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Liz dear, I sent birthday wishes as well. I do hope you're getting them now

via email and not having to go to the site. I know how you feel tho. I have

had this happen, more than once!

Love ya,


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Thank you so much Connie!!!! I ended up going online and reading all of

them. I even posted a message earlier thanking everyone, but I guess it

never showed up either. :-o

Love ya!!!!


On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:13:10 -0600 " Miskinis, Connie S "

<cmiskini@...> writes:

Oh no Liz! I sent you birthday wishes today!!! Connie :-(


This is a test. I haven't received any messages since Sun. :-(


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Got this one

I was having problems last week

I had to reactivate it was bouncing



This is a test. I haven't received any messages since Sun. :-(


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

P.O. Box 566863

Atlanta, Georgia 31156

> I wish I could tell you thatr this is the correct approach to healing

> your child. You must work with an experet in the immunotoxicological

> issues that burden all autistic patients. You didn't mention the age of

> your child.My book Conquering Autism will give you the details ofwhat

> must be done if your goal is to normalize your child. You can't reverse

> this abnormal process without removing the molecular injury to the

> brain. Yours Sincerely, B. Edelson MD


> B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

> P.O. Box 566863

> Atlanta, Georgia 31156


>> ,


>> I am very overwelmed and totally confused. I wrok fulltime so it makes

>> it harder! We live in North Fulton(Roswell) She was in the Special

>> Needs Preschool Jan-May(3 hours a day) She gets 1 hour of speech a

>> week and 1/2 hour od Occupational. She was in BCW from 18 months til 3

>> which helped. We are looking forward to her starting back to school

>> becauseI know it helps and she loves going:)


>> Thanks,



>> Re: Testing




>> :


>> The lab tests and genetic tests will not confirm " autism " as a

>> diagnosis, but will rule out other issues. Autism is just a

>> collection of behaviors in the psychological world, and is not really

>> a medical diagnosis.


>> What school district are you in? Did they say she can start special

>> needs pre-school in August? They should also offer speech therapy or

>> occupational therapy, if needed. If funds are limited, the best

>> option, I'm afraid, is going to be through the school system.


>> There are many paths for you to explore when you are starting out on

>> the journey. It's overwhelming at first, but you will eventually

>> figure it out. This group will help as much as we can, and you may

>> want to call " Parent to Parent of Georgia (begin at their web site)

>> and get a parent mentor to talk to. There are also some support

>> groups out there. I run one on the south side of Atlanta, and I know

>> there are others, so we can let you know if there is one near you if

>> you can tell us what part of Georgia you are from. Also, there are

>> lots of good books out there. Try the library first, and then the book

>> stores. Good luck.









>> jksspot@...

>> Sent by: autism

>> 07/15/2005 11:37 AM Please respond to

>> autism


>> Toautism , fam-girls-autism cc

>> Subject Testing








>> We are in the process of getting (3) diagnosed. The ped felt

>> she is Autistic and referred us to a pediatric Neurology group where

>> we saw Dr. Schub. He did a brief phyical check and watched while we

>> talked and he feels she falls into the moderate category on the

>> spectrum. He sent us to Childrens Healthcare for blood work. We are

>> still waiting on the genetic tests but I was told by the nurse that

>> her thyroid, amino acids. electrolytes and liver function are all very

>> normal. And she does not have a metabolic disorder. I have no clue

>> exactly what that all means! My question is what questions should I be

>> asking and what if the genetic tests show nothing either. What is the

>> next step? I am stressing because she seems worse the last month with

>> no school and no therapy. The school said she did not qualify for

>> summer school and insurance will not pay without a diagnosis and we

>> are in a horrible spot finacially:(


>> Thanks:)









>> Visit your group " autism " on the web.



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Dear : You won't get what you are looking for fromneurologists

because they don't havew a clue as to what is going on in these children.

