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Hi JC,

I read your mail about Arginine. Have you had good

results with it? Do you have any side affects? Does

it seem to help with your swallowing? I had surgery

last June, but still have trouble swallowing, although

it's better than before.

Thanks for sharing,



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Welcome to the group, You didn't say if you are Northern or Southern

CA. Several of us have gone to UCLA for treatment and have been

pleased. I assume Kaiser wouldn't send you off their network but for

the Western US, UCLA is high up there in places to go. If you want

specific Drs. names we would be glad to help. I have only had

dilation there but was pleased with the results and treatment so

far. Everyone I saw there for tests was familiar with achalasia

because quite a few of us have been there.

It is disheartening to hear you are having trouble after surgery.

After reading through these messages it seems like almost all of us

are very chronic. I hold out hope that those that have no continuing

problems after their first treatment don't ever bother to find us and

that all the problems you read about here are for a small minority of

achalasia sufferers. The rest are " cured " and never type achalasia

in their search engines.

As far as botox, it hasn't sounded very promising from most of the

postings here. My Dr. didn't even seem to mention it as a valid

option, he just breezed right past it. But that is only my

impression. It seems to be considered equally with the other

treatments in other web articles I have read, but seems to be very

short term in the postings here.

I'm about 45 minutes from UCLA so might be more willing to try short

term procedures. If I had to stay overnight and face long distance

travel for Dr. visits and it was a real disruption in my life to see

a well-informed Dr., then I would consider more permanent treatments

as a first resort.

Good luck to you Shauna.

> Hi there, I just ran across this site and am very excited. I have

> been trying to follow the history of your group but I think best to

> just start from scratch. I am in California, 33yr old female, post

> heller myotomy and fundoplytasia. Very upset because my esophagus

> motility is failing again and looking for people who share the same

> condition. I learned of this site through Kaiser Permenente's web

> site. I have heard and experienced the good and bad of Kaiser and


> also an employee. I am amazed of some of the stories I have read


> about dealing with your insurances. I must say the insurance


> my problem, finding a doc who knew what to look for was. After 8


> of looking, I was finally diagnosed and surgery soon followed.


> was 2000. Much to my dismay, things are returning. Any advice out

> there. Has anyone used the " botox " treatment. Thanks for letting


> take up your space on your screen. Shauna, Sebastopol, California

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I had 10 or 12 botox treatments during the first 5 years that I had achalasia. The first couple I had were mildly effective, but the later ones were less and less effective, to the point of imperceptible improvement. I had surgery in January 2000 and have had virtually no problems since then. The surgery was at least 10 times as effective as the best botox treatment that I ever had. I also had the Heller's with fundiplication ( Pellegrini at Univ Washington Med Ctr did the procedure).

It's a little disconcerting to me to hear that you are having difficulty now, two years after surgery--I was under the impression that this was a permanent fix. How does your doctor explain this? What is the mechanism for failure now?

-----Original Message-----From: srfslh [mailto:fish-on@...]Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 11:42 PMachalasia Subject: New MemberHi there, I just ran across this site and am very excited. I have been trying to follow the history of your group but I think best to just start from scratch. I am in California, 33yr old female, post heller myotomy and fundoplytasia. Very upset because my esophagus motility is failing again and looking for people who share the same condition. I learned of this site through Kaiser Permenente's web site. I have heard and experienced the good and bad of Kaiser and am also an employee. I am amazed of some of the stories I have read here about dealing with your insurances. I must say the insurance wasn't my problem, finding a doc who knew what to look for was. After 8 yrs of looking, I was finally diagnosed and surgery soon followed. That was 2000. Much to my dismay, things are returning. Any advice out there. Has anyone used the "botox" treatment. Thanks for letting me take up your space on your screen. Shauna, Sebastopol, California

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Tom, there must be a sudden flood of joining the Group, I joined last

night, Same as you all new to this, was a charge Nurse in an A & E Dept before

coming into this. Better than a hospital or the NHS and the Money is a lot

better. I am in the North Sea On a research Boat looking for Guess what, oil.

