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Thank you, Nora, for expressing so eloquently our responsibility to

look past personality and image in a candidate to what will affect

each of us the most: how has the candidate voted on the issues that

are critical to our nation's economy, integrity and stability? We

may appreciate a candidate for an opportunity to champion our

children with special needs, but how will that translate to practical

services and support for our sons and daughters when our country is

bleeding trillions of dollars in debt?

If environmental concerns are important to you, then the President of

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund has issued a statement you will

want to read:

" Palin, whose husband works for BP (formerly British

Petroleum), has repeatedly put special interests first when it comes

to the environment. In her scant two years as governor, she has

lobbied aggressively to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

to drilling, pushed for more drilling off of Alaska's coasts, and put

special interests above science. Ms. Palin has made it clear through

her actions that she is unwilling to do even as much as the Bush

administration to address the impacts of global warming. Her most

recent effort has been to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to

remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, putting Big

Oil before sound science. "

It is our duty as good citizens to educate ourselves beyond the

soundbites that mainstream media delivers. Yes, it will take more

energy and effort than most of us can find time for -- but a

President only happens once every 4 years.


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I have heard the tax issue thing as well. People often vote only one issue.

I ask myself with wonder do they care only about themselves? What about all

the people suffering in this country. What about the 46 million with no

insurance and the millions underinsured. What about the insurance companies

profiting from denying people coverage. What about the 15,000 people waiting


services in IL. What about the environment, education, school loans, crumbling

infrastructure and more. I just don't get it.

Ellen it was nice to meet you as well. I wish I had more time to talk to

you. I did not realize you could only come for one day. I was with Tara

Kosenaik she is a sib and the founder of SIBS (Supporting Illinois Brothers and

Sisters) but not my sister. I do love that you thought she was my sister since


is way younger than me. :-)

My sister Margaret rarely gets to come to meetings and conferences. She

uses too much much of her time away from work to care for our brothers and help

with her grandaughter who has a rare autoimmune disease. She does the hard

work in the trenches and I do more of the advocacy. Nora

In a message dated 8/29/2008 11:54:57 PM Central Daylight Time,

egskb@... writes:

Hi Nora!

Great meeting you and your sister yesterday!

I think we are all going to be watching really carefully these next couple of


I keep hearing from my Republican friends about all the taxes that will come

from Obama and the Dems when they operationalize their plan for more social

services and universal health care in some form...


**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.


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> Thank you, Nora, for expressing so eloquently our responsibility to

> look past personality and image in a candidate to what will affect

> each of us the most: how has the candidate voted on the issues that

> are critical to our nation's economy, integrity and stability? We

> may appreciate a candidate for an opportunity to champion our

> children with special needs, but how will that translate to practical

> services and support for our sons and daughters when our country is

> bleeding trillions of dollars in debt?


> If environmental concerns are important to you, then the President of

> Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund has issued a statement you will

> want to read:

> " Palin, whose husband works for BP (formerly British

> Petroleum), has repeatedly put special interests first when it comes

> to the environment. In her scant two years as governor, she has

> lobbied aggressively to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

> to drilling, pushed for more drilling off of Alaska's coasts, and put

> special interests above science. Ms. Palin has made it clear through

> her actions that she is unwilling to do even as much as the Bush

> administration to address the impacts of global warming. Her most

> recent effort has been to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to

> remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, putting Big

> Oil before sound science. "


> It is our duty as good citizens to educate ourselves beyond the

> soundbites that mainstream media delivers. Yes, it will take more

> energy and effort than most of us can find time for -- but a

> President only happens once every 4 years.


> Withers


Well put, ! I am amazed that parents in our group would worry

about a potential President who wants to improve funding for social

outreach -- aren't our children some of the ones who need that the

most?? Read what Obama says about special needs funding, and how in

his statements about autism in particular he is right on target with

specific data. (See the Autism Speaks website.) McCain's statement to

the ASA was short, vague, and non-committal.

And anyone who thinks improved healthcare is going to cost more than

this President has spent on the Iraq War is mistaken. The Republican

party has squandered trillions and destroyed our reputation around the

world. We need someone who is intelligent, thoughtful, and who reads

the papers and the web daily, to finally lead this nation.


