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Hey thanks Shaye!

To be honest, I don't know much about the different types. The Melt and

pour looks to be the simplest, and maybe one I'd start out with, and then

move into a different type?

Looking to do research on all of those very things.. ;-)


RE: new member

Hi Kirstin, welcome to this group! There are several of us in the greater

Rochester area. Most of us have been soaping for a number of years.

Myself, I am only half hour or so north of you in Ontario. If you have any

specific questions feel free to ask. What type of soapmaking are you

intersted in? CP (cold process), HP(Hot Process), M & P (melt and pour),


Take care and welcome again!


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Kirstin, You are probably right. I think a lot of people start out that


Here are a few sites you may be interested in to get your feet wet with MP:





And Of course there are probably a lot others, you can do a search.

I can supply you with SFIC soap base if you are interested. Its a really

good base.



RE: new member

Hi Kirstin, welcome to this group! There are several of us in the greater

Rochester area. Most of us have been soaping for a number of years.

Myself, I am only half hour or so north of you in Ontario. If you have


specific questions feel free to ask. What type of soapmaking are you

intersted in? CP (cold process), HP(Hot Process), M & P (melt and pour),


Take care and welcome again!


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About time you posted Kirstin :-) Welcome aboard. :-D

At 02:54 PM 10/28/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi all.


>I'm new. I just joined last week. I'm in upstate NY (around Palmyra area)


Maureen Barger, CIT/ID, Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14850



Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

-- Albert Camus

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Awww thanks! It's been so hectic at work, I haven't had much time to think

about my winter " stuff! "



Re: new member

About time you posted Kirstin :-) Welcome aboard. :-D

At 02:54 PM 10/28/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi all.


>I'm new. I just joined last week. I'm in upstate NY (around Palmyra area)

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Hi, Kirstin! I am originally from Walworth and my mom taught at Pal Mac

for over 30 years! I make Hot Process and Cold process goat milk soap so

can't help with glycerine M & P soaps, but there are lots of others here who

can help.

We're a bunch of friends here who love to chat about everything as much as

we love to get together for food and laughs. Glad you can join us.

Lizz in Geneseo

At 02:54 PM 10/28/2003, you wrote:

>Hi all.


>I'm new. I just joined last week. I'm in upstate NY (around Palmyra area)

>and am really interested in learning how to make soap. I'm mainly

>interested in vegetable glycerine based, as well as goat's milk soaps... I

>have an intolerance to beef byproducts.




>Looking forward to learning all I can from you folks and getting some great

>advice for a beginner.







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  • 2 months later...

Hi Pat, please get in touch with Cliff or Rick, in the cures for cancer group

here, for an alternative, as they are so familiar with Dr.Budwig's regimen

of treatment.

New Member

> Hi, My name is Pat. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan 2002. I

> had a lumpectomy and radiation treatment. My tumor was 2.5 cm, ER-

> Negative (had a hysterectomy back in 1992, Histological grade 3, with

> negative nodes, and clear margins. Though it was considered a high

> grade tumor I opted not to have chemotherapy because of my fear of it

> doing more harm then good. I had no invasion of cancer in my

> auxillary lymph nodes, they removed 6 to verify that. I know that

> they cannot trace microscopic cancer cells but for all partical

> purposes they considered me cancer-free. Well I am aware that once a

> tumor is invaded (biopsy, surgery...) cancer cells are released into

> the body.


> I am currently looking for alternative methods of cleaning up the

> remaining cancer in my body as I have had a recurrence of the cancer

> found in one lymph node in the supra-clavicular area this past

> October. They say it is not new cancer, it is related to the original

> cancer. I went through a MRI, bone scan, and PET scan. It showed

> cancer nowhere else but in that one node which was surgically removed.


> I live La Crosse, Wisconsin and have not located an alternative

> health care facility that can offer services in dealing with cancer

> but I am still looking. I've only been here since August. I am

> currently on medicaid which has paid for all my treatments. I am

> hoping that I can find an alternative service that accepts it or at

> least will work with me regarding fees.


> If there is anyone out there who has undergone such a situation

> simular as mine I would appreciate your input.


> Thanks and I'm happy I found this group.