LOL. Drop a line sometime.



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You are indeed correct. We have had several new members join over the last 7

days or so. Current membership stands at 240

Best Wishes



Original Message:


From: Fraser cummings frasercummings@...

Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 15:02:49 +0100 (BST)

Subject: Re: New member

Dear Tom, there must be a sudden flood of joining the Group, I joined last

night, Same as you all new to this, was a charge Nurse in an A & E Dept before

coming into this. Better than a hospital or the NHS and the Money is a lot

better. I am in the North Sea On a research Boat looking for Guess what, oil.

LOL. Drop a line sometime.



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Hi Birkici -

Is that your name? For supplements I use:

1. A multivitamin

2. Flax Oil (1 TBSP per day)

I use Myoplex Lite shakes in Chocolate or Strawberry (only about 3 a week). I

used Myoplex Lite bars for most of C1 and half of C2 but now am using a lo carb

bar (Carb Solutions) and adding a piece of fruit which I find more filling.

Again, I only use the bars about 3 times a week.


Finished C2 Sunday / Start C3 May 27!

New Member

I was wondering what kind of supplements and shakes everyone on here uses.

Also can I please get some people to send me a sample of what they would eat

in a day. I am trying to figure out what to eat for my six meals. thanks

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For sample meals and workouts, check out the Muscle Media swimsuit calendar



When you click on the women (in the circles) at the top of the page, a link to

their workout plan and nutrition pops up on the left. Most of them have the

whole week of workouts and menus.

New Member

I was wondering what kind of supplements and shakes everyone on here uses.

Also can I please get some people to send me a sample of what they would eat

in a day. I am trying to figure out what to eat for my six meals. thanks

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BIRKICI@... wrote:

> I was wondering what kind of supplements and shakes everyone on here uses.

> Also can I please get some people to send me a sample of what they would eat

> in a day. I am trying to figure out what to eat for my six meals. thanks

I don't use any :) DH and I used shakes for the first 1-2 months and we just

feel a lot better eating all whole foods. I post my meals pretty much daily so

hopefully that will give you some ideas :)


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I eat pretty boring stuff, but it works for me:

1. 4 egg whites, 1/2 apple, 1 tbsp Udo's oil

2. cottage cheese, 1/2 grapefruit

3. chicken breast, red beans or rice, huge spinach salad

4. cottage cheese, grapes,

5. lean meat or fish, brown rice, broccoli or asparagus

6. tuna, slice of ww bread, baby carrots

> I was wondering what kind of supplements and shakes everyone on

here uses.

> Also can I please get some people to send me a sample of what they

would eat

> in a day. I am trying to figure out what to eat for my six meals.


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mellied2002 wrote:

> Hello everyone, this is my first time writing to this

> group although I try to read all the scripts from the

> day before. I am currently in my 7th week of my first

> challenge and so far I have seen pretty good results,

> slowly but that is ok with me.

> I am hoping that maybe you guys could help me out with

> a few questions that I have. First I was curious as

> to this free day, do people really take advantage of

> it or not? I have a tendency to eat quite a bit on

> those days and am afraid I am hindering anyfurtherresults.

> Also..as of Sunday I have just started to try this

> HIIT cardio that I have heard so much about. I went

> off of the article in Muscle Media and

> have done two days of 4 minutes each so far, this just

> does not seem like enough to me, does anyone haveanyadvice on this

> one?

> Thanks in advance for all your help, I am glad to be a

> part of this group and to have people to turn towiththese questions.


Welcome to the group, :)

Free days are like the sacred cow of people doing the Body For Life program.

Some people say they'll hinder your progress and don't use them. I do use my

free day.. but I don't let my free day use me. The first couple of free days

we had I would gorge myself and then spend the night on the toilet having

diarrhea and wanting to vomit. I learned moderation. I started to crave

moderation. So, yes, on my free days I do eat everything I want. :) But,

what I want -now- is less than what I wanted before I started BFL. I have a

little bit of the things I crave and just don't want to eat as much as I used

to. So I eat what I crave and I only eat when I'm hungry.. I actually listen

to my body :) And it's been working for me!

