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The Evil 13 - 13 common indoor air quality conditions

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The Evil 13 - 13 common indoor air quality conditions

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When leakage occurs it results in the growth of mold that in turn

results in the release of pungent smelling and irritating

volatile organic compounds, and allergenic mold spores into your

air. Persons with allergies or asthma often have reactions to

such contaminates in the air while others may have no reaction at

all. People with compromised immune systems may even contract

infections from some molds.

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Distribution Date and Time: 2007-07-03 11:12:00

Written By: Daryl Watters

Copyright: 2007

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The Evil 13 - 13 common indoor air quality conditions

Copyright © 2007 Daryl Watters

A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc.


Mold and water damaged building materials

When leakage occurs it results in the growth of mold that in turn

results in the release of pungent smelling and irritating

volatile organic compounds, and allergenic mold spores into your

air. Persons with allergies or asthma often have reactions to

such contaminates in the air while others may have no reaction at

all. People with compromised immune systems may even contract

infections from some molds. Some of the most common mold related

infections are chronic allergenic fungal sinusitis, this is a

type of allergic like reaction and infection that results from

spores germinating in the sinuses, the agent of infection is

usually Alternaria mold spores.

Other persons may develop lung infections caused by certain

species of Aspergillus growing in the lungs. Fungal infections

are more a product of a person's poor health than of the

environment they are in. Home inspectors, mold inspectors and

other building investigators may use a moisture meter to detect

moisture hidden inside water damaged building materials.

Infrared cameras can also be used to detect moisture hidden

inside walls and other areas by measuring very slight temperature

differentials between cooler wet surfaces and warmer dry

surfaces. Where there is moisture mold is often not far away.

Drying up water within 24 to 48 hours and repairing leaks can go

a long way in preventing mold problems.

Dust dust mites and particulates

Air contaminated with excess particles can also cause negative

reactions. Some particles cause direct irritation when levels are

elevated. In the case of house dust people do not typically have

a direct allergenic or irritation related reaction. Common dust

is as much as 80% dead human skin cells thus the dust itself is

not seen as a forging invader by your body. When people have

allergic reactions to common household dust it is not the dust

causing the problem but allergenic proteins found in dust mite

feces. Particles counters can be used to measure airborne

particulates, particle counters are highly sensitive scientific

instruments that use an internal laser to count particles passing

through it that are of a predetermined size range. Good quality

pleated filters at your AC unit return can help reduce dust, also

use a good quality vacuum that is equipped with a hepa filter. A

bad vacuum cleaner will remove dust from your carpets then blow

it into your face.

Carbon dioxide

High carbon dioxide levels are not typically a direct threat to

human health in home and commercial properties. High carbon

dioxide levels usually indicate a lack of adequate outdoor air

being introduced into the building. Dust, chemicals, body odors

and other indoor air pollutants often build up along with carbon

dioxide in poorly ventilated buildings, and it is these other

indoor pollutants that result in indoor air quality complaints

and health complaints. According to Parat and others " A properly

maintained and operated mechanical ventilation system can reduce

indoor Bioaerosols concentrations by limiting infiltration of

outdoor Bioaerosols and by diluting those from outdoor sources "

(Parat et al., 1994, 1996).

According to American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air

Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE 62-89) Outdoor air supply into the

building should be at least 20 cubic foot per min per person in

offices and thus help maintain carbon dioxide levels below 1000

ppm. Newer requirements recommend levels no more than 700 ppm

higher than outdoor carbon dioxide levels. Outdoor air that is

being introduced into a building must meet the US EPA National

Primary Ambient Air Quality Standards is short it must be clean

or it must be properly filtered.

In conclusion letting clean dry outdoor air into homes and

commercial buildings can help dilute and flush out indoor


Carbon monoxide

WARNING: Carbon monoxide can rapidly rob your bloods ability to

properly absorb oxygen thus it can be deadly. If carbon monoxide

levels at your property are dangerously high then emergency

measures such as immediate evacuation may be deemed necessary.

Even if slightly elevated further investigation by a qualified,

licensed, specialist is recommended and appropriate repairs or

other measures may be needed. The leading cause of deaths from

carbon monoxide poisoning in homes is automobile exhaust escaping

from garages, however improper combustion of fuel in gas

appliances, improper ventilation of combustion gases to the

exterior, and cracked heat exchangers are also important sources

of carbon monoxide exposure.

" At low concentrations the health effects are fatigue in healthy

people and chest pain in persons with heart disease. At higher

concentrations it causes impaired vision and coordination

problems, headaches, dizziness, confusion, nausea. It can cause

flu like symptoms that clear up after leaving home. Carbon

monoxide is fatal at very high concentrations. Average levels in

homes without gas stoves 0.5 to 5 ppm. Levels near properly

adjusted gas stoves are 5 to 15 ppm. Near poorly adjusted stoves

30 ppm or higher. " The above information is from


If you have an attached garage, or any types of gas burning

appliances or devices in your building or home have it checked

for carbon monoxide. Make sure that gas appliances are working

properly and properly vented to the exterior.


