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Cat Urinating in House? What to Do Before Your House Becomes One Giant Litterbox

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Let’s face it. It’s unpleasant to

say the least to have your cat urinating in house. If you want to

prevent messes and get the smell under control, it’s important to

address the underlying cause of the problem. In order to treat the

problem, it’s important to make some lifestyle changes.

This is a free-reprint article written


Wayne Mc



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Title: Cat

Urinating in House? What to Do Before Your House Becomes One Giant


Author: Wayne Mc


Count: 548

URL: http://www.pet-urinary-tract-health.com


© 2008 Holisticnetworkexchange.com All rights reserved.

================== ARTICLE START


Let’s face it. It’s unpleasant to

say the least to have your cat urinating in house. Sometimes cats

seem to completely ignore their litter box and urinate in the most

appropriate places such as the kitchen sink. If you want to prevent

messes and get the smell under control, it’s important to address

the underlying cause of the problem.

You are probably asking yourself, “Why

is my cat urinating in house?†Your cat is urinating in the house

because he doesn’t want to urinate in the litter box. He

associates the litter box with urination. That’s right… cats

avoid their litter box when it is painful to urinate because they

somehow believe that the litter box is the problem. Usually the

underlying cause of painful urination is a urinary tract infection.

If you notice your cat urinating in

house, it’s important to take him to the vet to get tested. More

often than not, urinary tract infections in dogs are caused by E.

coli bacteria. If not timely treated, the infection can travel up to

the kidneys and become life-threatening.

So why is my cat urinating in house and

what can I do about it? While it’s important to take your cat to

the vet, you have to realize that your vet will most likely prescribe

antibiotics. Antibiotics work but they do little more than suppress

the symptoms of the problem. Many cats have recurring infections

until the underlying cause of the problem is addressed.

In order to treat the problem, it’s

important to make some lifestyle changes. First of all, give your

cat only fresh, filtered water. Make sure he always has plenty in

his dish. Dehydration can cause urinary tract infections and

drinking filtered water helps to flush out the toxins that accumulate

in your cat’s body. You’re probably still wondering, “Why is

my cat urinating in house?†You will also want to consider dietary

change because dry, commercial cat food is often the cause of


Dry, commercial cat food contains lots

of minerals and it is very grainy. It can alter the pH of your cat’s

urine and make it easier for bacteria to flourish in your cat’s

urinary tract. Even before you see your cat urinating in house, you

will probably want to start giving him only raw, unprocessed food and

home cooked food. These natural foods will help your cat achieve

inner balance and overall good health.

If you’re still wondering, “Why is

my cat urinating in house and why can I do about it?†there is one

more thing you ought to know. A homeopathic remedy, combined with

sufficient water intake and a healthy diet, can effectively treat and

prevent urinary problems in cats. Homeopathy goes beyond just

suppressing symptoms. It helps your cat achieve permanent recovery

by restoring health to your cat’s bladder, urinary tract, and

immune system.

Now that you are armed with this

information, keep it in mind the next time you see your cat urinating

in house. Don’t wait until the problem spirals out of control.

Prevent it from progressing by making the necessary diet and

lifestyle changes and giving your cat a homeopathic remedy. Believe

me. You will notice a huge difference in the way your cat behaves

and you will help him achieve permanent recovery.


© 2008 Holisticnetworkexchange.com All rights reserved.

Wayne Mc is

a health enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies for a

number of years. As a regular contributor, he discusses the most

promising natural treatments for cats and dogs. To find out more

about how to support your pet naturally visit


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