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Finding Health Insurance After a Divorce

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Article Title:


Finding Health Insurance After a Divorce

Article Description:


When you were married, your spouse may have included you on their

health insurance policy through their employer. If you don’t work

or if you employer does not offer health insurance, you may be

worried about what you will do about health insurance after you

divorce. In an unstable economy with exorbitant health care

costs, you want to have the insurance. Here are some tips for

hanging onto coverage or getting new coverage after your divorce.

Additional Article Information:


495 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-11-24 11:24:00

Written By: Cathi

Copyright: 2008

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Finding Health Insurance After a Divorce

Copyright © 2008 Cathi

Divorce Secrets


When you were married, your spouse may have included you on their

health insurance policy through their employer. If you don’t work

or if you employer does not offer health insurance, you may be

worried about what you will do about health insurance after you

divorce. In an unstable economy with exorbitant health care

costs, you want to have the insurance. Here are some tips for

hanging onto coverage or getting new coverage after your divorce.

* Ask that your spouse be required to keep you on the insurance

policy after the divorce is final. Your soon-to-be ex may not

want to do this because it could cost extra. But if your spouse’s

plan is a family plan and he will be keeping the children on the

plan, it may not cost him a dime. You will likely have to pay for

the out of pocket expenses and co-pays. If you have been a

stay-at-home parent, your chances of getting the judge to order

continuing health coverage for you are high.

* If your spouse refuses to keep you on his plan, ask for cash

to help defray the costs. If you will receive alimony, include

the health insurance cost. If you are not receiving alimony, ask

for either a lump sum of money (at least enough to pay for two

years of coverage).

* Shop around for coverage if you have to purchase it on your

own. The Internet is a great resource for health insurance. You

can get free rate quotes from companies like United Healthcare

and Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you are financially strapped but

healthy, choose a low monthly premium and high deductible. If you

suffer from a chronic disease like diabetes, you may need a low

deductible and prescription plan. These types of coverage are not

cheap and you may be required to take a physical before coverage

can begin.

* Consider a health savings account. These plans are 100 percent

tax deductible. These plans let you put away some money to use

only for health-related expenses.

* Find out if you are eligible for a state or federally

sponsored plan. If you are older, you may qualify for Medicare.

Some states have a health insurance plan for those who can’t

afford health insurance on their own.

* If you have children, make sure that no matter what, they have

health insurance. You may have to force your ex to keep the

children on his plan or pay for new insurance. Make sure you

don’t have to worry about their health.

If you can’t afford the health insurance premiums, consider a

medical discount card. You can purchase these cards for a small

monthly fee. You will get discounts on most medical services, but

tests and screenings are often not included. These plans also

cover most major emergencies and surgeries. A prescription plan

is often included. However, if you need prescriptions, most major

pharmacies like Wal-Mart and Walgreen’s now offer many generic

prescriptions for about $4.


© 2008 Cathi .

Cathi is the author of " Divorce Secrets: What Every Women

Should Know. " This invaluable resource provides steps to ensure

financial security to woman faced with the possibility of

divorce. Visit her web site for a FREE report -What You

Absolutely Must Know Before You Even THINK About Getting

A Divorce: http://www.DivorceDefense.com


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