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RE: Re: My experience

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[ ] Re: My experience

If that is a cancer then it sure should. I have Lyme and internal MRSA and it will help those. HalalujahS>> Hi group,> > My husband has lymphoma and early AD...Does anyone know if MMS will help these conditions? I am desperate to help him.> > Jeanne>

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I'm guessing it's early Alzheimer's Disease, but I'm sure she'll clarify.On Nov 24, 2007, at 5:56 AM, wrote:What is AD? Samala, -------Original Message-------  My husband has lymphoma and early AD...Does anyone know if MMS will help these conditions?  I am desperate to help him.   

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Hmm, never heard Alzheimer's called that before--just Alzheimer's.


-------Original Message-------

I'm guessing it's early Alzheimer's Disease, but I'm sure she'll clarify.

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Hi Jeanne,

I do think that Jim says that it helps with Alzheimer's. I've heard that Alzheimer's can be caused by mercury accumulating in the brain and also other toxins accumulating in the brain. If this is the case than according to Jim it would help by removing some of those toxins. Others can jump in here as I am not an expert and my memory is not so good due to toxins in my brain. I guess we all have something going on LOL.



[ ] Re: My experience

Hi ,

You're right it is Alzheimer's. ..I hate saying it so I just use the initials. Has anyone at all been helped for this condition by using MMS? I will probably try it because I've tried everything else. What exactly is it and where do I get it?

thanks for the support. If this is off topic, please email me privately.


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Jeanne you may want to read this extract from an article on mercury and genetics. If your husband has the genes that gives him an inability to filter the toxins he may need chelation to get better or MMS which takes us back to what Jim said in his book. That is MMS oxidizes metals.

Real Brain Damage

The amount of damage a given dose of mercury can do to the brain (and also the heart) depends on one's age, sex and genetically determined ability to excrete mercury. Young children with still developing brains are more susceptible, and males are more vulnerable to a given dose of mercury because testosterone enhances its neurotoxicity.

Most important, however, is one's genetically programmed ability to rid the body of mercury. The brain has a house-cleaning protein that removes dangerous waste products, which comes in three varieties:

APO-E2 (2 atoms of mercury out of the brain)

APO-E3 (1 atom of mercury out of the brain)

APO-E4 (no atoms of mercury out of the brain)

The genes we acquire from each parent determine which two we have. People with two APO-E4 proteins (and thus no APO-E2 or -E3) have an 80 percent chance of acquiring Alzheimer's disease. And, according to one study, autistic children have a huge preponderance of APO-E4 protein in their brains.

Alzheimer's disease was discovered in 1906, again in America, where dentists used mercury-laden amalgams to fill cavities (dentists in Europe largely avoided them). Today, more than 4 million Americans now have Alzheimer's disease. It afflicts half of the people over the age of 85 and 20 percent of ages 75-84.

The first symptoms of this disease are difficulty concentrating and variable degrees of memory loss, leading ultimately to devastating mental deterioration. The brains of people with Alzheimer's disease shrink by 25 percent and have distinct pathologic hallmarks (neurofibillary tangles, amyloid plaques and phosphorylation of tau protein). Brain cells grown in the laboratory develop the same three pathologic findings when exposed to nanomolar (3.6 × 10-10 molar) doses of mercury, an amount approximating that found in the brains of people who have a lot of amalgam fillings.

Dental amalgams are the main source of mercury in an adult's brain. An average-sized amalgam filling contains 750,000 micrograms of mercury and releases around 10 micrograms a day. Researchers put radio-labelled mercury amalgams in the teeth of sheep and determined where escaped mercury went with a scanner. They showed that mercury atoms exhaled through the nose travel up filaments of the olfactory nerve to the hippocampus, which controls memory, and to other critical areas in the brain.

In another study, rats given the same concentration of mercury that people inhale from their amalgams develop the pathologic markers of Alzheimer's disease. People with Alzheimer's disease have mercury levels in their brains that are two to three times higher than that seen in normal people.

The mercury in flu vaccines also plays a role in this disease. One investigator has found people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3-5 years had a 10-fold greater chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than people who had 1, 2 or no shots.

Another important factor with regard to mercury on the mind, which officials at the CDC, FDA and the professors in the IOM do not consider, is synergistic toxicity -- mercury's enhanced effect when other poisons are present. A small dose of mercury that kills 1 in 100 rats and a dose of aluminum that will kill 1 in 100 rats, when combined have a striking effect: all the rats die.

Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent mortality rate if some aluminum is there. Vaccines contain aluminum.

[ ] Re: My experience


Husband had all his amalgams removed several months ago and then did a detox, so I think he's ok in that area.


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Here's the source of the extract.

By W. , Jr., MD

Although they afflict widely different age groups, autism and Alzheimer's disease share a common cause: mercury. Dr. Boyd Haley, professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky, and Dr. Bernard Rimland, founder of the Autism Research Institute, presented evidence at this year's Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting that connects mercury with these diseases.