From what I know of people who have done HIIT.. after doing 4-6 weeks of BFL

20 minute cardio they normally just go straight to the 15 minute HIIT

option. (Or whatever the last timing set is!) :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Are you able to wear running shoes to work? That might help with the concrete

floors... Just a thought. I've started wearing and appreciating my running shoes

a lot more since I've developed knee problems.

I'm also frustrated with my doctor. I've learned more from reading articles on

the Internet than from him and yet he didn't want to give me a referral to a

specialist. (^%$# HMO!).

troubleinny2001 <troubleinny2001@...> wrote: Hello! Just found this

community and thought it maybe good to join.

I have been through 3 arthroscopic surgeries. The last was on April

5th. I was told as I lay in recovery that I will probably have a

knee replacement in the next 10 years. I am so frustrated with this

and my doctor I dont know what to do. I work in a factory. Dr is

ready to send me back but shortly after the surgery he told me to

find a different sort of job. He did this last year after my second

surgery! I was suppose to return 5 days ago I told him I am not

ready yet. I stand on concrete floors all day and my job requires

climbing, and some kneeling. I am afraid to climb because of all the

pain I will feel when I get down or even lift my leg to climb up and

I know the concrete is going to be a killer. He asked about a knee

brace one with hinges, but when I told him I had a knee brace just

one without the hinges he said ok that should work. The only thing

different about this knee surgery is that this time I also ended up

with a torn meniscus as well. I get so depressed sometimes because

of the limitations. I cant bend my knee like I should and when it

has accidently happened for some reason or another the great deal of

pain that I am and on occasion ended up on the floor. ( I lifted leg

as I almost fell over kids toys or from sitting out on front steps

and went to get up and I ended up sitting back down and in tears.) I

dont know what else to do now except to go for a second opinion.

Well I hope to hear from you all. I have rambled on long enough. I

dont usually do that. Take care. Vickie

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I have been there and am doing that. I too have had 3 arthroscopic

surgeries (1st for a torn medial meniscus, 2d to remove synovical

plica and the third she debrided the area that I have Grade III

CP). I hade my third surgery the 26th of February --after being off

for 10 days, she returned me to work with limitations of working my

job for 4 hours and light duty (sitting) for the other 4 hours. ON

the 20th of May she returned my to full duty saying there is nothing

more she can do until I get to Grade IV and age 65 (another 15

years). She advised me to find another job that I could sit at--in

today's economy easier said than done. I work for the Post Office as

a Mail Processor. I run a sorting machine that requires me to lift

trays of mail (14-25 pounds) and either walk or stand for the bulk of

8 hours. It is very difficult for me to go up and down stairs and by

the time I come home from work at night my knee hurts so bad that I

can hardly walk on it. I am still doing my exercises that I learned

during the time I was in physical therapy and I have gotton most of

my range of motion back (with pain of course). I don't know where

your CP is --if it is on the medial side only you might look at the

website www.unispacer.com Then possible check out a doctor that

works with that device. From what I have heard, it works for people

with Grade III CP in the medial side. My medial tibal plateau is

only CP Grade I-II and I have Grade III Chondromalacia of Lateral

tibial Plateau and Grade III Chondromalacia of the Trochlea. Good

Luck. I know it sometimes helps to know that you are not alone in

this. Jenni

@y..., " troubleinny2001 " <troubleinny2001@y...> wrote:

> Hello! Just found this community and thought it maybe good to join.

