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Glutathione - How To Slow Down The Aging Process

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Free-Reprint Article Written by: Mike April

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Article Title:


Glutathione - How To Slow Down The Aging Process

Article Description:


Whether we like it or not we're all getting older, some people

are getting older faster then others. The speed in which we age

has some to do with genetics, we can't get around that. However,

the biggest factor on how fast and well we age is determined by

our lifestyle.

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913 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-07-15 11:12:00

Written By: Mike April

Copyright: 2008

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Glutathione - How To Slow Down The Aging Process

Copyright © 2008 Mike April

Live To The Max


Whether we like it or not we’re all getting older, some people

are getting older faster then others. The speed in which we age

has some to do with genetics, we can’ get around that. However,

the biggest factor on how fast and well we age is determined by

our lifestyle.

How you decide to treat your body will determine how long you

will live and the quality of your life.

Here are some tips on how you can slow down the aging process.

1) Sun tanning: Here is one of today’s biggest myths. Having a

tan is healthy, when the opposite is true. You can thank the

marketing and advertising world for this myth.

Yes, we all need vitamin D and we get that naturally from the

sun, but you’re not suppose to bake yourself to a crisp in the

process. You may look good now, but the tremendous damage you’re

doing to your skin is incredible, the biggest risk you’re

exposing yourself to is skin cancer.

Skin cancer occurs when too much UV radiation penetrates the skin

causing free radicals to mutate and cause cancerous changes in

cells. IV radiation, whether from the sun or from tanning booths

can damage the skin permanently. Statistics show that 90% of all

skin cancer is the result of to much exposure to UV radiation

from the sun.

Tanning on a regular basis will cause the skin to age prematurely

and causes the skin to change which usually includes freckles,

sunspots and deep wrinkles and excessive tanning over a long

period will decrease your immune system.

If you absolutely need that tanned look, use a self-tanner.

Self-tanners have come a long way. No longer do you get the

orange or streaking look. Now you can have that natural glow with

out all the dangers of sun tanning.

2) Change your eating habits: The reason I said change your

eating habits is because most of us are not eating a very health

diet in the first place. The US has become the fattest country on

the planet, due to computers, video games where the only thing we

move is our thumb. Not to mention the fast-paced lives we lead is

causing us to eat very poorly (fast and processed food mostly).

You need to eat more fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants.

Like blueberries, walnuts, beans and red apples and as for your

veggies the brighter the better. All of these help in repairing

damaged cells and help prevent cancer and heart disease.

3) Exercise: You must exercise on a regular basis and do so for

at least 30 minutes per day, three days per week. Exercising not

only helps with weight loss, it also maintains your blood sugar

level. It strengthens your cardiovascular system, gives you more

energy and stamina to get through the day plus it boost your

immune system.

4) Sleep: You need to get a good night sleep. Your body needs

time to recharge, not getting enough sleep adds undue stress and

strain on the body. In addition, make sure your sleep environment

(bedroom) is dark, quite and comfortable.

5) Relax your mind: You need to take a daily mental break; all

the stress of just living is taking its toll on your body. Do you

feel run down and tired? Yep it could be that you are out of

shape, but a huge contributing factor to your exhaustion is

because you are mentally fatigued.

Two great ways to relax your mind is through meditation and deep

breathing. This will increase your blood and oxygen flow to the

brain and increase your energy. In my other article Ten Sure Fire

Ways To Crank Up Your Energy And Reduce Your Stress I have

outline a fantastic breathing exercise.

6) Drink water: Water is the best way to flush all the toxins

from your body as well as keeping your skin hydrated. 8 to 10

glasses per day is perfect. And remember coffee and carbonated

drinks are not water, these beverages actually dehydrate you.

7) Stop Smoking: I know how hard it is to stop smoking; they say

smoking is more addictive and harder to get off then heroin.

Nevertheless, you have to try to stop; I am not here to tell you

all the dangers of smoking everyone knows them. All I am here to

say is please try to stop, you know and I know everyday you are

smoking is shorting your life big time, if not for yourself how

about for your family, children and friends. Ok sermon over.

8) Reduce Or Even Stop Drinking: Again not here to lecture, but

drinking is just as bad as smoking it is just another legalized

drug. Take a look at someone who is a hard drinker they always

look 20 years older then they really are. Sure having a glass of

red wine once a day is not going to harm you, they even say it is

good for you. However, if you are drinking more then that each

day you are destroying your body.

Some of the effects of drinking are: Loss of brain cells, liver

failure, stomach bleeding from the lining getting irritated, high

blood pressure, never damage, heart problems, epilepsy, obesity

and skin problems just to name a few.

These are just a few ways you can slow the aging process, but

remember no matter what we do we are all getting older, just how

fast is up to you.


Mike April has been guiding and helping people live their lives

to the MAX for several years. His no nonsense approach to helping

people live their lives to the fullest and healthiest is very

sought after. If you would like to learn how you can live

your life to the MAX you can visit Mike at his website


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