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Free-Reprint Article Written by: Bronwyn NobleStar

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Did you start your day with Love or Hate? Discover how to improve

the quality of your life by asking this one simple question


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930 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-07 10:36:00

Written By: Bronwyn NobleStar

Copyright: 2008

Contact Email: mailto:bronwyn.nobleStar@...

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Copyright © 2008 Bronwyn NobleStar

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Did you start your day with Love or Hate? Discover how to improve

the quality of your life by asking this one simple question




It had been three days since he had gotten separated from the

rest of his commando team, and he was deep in the heart of the

Norwegian mountains struggling through a blinding snowstorm,

praying that he would find his way out of it.

The time was World War II and all he knew, was that if he didn't

find shelter or help soon he would lose his feet. They were

already so frozen that he had taken off his army boots and slung

them over his shoulders. Now, he was trudging through the deep

snow barefooted and unable to feel his feet.

Strong feelings of fear that he might not survive made him feel

panicky inside. He needed a miracle desperately. But it seemed

his prayers had gone unheard, as three days had already gone by.

His rations were gone and so was his hope. But his desire to

survive to tell the tale was excruciatingly intense.

As Tony recounted his story to me, I wondered why he said that he

had lost his faith and belief in God wjhen here he was, some

forty years later, telling me what had happened to him.

It seemed that as he had fought against the snowstorm and

freezing cold, he also had fought against an inner foe that he

could not see but one that he could only feel. The inner enemy

gripped him with intense feelings of fear, despair, rage, grief,

self-pity, helplessness and hopelessness. He lamented to me that

he wondered at the time,

" Why is this happening to me? Why has God abandoned me? "

When I asked Tony how he managed to survive, he said that he had

unexpectedly stumbled out of the mountains and appeared at the

edge of a small village. What a spectacle he must have made as he

stepped out of the blinding snow, in his barefeet, with his boots

drapped over his shoulders and his rifle in his hands. The

miracle he desired had happened! He had found his way to a

community of people who helped him to physically heal and

recover. But he had not recovered and healed emotionally because

he was still feeling that God had abandoned him.

My question to Tony, was,

" If you could have seen the bigger picture would you have only

believed in what your five senses were telling you? "

Maybe you weren't abandoned by God. Maybe the real problem you

had was that there were major gaps in your data base as to how to

recognize and deal with your real enemy...your emotions!

Don't get me wrong. A snowstorm is a snowstorm. But our feelings

about what is going on outside of us also contribute greatly to

how we handle the external events.

My question to you is this.

Do you find yourself in overwhelming situations where there seems

to be no way out?

Your story may not be under the harsh conditions Tony

encountered, but the reality is that anytime the emotions rule

you, you've already lost the battle! Berating or belittling

yourself only adds to your already damaged belief system that you

should have done better. Shutting them down (stuffing or denying

them) only prolongs your misery or life difficulties.

One of the secrets is to come to the realization that it is never

you who has the problem! I'll repeat this. It is never you who

has the problem!!! It is your data base - the thoughts and

feelings held in your computer (your mind, heart, cells of your

body - your subconscious belief patterns) that is missing some

essential information you require for you to make a different


Understand that you are not to blame.

YOU are O.K.

Your behaviors may not have been the best but you are O.K. This

does not mean that I am condoning past harmful behaviors. I am

only acknowledging that if you had known differently, you would

have done differently!

When you come to grips with the fact that you are OK, along with

the idea that if you had more data, you would have made different

choices, you will then truly be on the first step in your journey

to emotional freedom!

At this moment, you may be feeling just the opposite. As well,

your life may not continue to be the way you want it to be.

However, when you reflect on the above idea, that you are O.K.,

and can accept this fact, then you will experience an inner

peacefulness! You will know that you did the best you could at

the time and will be able to truly feel in your heart (emotions)

that you now have the freedom to make different choices. Choices

that you may have never felt you had before.. Additionally, your

behaviors will begin to reveal your new found freedom and inner

peace. In fact, the quality of your life will improve.

To-day, will you give yourself permission to realize that you

are not to blame?

Will you take ownership for your feelings...to feel them, deal

with them and heal from their ongoing e-motional sabotage?

Or, will you continue to let your life get so out of control,

that you will want to give up and just let the chips fall where

they may?

The choice is yours!

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Written by: Bronwyn NobleStar

Your emotions directly affect your financial future!

To learn more about how to work from home and bring about

the financial lifestyle you have dreamed about into reality,

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