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How To Maintain Your Bodybuilding Program Through The Holidays

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Article Title:


How To Maintain Your Bodybuilding Program Through The Holidays

Article Description:


The holidays are approaching with Christmas leading the way

followed by New Years not too far behind. During this time of joy

and happiness unfortunately most people, including some of us

bodybuilders, tend to forget about their bodybuilding workouts

and nutrition plans. If thoughts of dumping your fitness and

bodybuilding program have crossed your mind, allow me to remind

you that this road only leads to a physique that could be used as

a 'Before' picture on the latest fat burner ads.

Additional Article Information:


2271 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2007-12-05 11:00:00

Written By: Hugo A

Copyright: 2007

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How To Maintain Your Bodybuilding Program Through The Holidays

Copyright © 2007 Hugo A

Body RE-Engineering


The holidays are approaching with Christmas leading the way

followed by New Years not too far behind. During this time of joy

and happiness unfortunately most people, including some of us

bodybuilders, tend to forget about their bodybuilding workouts

and nutrition plans. If thoughts of dumping your fitness and

bodybuilding program have crossed your mind, allow me to remind

you that this road only leads to a physique that could be used as

a 'Before' picture on the latest fat burner ads.

However, what if I told you that with some planning ahead you can

have your cake and eat it too? I promise you that if you practice

self discipline and follow all of the tactics discussed below,

your fat gain during the Holidays will be minimized, and provided

that you train hard, even if you use my bodybuilding holiday

routine described below, you will come out with new muscle that

you did not have before.

Bodybuilding Tips & Advice For Staying Fit During The Holidays

There are some key steps that need to be followed in order to

stay fit during the Holidays. Follow the steps below and I

guarantee you that come New Year, losing weight will not be on

your list of resolutions:

1. Plan Ahead, Be Organized.

Plan your bodybuilding workout days one full week ahead. Because

of the amounts of get-togethers and days that the gym may be

closed, it is best if you decide a week ahead which days you will

be attending the gym. Simply take out your calendar and schedule

your workouts and even write down at what times these will be

performed. In this manner, your chances of missing a workout due

to parties or gym closures are eliminated.

2. Get Your Workouts In Early:

Workout as early as possible, preferably first thing in the

morning. If your schedule is really hectic, I would advise waking

up early and getting the training done, if possible, right before

you go to work.

If this is not possible, then try doing it at lunch time or right

after work so that nothing else interferes with your workout. On

days off from work, definitely get the training done as early as


3 . Hugo's Holiday Abbreviated Bodybuilding Routine ( See Below

For Full Routine)

If you feel that you really cannot dedicate more than 3 days a

week to your training, then just try out my Abbreviated

Bodybuilding Holiday Routine shown below. The routine is designed

for a serious natural bodybuilder that wants maximum muscle along

with definition and is willing to train 3 days a week for 75

minutes. Not everybody is trying to look like a bodybuilder , if

your just looking to tone up , then just cut 1 set for all the

exercises listed and this will bring down your gym time by around

15-20 minutes so each workout will be around 55 minutes long or

so. So less than 3 hours in total out of your entire week.

4. Planning Your Diet Cheat Days:

Plan Your Cheat Days Wisely. I have to say that I am an expert at

this one. Reason for this is because Thanksgiving is on the 24th,

my birthday is on December 5th, my anniversary on December 17th,

Christmas on the 25th and New Year's on the 31.

So those are my cheat days. My advice is to attempt to space

cheat days with at least 5-6 days in between, 6 being the better


5. Eating Cheat Meals Wisely:

Eat your cheat meals wisely. When you have a cheat meal, start

eating the protein portion first as this will get you to start

getting full. Leave the carbs for the end of the meal.

Also, try to not stuff yourself. Instead allocate six hours of

cheating per cheat day and instead of having just one huge binge

meal that prevents you from even being able to walk after you are

done, have 3 smaller meals instead; one every 90 minutes. Take

around 30 minutes to savor and make sure that after you are done

with each meal you feel like you have a bit of room left. The

best strategy is to eat until you are comfortably full.

After your cheat period, go back on your regular diet.

6. Workout Before Cheating:

Before a cheat period it is great to have a tough workout first

in order to minimize fat gain and maximize muscle gain. Reason

for this is because after a workout the body is primed to absorb

nutrients in the form of proteins and carbohydrates. Thus, having

a cheat meal afterwards will ensure that most nutrients are used

for recovery and muscle production.