All they can do is give you a name that describes a complex of abnormal

behaviors and tell you " we don't know what causes this process " . They

will then treat the symptoms and your child will never be able to heal.

Healing comes by removing the abnormal immunotoxicological characteristics


for you to understand all of this is to read my book Conquering Autism and

then contact me again. Sincerely, B. Edelson, MD

B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

P.O. Box 566863

Atlanta, Georgia 31156

> We are in the process of getting (3) diagnosed. The ped felt she

> is Autistic and referred us to a pediatric Neurology group where we saw

> Dr. Schub. He did a brief phyical check and watched while we talked and

> he feels she falls into the moderate category on the spectrum. He sent

> us to Childrens Healthcare for blood work. We are still waiting on the

> genetic tests but I was told by the nurse that her thyroid, amino acids.

> electrolytes and liver function are all very normal. And she does not

> have a metabolic disorder. I have no clue exactly what that all means!

> My question is what questions should I be asking and what if the genetic

> tests show nothing either. What is the next step? I am stressing because

> she seems worse the last month with no school and no therapy. The school

> said she did not qualify for summer school and insurance will not pay

> without a diagnosis and we are in a horrible spot finacially:(


> Thanks:)


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Dear : You won't get what you are looking for fromneurologists

because they don't havew a clue as to what is going on in these children.

All they can do is give you a name that describes a complex of abnormal

behaviors and tell you " we don't know what causes this process " . They

will then treat the symptoms and your child will never be able to heal.

Healing comes by removing the abnormal immunotoxicological characteristics


for you to understand all of this is to read my book Conquering Autism and

then contact me again. Sincerely, B. Edelson, MD

B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

P.O. Box 566863

Atlanta, Georgia 31156

> We are in the process of getting (3) diagnosed. The ped felt she

> is Autistic and referred us to a pediatric Neurology group where we saw

> Dr. Schub. He did a brief phyical check and watched while we talked and

> he feels she falls into the moderate category on the spectrum. He sent

> us to Childrens Healthcare for blood work. We are still waiting on the

> genetic tests but I was told by the nurse that her thyroid, amino acids.

> electrolytes and liver function are all very normal. And she does not

> have a metabolic disorder. I have no clue exactly what that all means!

> My question is what questions should I be asking and what if the genetic

> tests show nothing either. What is the next step? I am stressing because

> she seems worse the last month with no school and no therapy. The school

> said she did not qualify for summer school and insurance will not pay

> without a diagnosis and we are in a horrible spot finacially:(


> Thanks:)


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Dear : You won't get what you are looking for fromneurologists

because they don't havew a clue as to what is going on in these children.

All they can do is give you a name that describes a complex of abnormal

behaviors and tell you " we don't know what causes this process " . They

will then treat the symptoms and your child will never be able to heal.

Healing comes by removing the abnormal immunotoxicological characteristics


for you to understand all of this is to read my book Conquering Autism and

then contact me again. Sincerely, B. Edelson, MD

B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

P.O. Box 566863

Atlanta, Georgia 31156

> We are in the process of getting (3) diagnosed. The ped felt she

> is Autistic and referred us to a pediatric Neurology group where we saw

> Dr. Schub. He did a brief phyical check and watched while we talked and

> he feels she falls into the moderate category on the spectrum. He sent

> us to Childrens Healthcare for blood work. We are still waiting on the

> genetic tests but I was told by the nurse that her thyroid, amino acids.

> electrolytes and liver function are all very normal. And she does not

> have a metabolic disorder. I have no clue exactly what that all means!

> My question is what questions should I be asking and what if the genetic

> tests show nothing either. What is the next step? I am stressing because

> she seems worse the last month with no school and no therapy. The school

> said she did not qualify for summer school and insurance will not pay

> without a diagnosis and we are in a horrible spot finacially:(


> Thanks:)


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She is 3 1/2 We have known about the Speech Delay and Motor skills delay since she was 18 months, but no one mentioned Autism until recently. Re: Testing




> :


> The lab tests and genetic tests will not confirm "autism" as a

> diagnosis, but will rule out other issues. Autism is just a collection

> of behaviors in the psychological world, and is not really a medical

> diagnosis.