> I have been through 3 arthroscopic surgeries. The last was on April

> 5th. I was told as I lay in recovery that I will probably have a

> knee replacement in the next 10 years. I am so frustrated with this

> and my doctor I dont know what to do. I work in a factory. Dr is

> ready to send me back but shortly after the surgery he told me to

> find a different sort of job. He did this last year after my second

> surgery! I was suppose to return 5 days ago I told him I am not

> ready yet. I stand on concrete floors all day and my job requires

> climbing, and some kneeling. I am afraid to climb because of all


> pain I will feel when I get down or even lift my leg to climb up


> I know the concrete is going to be a killer. He asked about a knee

> brace one with hinges, but when I told him I had a knee brace just

> one without the hinges he said ok that should work. The only thing

> different about this knee surgery is that this time I also ended up

> with a torn meniscus as well. I get so depressed sometimes because

> of the limitations. I cant bend my knee like I should and when it

> has accidently happened for some reason or another the great deal


> pain that I am and on occasion ended up on the floor. ( I lifted


> as I almost fell over kids toys or from sitting out on front steps

> and went to get up and I ended up sitting back down and in tears.)


> dont know what else to do now except to go for a second opinion.

> Well I hope to hear from you all. I have rambled on long enough. I

> dont usually do that. Take care. Vickie

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Thanks for your input. I am glad to know that I am not alone. I just

can't imagine going back to work and climbing on the " trucks " which

hold office furniture in which we manufacture. The trucks are about

1 or 2 feet of the floor (I think) and we have to step up on them to

do things like bookshelves or anything that is tall. And its up and

down all day. I am not sure about the Grades in which you are

speaking or the unispacer, but have every intention of checking it

into it. My first two surgeries were for debridement, this last one

was for debridement and I had a torn menisus on the outside of my

knee. The name escapes me now. But I guess come the first part of

July I go back I can't afford living on disability and no other job

offers. The doctor has to release me with no restrictions though as

they will not take me back with restrictions and he knows it so he

will probably do it so that I can return. What I was wondering

though is does anyone else or has anyone ever felt depressed over

things like this. I cant say I feel sorry for myself just frustrated

with the situation. Thanks for letting me know what you are going

through to though it help me know I am not alone. Vickie-

-- In chondromalacia treatment@y..., navychief74014 <no_reply@y...>


> Vickie--


> I have been there and am doing that. I too have had 3


> surgeries (1st for a torn medial meniscus, 2d to remove synovical

> plica and the third she debrided the area that I have Grade III

> CP). I hade my third surgery the 26th of February --after being


> for 10 days, she returned me to work with limitations of working


> job for 4 hours and light duty (sitting) for the other 4 hours.


> the 20th of May she returned my to full duty saying there is


> more she can do until I get to Grade IV and age 65 (another 15

> years). She advised me to find another job that I could sit at--


> today's economy easier said than done. I work for the Post Office


> a Mail Processor. I run a sorting machine that requires me to


> trays of mail (14-25 pounds) and either walk or stand for the bulk


> 8 hours. It is very difficult for me to go up and down stairs and


> the time I come home from work at night my knee hurts so bad that


> can hardly walk on it. I am still doing my exercises that I


> during the time I was in physical therapy and I have gotton most


> my range of motion back (with pain of course). I don't know where

> your CP is --if it is on the medial side only you might look at


> website www.unispacer.com Then possible check out a doctor that

> works with that device. From what I have heard, it works for


> with Grade III CP in the medial side. My medial tibal plateau is

> only CP Grade I-II and I have Grade III Chondromalacia of Lateral

> tibial Plateau and Grade III Chondromalacia of the Trochlea. Good

> Luck. I know it sometimes helps to know that you are not alone in

> this. Jenni

> @y..., " troubleinny2001 " <troubleinny2001@y...> wrote:

> > Hello! Just found this community and thought it maybe good to


> > I have been through 3 arthroscopic surgeries. The last was on


> > 5th. I was told as I lay in recovery that I will probably have a

> > knee replacement in the next 10 years. I am so frustrated with


> > and my doctor I dont know what to do. I work in a factory. Dr is

> > ready to send me back but shortly after the surgery he told me


> > find a different sort of job. He did this last year after my


> > surgery! I was suppose to return 5 days ago I told him I am not

> > ready yet. I stand on concrete floors all day and my job


> > climbing, and some kneeling. I am afraid to climb because of all

> the

> > pain I will feel when I get down or even lift my leg to climb up

> and

> > I know the concrete is going to be a killer. He asked about a


> > brace one with hinges, but when I told him I had a knee brace


> > one without the hinges he said ok that should work. The only


> > different about this knee surgery is that this time I also ended


> > with a torn meniscus as well. I get so depressed sometimes


> > of the limitations. I cant bend my knee like I should and when


> > has accidently happened for some reason or another the great


> of

> > pain that I am and on occasion ended up on the floor. ( I lifted

> leg

> > as I almost fell over kids toys or from sitting out on front


> > and went to get up and I ended up sitting back down and in


> I

> > dont know what else to do now except to go for a second opinion.

> > Well I hope to hear from you all. I have rambled on long enough.


> > dont usually do that. Take care. Vickie

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Hi Laurie, good luck with the teeth! Ouch! Poor little guy.


*Momi* of Sara 9, Sabaa 6, Alia 5, Hana 3 mos (DS/AV Canal Defect) and

Lily the cat!!!

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:07:19 -0700 (PDT) laurie drago <mick8_7@...>


> Hi Everyone, My Name is Laurie Drago, I am a stay at home mom of Mic

> 22 mos.ds post heart surgery.My husband Steve is 46 I am 42.We live

> in Middleburgh NY.I have seen some familiar names on this list so a

> few of you already know me from another group.Mic is an only child

> and very social and cute.I usually have alot of questions for other

> parents.Mic has just started taking lone steps 1 or 2 at a time

> which has made us really happy.He walks with push toys and just

> learned to steer them himself yesterday.We have some feeding issues

> he just plain wont eat.He was eating off the table for awhile and

> about 6 mos. ago stopped.He has been having a very bad time with

> teeth I am hoping this is the cause of refusal to eat.We have 6

> teeth to go this week its the eye teeth really causing

> discomfort.You will find I am very naieve about kids I have never

> really been around until I had Mic and Im alittle neurotic when Im

> afraid something is wrong with him.I am very happy to join this

> group and already have enjoyed many of your posts.Im having a busy

> week as Im sure many of you are school letting out for many of us

> this week.I am trying to play catch up with everything.Thank you

> allowing us to be a part of your group.Laurie Steve and Mic



> ---------------------------------


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In a message dated 6/18/02 6:36:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,



LOL, but we love you anyhow! ;-)

welcome Laurie, Steve and Mic. You will like it here. We're a

friendly(opinionated) bunch that somehow manages to keep things friendly most

of the time. And if we don't , Timbo, granny...will whip us into shape.

Speaking of whipping...LOL

I need another copy of the application for dating my daughter. Our 17 year

old's closest male friend just bought a pick up truck, put me in mind of that

application. Was Tim the one that sent it out several years ago?


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terim319 wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I've been lurking a couple of weeks. I started my first challenge on

> June 3 and have had no problem with the exercise, having lifted

> weights before but the FOOD! agh! Anyway..just wanted to say hi and

> thanks for the info y'all have dispensed. I started using fitday.com

> yesterday and it helps me see where I am lacking on the food issue. I

> have to tell y'all I LOVE the photos. Y'all are so IMPRESSIVE!!


> Teri

Welcome to the group, Teri and congrats on starting BFL!!

Serenity :)



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Welcome to BFL and to our group, Teri. Try this for some great suggestions on


www.mrsbishwitskitchen.com Click on Post your Recipes for some great ideas

conceived and/or collected by our very own Joann.

GL on your challenge.


