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14 Causes of Constipation

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14 Causes of Constipation

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For people who know all about drinking liquids and eating fiber

but still have never been able to break free of their curse of

constipation, this article offers many other considerations that

will help the reader find solutions to lifelong constipation.

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14 Causes of Constipation

Copyright © 2008 Richman

Sound Feelings Publishing


Most people are aware that not eating enough “fiber-rich” foods

and not drinking enough liquids can cause constipation. But let’s

talk about some other things. The truth is that most health

seekers do eat enough fiber and do drink water but STILL tend to

be constipated! Why? I’m going to mention several things here

that you may not have thought of and even if one of them relates

to you then you have moved closer to solving your problem.

Can Constipation Start From Birth?

Were you a colicky baby? Colic is in itself not a digestive

disorder, but the parent’s reaction can then CREATE a digestive

disorder. For example, if you were crying for three hours at a

time, with no apparent reason, then it is likely that you were

given a TEETHING BISCUIT made of WHEAT to “shut that kid up!” No

child should be given wheat until they are two years old! But

now, at three months old, you’ve been soothed by the tasty

cracker and stopped crying but you the road is paved for a


is being created in your sensitive system to protect your

delicate infant intestines from the acidic residue of the wheat.

Maybe there was cow’s milk diary butter in this biscuit? This is

could also have aggravated the problem in a similar way.

Can Constipation Start if You Were A Sensitive Infant?

This sounds very strange, but I know this scenario happens every

day. Here you are an infant and you don’t understand words, but

you are sensitive to feelings and emotions. Your parents just

changed your diaper and then they hear that you go poop AFTER

they just changed your diaper. They groan that they have to

change it again and just maybe you’re actually aware that you

“disappointed” them! So in your infant way, you learn to “hold

in” your poop to “please” them. Later when you’re an adult,

you’re still suffering from this old response.

Can Dehydration as a Toddler Cause Constipation?

Many parents try to prevent bedwetting in their newly

potty-trained toddler by restricting liquids before bedtime. This

can be taken to extreme so that the food just eaten for dinner

may not have sufficient moisture to assist with the natural

progression within the small intestine. The result is a sticky

glue that, night after night, is being deposited along the walls

of the small intestine. Yes, no bedwetting but a lifetime of

chronic constipation has been initiated. The parents proudly

boast to their friends: “Our son never wets his bed,” unaware of

the damage that is being done.

Do Modern “Civilized” Toilets Cause Constipation?

A one year old wearing diapers naturally squats in order to have

a bowel movement. This is actually instinctive and ideal because

the connection between the rectum and the end of the large

intestine is bent, as nature’s “valve” to prevent accidents. When

you squat, this bend becomes straight and allows for the most

complete evacuation. Modern toilets do not allow for the squat

position and, over time, we develop a habit of having an

incomplete evacuation, which leads to a permanent state of

constipation. (Is it any wonder that in Japan, where the toilet

is a basin below floor level, requiring that you squat, has the

lowest incidence of colon cancer in the civilized world?)

Can Mucoid Plaque Causes Constipation?

If you have a layer of hardened mucoid waste lining your

intestines, then it stands to reason that normal peristalsis is

hampered. But what causes the mucoid plaque in the first place?

This is your body’s natural protection against foods that may

have created a strong acidic reaction or an allergic reaction and

this thick, sticky mucous protects the intestines from damage.

The problem is that if it happens on occasion, it will not stay,

but if the offending food continues over time, the plaque just

builds up. Think back to your childhood. Did you have a constant

mucous condition draining from your sinuses? Did you constantly

swallow this heavy mucous, for years as a child? Where do you

think this mucous went? Another reason that the mucoid plaque can

start forming is nature’s way of protecting you from something

that you may have swallowed that is now stuck in your intestinal

tract. For example, if you swallowed a coin like a penny or a

dime when you were a child, your body would encapsulate this

foreign object to “protect” you from it. Unfortunately, this

starts a life-long chain of events that can lead to so many

problems. The good news is that on a good cleansing program,

these objects will be pulled out, along with the mucoid waste!

Can You Become Constipated by Not Heeding the Call?