> Pat



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv




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Hi Pat, please get in touch with Cliff or Rick, in the cures for cancer group

here, for an alternative, as they are so familiar with Dr.Budwig's regimen

of treatment.

New Member

> Hi, My name is Pat. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan 2002. I

> had a lumpectomy and radiation treatment. My tumor was 2.5 cm, ER-

> Negative (had a hysterectomy back in 1992, Histological grade 3, with

> negative nodes, and clear margins. Though it was considered a high

> grade tumor I opted not to have chemotherapy because of my fear of it

> doing more harm then good. I had no invasion of cancer in my

> auxillary lymph nodes, they removed 6 to verify that. I know that

> they cannot trace microscopic cancer cells but for all partical

> purposes they considered me cancer-free. Well I am aware that once a

> tumor is invaded (biopsy, surgery...) cancer cells are released into

> the body.


> I am currently looking for alternative methods of cleaning up the

> remaining cancer in my body as I have had a recurrence of the cancer

> found in one lymph node in the supra-clavicular area this past

> October. They say it is not new cancer, it is related to the original

> cancer. I went through a MRI, bone scan, and PET scan. It showed

> cancer nowhere else but in that one node which was surgically removed.


> I live La Crosse, Wisconsin and have not located an alternative

> health care facility that can offer services in dealing with cancer

> but I am still looking. I've only been here since August. I am

> currently on medicaid which has paid for all my treatments. I am

> hoping that I can find an alternative service that accepts it or at

> least will work with me regarding fees.


> If there is anyone out there who has undergone such a situation

> simular as mine I would appreciate your input.


> Thanks and I'm happy I found this group.


> Pat



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv




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Thank you, . I will try to contact them and I will look up

information on Dr. Budwig.

I also would like to thank those who personally contacted me via

email. I feel like I have finally found firm footing towards my

journey of self-healing.

Thanks again.


Hi Pat, please get in touch with Cliff or Rick, in the

cures for cancer group here, for an alternative, as they are so familiar

with Dr.Budwig's regimen of treatment.


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Thank you, . I will try to contact them and I will look up

information on Dr. Budwig.

I also would like to thank those who personally contacted me via

email. I feel like I have finally found firm footing towards my

journey of self-healing.

Thanks again.


Hi Pat, please get in touch with Cliff or Rick, in the

cures for cancer group here, for an alternative, as they are so familiar

with Dr.Budwig's regimen of treatment.


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Hi Pat

You have the right attitude! Journey of Self Healing.

To many people religiously look to the 'gods of medicine/drugs' in the

hope they will heal them.

Anyone wanting someone else to heal them or pay for the healing is

placing the responsibility for their healing in someone elses hands =

this will surely fail!

The 'gods of medicine' treat us like we are chemical beings and fail

the true causes. They believe the false premise that you can poison

the body into wellness - guess what - it never works.

The 'over educated experts' can not even define the causes because

they know nothing about our electrical being.

The 3 naturals which our bodys can heal with:

Quality 'live' foods - Flax oil the most powerful electrical and

phototransducer available

Exercise - provides electrical stimulus necessary for total health

Sunlight - without which there would be no life

Your journey will cost a little more by picking quality 'live' foods

but your health will soar. Your journey will also take the commitment

of time to do the healthy thing rather than of convienience.

Stick with your journey - don't depend on anyone else


> Thank you, . I will try to contact them and I will look up

> information on Dr. Budwig.


> I also would like to thank those who personally contacted me via

> email. I feel like I have finally found firm footing towards my

> journey of self-healing.


> Thanks again.


> Pat

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Hi Pat

You have the right attitude! Journey of Self Healing.

To many people religiously look to the 'gods of medicine/drugs' in the

hope they will heal them.

Anyone wanting someone else to heal them or pay for the healing is

placing the responsibility for their healing in someone elses hands =

this will surely fail!

The 'gods of medicine' treat us like we are chemical beings and fail

the true causes. They believe the false premise that you can poison

the body into wellness - guess what - it never works.

The 'over educated experts' can not even define the causes because

they know nothing about our electrical being.

The 3 naturals which our bodys can heal with:

Quality 'live' foods - Flax oil the most powerful electrical and

phototransducer available

Exercise - provides electrical stimulus necessary for total health

Sunlight - without which there would be no life

Your journey will cost a little more by picking quality 'live' foods

but your health will soar. Your journey will also take the commitment

of time to do the healthy thing rather than of convienience.