7. Supplementing Before Cheating:

Take some 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate and 300 mg of Alpha

Lipoic Acid at the beginning of your cheat period. These

supplements help increase your cell's ability to accept insulin

and thus assimilate the extra carbohydrates better. As a matter

of fact, increasing insulin sensitivity is one of the reasons why

I like to have a big workout prior to the cheat period.

In addition, you can also take some Nitric Oxide Boosters and

creatine as well 30 minutes prior to the first cheat meal in

order to take advantage of the extra carbohydrates and insulin


Finally, a good thermogenic supplement like Labrada's Charge ASF

is a good idea as well since this will ensure that your appetite

is kept under control.

8. Have Essential Fatty Acids:

Have some EFA's with your cheat meal. Research indicates that

some essential fats like the ones found in flaxseed oil or fish

oils have anti-lipolitic properties. In other words, they inhibit

some of the enzymes responsible for fat storage. Because of this,

by taking these fats with your first cheat meal of your cheat

period, you can minimize some of the damage. They also serve as a

good natural appetite suppressant.

One tablespoon of Carlson Fish Oils or Spectrum Flaxseed Oil

should do the trick. Capsules can be used but you would need

10-14 of them to equal a tablespoon of the liquid version.

9. Have Digestive Enzymes Prior To Your Cheat Meal:

Take some digestive enzymes prior to each one of your cheat

meals. This will ensure maximum nutrient assimilation and will

also help you avoid feelings of excessive fullness and

indigestion. The best formula is a comprehensive enzyme formula

with enzymes for proper digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and


10. Have A Walk After The Cheat Period:

Three to five hours after the cheat period has ended, have a

30-45 minute walk. I'm not talking about anything strenuous;

around 3 miles per hour is a good pace. Doing some cardiovascular

activity after the cheat period has ended will start burning some

of the carbohydrates that may still be lingering around. The more

of these you burn, the less likelihood of storing body fat. If

you cannot do this walk on the same day of the cheat period then

try it on the morning after on an empty stomach.

Hugo's Abbreviated 3 Days Per Week Routine

For the purpose of continued muscle growth and fat loss over the

holidays, I have used the principles of cycling (the three

training phases, loading, growth and active recovery) that I

always preach about in order to create a routine that will keep

the muscle growth/fat loss process going during the next few

months with minimum visits to the gym.

This is a 3 day a week routine but don't let that fool you,

it's a tough routine and will do more than just maintain you.

The longest routine is the one from week three. It lasts around

75 minutes.

Loading Phase


Mon (13-15 reps), Wed (10-12 reps), Fri (8-10 reps)


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets (No Rest)

Wide Grip Pull-Ups To Front 3 sets (60 seconds)


Upright Rows 2 sets (No Rest)

Bent Over Laterals 2 sets (60 seconds)


Seated Incline Curls 2 sets (No Rest)

Triceps Dips 2 sets (60 seconds)


Leg Extensions 3 sets (No Rest)

Leg Curls 3 sets (No Rest)

Squats (Wide Stance) 3 sets (No Rest)

Calf Raises3 sets (60 seconds)


Mon (13-15 reps), Wed (10-12 reps), Fri (8-10 reps)


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets (No Rest)

Wide Grip Pull-Ups To Front 4sets (60 seconds)


Upright Rows 2 sets (No Rest)

Bent Over Laterals 2 sets (60 seconds)


Seated Incline Curls 3sets (No Rest)

Triceps Dips 3 sets (60 seconds)


Leg Extensions 4 sets (No Rest)

Leg Curls 4 sets (No Rest)

Squats (Wide Stance) 4 sets (No Rest)

Calf Raises 4 sets (60 seconds)


Mon (13-15 reps), Wed (10-12 reps), Fri (8-10 reps)


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 5sets (No Rest)

Wide Grip Pull-ups To Front 5sets (60 seconds)


Upright Rows 3 sets (No Rest)

Bent Over Laterals 3 sets (60 seconds)


Seated Incline Curls 3 sets (No Rest)

Triceps Dips 3 sets (60 seconds)


Lunges 5 sets (No Rest)

Leg Curls 5 sets (No Rest)

Squats (Wide Stance) 5 sets (No Rest)

Calf Raises 5 sets (60 seconds)

