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How To Gain Muscle Naturally With Small Changes

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Article Title:


How To Gain Muscle Naturally With Small Changes

Article Description:


You can easily gain weight but are you doing it the natural way

without getting fat? Indeed, simple changes in your daily routine

can make a big difference. Start eating natural without the

creatine, mass-gain shakes and other weight gaining supplements.

Here you will learn the meaning of gaining muscle naturally. Some

of the advice includes not doing cardio exercises on an empty

stomach, eat more carbohydrates, and work out less!

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727 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-04-15 12:48:00

Written By: Francis

Copyright: 2007-2008,

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How To Gain Muscle Naturally With Small Changes

Copyright © 2007-2008 Francis,

Natural Bodybuilding


Gaining weight is not that hard. Gaining muscle, however, and

gaining muscle naturally, is.

When I was a high school wrestler, some of us had to lose weight

and some of us had to gain weight. Thet advice for gaining weight

that we always got was, " drink lots of rootbeer shakes and eat

tons of pizza. " Was the advice accurate? Yes, it was. That crap

will help you gain weight. But unless you're an actor preparing

for a role as a fat fella, you probably don't want to gain just

any kind of weight; you want to gain muscle. And if given the

choice to gain muscle naturally or not, you will usually choose

naturally. The problem is, most people don't know what

" naturally " means and, more importantly, how you can eat


Well, let me tell you how I gained weight naturally this past

year -- more specifically, 12 pounds of muscle. I'm not going to

bore you with calorie and gram specifics in this article; that

will come in the next one. My point is how simple changes can

make a huge difference.

For the past 3 years, I've been trying to add another 10 pounds

of muscle to my lean 160-pound frame. But it's been tough. Very

tough. Even though I've been a personal trainer and nutriton

coach for 5 years, adding muscle to my body was difficult. I did

weight-resistance training 4 times a week, each time for about an

hour, and I switched up my workouts every 6 weeks or so. I ate

six meals a day and kept track of my calories. I even made sure

the amount of protein grams I was taking in matched my body

weight. Now I did not want to lose my cardio health, so I did

sprints 3 times a week first thing in the morning, but only for

about 20 minutes.

Then last March, I was asked to come on staff at a large

Christian church in Los Angeles. Although I loved my clients and

loved seeing them grow, my heart was in full-time ministry, so I

took the job and cut my personal training down to 5 hours a week.

What does this have to do with me gaining weight? Everything!

I still hit the weights 4 times a week, but now I kept it to

about 45 minutes...simply because my free time diminihsed quite a

bit and I didn't want to cut out my relationships. And because I

have to be in to the office early, I no longer do cardio first

thing in the morning more than once a week. I still eat about 6

times a day, but now I simply eat as much as I want, and dont'

really count calories or grams or worry much about it. If I put

on a few pounds of fat, oh well. Essentially, because I love the

work I do so much,I stopped " trying so hard " to gain lean

muscle, and just let the muscle do its thing. I wasn't against

it, but I just didn't try so hard, anymore.

And after 3-4 months, I had put on a solid 12 pounds of muscle

naturally, with only 1 or 2 of them being fat.

No creatine, no mass-gain shakes, no crap. Just eating natural,

calorie-dense food and cutting back on the workouts (though they

are still intense).

So what can you learn from my experience? A few things:

1) I stopped doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty

stomach. When you're lean, you burn muscle by doing this, and it

makes adding muscle very difficult.

2) I ate more carbs...simply because I stopped keeping track of

what I " thought " should be my carb limit. When you're putting

on muscle, don't worry about keeping your carb count low (if

they're natural carbs).

3) I worked out less (about 4 sets less each time I hit the

weights). So if you've been trying and having trouble, try

cutting back.

Now I realize this article does not get very scientific, but

hopefully it makes you think about what you're doing and the

small changes you can make to your routine and lifestyle if you

want to increase your sucess with gaining weight naturally. My

next article will go more into detail about the actual workouts

and foods I ate, so stay tuned.


Francis is a serious bodybuilder who has built serious

muscle mass fast using the revolutionary new weight-training

system, Freaky Big Naturally. Get a FR-EE shocking Insider

Report on Natural BodyBuilding, a Muscle-Primer Program and

more at http://natural-bodybuilding.freakygrowth.com/

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