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Boost Your Energy And Lose Your Pain, Naturally!

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Free-Reprint Article Written by: Shelia Norling

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Article Title:


Boost Your Energy And Lose Your Pain, Naturally!

Article Description:


I've had aches and pains all my life that had no explanation. My

energy level has always been low but I really didn't realize how

low because it was all I ever knew. Now all of that has changed.

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780 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2007-11-26 12:24:00

Written By: Shelia Norling

Copyright: 2007

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Boost Your Energy And Lose Your Pain, Naturally!

Copyright © 2007 Shelia Norling

The Green Team


I woke up as usual, stiff and sore for no apparent reason. Today

would likely be like most every other day, a struggle to get

through the afternoon without stimulants. Truth be told I've

never known anything else.

I've had aches and pains all my life that had no explanation. My

energy level has always been low but I really didn't realize how

low because it was all I ever knew. Now all of that has changed.

One day a few months ago I was talking with a friend about her

fish tank. We were discussing the challenge of keeping the pH

balanced and how frustrating it is to keep replacing fish. I knew

we had to keep our body pH balanced too but I hadn't given it

much thought. Suddenly it struck me as important.

I started looking for information about the pH balance of the

human body and was shocked to discover just how critical

maintaining an alkalized system truly is. Just like the fish tank

or a swimming pool, if the pH levels become too acidic, things

begin to grow there that aren't really welcome and then things

begin to die. There's very little variation on the pH scale

before humans begin to die too.

I began to ask, " What do I consume that tips my pH towards

acidic? " I was always tired so I drank 3 to 4 cups of coffee a

day, with sugar. My typical meals consisted of meat and potatoes

and some kind of bread. A lot of what I consumed was processed

convenience foods. It wasn't something I set out to do...it's

just all I knew.

But now things had to change. I had just launched a national

campaign to restore balance to our ecosystem (I know...what was I

thinking? with my energy level?) and I had to find sustainable

energy or I wouldn't be able to keep up.

I decided to do an experiment. I stopped drinking coffee,

centering my meals around meat, and reaching for sweets and bread

several times a day. I was going to make an effort to eat more

live food.

I'd tried to stop drinking coffee before but always had

withdrawal headaches so bad I couldn't continue. I arranged my

schedule to prepare for the worst but was pleasantly surprised. I

felt great immediately!

It was like my body was doing everything to ensure I kept going

with my " experiment. " I was intrigued. Every day I felt better

than the day before. The things I thought I would miss terribly

were discarded like yesterday's news. It was the easiest thing

I'd ever done! After decades of dieting, that has deeper

implications than you can ever imagine (unless of course you've

been on the yo-yo too).

One day, a couple of weeks into my new program, I woke up to an

experience I had never had in my forty plus years. I didn't

hurt! I had no pain anywhere. After a life of chronic aches and

pains, it was like waking up in someone else's body. I had no

idea I could feel this good.

Oh, and did I mention I was losing weight without trying!? Yet

another first. I now eat as much as I want whenever I want and

the pounds just keep disappearing. I know, this time, they won't

find me later...they're gone.

My skin is completely clear (even the dermatitis I had for years)

and now nicks and scrapes I get in the garden heal so fast I can

practically watch them disappear. My eyes are clear too. People

have been commenting that I look younger and I have a glow about

me. I love it!

I'm creating an internal environment of balance and vitality. I

have more energy than I've ever had. All this without any

special potions or pills, just what nature provides.

I created a list of foods that have an alkalizing affect on the

body and, to my surprise, the list is quite extensive. Now I just

eat from this list as much as I want whenever I want. Another

good thing about this is not counting anything (i.e. calories,

carbs, grams, etc.). I'm making up great recipes too. It's


I'm sharing my recipes and alkalizing food list with friends and

they're loving the results too. They're always amazed (at

first) at how many alkalizing foods are on the list and

pleasantly pleased to realize it's much easier than they first

thought it would be.

Interesting how I set out to create balance in our " outer "

environment through The Green Team (my national campaign) and

ended up creating balance in my " inner " environment. I love the

reflection life provides!


Shelia Norling is dedicated to cleaning up the air we breathe and

restoring balance to our ecosystem. As founder of The Green Team,

a not-for-profit environmental organization based in Texas, she’s

providing an easy way for everyone to take action to ensure a

better future. Find out how easy it is at http://www.2ReduceCO2.com

Visit http://www.tweakability.com if you’d like a free copy of

Shelia's alkalizing food list and recipes.

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