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Acid Reflux Disease - The Big Lie!

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Acid Reflux Disease - The Big Lie!

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Have you ever wondered what really causes digestive problems? Did

you know that most digestive disorders are not diseases at all,

but conditions which can be completely cured by using natural

techniques and remedies?

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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-03-06 05:36:00

Written By: Richey

Copyright: 2006-2008

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Acid Reflux Disease - The Big Lie!

Copyright © 2006-2008 Richey

REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies


Have you ever wondered what really causes digestive problems? Did

you know that most digestive disorders are not diseases at all,

but conditions which can be completely cured by using natural

techniques and remedies?

The medical community would have you believe that only

prescription drugs can relieve the symptoms of indigestion. This

is simply not the case. Antacids are, at best, a temporary fix

and they are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and

aluminum. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most.

Then what are you to do? These drugs only mask and hide the

symptoms and have hundreds of harmful side effects. They do not

heal the condition! They do not make you well! They only make the

drug makers wealthier at your expense!

I used to suffer from acute GERD. I was addicted to a PPI

drug...a " certain colored pill " . After several years of taking

this drug, my condition became worse and I was told to double the

dose. I began to feel sluggish and tired. My vision suffered and

my blood pressure soared. I realized that these were possible

side effects of this PPI drug. I did a computer search and found

that there were hundreds of possible side effects. I was shocked

and frightened at what I found! I was harming my body and I

wanted to stop taking this drug! But when I tried to stop the

PPI, he acid pumps, which had been shut off, went wild and

produced more acid than ever before.

I can't tell you how much I suffered. My esophagus was

constantly burning and l feared that I would permanently damage

myself. I couldn't sleep at night. I was afraid to eat or drink

anything but water! I was afraid to go out to dinner. I became a

recluse. I began to loose my friends. They didn't understand my

problem. Friends would call and say, " Let's go out for Mexican,

barbeque or pizza " . Of course, I couldn't. I loved to eat hot

chili sprinkled with raw onions and jack cheese, but it was now

my worst nightmare. My life had become unbearable!

I was determined to beat this sickness! My doctor couldn't help

me -no one could tell me what to do. I had to heal myself. I

became completely dedicated to finding the answers. I studied and

researched. I wanted to find naturopathic treatments as opposed

to drugs, so I searched high and low for natural remedies that

might actually cure acid reflux. I tried every possible treatment

that exists, short of voodoo.

I found that the answers to the acid reflux problem are really

quite simple. With a few changes in lifestyle and with the help

of several natural remedies, one can absolutely beat the acid

reflux syndrome, without the use of drugs.

Remember, that the reason this condition exists, in the first

place, is due to a damaged esophagus. Let the esophagus heal by

not eating the same foods in the same way, that caused the

damage. Loosing weight, exercising, chewing properly, drinking

sufficient amounts of water and elevating the head at night, are

all simple things that anyone can do to improve this condition.

There are also many natural ingredients found in any health

store, which an help during the acid reflux recovery period.

Herbs, such as slippery elm and marshmallow have wonderful

healing properties. Aloe vera juice, licorice and natural honey

can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process.

By eating dinner at least three hours before retiring, one can

drastically reduce the chances of acid reflux. Chewing gum

between meals actually reduces stomach acid, and if you really

have to have that pasta with tomato sauce, there is always baking

soda as a last resort.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. I eat four or five little meals

each day. I start the day with Kukicha Twig tea. I then eat

fruit, such as bananas and melons. I have several snacks of

walnuts, almonds and more fruit. For lunch I eat a salad, made

with grilled chicken breasts, or tofu, mixed with hearts of

romaine, tossed with a light lemon and chive vinaigrette.

I have found that it pays to keep the food that you eat as

alkaline as possible. I have developed some wonderful recipes,

such as pasta primavera, baked chicken breasts on mushroom caps

and sautéed white fish on mashed potatoes with green peas. You

certainly don't have to starve yourself, but I suggest that you

stay away from those acid reflux " trigger " foods, until you

have healed your irritated esophagus.

It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a

stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as a fun challenge.

You'll feel so much better, it will have been work all the


So please don't resort to those " colored pills " . Yes, they are

convenient, but potentially dangerous, in the long run. Take

command of your own health and use natural resources to heal acid




Richey is a self-educated expert on how to

cure acid reflux disease, by natural means.

He has written an extensive report entitled, " REFLUX GONE

FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies " . He explains how the

proper application of herbs, health store items, meditation,

diet and exercise, can heal acid reflux, gerd and heartburn.

For more information go to http://www.refluxgoneforever.com

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