Stick with your journey - don't depend on anyone else


> Thank you, . I will try to contact them and I will look up

> information on Dr. Budwig.


> I also would like to thank those who personally contacted me via

> email. I feel like I have finally found firm footing towards my

> journey of self-healing.


> Thanks again.


> Pat

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Welcome, Will. I'm Sue, in the UK, also a homoeopathy student, but only

first year! :o( Good luck with your thesis - sounds like it should be good


Love, light and peace,


" He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a

fool forever. " ~ Chinese proverb

> new member




> hello!


> my name is william, 39yrs. 3rd year student of h-pathy,

> living in helsinki, the beautiful but for now quite cold capital

> of finland.

> i guess there aren't that many non-english speaking nations

> represented here on the list. that's ok.

> i'm a member of vaccine info list also and some h-pathy lists

> of course, and enjoying very much following the mails sent on the

> lists, most educational, at least most of them.

> during my studies i've become 'very' anti jab person, and the

> reason i keep on lurking here is that i 'd like to write my

> finals at school about vax and the negative effects they have. i

> hope i'm gonna have some good ideas about that some of these days. . .

> enuff said for now, thanks for reading

> be well, will.




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----- Original Message -----

From: Sue

Welcome, Will. Good luck with your thesis - sounds like it should be good



well, thanks.

actually i am not much of a writer...i hate writing to be honest, so don't

count that much on that 'good' reading 'lol'


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Welcome! i'm new too and i live in southern California!

new member




> hello!


> my name is william, 39yrs. 3rd year student of h-pathy,

> living in helsinki, the beautiful but for now quite cold capital

> of finland.

> i guess there aren't that many non-english speaking nations

> represented here on the list. that's ok.

> i'm a member of vaccine info list also and some h-pathy lists

> of course, and enjoying very much following the mails sent on the

> lists, most educational, at least most of them.

> during my studies i've become 'very' anti jab person, and the

> reason i keep on lurking here is that i 'd like to write my

> finals at school about vax and the negative effects they have. i

> hope i'm gonna have some good ideas about that some of these days. .

> enuff said for now, thanks for reading

> be well, will.




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Welcome to the group! Glad to hear you had relief of most of your symptoms with the surgery. :o)

If you do a search in the archives on "spasm" you'll find info about ways to treat the spasm pains.

Here's some basic info I posted earlier today:official name is "NCCPs" -- Non Cardiac Chest Pains. Many different coping methods to try:

-- swallowing something warm or something cold

-- CCB medication (calcium channel blockers) -- I prick the shell of a nifedipine capsule and squirt it under my tongue. It absorbs into the bloodstream under the tongue (this is called a sub-lingual medication, meaning under-tongue) and relaxes smooth muscle tissue (which is what the esophagus is made up of.) unfortunately, it can also lower your blood pressure (usually only a problem if you already have low BP to begin with) and cause a headache afterwards

-- anti-depressant and anti-convulsant medication -- some people don't have NCCPs when on these types of medications, believed to be a function of the medicine's effect on serotonin in the brain

-- l'argnine supplements -- some people have found these relieve NCCP symptoms

-- if symptoms are debilitating and none of the methods above help, you may need a narcotic pain reliever, but definitely try all the options above first, b/c if you're on narcotics you can't drive, work, etc., and the vast majority of people find relief another way

Like I said, if you search through the archives you'll find people's personal experiences w/ the different methods. Welcome again!Debbi in Michigan

Hi I am new member in this group but not new to achalasia. This is Joanne Mifsud from Malta. I am 28 years old . I was diagonized with achalasia 6 years ago. I had to do the Laparoscopic Heller's myotomy and it was a success. All these years I can enjoy eating without any problems. Before the operation I could not swallow anything not even fluids and I lost alot of weight. Now my only problem with achalasia is the bad chest pains that I get from time to time. Last year i was diagonized with vigourous achalasia and now I was put on medication. I think it helped abit but still sometimes I get this pain, altough less with the medication. I wish to know your experience or maybe some tips that we can help each other. Hear from you Joanne.