This heavy metal is highly poisonous. A Dartmouth professor studying the chemical characteristics of an organic form of mercury -- dimethyl mercury -- spilled two drops of it on her gloved hand. The first sign of mercury poisoning occurred four months later when her speech began to be slurred. This was followed by difficulty walking and loss of vision. She then fell into a coma and died.

Another person, attempting to smelt the silver in dental amalgams he obtained (they are 35 percent silver, 50 percent mercury and 15 percent tin, zinc and other metals), heated them in a frying pan. The mercury vapor generated killed him quickly. The two other family members in the house at the time also died.

[ ] Re: My experience


Husband had all his amalgams removed several months ago and then did a detox, so I think he's ok in that area.


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Dear Jeanne,

You wrote:

> Husband had all his amalgams removed several months ago and then did a

> detox, so I think he's ok in that area.

What did he do for detox, Jeanne?

My experience after dental revision is that mercury detox is a long-

term ongoing priority. If I don't continue to do detox protocols of one

sort or another my symptoms return.

As it was explained to me, while you have mercury fillings in your

mouth your body is in full defensive mode, doing all it can to bind up

and sequester the mercury so as to minimize the damage.

Once the last filling is gone, you decompensate, and now all that

stored mercury starts getting stirred up and released into the

bloodstream as part of the body's own effort to detox. You then have to

help the body eliminate it or it will only redeposit elsewhere, causing

more damage than if you'd left the fillings in.

If your husband's condition has worsened post-revision, you should

consider whether this is what is happening.

If anyone here has " finished " mercury detox post-dental revision, I'd

love to hear more about it -- off-list if you'd rather not clutter

things up with OT posts.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

[mdevour@... ]

[speaking only for myself... ]

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Hey, Jeanne, it kind of makes sense that AD would be caused by toxins, heavy metals, etc, accumulating in the body and so much that one can't think anymore.

I would try the MMS. It can't hurt. Just go slowly!!!

The first thing you need to do is read the book.


Download part 1 and read it, then you can buy Part 2 and read it, it's a Paypal transaction and you get access as soon as you press the pay button. He is only asking $10 for the book, and it's well worth it, and proceeds go to cure malaria. In the book he also tells you exactly how to make your own MMS and where to get the bottles and ingredients. If you don't want to hunt down the soldium chlorite yourself, buy the bottles, get distilled water and something made of glass to heat the water in, then

http://globallight.net is where I got mine, just ordered another 14 bottle kit, it costs under $100 with 2-day shipping. When you tell your friends and family, they will want some, why not have a few on hand? I went through 13 in three weeks. I saw the prices on eBay, but I didn't feel comfortable doing that.


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I guess I did a sort of detox, unknowingly. At this time my health was in a

serious downhill spiral. There was no information of the mercury problem at

that time. With the knowledge that I have gleaned over the last 10 years I

now know that it was the mercury that was knocking hell out of my system.

In 1971(31 years old) all my teeth (32 amalgam fillings) started to break

off when biting into an apple. Broke five in 6 days. My wife, an advanced

operating room nurse, recognized the symptoms and made arrangements

immediately to have plates made and all teeth (28)extracted. When plates

were ready extraction was completed by oral surgeon.(anaesthetized in chair)

After extraction and gums sewed up plates were put in.

Healed up nicely over 3 months, only taking plates out to clean them and


It took at least 5 years to get my system back to about normal because of

not specifically detoxifying. I wore those initial plates for 18 years and

am now into the 19th year on my second set which are about to be replaced.

Cheers, Doug

Re: [ ] Re: My experience

> Dear Jeanne,


> You wrote:

>> Husband had all his amalgams removed several months ago and then did a

>> detox, so I think he's ok in that area.


> What did he do for detox, Jeanne?


> My experience after dental revision is that mercury detox is a long-

> term ongoing priority. If I don't continue to do detox protocols of one

> sort or another my symptoms return.


> As it was explained to me, while you have mercury fillings in your

> mouth your body is in full defensive mode, doing all it can to bind up

> and sequester the mercury so as to minimize the damage.


> Once the last filling is gone, you decompensate, and now all that

> stored mercury starts getting stirred up and released into the

> bloodstream as part of the body's own effort to detox. You then have to

> help the body eliminate it or it will only redeposit elsewhere, causing

> more damage than if you'd left the fillings in.


> If your husband's condition has worsened post-revision, you should

> consider whether this is what is happening.


> If anyone here has " finished " mercury detox post-dental revision, I'd

> love to hear more about it -- off-list if you'd rather not clutter

> things up with OT posts.


> Be well,


> Mike D.


> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

> [mdevour@... ]

> [speaking only for myself... ]



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Plates, as in dentures?

I have a friend who is going to New Zealand to have full implants for his teeth. He's in the same boat, his teeth were destroyed by Interferon treatments, and nothing left but the roots.

In New Zealand, he says, you can get implants for your entire set of teeth for the price of a 1 tooth implant with a sinus lift here in the US.

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