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Ten Sure Fire Ways To Crank Up Your Energy And Reduce Your Stress

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Ten Sure Fire Ways To Crank Up Your Energy And Reduce Your Stress

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Did you know the number 1 complaint doctors hear from their

patience is that they have a lack of energy to get through the


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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-06-23 11:00:00

Written By: Mike April

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Ten Sure Fire Ways To Crank Up Your Energy And Reduce Your Stress

Copyright © 2008 Mike April

Live To The Max


Did you know the number #1 complaint doctors hear from their

patience is that they have a lack of energy to get through the


Maybe you feel low on energy or stressed out once and awhile or

maybe you’re constantly out of energy and always stressed out. If

it’s any consolation you’re not alone (yeah I know not much

comfort). But maybe this will be; you can increase your energy

levels and reduce your stress starting today.

But first let’s take a look at what I think are the causes of

such low levels of energy and high levels of stress. Then I’ll

show you ten sure fire ways to crank up your energy so you’ll

have more then enough to get you through the day and get rid of

your stress or at less significantly reduce your stress.

Sound good?

Great then keep reading.

Ok what’s draining your energy levels and jacking up your stress

levels? In my opinion I believe this is what’s doing it:

1) You’ve heard this before “You are what you eat”.

Food is your fuel and if you’re filling your gas tank with

substandard fuel you’re going to have poor performance. I’m about

to date myself. But I remember when all the food in the grocery

store was organic? Now it’s a specialty item.

Well I guess it has to be classified as organic now because most

of our food is grown in a pool of fertilizers and pesticides, and

there is NO way you can tell me that does not have an effect on

our bodies. So that beautifully ripe looking tomato or piece of

fruit may not be as good for you as you think.

2) Prescription drugs. You can’t turn on the TV, read a magazine,

see a billboard and not see a new drug to help you solve what’s

ailing you. We have it pounded into our souls that the only way

to cure our problems is with a prescription.

Listen to the next one minute drug commercial you hear on TV.

It’s a scary thing. The commercial spends 15 seconds on the

wonders of how this drug will solve your aches and pains and then

spends the last 45 seconds listing the side effects that come

with it.

So if you want your allergies cured take our drug, but be warned

you may lose your sight, your liver may explode but you won’t be

stuffy or sneezing.

3) Stress, everyday stress. We live in a fast paced world and

that absolutely sucks the energy right from the top of your head

to the tips of your toes. Plus most humans have this great

ability to create stress where it’s really not needed.

4) The environment. From all the pollutants in the air from the

water we drink it all takes its toll on our body and our mind.

5) I mentioned food once already but I didn’t mention the way our

meat, pork and poultry are processed. It’s the almighty dollar

that determines how this food gets processed. The faster and

bigger these animals can be grown and processed in the shortest

amount of time means more money for the processor.

So in order to do that companies inject these animals with all

types of steroids and growth hormones as well as added it to

their feed. And all these steroids and growth hormones end up in

our bodies. Don’t take my word for it just look at how young our

children are developing physically. And that’s not from good

genes, it’s from the growth hormones and steroids found in all

these foods we are eating.

Everything I mentioned is not to point fingers it’s just the way

things are, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it.

So as promised here is the Ten Sure Fire Ways To Crank Up Your

Energy and Reduce Your Stress.

1) Breath. Ok sounds simple but have you ever been to a yoga

class? The one thing they stress to learn more then anything is

how to breathe. And I don’t mean just breathing in and out; I

mean deep breathing where you’re oxygenating every cell in your

body. You want to maintain a free flow of oxygenated blood to

your most vital organ you have ... the brain.

Here is a breathing exercise that you do 3 times a day. Doing

this breathing exercises will increase your energy level 10 fold.

Now before you start this exercise you need to pick a count

number. I suggest 7 is a good number to start. This will be the

number you use during this exercise. If 7 is too much or too

little then simply change your count number accordingly.

Read through this exercise first before you try it and you’ll see

what I mean about the count number.

Stand tall and if you can’t stand then sit tall in your chair.

Inhale slowly and steadily for a 1 count of 7 (keep inhaling

through your nose as you count to 7) at this rate: One

Mississippi, Two Mississippi and so on.

Now hold for a count of 4 (4 x 7 = 21) hold your breath as you

count to 21.

Exhale for a count of 2 (2 x 7 = 14) exhale slowly out your mouth

while you count to 14.

Repeat this 10 times, 3 times per day.

2) Try to eat more organic fruits and vegetables. And when it

comes to meat, chicken and pork try to eat grass feed meats. Moat

of all our meat is grain fed. Yep it may cost a bit more but in

the long run its better for you and you’ll see an increase in

your energy.

3) Exercise. Saw that one coming didn’t you. Do 30 minutes of

cardiovascular or aerobic exercise at least 3 times per week.

By exercising you’re not only getting fit but you’re creating a

better furnace to burn your fuel (food). A more efficient furnace

(body) has more energy and it’s also the number one way to help

your body reduce stress levels.

4) Meditate. You need to quite your mind. If you’re like most

people your brain is working on 10 different things at once. Not

to mention that little voice in your head chatting all the time.

A peaceful mind is a stress free mind and a stress free mind has

more energy.

5) This one sounds so simple yet it’s not done by most people.

Get your sleep. Your body needs time to recharge so give it what

it wants. Make sure to make your sleep time just as important as

your active time. Make your bedroom comfortable and quite and

most importantly make your room dark. Light can disrupt your

sleep pattern partly because it inhibits melatonin secretion and

thus resets your biological clock. Now you know why you feel

tired when you wake up.

6) Get rid of the junk food! Foods high in saturated fats are

just horrible for your cholesterol levels not to mention your

waistline plus they can lower the amount of oxygen in your

bloodstream causing you to feel sleepy after eating.

7) Stretch. Regular stretching will help with flexibility and

muscle tone but it has also been shown to keep the brain's

arteries open and unclogged. 15% of our blood flow occurs within

the brain, so maintaining a well-oxygenated flow there will help

keep lethargy at bay.

8) Make sure your diet is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6. Also known

as essential fatty acids, found in foods including: oily fish,

nuts, seeds and avocados. If you want to be more mentally alert

these are the must have foods in your diet.

9) Watch your intake of coffee. Sure a cup or two can give you

that boost you’re looking for. But caffeine is the chemical which

blocks adenosine that can interfere with energy boosting


10) Attitude of Gratitude. What do I mean? Live in a state of

gratitude. Instead of looking at all that may be going wrong or

not the way you planned things. Live in an attitude of gratitude

for all the things you have.

You’ve probably heard of the chemical in the brain called

serotonin. This is the chemical that is in your brain that makes

you feel good. It has been researched that people who live in an

attitude of gratitude as well as people that perform acts of

kindness. And an act of kindness could be as simple as smiling at

someone. These people’s serotonin levels were and are increased.

When our serotonin levels are higher, you’re more relaxed. And if

you’re more relaxed what going on? No or little stress.

Start implementing these things into your live and you’ll have no

problem living life to the max.

Live To The Max

Mike April


Mike April has been guiding and helping people live their lives

to the MAX for several years. His no nonsense approach to helping

people live their lives to the fullest and healthiest is very

sought after. If you would like to learn how you can live

your life to the MAX you can visit Mike at his website



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