> What school district are you in? Did they say she can start special

> needs pre-school in August? They should also offer speech therapy or

> occupational therapy, if needed. If funds are limited, the best option,

> I'm afraid, is going to be through the school system.


> There are many paths for you to explore when you are starting out on the

> journey. It's overwhelming at first, but you will eventually figure it

> out. This group will help as much as we can, and you may want to call

> "Parent to Parent of Georgia (begin at their web site) and get a parent

> mentor to talk to. There are also some support groups out there. I run

> one on the south side of Atlanta, and I know there are others, so we can

> let you know if there is one near you if you can tell us what part of

> Georgia you are from. Also, there are lots of good books out there.

> Try the library first, and then the book stores. Good luck.









> jksspot@...

> Sent by: autism

> 07/15/2005 11:37 AM Please respond to

> autism


> Toautism , fam-girls-autism cc

> Subject Testing








> We are in the process of getting (3) diagnosed. The ped felt she

> is Autistic and referred us to a pediatric Neurology group where we saw

> Dr. Schub. He did a brief phyical check and watched while we talked and

> he feels she falls into the moderate category on the spectrum. He sent

> us to Childrens Healthcare for blood work. We are still waiting on the

> genetic tests but I was told by the nurse that her thyroid, amino acids.

> electrolytes and liver function are all very normal. And she does not

> have a metabolic disorder. I have no clue exactly what that all means!

> My question is what questions should I be asking and what if the genetic

> tests show nothing either. What is the next step? I am stressing because

> she seems worse the last month with no school and no therapy. The school

> said she did not qualify for summer school and insurance will not pay

> without a diagnosis and we are in a horrible spot finacially:(


> Thanks:)









> Visit your group "autism" on the web.



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  • 2 months later...

thanks Lizzy

My pc is still not right , one is working and the other crashed again just after

I got it back from replacing the motherboard. Oh what fun !



Hi Everyone,

This is a test. Did you get it ?

Love, Liz

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Judy:

My kid drinks the cod liver oil in his lemonade...it's lemon flavored and I put it in a opaque cup (with a very secure lid). He also drinks this stuff called Ola Loa Energy formula which is orange flavored and is mixed into his orange juice each morning. He seems to like it and it was developed by a DAN doctor - not neccessarily for ASD, but as a supplement with lots of the B vitamins. We began with just these two diet additions in January 2005(we didn't do the CFGF diet) and noticed a big improvement in socialization, eye contact and language. We are also doing lots of traditional therapy so perhaps it is the combination but his diagnosis went from Autism to PDD-NOS as of this summer. Now I am a believer and am implementing the whole lot of supplements as dictated by our DAN doctor.

Good luck,

-------------- Original message --------------

Just a couple of questions...I know it is hard to compare kids, but I guess most mom's regardless of their situation do it.Anyone else do the Autism Research Institute E2 diagnostic checklist? We just got our #'s back and a whole packet of info that looks useful including biomedical research, of which I already was aware of most d/t a reading of the book 'Children With Starving Brains.' I wonder now if anyone has gone through any of the independant labs like Great Plains Laboratory and gotten metabolic blood testing or the gluten casein urin sensitvity stuff?My problem is that my husband is in total denial, and if it ain't broke don't fix it. He's alright with our 3 1/2 year old son getting OT and ST because so far we've used grant monies (MRDD / Project Chatter), but he sees these as harmless even if there is nothing the matter (he scored a -3 total on the E2 and that is indicative of an autistic diagnosis). But he's not alright with implamenting a GFCF diet or enzyems or other supplements. I feel with testing at least I would have numbers in hand to gain his support...though I'm not sure that the pediatrician is gonna wanna sign off on the lab slips (the lab says they take Blue Cross insurance though so that could be good).Anyone have their kids drinking special juices for theraputic reasons? I'm new, so if this is a dumb question because of sugar / yeast issues, please pardon me. I ask 'cause my dad suggested unsweetened cranberry juice for the vitamins and papya juice for enzymes. Also, any good sucess with fish oil?Anyone go to the GFCF day at Jungle Jim's? I wanted to go, but as with most things logistics are a trial to say the least.Thanks,Judy