Growth Phase

Weeks 4-6:

Mon (10-12 reps), Wed (8-10 reps), Fri (6-8 reps)

Modified Superset:

Incline Bench Press 3 sets (Rest 90 seconds)

Chin-ups (Palms facing you) 3sets (Rest 90 seconds)

Modified Giant-set:

Rear Delt Rows (performed like a reverse bench press) 2 sets

(Rest 45 seconds)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 sets (Rest 45 seconds)

E-Z Curls 2 sets (Rest 45 seconds)

Close Grip Bench Press 2 sets (Rest 45 seconds)

Modified Giant-set:

Lunges (press with ball of foot) 3 sets (Rest 60 seconds)

Leg Curls (Toes Out) 3 sets (Rest 60 seconds)

Squats or Leg Press 3 sets (Rest 60 seconds)

Calf Raises 3 sets (Rest 60 seconds)

Active Recovery Phase

After Week 6:

Two full-body workouts a week; a routine similar to the Growth

Phase (above) performed only on Mondays and Thursdays with two

sets per exercise, each set consisting of 13-15 repetitions.

Also, do 20-30 minutes of cardio, first thing in the morning on

the days off (Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays). Sunday is the total

day of rest.

Holiday Bodybuilding Supplements Recommendation Summary

Below is a summary of the bodybuilding supplements you should be

taking throughout the Holiday season:

Good Supplements To Take Prior To A Cheat Meal Period

* 200 mcg Chromium Picolinate

* 300 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid

* Nitric Oxide Booster/Creatine Product Such As Labrada's

Labrada ReCharge

* Digestive Enzymes

* Essential Fats such as Flax or Fish Oils

* Thermogenic/Appetite Suppressing Supplement like Labrada

Charge Ephedra Free

Additional Basic Supplements

* Comprehensive Multiple Vitamins and Mineral Formula (should go

without saying)

* Meal Replacement Packets or Protein Supplements to be used

whenever not able to consume a real meal.

* 1 gram of vitamin C at Meals 1, 3 and 5. Extra vitamin C not

only may help lower cortisol levels but also keeps immunity high

during this period where most people catch colds.

Holiday Bodybuilding Dieting For Non-Cheat Days

Please take a look at the diet below so that you have an idea of

what your bodybuilding diet during your " non-cheat days " should

consist of:

Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Men

Meal 1 (7 AM)

1 cup of dry oats mixed with water

1 cup of egg beaters

Meal 2 (9 AM)

Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body mixed with

water or a protein powder (with around 40 grams of protein) mixed

with 40 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.

1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum brand is best)

Meal 3 (12 Noon)

1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of


2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

Meal 4 (3 PM)

Same as Meal 2 but without flaxseed oil.

Meal 5 (6 PM)

1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of


2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

Meal 6 (8 PM)

2 scoops of slow released proteins like Pro V60 and 1 tablespoon

of Flaxseed Oil

Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Women

Meal 1 (7 AM)

1/2 cup of dry oats mixed with water

1/2 cup of egg beaters

Meal 2 (9 AM)

Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body for Her mixed

with water or a protein powder (with around 25-30 grams of

protein) mixed with 25-30 grams of carbs from cream of rice,

grits, or oatmeal.

1/2 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum Brand is Best)

Meal 3 (12 Noon)

1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of


2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

Meal 4 (3 PM)

Same as Meal 2 but no flaxseed oil.

Meal 5 (6 PM)

1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of


2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable

6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish

Meal 6 (8 PM)

1 scoop of slow released proteins like Pro V60 and 1/2 tablespoon

of Flaxseed Oil


Try out the tips and workout above, and provided that you follow

a good diet along with it just limiting yourself to cheat meals

on Christmas day and New Years Eve, you should avoid the

catastrophic effects that the holidays leave behind in moat

people. As a matter of fact, you should look better!

Best of Health and Happy Holidays!



Hugo CFT, ISSN, SPN, BSCE. is a lifetime natural

bodybuilder, a multi certified personal trainer, and a

best selling author with a successful franchise of books

called " The Body Sculpting Bibles " which collectively have

sold over a million copies worldwide. Hugo is also the author

of the " Body Re-Engineering " system which teaches you how to

gain lean muscle mass and get lean without drugs, or expensive

supplements. For more information visit http://www.losefatandgainmuscle.com

or his personal website at http://www.hugorivera.net

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