Many times there is no physiological reason for a person to

become constipated, but they still develop the condition due to

neglect. Remember as a child that you really had to go but you

didn’t. How often did this type of thing occur? Some kids are

prone to this, usually the ones who are very intelligent and who

are focused on an activity and don’t want to stop doing what

they’re doing to go to the bathroom.

Can Antibiotics Cause Constipation?

When you take antibiotics it succeeds in killing all the bacteria

in your body. The problem is that there was some beneficial

bacteria in your gut that you need to digest food and to also

help kill off some of the bad bacteria. When you kill off the

good bacteria, you are at risk for a return of the bad bacteria

because you have less of a defense in place. Also, there is a

certain “aeration” that takes place in your intestines caused by

the good bacteria which helps move things along. When you don’t

have this good bacteria, things tend to become sticky. The first

thing out of the woman’s breast is colostrum, which has this

beneficial bacteria to coat the infant’s intestines. If the

infant was not breast fed or if the person has taken antibiotics,

this good bacteria has been wiped out. What can you do? You can

go to the health food store and get “probiotics.” It used to be

called “acidophilous” but now the high tech preparations include

not just acidophilous but many other strains of the beneficial

bacteria, including acidophilous.

Can Cigarette Smoke Cause Constipation?

Very often, smokers themselves have NO PROBLEM with their bowels.

But often the people around them are the ones whos constitution

may be very sensitive are seriously affected. If your mother

smoked when you were in the womb and you are a sensitive type, or

if your father smoked around her when she was pregnant, this gets

into your blood as an infant. Some people have a nervous “stress”

reaction to this and because the colon is very connected to the

central nervous system, “spastic colon” can be created before you

are even born!

Are “Type A” Personalities More Inclined Towards Constipation?

Certain personalities are prone to stress which literally creates

more of an acid condition in the body. This has all sorts of

physiological results, including constipation.

Does Holding Onto dark Emotions Cause Constipation?

Anger, rage, depression, fear, sadness. Where do you feel these

emotions in your body? Probably in your gut. Don’t fool yourself.

There IS a connection between the mind and the body. Blocked

emotional energy can manifest as blocked physical energy

(constipation, in this case.)

Does Walking Lightly on Your Feet Causes Constipation?

Are you a “careful walker?” Do you walk quietly? The souls of our

feet are connected to nerves that stimulate our intestinal tract.

If we walk “on eggshells” we develop a habit of NOT stimulating

this natural area. Also, the emotional anxiety of walking quietly

itself causes constipation as it mirrors a “holding in” of sound,

which will inadvertently manifest a holding in of the bowel


Do Parasites Cause Constipation?

Supposedly 80% of the population now have parasites in their

system. When we have parasites embedded in our gut, it can cause

constipation in many ways. 1) First of all, peristalsis, or the

natural muscular movement of the intestines that pushes things

along can be restricted when you have various entities attached

to the inner lining of your intestinal wall. 2) Then, the waste

products of these parasites is toxic to the system, so more

mucous is created to protect you from absorbing these toxins. But

this is in such a constant state of activity that this mucous

becomes thickened “mucoid plaque” which becomes permanently

adhered to the inside of your intestines. This state FURTHER

limits the peristalsis and adds to the experience of

constipation. 3) Then there is the reality of the parasites of

physically blocking the tubing of the intestines themselves,

which can contribute to the experience of constipation. 4) Then

there is the issue of certain malnutrition that begins due to

these creatures parasitic nature. This means certain vitamins and

minerals are not being absorbed into the system which are

necessary for normal peristalsis to occur.

Can Being Self-Conscious About Stomach Noises Cause Constipation?

Some people have loud sounds coming from their stomach and

intestinal tract. At some point, this can become embarrassing

and, almost like biofeedback, we do indeed have the ability to

“make it stop.” So this person makes the sounds stop with their

mind. But what have they actually done? Have they curtailed the

natural peristalsis from happening?

Can Society Cause Constipation?

Yes, we are obligated to hold in our farts when we are in public

or to not heed the call when we are in a business meeting. This

seriously damages the nerves in our colon and rectum until they

shut down. We have to learn to be a little less polite and to

excuse ourselves when we need to.


Richman, President, Sound Feelings Publishing. Offering

free and helpful tips in the areas of health, music instruction

and education. Specializing in unconventional products that

help people find solutions to their most stubborn problems.



Copyright © - 2008 Sound Feelings Publishing.

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