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Synergy - The Remedy in the Herbal Supplement

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Article Title:


Synergy - The Remedy in the Herbal Supplement

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Synergy refers to the idea that the sum of the parts adds up to

more (or less, in some cases) than the whole. This idea is an

important one for herbalism where it is essential to combine

different herbs thoughtfully and carefully in order to maximize

the benefit a patient will receive.

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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-02-15 10:00:00

Written By: W

Copyright: 2008

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Synergy - The Remedy in the Herbal Supplement

Copyright © 2008 W

Web Health Aritcles


Synergy refers to the idea that the sum of the parts adds up to

more (or less, in some cases) than the whole. This idea is an

important one for herbalism where it is essential to combine

different herbs thoughtfully and carefully in order to maximize

the benefit a patient will receive. When you combine different

herbs, the result can be a great deal more powerful (and

sometimes different) than any of the herbs taken individually or

separately. A well constructed formula will therefore be

harmonized so that your body will not respond negatively to

individual herbs but instead be able to fully accept the desired


Furthermore, synergy is enhanced when absorption and

bioavailability of an herb is increased in a body. It should also

be noted that while herbs can work very effectively in

combination due to their synergistic effects, alone they can be

far less effective and sometimes produce opposite actions. For

example, Ginger has an anti-ulcerogenic action which is

considered to be the work of a zingerberene compound within it.

This compound was isolated and tested to measure its results. It

was found that the whole ginger extract was sixty six times more

effective than the zingerberene compound.

The synergy of herbal remedies can actually be quantified because

less of a herb is required to achieve the same effect when it is

enhanced by the action of other appropriate herbs. For example,

when 60 mg of Valerian is combined with 40 mg of Hops the results

are the same as if the patient had been given 400 mg of Valeriana

on its own. This can be an important example as Valerian can

cause stomach pain to many people in large doses, therefore the

lower the dose of Valerian with the same result would be optimum

in herbology.

Negative synergy can apply to herbal combinations. For example,

the combination of Echinacea and Andrographis enhances the immune

system and is very beneficial in acute infections, however,

Echinacea and Astrogalis / Huang Qi in combination can only be

used in chronic conditions requiring immune stimulation and will

exacerbate an acute condition. This is why where herbal

preparations are concerned it is wise to consult with an

experienced and qualified herbalist rather than self


Each herb enhances the ability or action of the other ones. If

you combine Echinacea and angustifolia root you will achieve an

immune enhancing result greater than taking Echinacea on its own.

If you take Echinacea Purporea on its own you will receive an

immune enhancing result. However, if you add the two types of

Echinacea together you will obtain at least three times that

effect, not twice the effect. Putting them together gives a

greater benefit than the two of them separately would give. This

is the essence of synergy.

Another example of how the action of herbs alters in combination

is that of codonopsis (Dang Shen) and Astragalus (Huan Qi). Both

of these herbs behave similarly to Ginseng and will raise your

energy and tonify your Qi. However, when they are combined their

main action is to increase immunity and increasing energy or

tonifying Qi is secondary.

Synergistic results are also obtained when you give someone senna

in conjunction with ginger. Senna will not only create a strong

laxative effect, it can also cause griping stomach pains. To

avoid this negative side effect of the herb, you can add ginger

to the mix. By doing this, you will still obtain the laxative

benefits but you will no longer have the cramping.

Synergy also lowers the cost of herbal medicine because

'assisting herbs' reduce the amount of expensive herbs required

to achieve the same result. For example, Ginseng is an expensive

herb but if you add 'assisting herbs' to create a much longer

lasting formula that will also increase energy and tonify Qi you

will be able to get excellent results, for the same or even lower


Phytomedicine or herbalism relies heavily on synergy to create

natural medicines that promote healing in the best possible way

for the patient. The synergistic benefits of herbal combinations

can be quantified and used but cannot be fully explained. That

said, there is an enormous amount of evidence that synergy

enhances the performance of herbs in the right combinations and

is an important aspect of natural healing.

Yet the market is still full of single herb products. I believe

this is due to the fact that companies rely on selling you herbs

that you have heard of, not on making a formula that is best

suited for the ailment or condition. I continuously write on this

subject, and the reason I learned Eastern and Western Herbology.

I use the best herbs for the job in a carefully developed, and

most importantly synergenic formula. There are times that

Echinacea is not the right herb for the job, there is a suitable

lower cost substitute for Goldenseal in many cases, etc. Feel

free to learn more at Dimmakherbs.com


is a Chinese and Western Herbalist and formulates

for Dimmak Herbs. Visit Dimmak Herbs Herbal Supplements

(http://www.dimmakherbs.com) for more information and

product related to this article. To keep up daily with

herbal and health tips visit The Blog of Health and Herbs


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