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-Yes in some respects what goes on in one's bedroom is or maybe

should be private..... however, the larger picture is, if a

president, candidate what have you, cannot stay true to a commitment

(marriage/compare this with promised made in a campaign), or be

HONEST, REPECTFUL, give great thought to his or her actions BEFORE

they jump, and cannot stay true to those closest to them, or realize

how THEIR actions will affect others-- it says something about how a

person operates, and what is their character, etc. One could say that

it is extremely important how one conducts themselves. Let's face it

we still are who we are when we step into the office, or church, or

the Jewel store for that matter, we are still who we were when we

woke up that morning.

Diane S

-- In IPADDUnite , " Ellen Bronfeld " <egskb@...> wrote:


> In this respect I wish we were more like the Europeans...what goes

on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom...

> This is stuff I dub TMI (too much information...)

> Ellen

> Ellen

> Ellen Garber Bronfeld

> egskb@...

> VP

> >

> > Did everyone just read that McCain picked a woman as a VP

candidate? I

> > won't

> > get into any politics or gender but the important news is that

her youngest

> >

> > son has down sydrome. I cannot help but believe this would be a


> > for

> > the rest of the parents with spe

> cial needs. Someone to influence votes for

> > kids and people with disabilities. Only a good thing in my book.

> >

> >

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I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

anyone else.

The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

would be better off.

Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

big dogs.

All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

out wanting more!

It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.

I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem

thank you!





> The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the


> and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

questions and

> counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

very little

> about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

are makig

> their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

to drink a

> beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora




> **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

your travel

> deal here.

> (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)




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I understand why you feel this way, Kathy.

But I know we have to continue to make the best choices we can with the

information we have. If you look all over the world, at other countries and

other governments, you will find, that despite the many shortcomings of our

political environment, and yes, the tremendous corruption and dishonesty that

exists in our country, this is still the very best system in the world. There

are a some very honest, conscientious and high ranking officials of the highest

integrity (for example, Colin ).

I find having hope and being optimistic far less draining.


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Re: VP

I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

anyone else.

The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

would be better off.

Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

big dogs.

All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

out wanting more!

It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.

I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem

thank you!





> The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the


> and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

questions and

> counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

very little

> about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

are makig

> their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

to drink a

> beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora




> **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

your travel

> deal here.

> (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)




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Someone that is very wealthy is not really one of us. She can just buy the

services we need. Nora

In a message dated 8/31/2008 3:46:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

tim041262m@... writes:

I have to say just the thought of a mom of a child with a disability in the

White House gets me excited for the first time in years.? I have relied on

therapists, educators, doctors and various professionals over the years, but the

ones who have given me the greatest help have been other moms of special needs

kids.? It has little to do with republicans or democrats, I think one of " us "

as VP will fight in any way possible for our kids.? It is a nice thought.


**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.


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But as a lifelong citizen of IL, I have to acknowledge the good, the bad,

and the ugly about our particular state government. It is sad when the

equality among members of our political establishment merely means that

people of all races,both sexes, and both major political parties are ALL

corrupt. Not that every politician is corrupt -- not at all -- but the

systemic corruption is so widespread that those who want to do good are

flummoxed by those whose interests are not in the common good.


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Ellen Bronfeld <egskb@...> wrote:

> I understand why you feel this way, Kathy.

> But I know we have to continue to make the best choices we can with the

> information we have. If you look all over the world, at other countries and

> other governments, you will find, that despite the many shortcomings of our

> political environment, and yes, the tremendous corruption and dishonesty

> that exists in our country, this is still the very best system in the world.

> There are a some very honest, conscientious and high ranking officials of

> the highest integrity (for example, Colin ).

> I find having hope and being optimistic far less draining.

> Ellen

> Ellen Garber Bronfeld


> egskb@... <egskb%40sbcglobal.net>

> Re: VP


> I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

> fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

> persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

> system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

> politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

> themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

> our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

> that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

> anyone else.


> The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

> cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

> quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

> would be better off.


> Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

> everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

> big dogs.


> All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

> eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

> do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

> all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

> extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

> wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

> out wanting more!


> It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

> but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.


> I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

> be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem


> thank you!

> Kathy



> >

> >

> >

> > The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the

> candidates

> > and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

> questions and

> > counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

> very little

> > about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

> are makig

> > their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

> to drink a

> > beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora

> >

> >

> >

> > **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

> your travel

> > deal here.

