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Gain Muscle With Creatine

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Article Title:


Gain Muscle With Creatine

Article Description:


The supplementing of creatine can help gain muscle and increase

the performance of athletes in some sports. The best way is to

experiment with creatine and see if it has an impact on

performance. Meanwhile, for the elite and heavily trained

athletes, creatine can boost the gains from heavy training. But

before you start using creatine perhaps you would like to know

more about this supplement. You will find some answers to

questions such as " Do creatine supplements effect hormone

levels?', 'Is creatine a type of steroid?' and 'Does creatine

make you fat?'

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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-06-10 11:24:00

Written By: Masszymes (Matt Gallant)

Copyright: 2008

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Gain Muscle With Creatine

Copyright © 2008 Masszymes (Matt Gallant)



What Is Creatine?

Creatine monohydrate is a compound made by the human body and is

also a component of our everyday diets to gain muscle. The main

sources are fish, meat and poultry. Creatine is found in any

foods containing animal muscle.

The typical western diet contains about 1 gram of creatine per

day, other then vegetarians who consume next to none. Our body

doesn't receive sufficient amounts of creatine just from the

food we eat. Creatine is produced in the liver, pancreas and

kidneys, and is transported to the body's muscles through the

bloodstream. About 95% of our body's stores are found in the

skeletal muscle, and our daily turnover adds up to around 2grams.

When Creatine is transferred to the muscle it is transformed into

creatine phosphate with amounts varying from person to person.

This high-powered metabolite is used to regenerate the muscles

main energy source, ATP. When you do heavy exercise your levels

of ATP drop rapidly and creatine is responsible for restoring the

levels of ATP.

Why Take It?

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements of all. It all

began in 1992 Barcelona Olympics when numerous British athletes

supplementing creatine said it was what made them so successful.

Word of mouth is not enough to prove that creatine improves

performance. A lot of research was then conducted on creatine.

The studies showed the intake of high doses of creatine over a

number of days, increased the levels of creatine and creatine

phosphate found in muscles. Since then much more research has

been completed, with the agreement being that creatine

supplements increase muscle creatine, hence improving exercise

captivity and performance.

What Does Creatine Supplementation Do?

Creatine is one of the more popular supplements amongst

bodybuilders. When it comes to building muscle creatine is your

best mate.

1. Provides Energy For Your Muscles

ATP is the body's source of explosive energy. Your body also

obtains energy from carbohydrates, but it takes a much longer

period of time to become a usable energy source. So when the body

is in need of energy fast it turns to it's sources of ATP. ATP

can provide a huge burst of energy to your muscles fast but can

last as little as 15 seconds; this is where the creatine kicks

in. When ATP sources are depleted you are left with ADP, which is

basically useless for exercise. The Creatine phosphate reacts

with the ADP to turn it into ATP. So creatine takes a useless

chemical and turns it into a useable energy (ATP).

2. Enhances Protein Synthesis

Creatine allows your body to stay in a higher anabolic state for

longer, therefore allowing more rapid lean muscle growth.

3. Increases Muscle Volume

Creatine increases the water retention of muscles. In some cases

during the first few weeks of supplementing with creatine, users

can put on kilograms of weight, called water weight. This makes

your muscles appear larger.

4. Acts As A Lactic Acid Buffer

Lactic Acid builds up in the muscles being stimulated during

heavy training. New studies show that creatine can act as a

buffer towards lactic acid therefore delaying the build up of

lactic acid.

How To Supplement With Creatine

There are two methods of supplementing with creatine to obtain

muscle saturation. There is still debate to which method is best.

1) Loading/Maintenance Method

This the most common way of commencing creatine supplementation.

The first 5 days are known as the loading phase. During this

period you take a dosage of 20-30grams of creatine per day, this

rapidly saturates the muscles with creatine. The second phase is

the " maintenance " phase. Now that the muscles are saturated

with creatine all you have to do is maintain it. A dosage of

3-10grams per day is efficient.

2) Gradual Intake Method

This method skips the loading phase and allows for gradual muscle

saturation. Eventually this will achieve the same result, but in

a longer period of time.

More research has gone into creatine over the years and a new

product has emerged, Creatine Ethyl Ester. Regular Creatine

monohydrate is absorbed poorly by the body and its effectiveness

is dependent upon the cells ability to absorb it. The poor

absorption rate of creatine monohydrate requires the user to

ingest copious dosages of creatine to achieve desired effect

" Loading Phase "

Creatine monohydrate is semilipopholic. This means that it uses

fat as a transport system inefficiently. The esterification of

substances will increase their lipopholic abilities, therefore,

esterified creatine will use fat more efficiently to penetrate

the cell wall and exert its effects upon cellular function. This

means, simply, that not only will dosage requirements be lower,

but the absorption of esterified creatine will be increased.

Many athletes have " off periods " where they stop taking

creatine altogether, although it is not necessary. Normally 6

weeks on 2 weeks off, athletes believe better results are

achieved in doing so. It is recommended to go by manufacturers

label recommendations.

Dangers and Side Effects

Some agencies have issued health warnings regarding creatine

supplementation. However others have disputed this and blamed it

on a misunderstanding of animal studies. Some mild side effects

have been reported like dehydration and stomach aches, but these

can be prevented by drinking enough water. There is no long term

side effects reported to date and there have not been enough

studies into long term side effects to indicate any damage. To

date there is no evidence that creatine supplementation in

healthy people will pose any problems. The important point to

remember is, like any supplement, only take what you need, don't

abuse it. Tripling creatine dosages will not achieve triple the


Other Creatine Questions and Myths:

Do creatine supplements effect hormone levels? No

Is creatine a type of steroid? No

Does creatine make you fat? No

Do I need to cycle creatine supplements? No, it's up to you.

Is creatine safe for pregnant women? Consult your doctor.

Is creatine a stable solution? No. Mix it up and drink


Are creatine supplements ok for vegetarian use? Absolutely


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