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The Acid Reflux Disease Paradox

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Article Title:


The Acid Reflux Disease Paradox

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We all have the ability to heal ourselves of acid reflux. It is a

paradox that the medical industry would like to limit our ability

to do so. There are many natural ways to cure the acid reflux

condition without the use of drugs or surgery. We can be our own


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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-12-18 11:24:00

Written By: Richey

Copyright: 2008

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The Acid Reflux Disease Paradox

Copyright © 2008 Wind Publishing

Written by: Richey

Reflux Gone Forever


A paradox is a self-contradictory statement which at first seems

to be logical, but upon further examination appears to be just

the opposite.

Because acid reflux is a symptom of a condition and not a true

disease, it is paradoxical that the medical profession treats the

symptoms of acid reflux with no intent to cure the so called


If that is not confusing enough, ponder the definition of the

word disease. Dis is a prefix meaning " apart from " and ease

meaning the " normal state " . The word disease certainly gets

thrown around a lot. We have been made to think of disease as

something horrible, deadly and incurable. Allopathic medicine

seems to use this word to scare us into unneeded surgery, costly

office visits, diagnostic tests and dangerous prescription drugs.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could go to the doctor's office

for help with acid reflux and your doctor would tell you he could

help you cure your condition with natural methods. He might say,

" All that is needed to get you back to normal is to make a few

changes in life style and take a couple of natural supplements " .

Of course, that rarely happens, if at all. There is simply too

much money at stake.

The doctor would probably tell you that you have a potentially

dangerous disease and that the symptoms must be treated with

drugs or surgery before it develops into something much worse. He

might perform an expensive diagnostic test like an upper

endoscopy and then warn you that you could develop Barrett's

esophagus, which is a precursor to esophageal cancer. Most people

would likely be so frightened at this point that they would

submit to anything the doctor suggested.

He would probably write out a prescription for a proton pump

inhibitor like Nexium and send you home. When that didn't work

after months of use, he would tell you to double the dose. You

would have to pay for the office visits, diagnostic tests and the

prescription drugs. You might also be plagued with dangerous side

effects of these drugs, which can be worse than the affliction

they are supposed to treat.

On the other hand, a natural healer might advise you to drink

more water, chew your food more thoroughly, get a little exercise

and eliminate stress through meditation. He might tell you to

remove certain offending foods from your diet. He then could

suggest that you take the supplement MSM to combat the formation

of scar tissue in the esophagus which forms from the repeated

attacks of acid reflux. He would explain that this scar tissue

can narrow the esophagus and lead to Barrett's esophagus. In

other words, a natural healer would try to help you to overcome

the dis-ease without drugs or surgery.

We all have the ability, with a little knowledge, to heal

ourselves of dis-ease. We have the resources at hand to be

natural healers. But alas, if more natural healing existed, it

might put the drug giants, hospitals, medical insurance companies

and physicians out of business. Every time someone is healed by

doing something natural, money that would otherwise go to the

medical industry is lost.

The drug companies are working in concert with the FDA, at this

very moment, to pass legislation that would limit our ability to

obtain natural supplements. It is truly a paradox that natural

supplements have a history of far fewer side effects than

pharmaceutical drugs, yet the FDA, AMA and every other medical

association would like to take that freedom of choice away from

us. I would strongly suggest that we all learn more about natural

healing and that we fight for our right to be able to heal


It is certainly a paradox that certain herbs, roots, twigs and

other natural ingredients used in healing for thousands of years

could now be made illegal. It is part of that paradox that most

prescription drugs are synthetic forms of these originals and are

controlled by powerful companies. Big industry wants to make it

impossible for us to heal ourselves. Is that not a paradox?

The irony of it is that simple things like the powdered bark of

the slippery elm tree can help heal a damaged digestive system.

Aloe vera juice, marshmallow herb and Kukicha tea are all natural

ingredients which can be used in combination with changes in life

style to heal acid reflux.

I would encourage everyone who suffers from the acid reflux

condition to remove the paradox about acid reflux dis-ease. Learn

to heal yourself. We can be our own doctors. We should all be

natural healers.


Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure

acid reflux disease by natural means and has written an extensive

report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux

Remedies. For more information on how to heal acid reflux

the natural way, go to: http://www.refluxgoneforever.com

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