own struggle with autoimmune disease, Donna

identifies environmental toxins, which she terms " autogens " –

foreign compounds that create an " auto " reaction against the self

– as the true cause of autoimmunity.

In his foreword to Donna's book, Dr. Kerr, M.D., Ph.D.,

a professor at s Hopkins School of Medicine, says that " there

is no doubt that autoimmune diseases are on the rise and our

increasing environmental exposure to toxins and chemicals is

fueling the risk. The research is sound. The conclusions,

unassailable. "

It's no wonder.

We are exposed to astounding amounts of toxic chemicals.

A recent government survey ( " National Report on Human Exposure to

Environmental Chemicals " issued in July 2005:

http://www.cdc/gov/exposurereport/) found an average of 148

chemicals in our bodies.

Other research has found 287 industrial chemicals in the

umbilical blood of infants, including pesticides, phthalates,

dioxins, flame-retardants, Teflon, and toxic metals like


A Better Approach to Autoimmunity

This toxic chemical soup clearly has dire effects on our health.

But conventional doctors don't address this when treating


Instead, they prescribe heavy-duty drugs like

anti-inflammatories, steroids like prednisone, anti-cancer drugs

like methotrexate, and new drugs like Enbrel and Remicade that

block the effects of a powerful inflammatory molecule called TNF


These drugs may help in the short term – but they can have

serious side effects and don't address the root cause of


I take a different approach with my patients. I tackle the

underlying causes of autoimmune disease, such as allergens, poor

diet, toxins, infections, and stress.

Then I add back the things the body needs to function optimally,

like whole, clean food, nutrients, exercise, stress management,

clean water and oxygen, community, connection, and meaning.

And the results are stunning.

One of my patients was just 42 but could barely function. She

suffered from psoriasis and related arthritis. After eliminating

gluten and other food allergens, removing heavy metals, and

balancing her immune system, she has lost 30 pounds and is

completely free of pain and psoriasis.

Another man suffered for years with the bloody diarrhea and pain

of ulcerative colitis – until he removed the mercury and other

toxins from his body.

And a recent patient with debilitating fatigue from multiple

sclerosis got nearly complete relief of her symptoms after she

had the mercury fillings removed from her teeth and went on a

comprehensive detoxification program.

But this hasn't just helped my patients. It's helped my family,


I had chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition that has autoimmune

features. Once I addressed my mercury poisoning, my chronic

fatigue and autoimmune problems improved.

My wife developed debilitating autoimmunity with joint pain and

fatigue. Getting rid of the heavy metals in her body with an

intensive detoxification program cured her, too.

You can do it, too!

If you or a loved one has an autoimmune condition, try these


* Read The Autoimmune Epidemic to learn why we have this

problem, and how to fix it

* Find a Functional Medicine doctor who can help you address

autoimmunity (www.functionalmedicine.org)

* Come see us for an appointment at the UltraWellness Center in

Lenox, Massachusetts (www.ultrawellnesscenter.com)

* Get tested for mercury and other heavy metals

* Get tested for celiac disease (an autoimmune reaction to wheat

and other gluten-containing grains), which causes over 60

autoimmune diseases

* Take immune-balancing nutrients and supplements, including

vitamin D, essential fats (like EPA/DHA and GLA), and probiotics

* Practice deep relaxation daily through yoga, meditation,

biofeedback, or anything that reverses the stress response

* Practice the precautionary principle, which says that we

should avoid anything with the potential for harm. In the US,

something has to be proven harmful before it is taken off the

market. In Europe, something has to be proven safe before it is

allowed on the market. This is also known as " better safe than

sorry. "

* Learn how to boost your body's own detoxification system.

Remember, by addressing the root causes of autoimmune disease,

you can start feeling better and getting well – today.


Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional medicine, practicing

physician and best-selling author. A sneak preview of his book

" The UltraSimple Diet " is available. See The UltraWellness Blog

for more on Autoimmune Disease: http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog

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