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi group, When I hit the reply button does my message plus yours come


On my Weight Watchers group they are only receiving my reply therefore they

don't know what was said before. Thanks for letting me know. Connie :-0

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Hello Dear One,

I checked the list this morning and it looks like everything is ok.

often seems to do strange things. I am not sure why that happened.

Your message came through just fine

Be Healthy and take good care,


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I am receiving a message that I am not allowed to post to this group; so this

email is a test to see if it was received.

Sorry to bother you with it; just a test.





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PhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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  • 4 weeks later...
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has been nutty lately!!



> Don't mind me. I'm running a test to see if this email shows up in my

> email. I haven't seen any email from our group in days until


> one showed up that Shaye wrote answering to Bob. Why just that one

> email I have no idea. I have a feeling I've missed a lot so I'll

have to

> go play catch-up on the site.






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I think we are all just being super quiet. I'm really surprised though

because it's IEP time for many of us. We had Part 1 of 's last

week - not sure when we will have part 2. And there was NO problem getting

my Parent Report/Parent Concern attached to the IEP. It's amazing how much

has changed since I started doing those reports.

did have an appointment with his neuro last week. We are upping the

carbatrol..urgh. My baby now weighs 119 pounds. That is 2 pounds more than

I weighed when he was conceived - wow, I'd love to get back down to that

weight! Seriously, needs to watch his food intake. I got

lectured....Tim was not there and he's the one who buys Mcs breakfast

for him every Saturday and buys a box of donuts instead of just one for him.

must be getting ready for a growth spurt the way he's been consuming

food lately.

Does anyone give their children drinks with Equal or Splenda in it?

More news on the family front - my son graduates in May and also is going to

be commissioned into the US Army. He's waiting to hear regarding his

immediate orders, but he knows he'll be going to Aberdeen after that (only 2

hours away!). I'm also gaining a daughter this summer---the wedding date is

up in the air b/c we are waiting to hear from the army. It's going to be a

small country wedding- I'm sure it will be nice and I am just grateful that

I am the mother of the groom this time :)

is coming home this weekend. We've been keeping her pugs to give her

and Matt time alone. I think they've had enough time now :) I took next

week off for spring break - Tim is going out of town and it's just going to

be me and for most of the week! Yippee!!


> anyone here or have I been kicked off? :)


> Sue mom to Kate 16 and Karrie 9 w/ds and other issues



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I give diet sodas. I feel guilt about it and keep saying I am

going to completely quit buying cold drinks but I keep not doing it. Chris

is 11 and weighs 99 pounds. He doesn't look fat - he is just very solid.

Although his tummy is pretty thick. Why is it so hard to do the right

thing?? in Dallas




> > anyone here or have I been kicked off? :)

> >

> > Sue mom to Kate 16 and Karrie 9 w/ds and other issues

> >

> >

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I've also started giving Mac diet pop...he's going to be 8 in a couple of

weeks and he weighs 80 solid lbs. He's also more solid than fat, but I'm

worried he will be if we can't control his intake. We've started swimming

and baseball and I " m hoping with more daylight hours he'll be outside more

instead of inside watching videos!!!





>> > anyone here or have I been kicked off? :)

>> >

>> > Sue mom to Kate 16 and Karrie 9 w/ds and other issues

>> >

>> >

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In a message dated 4/3/2006 6:39:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

cindysue@... writes:

ps The sodas do more damage to teeth than what people realize. 's

dentist said his teeth is in great shape - he has another patient whose

mother mixes coke with megavitamins and it's ruining that child's teeth.

we did a science project with one of my older daughters years ago by putting

a tooth and leaving it in a glass of coke and watched what happened.

