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Top Weight Gain Supplements

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Article Title:


Top Weight Gain Supplements

Article Description:


A question most often asked by those who are just getting started

in bodybuilding, especially those who are teenagers, is which

supplements are best for gaining weight quickly and for bulking

up. Assuming that all of the rules that are presented in my

Weight Gain And Bulking Up Rules For The Natural Bodybuilder

article, are being followed, then the supplements presented below

will be of great help to those who are looking to gain weight and

bulk up as quickly as possible.

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743 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-12 11:36:00

Written By: Hugo A

Copyright: 2008

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Top Weight Gain Supplements

Copyright © 2008 Hugo A

Body RE-Engineering


A question most often asked by those who are just getting started

in bodybuilding, especially those who are teenagers, is which

supplements are best for gaining weight quickly and for bulking

up. Assuming that all of the rules that are presented in my

Weight Gain And Bulking Up Rules For The Natural Bodybuilder

article, are being followed, then the supplements presented below

will be of great help to those who are looking to gain weight and

bulk up as quickly as possible.

1. Weight Gainers

Weight gainers are protein shakes whose protein source consists

mainly of whey proteins (mostly concentrate with some isolate as

well). Some also include other proteins such as milk proteins

and/or egg. These products have a high carbohydrate content;

typically in the form of maltodextrin (a high glycemic complex

carb) and fructose (simple sugar originating from fruits). For

gaining weight they are very useful since they help you get in

the amount of quality calories required to gain quality muscle.

2. Spectrum Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is a polyunsaturated oil that is high in the Omega 3

essential fatty acids (EFAs); one of the two essential fats that

the body needs. " Essential " means that the body cannot produce it

on its own and therefore must be obtained from diet. The other

kind of EFAs the body needs are the Omega-6 oils. Flax oil is

high on the Omega 3, which help improve immune system, energy

production, insulin sensitivity, and hormonal production. In

addition, 1 TBSP of Flax Oil adds 120 calories, which are useful

for weight gain.

3. Multi Vitamins and Minerals Pak

Essential to insure that our body will operate at maximum

efficiency. Why? Because on a very simplistic level, without

vitamins and minerals it would be impossible to covert the food

that we eat into hormones, tissues and energy. Vitamins enhance

the actions of proteins that cause chemical reactions such as

muscle building, fat burning and energy production. Minerals

assure your brain receives the correct signals from the body,

balance of fluids, muscular contractions and energy production as

well as for the building of muscle and bones.

4. Creatine

Creatine is a metabolite produced in the body composed of three

amino acids: l-methionine, l-arginine and l-glycine. Once it

reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine

(creatine phosphate), which is then used to regenerate the

muscles' ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

thus allowing for more repetitions at any given weight. Also,

creatine increases lean body mass by pushing water inside the

muscle cell and enlarging it. Best of all, these effects can be

seen in as little as two weeks!

5. Glutamine

L-Glutamine the most abundant amino acid in muscle cells. It is

released from the muscle during times of stress (such as hard

weight training workouts) and dieting. This amino acid not only

has been shown to be a great anti-catabolic agent (protects the

muscle from the catabolic activities of the hormone cortisol),

and to have immune system enhancing properties, but it also

speeds up recuperation and helps to increase muscle volume.

6. Liver Tablets

These tablets are a great source of beef liver and bodybuilders

have been using them for decades in order to obtain the values

offered by beef proteins. The key thing for liver tablets to be

useful is that they need to be manufactured with the highest

grade of beef liver and they also need to be purified from the

fat, cholesterol and other impurities that are contained in the

liver. I like Beverly International's Ultra 40 because they

contain the highest grade of beef liver and have been purified

and processed to contain forty-five times the nutritional amount

of whole beef liver.

7. Testosterone Boosting Supplements

These are the type of supplements that you can take if you plan

to compete, if you have the budget to try them, and only if you

are older than 25 when the hormonal production begins to decline.

Teenagers, in my opinion, should stay away from any supplement

that has an effect on hormonal levels as there is no need to

upset a teens delicate hormonal balance. Besides, teenagers

produce approximately the equivalent of a 300 mg shot of

testosterone per week anyway so there is no need to attempt to

increase the production of testosterone in a system that is

already producing at peak levels.

If your interested in more information about my complete Body

Body Building & Fat Loss Program check out



Hugo CFT, ISSN, SPN, BSCE. is a lifetime natural

bodybuilder, a multi certified personal trainer, and a

best selling author with a successful franchise of books

called " The Body Sculpting Bibles " which collectively have

sold over a million copies worldwide. Hugo is also the author

of the " Body Re-Engineering " system which teaches you how to

gain lean muscle mass and get lean without drugs, or expensive

supplements. For more information visit http://www.losefatandgainmuscle.com

or his personal website at http://www.hugorivera.net

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