New Member

Hello everyone,

I've been lurking a couple of weeks. I started my first challenge on

June 3 and have had no problem with the exercise, having lifted

weights before but the FOOD! agh! Anyway..just wanted to say hi and

thanks for the info y'all have dispensed. I started using fitday.com

yesterday and it helps me see where I am lacking on the food issue. I

have to tell y'all I LOVE the photos. Y'all are so IMPRESSIVE!!


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Thanks for the welcome Rita!

New Member

Hello everyone,

I've been lurking a couple of weeks. I started my first challenge on

June 3 and have had no problem with the exercise, having lifted

weights before but the FOOD! agh! Anyway..just wanted to say hi and

thanks for the info y'all have dispensed. I started using fitday.com

yesterday and it helps me see where I am lacking on the food issue. I

have to tell y'all I LOVE the photos. Y'all are so IMPRESSIVE!!


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In a message dated 6/24/2002 11:04:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

joanne_woods6@... writes:

> I am totally discouraged

Welcome, and let me address this and I have felt exactly what you are

feeling. I started BFL a year ago at 132 and saw no improvements in my after

pictures for challenge 1. But I kept at it, through challenges 2,3 and 4. In

all that time, I have gone from 24% to 15% body fat. I am in the best shape

of my life (at 53) and if I hadn't stuck with it, I would not be where I am

today. Now here is the kicker...I weigh 138 now but am 2 clothes sizes

smaller. Don't give up. You are changing slowly from the inside....you said

yourself that you have been battling the extra weight for 10 years....this

will be an ongoing process but believe me, it will be well worth it. I no

longer have food cravings (chocolate), I never THINK about eating in between

meals, I have have more energy than I did 10 years ago, and if I go off for a

week's vacation, I know that I can eat and enjoy and that all the work I've

done on my body will keep me from suddenly becoming the flabby, out of shape

woman that I was before BFL. a

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Hi Joanne~

welcome to the board! If you are not seeing the results and your clothes are

not fitting any looser then the problem is your free days...some people just

can't go totaly crazy on free days and still see the results...and some can

[it depends on the individual and the activity level the person has in their

everyday life outside of the gym]. So cutting back on your free days will be

a good start. Good luck~


New Member

> Hello All,

> I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of the

> challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about 166

> lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He started

> before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has always

> been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling w/10-15

> lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now. I

> feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting differently

> at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting everything. I

> cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every night

> and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get this

> 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer is

> still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do. I am

> positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I may

> have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is stopping

> as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> have ...Thank you!





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I can understand why you're discouraged, but if you're not seeing

changes, then you need to do something differently. I suggest making

sure you're not eating overly large portions of carbs during the

week. I would also suggest limiting yourself to one moderate free

meal per week, instead of taking a whole free day (which can sabotage

your calorie deficit for the week). Some ladies here may disagree

with me, but I find that I have to do extra cardio initially (6x/week

for 30-60 minutes) to lose the fat. You might want to try that.

Finally, check out Dr. Hussman's page at http://hussman.org/fitness/

He provides a ton of information that I, and many ladies here, find

extremeley useful.


> Hello All,

> I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of


> challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about


> lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He started

> before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has always

> been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling w/10-


> lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now. I

> feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting


> at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting everything.


> cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every


> and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get


> 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer is

> still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do. I


> positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I


> have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is


> as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> have ...Thank you!

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Welcome, and don't get discouraged. It could be many things. Maybe

you could post a day's meal plan to see if anyone finds a culprit.

Are your workouts intense enough? Are you reaching your 10 effort?

If you are doing any drinking it is detrimental to fat loss because

the alcohol is going to be burned first, then the cargbs/glucose, and

it doesn't give the fat the proper environment to even step up to the

plate. You have to eat really really clean and want this really

really bad. BFL has been a very painful(physical exertion) experience

for me though enjoyable as well. It has by no means been easy in any

definition of the word. But bodies transform. Look at Rosemary the

poster girl. It took her a year or so but she did it. Anyone can do

it. You can do it. Don't compare your progress with your boyfriend's.