> > (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

> >

> >

> >

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Illinois is certainly not among the best state governments (ok that is a vast

understatement) but still and all, those of us who live in the northern suburbs

have superb state senators and representatives and my hope is that they will

eventually work their way into leadership positions...


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Re: VP


> I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

> fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

> persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

> system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

> politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

> themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

> our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

> that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

> anyone else.


> The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

> cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

> quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

> would be better off.


> Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

> everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

> big dogs.


> All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

> eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

> do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

> all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

> extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

> wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

> out wanting more!


> It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

> but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.


> I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

> be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem


> thank you!

> Kathy



> >

> >

> >

> > The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the

> candidates

> > and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

> questions and

> > counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

> very little

> > about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

> are makig

> > their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

> to drink a

> > beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora

> >

> >

> >

> > **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

> your travel

> > deal here.

> > (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

> >

> >

> >

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I have to say just the thought of a mom of a child with a disability in the

White House gets me excited for the first time in years.? I have relied on

therapists, educators, doctors and various professionals over the years, but the

ones who have given me the greatest help have been other moms of special needs

kids.? It has little to do with republicans or democrats, I think one of " us " as

VP will fight in any way possible for our kids.? It is a nice thought.


Re: Re: VP

Illinois is certainly not among the best state governments (ok that is a vast

understatement) but still and all, those of us who live in the northern suburbs

have superb state senators and representatives and my hope is that they will

eventually work their way into leadership positions...


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Re: VP


> I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

> fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

> persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

> system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

> politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

> themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

> our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

> that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

> anyone else.


> The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

> cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

> quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

> would be better off.


> Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

> everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

> big dogs.


> All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

> eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

> do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

> all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

> extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

> wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

> out wanting more!


> It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

> but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.


> I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

> be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem


> thank you!

> Kathy



> >

> >

> >

> > The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the

> candidates

> > and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

> questions and

> > counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

> very little

> > about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

> are makig

> > their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

> to drink a

> > beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora

> >

> >

> >

> > **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

> your travel

> > deal here.

> > (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

> >

> >

> >

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I am sure that there are many current congressmen/women and representatives who

have themselves or have realtives who have disabilities. Just because someone

in the current spotlight has a disabled child of their own does not mean in any

way that they will make policies to help everyone across the nation. I am not

negative but I believe that 'our' voice is sometimes muted out in the political


I have no impression in the short run that she will make a difference.

Re: VP


> I do not like politics, never have and it keeps getting worse. The

> fact of the issue is, no one man/woman/black/white/or any other

> persuasion runs everything and can fight the current. The political

> system has gotten so rotten from the core that it is disgusting. The

> politicians do not care about us, all they care about are

> themselves. They make big inflated salaries, fly planes allover on

> our taxpaying dollars and dont care. The political system is just

> that, two sides of greedy people wanting more for themselves than

> anyone else.


> The fact of the matter is, both sides work together for THEIR common

> cause, greed. Just think, if each and every politician would just

> quit taking raises and skimming money off the 'programs' this country

> would be better off.


> Even a well meaning candidate has no chance because the 'party' runs

> everything. No one climbs that ladder unless he/she plays with the

> big dogs.


> All the money alloted comes from taxpayers, the middle class is being

> eliminated with inflation and extreme taxing because the tax dollars

> do not go where they really should. Who is going to be paying for

> all this if we are reduced to a society of extremely wealthy, and

> extremely poor as it appears we are heading????? The extremely

> wealthy dont want to give to us! The extremely poor have their hands

> out wanting more!


> It is time we all sit up and take note, there is a big change needed

> but I fear the change we need is not in our near future.


> I dont know have the answers, but I know a different route needs to

> be taken and I dont realy feel either 'side' will solve the problem


> thank you!

> Kathy



> >

> >

> >

> > The media does a very poor job of bringing us real news about the

> candidates

> > and the conventions. We listen to hours of them asking stupid

> questions and

> > counting how many pronouns someone used in a speech but we hear

> very little

> > about positions, past voting, any of the important stuff. People

> are makig

> > their decisions on sound bites and whether that person would be fun

> to drink a

> > beer with. It is just scary. Thanks for that info. Nora

> >

> >

> >

> > **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

> your travel

> > deal here.

> > (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

> >

> >

> >

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