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Gain Weight by Using Your Brain

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Article Title:


Gain Weight by Using Your Brain

Article Description:


If you have problems gaining weight or if you're looking for a

way to gain weight faster, you need to read this article. Your

nervous system, and the way you use it, has tremendous power over

your bodily functions taking place at this very moment. Let's

take a look at what might have been preventing you from getting

the results you want and how to get what you want.

Additional Article Information:


1300 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2008-07-15 11:24:00

Written By: Asger Haug

Copyright: 2008

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Gain Weight by Using Your Brain

Copyright © 2008 Asger Haug

Bodybuilding Nutrition


If you have problems gaining weight or if you're looking for a

way to gain weight faster, keep reading. In fact it is very

simple and logical to do so. All the processes I'm about to

explain have been very well documented. This is not a diet or a

supplement, it is something you already posses the power over

right now, your brain.

I'm going to discuss:

1. The two branches of your nervous system, their functions and

how you can determine which one is dominant in you. 2. How

creating an imbalance prevents you from getting the results you

want. 3. How you can regain balance to produce the results you


A quick description of the Automatic Nervous System (ANS)

The model of ANS used in clinics originated from Francis M.

Pottenger, M.D, 1919. The ANS is the master controller of your

metabolism; it controls almost all metabolic processes. The ANS

is divided into two divisions on the basis of anatomic and

physiological grounds. Nerves from both divisions connect the

brain (Hypothalamus) to the organs and glands of the body.

The ANS is like an information transport system with the brain as

its switchboard operator. The two divisions, the parasympathetic

and the sympathetic nervous system work together to regulate all

the activities in the body. To name a few: heart beat, fight or

flight, blood pressure, digestion, elimination, repair and

rebuilding and much more. In this article, we are interested in

the repair and rebuilding activities.

The difference between Parasympathetic and Sympathetic influence

is different from person to person. People are more or less

influenced by one of these. I encourage you to search the web for

a more in depth description of these influences to see where you


Parasympathetic (rest and digest branch): Digestion, Elimination

(detoxification), repairing, rebuilding, anabolic processes.

People with Parasympathetic dominance tend to be wider build,

procrastinate and have excessive appetite and lethargy.

Sympathetic (survival branch): fight or flight response,

motivation, stress, catabolic processes. People with Sympathetic

dominance tend to be tall, thin, highly motivated, have a low

appetite, and excellent concentration.

The key is to be highly motivated and have excellent

concentration while training (sympathetic dominant) and then be

relaxed and calm in the restitution period (parasympathetic


Since the parasympathetic branch is the one that builds and

repairs our body, along with controlling our anabolic processes,

we want that branch to be most active when wanting to gain


Now what you probably don't know, is that most people in our

stressed and modern world are in a constant condition called

Autonomic Disregulation where our sympathetic and parasympathetic

systems are opposite of what they should be. They are literally

jacked out of direction, disturbing every metabolic process

including our ability to be anabolic. This is where your mind

comes in the picture.

You are, in fact, in charge of whether you want to be

disregulated, or if you want to be regulated. Regulated is where

your body works at 100% efficiency giving you high health and


When you are stressed, your sympathetic nervous system gets

activated and responds with a release of catabolic hormones which

makes you alert. Cortisol is one of the many, but is the primary

stress hormone. You don't want to be sympathetic when gaining


When you elevate your levels of cortisol, your DHEA ratio to

cortisol is disrupted. DHEA-S or DHEA-Sulfite is an anabolic

hormone. It is a tissue repair hormone and is very closely

related to growth hormone, testosterone and all the other

anabolic hormones. So when your cortisol goes up, your DHEA goes

down, damaging your health.

High levels of cortisol in the body have been related to highly

rapid death of brain cells, and rapid ageing. As cortisol levels

go up, it affects the memory and ability to learn .In other

words, it disrupts the neurocognitivity which enables the neurons

to communicate with one another. Look at the patterns of people

who consume caffeinated drinks, sports drinks and coffee, etc.

Caffeine creates a sympathetic catabolic response in your nervous

system, where glycogen (sugar) is released from your liver, along

with cortisol (which makes you feel fresh and alert). Cortisol is

a catabolic anti-inflammatory hormone that breaks down muscle

tissue and feeds it to the body. Since the high release of

glycogen in your body also triggers a release of insulin, your

blood sugar crashes, and it crashes with you. It also affects the

quality of your sleep and mood because it interferes with

anabolic repair cycles.

If you're waking up in the morning after 7 hours of sleep still

tired (not feeling fresh) you are probably not entering deep

sleep, because cortisol also disrupts your ability to enter the

restorative phases of sleep - REM (Rapid eye movement) Cortisol

disrupts your ability to repair your nervous system, and it

disrupts your ability for the immune system to do its job. One of

the most important changes you can make is to not consume any

caffeinated substances after 3pm, because depending on the rate

on which your liver is able to detoxify caffeine, it may disrupt

your hormonal levels. This will interfere with your ability to

sleep and therefore, interrupt your anabolic repair cycles such

as DHEA-S. Most physical repair happens between 10pm, 2am, don't

workout and go to bed at 1am. Most psychogenic repair (nervous

system repair) happens between 2am, 6am.

Another thing to consider is to avoid full spectrum lighting in

the hours before sleep. Light stimulates the pineal gland which

stimulates the RAS (Reticular Activation System) which, turns you

on, again. As cortisol levels drops during the day, melatonin

increases. Melatonin is the hormone that puts you to sleep and

makes you tired. So when you come home with full spectrum

lighting in your house, it jacks up your cortisol levels again,

interfering with your sleep and repair cycles.

Consider what happens when you come home late at night and have

coffee with your full spectrum lighting. Guess what, your body's

hormonal cycle is totally confused, ramped and ragged, you sleep

poorly and you are not repairing. Next morning you feel awfully

tired and like many people do, you drink another cup of coffee!

Be smart. If you're reading this it means you are smarter than

most people. So live up to it. We need to be parasympathetic

while we sleep. Bear in mind, that just because you are not a fan

of caffeine, it does not mean that you're safe. A high level of

stress elevates cortisol just as effective as caffeine.

This discussion gets more technical so take a look at the picture

here while reading:


Your anabolic hormones are mainly produced from Pregnenolone.

When your stress levels are high, your sleep is poor, your

exercise habits are wrong and you consume the wrong metabolic

stimulators (stuff that stimulate a sympathetic response), your

body overproduces cortisol and cortisone. Since both your

anabolic hormones and your stress hormones are produced from

Pregnenolone, which production do you think the body takes away

Pregnenolone from in order to compensate for the overproduction

of catabolic hormones? It steals the Pregnenolone which should

have been used to create testosterone, Androstenediol,

Aldosterone among other anabolic hormones. This syndrome called

" Pregnenolone steal " or " Cortisol Escape " will steal 60% of

your Pregnenolone to compensate for the overproduction of

cortisol (or stress in your life), which will mean 60% less

anabolic hormones in your body. That's a tough fact.

If you want to gain weight and gain muscle, you must be more

parasympathetic than sympathetic. It is really that simple. So

take some time of for yourself, relax, get to bed before 10pm,

stay away from metabolic stimulators (such as caffeine), avoid

full spectrum light before bed hours and give it all you've got

when training.


If you want to join Asger Haug and experience some freaky growth

naturally, then go to: http://gain-weight.freakygrowth.com

You'll be able to learn more about gain weight, natural

bodybuilding training, gain-weight, cutting-edge bodybuilding

diets and powerful supplement stacks. Go grab your FREE

bodybuilding package that will bring your results to the

next level.

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