Horrendous. Try it...you won't like it!!!

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Can I be the " devil's advocate " here? In our house, fizzy drinks (as we call

them here in Australia) are now a very special treat. Usually only in the

house if we've got people coming for lunch or dinner; or if it's someone's

birthday party. That's not always the way it's been - I was the " queen of

diet coke " about 5yrs ago. Never seen without a can in my hand! That changed

when I joined WW and lost 80lbs...

Somewhere along the way, the soda became a treat and I, and the rest of the

family, can't be happier about it. Not to say that there weren't complaints,

or that there isn't the occassional " whinge " , but we all feel so much

healthier. The main drink in our house is now water and we do have cordial

that we make up, but the kids prefer the water most of the time. I also buy

a really nice full fruit juice every second week at the store. One way that

I used to help everyone want to drink more water, was to buy a few really

pretty coloured glass bottles and fill them with water and place them on the

dinner table every night.

None of the kids or I are overweight - including ! When we go to

Special Olympics I see so many of the older kids and adults with DS who are

extremely overweight which leads to soooo many health problems. I see their

parents/guardians feeding them sodas and high fat snacks - as opposed to our

family who will take water and a piece of fruit.

asked " why is it so difficult to do the right thing? " . We want

desperately for our kids to be healthy, and we know exactly what they

should/shouldn't be eating/drinking. The problem is, that we don't really

want to be doing it ourselves, and that's a problem because our children's

greatest teachers are US!

So, finally to my suggestion ... How about swapping, for a while, to

carbonated water? I know over here you can get some that are naturally

flavoured with fruit juices etc. They're not cheap, but they'd be a great

stepping stone between the sodas and good old water....

Regards of course!

in Sydney, wife to Tony, mother to (14yrs), (13yrs

with DS), Greg (10yrs) - oh, and I'm a WW leader ;-)


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Jill

Sent: Monday, 3 April 2006 8:19 PM

; ; Motes

Subject: Re: testing

I've also started giving Mac diet pop...he's going to be 8 in a couple of

weeks and he weighs 80 solid lbs. He's also more solid than fat, but I'm

worried he will be if we can't control his intake. We've started swimming

and baseball and I " m hoping with more daylight hours he'll be outside more

instead of inside watching videos!!!


Re: testing


>> must be getting ready for a growth spurt the way he's been

> consuming

>> food lately.


>> Does anyone give their children drinks with Equal or Splenda in it?


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I agree with the soda's. 's fav drinks and then ones most consumed

are chocolate milk and orange juice. He rarely drinks soda- but he takes

Capri Suns for snack at school. Even I buy diet lemonade or tea instead of

coke most of the time. But, I need to do something to cut down the amount

of sugar from the orange juice and milk. He will drink a quart at a time, I

kid you not! The milk is low fat, but I was thinking of trying splenda

chocolate and mixing it with milk. I think there is orange juice (minute

maid?) that is less sugar - but it tastes like tang..yuck! Thank God for

Weight Watchers (cheap nutritional counseling that parents can implement

with all family members!) - would be so overweight if I didn't have

WW for myself!

ps The sodas do more damage to teeth than what people realize. 's

dentist said his teeth is in great shape - he has another patient whose

mother mixes coke with megavitamins and it's ruining that child's teeth.

Re: testing


>>> must be getting ready for a growth spurt the way he's been

>> consuming

>>> food lately.


>>> Does anyone give their children drinks with Equal or Splenda in it?






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loves orange juice... to cut down on the sugar I have started to

mix it almost half and half with water......

Re: testing


>>>> must be getting ready for a growth spurt the way he's been

>>> consuming

>>>> food lately.


>>>> Does anyone give their children drinks with Equal or Splenda in it?






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