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Welcome to the group. I think you will find the Achalasia group very



new member

> Hi I am new member in this group but not new to achalasia. This is

> Joanne Mifsud from Malta. I am 28 years old . I was diagonized

> with achalasia 6 years ago. I had to do the Laparoscopic Heller's

> myotomy and it was a success. All these years I can enjoy eating

> without any problems. Before the operation I could not swallow

> anything not even fluids and I lost alot of weight. Now my only

> problem with achalasia is the bad chest pains that I get from time

> to time. Last year i was diagonized with vigourous achalasia and now

> I was put on medication. I think it helped abit but still sometimes

> I get this pain, altough less with the medication. I wish to know

> your experience or maybe some tips that we can help each other. Hear

> from you Joanne.






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Welcome to the group. You will like it here. I don't do the RS food mover

but I do use his videos. Gotta love those oldies. I am using portion control

and just trying to eat healthier. Good luck on your weight loss in


new member

> Good Morning, I also started out on RS Helping Boards. I have not

> been able to access this feature since last October. I do not know if

> he has discontinued the HB. I miss a lot of the people I met there,

> and I was wondering if I could find them again here.

> I live in NW Illinois, farm country, a move from Chicago. I am

> probably " older " than a lot of members here. I will be 60 this year.

> Hope to meet everyone soon.


> Thanks,

> a T.




> To unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link

and unsubscribe:

> 100-plus/join





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Hi a,

Welcome. I hope you do find a friend or two from the RS boards. I

hope this list will help support, inform, and motivate you, as it

has done for me.


> Good Morning, I also started out on RS Helping Boards. I have not

> been able to access this feature since last October. I do not know


> he has discontinued the HB. I miss a lot of the people I met


> and I was wondering if I could find them again here.

> I live in NW Illinois, farm country, a move from Chicago. I am

> probably " older " than a lot of members here. I will be 60 this


> Hope to meet everyone soon.


> Thanks,

> a T.

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> Good Morning, I also started out on RS Helping Boards. I have not

> been able to access this feature since last October.

For some reason they went back to the *old* server, news.richardsimmons.com

instead of the newer news2.richardsimmons.com. You can change it in your

newsreader or go to this website, scroll down, and click for the right



I do not know if

> he has discontinued the HB.

Nobody knows, and the webmaster doesn't answer any of the emails people have

sent her over the past few months about it.

Welcome to the group.

Sue in NJ

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hello Joanne and welcome,

could you tell us the name of the medication that gave you some

relieve of your chest pain? Did your chest pains become more severe

and/or more frequent after the myotomy?

My daughter is having spasms 2-3 x weekly and I am always looking for

new ideas how to help her.

thanks a lot

- claudine -

> Hi I am new member in this group but not new to achalasia. This is

> Joanne Mifsud from Malta. I am 28 years old . I was diagonized

> with achalasia 6 years ago. I had to do the Laparoscopic Heller's

> myotomy and it was a success. All these years I can enjoy eating

> without any problems. Before the operation I could not swallow

> anything not even fluids and I lost alot of weight. Now my only

> problem with achalasia is the bad chest pains that I get from time

> to time. Last year i was diagonized with vigourous achalasia and


> I was put on medication. I think it helped abit but still


> I get this pain, altough less with the medication. I wish to know

> your experience or maybe some tips that we can help each other.


> from you Joanne.

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Hi a :) I'm also in the NW IL area - not farm area though. I'm 41. you'll like the list - they're great

The harder you fall - the higher you bounce

new member

Good Morning, I also started out on RS Helping Boards. I have not been able to access this feature since last October. I do not know if he has discontinued the HB. I miss a lot of the people I met there, and I was wondering if I could find them again here.I live in NW Illinois, farm country, a move from Chicago. I am probably "older" than a lot of members here. I will be 60 this year. Hope to meet everyone soon.Thanks, a T.

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In a message dated 1/22/04 12:10:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ohaq2000@... writes:

> I want to know if there is anything else I can do besides

> amputating her leg. Her tumor is localized and has not spread.


I don't know how helpful this will be for you but my dog once had a tumor in

her leg and the vet injected the tumor with ozone. After two treatments the

tumor became soft then liquid and drained out. It is imperative that the body

be detoxed and rebuilt while this process takes place.

Have you tried the cancema that everyone raves about?

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