He has testosterone on his side and it makes the game unfair. Stick

to this and don't give up! Week 9 is just the beginning. This can go

on for as many weeks as it takes for you to reach your goal and if

you concentrate on this the time will fly by and you will love what

you see! Stay here for support and inspiration. And keep your free

days under control.


> Hello All,

> I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of


> challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about


> lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He started

> before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has always

> been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling w/10-


> lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now. I

> feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting


> at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting everything.


> cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every


> and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get


> 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer is

> still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do. I


> positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I


> have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is


> as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> have ...Thank you!

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joanne_woods6 wrote:

> Hello All,

> I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of the

> challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about 166

> lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He started

> before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has always

> been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling w/10-15

> lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now. I

> feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting differently

> at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting everything. I

> cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every night

> and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get this

> 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer is

> still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do. I am

> positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I may

> have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is stopping

> as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> have ...Thank you!

Welcome to the group, Joanne! And congrats on doing BFL :) Don't feel

discouraged. It takes your body time to rewire itself from all the bad

habits :)


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> > Hello All,

> > I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of

> the

> > challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about

> 166

> > lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He


> > before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has


> > been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling


> 15

> > lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now.


> > feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting

> differently

> > at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting


> I

> > cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every

> night

> > and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> > checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> > bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> > want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get

> this

> > 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> > through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> > inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer


> > still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> > weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> > minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do.


> am

> > positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I

> may

> > have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is

> stopping

> > as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> > have ...Thank you!




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That was really great advice. What a pep talk! It made me think too! Joanne,

You are doing great to be hanging in there still at week 9. Thats an

accomplishment in itself. You can do it!


Welcome, and don't get discouraged. It could be many things. Maybe

you could post a day's meal plan to see if anyone finds a culprit.

Are your workouts intense enough? Are you reaching your 10 effort?

If you are doing any drinking it is detrimental to fat loss because

the alcohol is going to be burned first, then the cargbs/glucose, and

it doesn't give the fat the proper environment to even step up to the

plate. You have to eat really really clean and want this really

really bad. BFL has been a very painful(physical exertion) experience

for me though enjoyable as well. It has by no means been easy in any

definition of the word. But bodies transform. Look at Rosemary the

poster girl. It took her a year or so but she did it. Anyone can do

it. You can do it. Don't compare your progress with your boyfriend's.

He has testosterone on his side and it makes the game unfair. Stick

to this and don't give up! Week 9 is just the beginning. This can go

on for as many weeks as it takes for you to reach your goal and if

you concentrate on this the time will fly by and you will love what

you see! Stay here for support and inspiration. And keep your free

days under control.


> Hello All,

> I am a new member to this group. I am beginning the 9th week of


> challenge and I am totally discouraged. I am 5 " 10 and weigh about


> lbs. Last week I weighed 164..My BF is doing this w/me. He started

> before me. he has been working out his entire life, and has always

> been in great shape. I on the other hand have been struggling w/10-


> lbs for over 10 years. I feel so discouraged and upset right now. I

> feel like this is all for not. My clothes are not fitting


> at all!!! I am working my butt off and I am restricting everything.


> cannot get past the same weight I was when I was drinking every


> and eating apps. I started the challenge at about 170 and I never

> checked my bodyfat% until I was about 6 weeks in and I have 25%

> bodyfat. I feel like this is never going to get me the results I

> want.I feel like joining some commercial weight loss plan to get


> 10-15 lbs. off me. My BF has been complimenting me all the way

> through and saying how my body is changing etc. I have lost some

> inches but I am just so discouraged....My skirt from last summer is

> still tight just like it was and I have been busting butt for 8

> weeks. Last summer I may have done cardio 3-4 times a week for 30

> minutes that's it, and I drank almost evry night. What can I do. I


> positive I am eating, and working out correctly. The only thing I


> have done is gone a little overboard on Sundays but that is


> as of this week. Please give me any advice or suggestions you may

> have ...Thank you!

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