Volatile organic compound also known as VOC's are common indoor

pollutants composed of organic chemicals that evaporate into the

air easily, they often cause chemical odors, respiratory

irritation, headache, and other indoor air quality related

complaints. At certain high levels they can be dangerous. These

chemicals are released by paints, paint thinners, varnish, new

carpets, new cabinets and furniture that contain particle board,

household cleaners and air fresheners, fuel gas, improperly

vented combustion devices, photocopier machines, blueprint

machines, and many other sources. Refrain from the excessive use

of household product that contains chemicals.

Purchase paints and new carpets with low emission levels of

voc's. Solid wood cabinets and furnishings contain less voc's

than those composed of particle board type materials. When using

chemicals or when installing new carpets, paints, cabinets, and

other furnishings let the property air out in a safe and

reasonable way. Healthy buildings will typically contain less

than 1 ppm or even less than .5 ppm.


Formaldehyde is a common volatile organic compound that results

in lots of indoor air quality problems, it is found in glues used

in the manufacture of particle board, wood veneers, wood

furniture, plywood, and other wood products.

It is also found in some spray-on insulating foams. These resins

slowly give off formaldehyde over time. Formaldehyde is one of

the more common indoor air pollutants. At concentrations above

0.1 ppm in air, formaldehyde can irritate the eyes and mucous

membranes, resulting in watery eyes. If inhaled, formaldehyde at

this concentration may cause headaches, a burning sensation in

the throat, and difficulty breathing, as well as triggering

asthma symptoms.

The above recommendations made in regards to other volatile

organic compounds also applies to formaldehyde.

Sewer gas

Hydrogen sulfide it the gas that produces rotten egg or sulfur

like odors in well water, sewer systems, rotten eggs, and other

areas where water and organic compounds have a lack of oxygen.

Hydrogen sulfide odors may lead to complaints of foul odors and

also eye & throat irritation cough and shortness of breath.

According to wikipedia " .0047 ppm is the recognition threshold,

the concentration at which 50% of humans can detect the

characteristic rotten egg odor of hydrogen sulfide. " 10 to 15 ppm

is the borderline concentration for eye irritation.

Drain pipes have letter u shaped curve that traps water, you have

seen this under your sinks, and this trapped water is intended to

keep sewer gas from backing up from the sewer system and into

your home. Make sure that drains such as basement floor drains,

sink drains, and even toilet bowls etc contain some water. If the

water evaporates from a drains p trap then sewer gas will back up

into the building. In vacant properties anaerobic bacterial may

invade your water heater and produce sulfur gas odors in your

drinking water, in properties with well water similar bacteria

may invade your well water system and create strong sulfur odors.

The latter two conditions are annoying but are typically thought

of as harmless and can be repaired by a plumber or well water

service company.


Nitrogen dioxide is composed of nitrogen and oxygen atoms,

incomplete combustion in vehicles or gas burning appliances can

create this pollutant and improper venting of such combustion

gases from gas appliances, loading docks, and parking garages,

can result in the gas entering into the indoor environment.

Nitrogen dioxide is a respiratory irritation. If you have any

types of gas burning appliances or devices in your building or

home have the property checked for nitrogen dioxide, carbon

monoxide and other combustion gases. Make sure that gas

appliances are working properly and properly vented to the



Ozone is a fresh smelling oxygen molecule composed of 3 oxygen

atoms, the oxygen we breathe is made of just two oxygen

molecules. In the upper atmosphere ozone blocks out harmful UV

light thus protecting living organisms below, at ground level

ozone is an air pollutant that can have harmful effects on our

respiratory system in fact ozone is a constitute of smog

pollution. Asthmatics are especially at risk from the effects of

ozone exposure.

Despite claims of safe levels of fresh smelling ozone emitted by

ozone producing machines, some ozone machines have been found to

produce ozone at levels that may result in respiratory irritation

in some persons. It is true that ozone can break down smoke,

odors, and other air contaminates but the break down product

follow the most basic laws of physics and thus do not disappear

for existence but instead these products have end up in the air

where some of them can serves as irritants to sensitive persons.

* According to the EPA some health effects of overexposure to

ozone are:

* Decreases in lung function

* Aggravation of asthma

* Throat irritation and cough

* Chest pain and shortness of breath

* Inflammation of lung tissue

* Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection

For more info please visit: epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html


Last but not least on or list of 13 sinister Indoor Air Quality

(IAQ) problems is radon, a colorless odorless gas that finds its

way into buildings through cracks in the foundations. If a

building is negatively pressurized then that negative pressure

can cause radon to be actively sucked into the building. Radon is

unheard of in some areas such as South Florida; in other areas

such as New England radon is common. Radon is a carcinogen or

cancer causing agent. Often persons living with radon will have

no clue that the problem exists till it is to late. Even in non

smokers radon causes lung cancer. If you know of a household

where a non smoker developed lung cancer you should suggest that

the home or the victim's previous residence be tested for radon

gas. According to the EPA and the surgeon general radon is

responsible for 15,000 deaths a year.


Daryl Watters has a bachelors degree in education for teaching biology

and general science and is a certified mold inspector, certified home

inspector, and certified indoor environmentalist providing building

inspections in South Florida since 1993. For more information visit

http://www.floridamoldinspectors.us http://www.florida-mold-inspection.com

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