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Glutathione - Mind Games

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Glutathione - Mind Games

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I think the one thing that is overlooked for living to the max is

taking care of our mind, our mental health. Our mental care is

just as important as our physical care.

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Distribution Date and Time: 2008-06-30 11:12:00

Written By: Mike April

Copyright: 2008

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Glutathione - Mind Games

Copyright © 2008 Mike April

Live To The Max


I think the one thing that is overlooked for living to the max is

taking care of our mind, our mental health. Our mental care is

just as important as our physical care.

When I talk about mental health not only am I talking about the

actual state of health of your brain, meaning how physically fit

your brain is, but I’m talking about your emotional state.

In order to have a healthy mind you need to make sure you’re

nurturing your brain on both levels... physically and


Think about it (no pun intended) we need our brain (mind) to do

daily tasks, enjoy activities and most importantly to live a

long, health vibrant life, and to live to the max we need to

exercise our mind just like we exercise our bodies.

As we get older so does our brain, in fact our brain gets smaller

as we age. Maybe you’ve noticed that it takes you a little longer

to do things, or you’re getting a little more forgetful these

days or you just don’t feel like you’re behind the eight ball as

much any more.

No matter what changes you may be noticing you need to understand

your brain is getting older. Your brain is made up of billions

and billions of nerve cells called neurons. These are the cells

that fire off signals to the brain telling it to do certain


Everyday our brain is replacing these cells but as we get older

fat starts to deposit between these cells and as a result of this

it makes it harder and harder for our brain cells (neurons) to

talk to each other. And as the old cells (neurons) begin to die

off they’re not replaced with new neurons, and that’s why are

brain gets smaller as we age.

So today I’m going to share with you some tips on how to have and

keep a strong healthy mind. These tips will help create more

pathways in your brain and should help you with your memory, mood

and over all health.

1) First and foremost - exercise. How can exercise help with your

brain? Simple, your brain needs to interact with you in order to

exercise. It goes hand in hand, if your body is healthy so too is

your brain. By exercising you’re increasing the oxygen and blood

flow to your brain. This will help your memory, reaction times

and overall general well-being of your brain.

Plus there are all the added benefits of exercise. Simply by

exercising 3 times a week for 30 minutes not only will you be

helping your brain but you’ll be reducing your chances of heart

problems such as stroke, heart attack and hypertension.

I’m sure I don’t have to mention what a heart attack can do to

the brain. Want a strong and healthy brain have a strong and

healthy heart.

2) Just like physical exercise you need to exercise your brain as

well. To do this simply engage and use your brain. Here are some

things you can do: Start reading, do crossword puzzles, have

thought provoking conversations, take a class, start a new hobby

or play games.

Here’s one I do, when I need to go grocery shopping I make a

mental list and then I go shopping. At first I missed things but

now I get everything I need on my list.

It’s been researched that doing any type of mental exercise on a

regular basis will increase your memory by 50%, just ask a


3) Make sure you’re eating a proper diet, I hate using the word

diet because this implies something temporary. I should say make

sure your living a healthy lifestyle.

Your brain needs carbohydrates to function properly. Your body

brakes down the carbohydrates into glucose which is a simple

sugar and this is its energy. You’ll find good carbohydrates in

foods with whole grains such as wholegrain bread and cereals.

You also need to maintain a low-fat and low-cholesterol lifestyle

as well. This will keep your heart and blood vessels strong and

healthy. You don’t want to have clogged blood vessels or

arteries; these are the highways that your body uses to get all

that good nutrients to your brain so you don’t want to make that

harder by having a poor diet.

Increase your intake of foods that have antioxidants, these foods

help keep your arteries from getting clogged. When it comes to

food, color is your friend, eat colorful fruits like blueberries,

strawberries, oranges and so on and as for veggies eat green

leafy ones.

Not only does a good diet (lifestyle) give you a better quality

of life it also improves your mood and your self esteem. By

having a balanced healthy diet you’re naturally increasing your

serotonin levels in your brain. And serotonin is responsible for

monitoring your mood.

It’s also a very good idea to limit or even stop your alcohol

intake. I know the beer commercials would have you believe that

alcohol is here to make you happy but in reality alcohol acts

like a depressant and will definitely bring you down. And if

you’re having more then one drink a day you’re causing serious

damage to your brain on a daily basis.

4) This is easier said then done due to the fast-pace lifestyles

we all have, but you need to reduce your stress. Stress in the

major cause of health problems such as stroke and heart attacks.

Stress also affects our memory and how our mind develops.

When you’re under a lot of stress you change your mood and not in

a good way. If you’re experiencing long term stress you’ve been

releasing hormones into your body that actually kill cells in

your brain responsible for creating new memories or accessing old


You need to quite your mind everyday. One of the best ways is

with deep breathing. In my other article Ten Sure Fire Way To

Crank Up Your Energy And Reduce Your Stress I include a great

breathing exercise.

If you’re like me and you like coffee you need to cut back on it

and if you’re a smoker well I don’t need to mention what you

should do. Both of these act as stimulants and in most cases will

stress you out even more.

A great stress reducer is exercise, get a punching bag and get

rid of all that stress. Many a day I taped my boss’s picture on

that punching bag and got all my stress out. I would like to take

a moment to thank my former boss for helping me lead a stress

free life.

5) This is the last tip but to me is one of the most important.

What you think of yourself is the most important factor to having

a healthy mind. If you’re a product of low self-esteem your mind

is not in a healthy place at all.

A healthy self-esteem will lead to a healthy life. And just like

working on your body you need to work on your self esteem. Low

self-esteem has been linked to mood disorders, eating disorders,

drug and alcohol abuse, and chronic fatigue.

Increasing your self-esteem can be hard and I could certainly

write an article just on that. But here are a few things you can

do to start:

* Don’t listen to negative people. Most negative people need to

put other people down in order to feel good about their sad

lives. If someone wants to be negative - let them.

And if this person is always negative it’s time to seriously

think about cutting them out of your life. They’re a waste of

time and they’re not doing you any favors being your friend with

their poisonous attitude.

* Surround yourself with like-minded people. Surround yourself

with positive people; this alone will make a huge impact on your


* Remember this. “It’s not what people think of you it’s what

you think of yourself that matters.”

You’ll absolutely drive yourself nuts trying to live up to what

others may think of you. STOP!! Live the life that makes you

happy and if others can’t deal with it...too bad. You have to do

what makes you happy.

Think about it, how crazy is it to live YOUR life the way others

think you should. You’re not making yourself happy; you’re making

other people happy at your expense.

* Take time for yourself and reward yourself.

* Read. There are a lot of good books on self-worth and


* Don’t be afraid to ask for help, talk to a friend or your

spouse or if necessary a professional counselor.

Live To The Max

Mike April


Mike April has been guiding and helping people live their lives

to the MAX for several years. His no nonsense approach to helping

people live their lives to the fullest and healthiest is very

sought after. If you would like to learn how you can live

your life to the MAX you can visit Mike at his website


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