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Increase Your Nutrient Absorption - Increase Your Muscle Mass

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Article Title:


Increase Your Nutrient Absorption - Increase Your Muscle Mass

Article Description:


Everyone needs nutrients to build muscle. Digestion is a hard

energy demanding task for our bodies. Sometimes we eat in a way

that actually strips away our nutrients. Discover the secrets of

perfect digestion and absorption. The article contains

information about how maximum digestion and assimilation of

nutrients can be obtained through proper and right food


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968 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-04-23 08:48:00

Written By: Asger Haug

Copyright: 2008

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Increase Your Nutrient Absorption - Increase Your Muscle Mass

Copyright © 2008 Asger Haug

Bodybuilding Nutrition


This is a simple and profound way to dramatically increase your

energy and muscle mass. It can also ensure that you save lots of

your time and money.

In fact, you will probably start to eat a lot less than normal.

Due to maximum absorption you will not need to consume the huge

massive amounts of food in order to get all the nutrients that a

natural bodybuilder needs to increase muscle.

We all know that to build muscle we need nutrients. Therefore

many people consume massive amounts of them. They use nutrient

supplements and eat high nutrient foods but there is no guarantee

that they will all be absorbed. In fact, even though some people

consume all the right foods, they consume them in such a way that

almost all nutrients are wasted and actually has a negative

affect on their health.

Absorbing nutrients happens through digestion. Many people have

the notion that all we need to do in order to get the nutrients

is eat the right foods. We consume, the body breaks down and

absorbs. It’s pretty basic.

However, despite what most people believe, the process of

digestion is actually a lot more complicated. Different foods all

demand different things from our digestive system. Even though we

are omnivores and therefore capable of digesting many different

foods, it does not mean we can do so all at once. There are

various stages and environments the body needs to create in order

to digest each sort of food. Asking the body to create different

environments at the same time for digestion will not have any


The fact is that no being in nature is designed for complex

meals. I mean, have you ever seen an animal gathering up

different kinds of foods before eating? The answer is no because

foods are not meant to be combined. Thanks to our phenomenal

body, we are capable of combining foods, but this still comes

with consequences. The consequence of low nutrient absorption is

no increased muscle mass; sometimes even decrease.

High protein foods, for example, require a highly acidic

environment which takes place in the stomach in order to denature

the protein. Contrary to that, starchy foods require a mildly

alkaline environment for digestion to take place in the mouth and

small intestine. This is basic chemistry that we have all learned

in school, but do we all know what happens when you take

something acidic and mix it with a base/alkaline?

The answer is simple; they neutralize. In its best attempt to

digest the foods, the body now keeps secreting alkaline and

acids, using up all the minerals, vitamins, enzymes, salts, other

nutrients and a huge amount of energy. This makes you

unbelievably tired and makes you feel bloated because the body

needs to overwork. A simple digestion of meat before it goes into

your intestines would normally take around 3 hours. If starch and

meat are combined, this process has now increased to up to 9

hours. But even worse, now the proteins decompose and the starch

ferments, creating a place for dangerous microforms that feeds on

your nutrients. This is why you are still tired when you wake up

in the morning. You slept but your body did not rest. Your body

worked all night to try break down all the food you ate for


Think about the classical American meals: fish and chips, potato

and meat, sandwich and ham, chicken with rice, burger and fries.

Give your body a break! It is for your own sake. So here is the

solution to have maximum nutrient absorption, energy, health,

quality sleep and consequently more muscle mass: proper food


Proper food combining is essential, and by following the

instructions I will give you, I assure full success. You must not

forget to go easy on yourself as it might be hard at the start.

The more creative and positive you are at the beginning, the

better this will work for you and remember to make it work for

you, not against you.

Here are the steps to be followed.

1. Low-sugar (less than 8 percent sugar) fruits and veggies

combine with everything.

2. Eat starches with veggies, low-sugar fruits and healthy oils.

No animal protein!

3. Eat animal protein with vegetables. Try fish on a bed of

steamed greens or a crunchy salad with lemon.

4. This is crucial: Eat high-sugar fruits on their own. Because

of their sugar, fruits are digested extremely rapidly; therefore

if occupied in the stomach waiting in 37 degree Celsius for other

foods to be digested it will rot and ferment. Take a banana, peel

it and put it in the sun and wait for 3 hours (or even 9, if you

ate it with protein and starches) and watch what happens. It will

rot. Everybody knows it is stupid to consume rotten food.

5. Healthy fats and oils go with starches, vegetables and

low-sugar fruits. Nuts can be combined with all foods. This is

the one single exception to high-sugar fruits. Try a tasty

banana-almond shake.

That is it! It may sound hard so try to go first without starch

and animal protein, and then adapt to the rest of the program.

After only two days, you will be amazed with how active you will

be after eating meals. The refreshing feeling you will have when

you wake up in the morning will make you notice that you actually

don’t need to consume the same amount of food to feel full and

build mass. You will in fact consume less and build more.

Before each meal, remember to take a deep breath and relax. If

you eat while you are stressed, the digestive system and enzymes

shut down totally. And remember never to drink iced water with



Asger Haug is a serious bodybuilder who has built serious muscle

mass fast using the revolutionary new weight-training system,

Freaky Big Naturally. Get a FR-EE shocking Insider Report on

Natural BodyBuilding, a Muscle-Primer Program and more at


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