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Re Quackwatch and dentistry - Federal lawsuit

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Hi guys,Aetna, using information from Quackwatch has been successfully sued by the maker of the Cavitat machine; plaintiff also charged Aetna with racketeering(Federal RICO Act). An excerpt from a webpage: http://www.bolenreport.net/feature_articles/feature_article023.htm


the lawsuit complains that Bob invented a device called CAVITAT which easily finds cavitations in the jawbone long before an x-ray can, got that device properly approved by the FDA, started selling it all over North America, only to have the

quackbuster operation bad-mouth it. Aetna Insurance picked up the

quackbuster's commentaries and used them to deny claims for its use, and for treatment based upon results of its findings. The

quackbusters that wrote the report (Dodes and Schissell) claim to have a dental clinic in Forest Hills, New York. They are the mainstay writers for Barrett's dubious "dentalwatch.com" website. Dodes and Schissell have very questionable credentials.

Scientist Bernard Windham probably explains best why the

quackbusters are so eager to kill CAVITAT for their paymasters. Windham says

"Cavitations are diseased areas in bone under teeth or extracted teeth usually caused by lack of adequate blood supply to the area. Tests by special equipment (Cavitat) found cavitations in over 90% of areas under root canals or extracted wisdom teeth that have been tested, and toxins such as anerobic bacteria and other toxics which significantly inhibit body enzymatic processes in virtually all cavitations. These toxins have been found to have serious systemic health effects in many cases, and significant health problems to be related such as arthritis, MCS, and CFS. These have been found to be factors along with amalgam in serious chronic conditions such as MS, ALS, Alzheimer's, MCS, CFS, etc.. The problem occurs in extractions that are not cleaned out properly after extraction.

ly, the

American Dental System, with the American Dental Association (ADA) at the helm, is buried in 100 year old technologies, won't accept anything new, and is fighting a losing battle over their promotion of deadly poisonous mercury amalgam (they call them "silver") fillings, and ultra-dangerous, but highly profitable "Root Canals." The ADA, I hear, has lost a second insurance carrier, because of its endorsement of certain dental products. And, it is being sued by its former insurance carrier for lying to that carrier about the safety of mercury amalgams.

Worse, the ADA, isn't telling its membership about its legal problems. A California dentist found out the hard way that the ADA won't back those dentists that still install mercury amalgams, stating "he should have known how dangerous they were..."

The ADA, isn't telling its membership about its Public Relations problems, either. Mainstream media has picked up on the ADA's plight. The Chicago Tribune, a few weeks ago, ran an article titled

"Are your teeth toxic?

The mercury in 'silver' fillings would be hazardous waste in a river----yet it's sitting in your mouth..."=========And from my personal experience: I went to a biologic dentist. Biologic dentists do all the non-establishment stuff, like take out mercury fillings. She pulled my two root canals. When a dentist does a root canal, they drill out the inside of the tooth and fill it with gutta percha, which is from the India rubber tree. It looks like light brown mucilage you used for glue as a kid. The tips of the roots were infected with anaerobic (Non-oxygen liking) bacteria. And those bacteria cause bone and tissue damage and the toxins they produce get in the blood stream. I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was 18. This leaves holes and if they don't take out the ligament that holds the tooth in, this is called a cavitation, which is what the Cavitat machine detects. She looked at all four of my holes and found one with an

infected ligament, again with anaerobic bacteria because it was sealed up! This had been there since 1973, when they had been pulled by an oral surgeon in his office! She cleaned it out and removed the ligament. She later took out all my Hg fillings and replaced them with Cerex which is a plastic. When she did all this she used special precautions, like a machine with a hose right over my face to suck up the Hg fumes. When she pulled the two teeth, she rinsed the holes with antibiotic solution, hit it with O3, and did something else to disinfect it, I forgot what. I have a BA in biology and we learned in microbiology that anaerobic buggies are the most deadly. Some of them form spores, like botulism (In the dented cans that bulge, because they form gas), tetanus, gas gangrene, and anthrax. One thing I noticed after I had the two teeth pulled, and I was home in bed recuperating, just a few hours later, was that I

could think faster than I could before!! I'm convinced that getting that possibly systemic infection out was a very good thing. Regular dentists believe in saving the tooth at all costs, and do root canals which give you an infection in the tips. The real problem is that the Hg fillings crack after a few years, and then the tooth cracks, and starts falling apart. Dentists started using Hg fillings in 1830, and dentists were writing papers about the health problems they found, around 1860. And of course they lie and call them silver fillings. I got in a big argument with a conventional dentist because she put in a Hg filling WITHOUT reading my chart where I had read "No Hg fillings because it's not safe" and I had to explain to her that she wouldn't want her kids eating lead paint chips, would she? Because mercury, lead and cadmium are all poisonous and neurotoxic, and all in the same column in the Periodic

Table. Now do we do anything in medicine the same way they did in 1830 or 1860??? No. But the mainstream dentists do. And if a dentist goes around telling patients that they must get their Hg fillings out, and how incredibly toxic Hg is, they can get their license yanked by the state board. Now that is infringement on freedom of speech. If you need more info, google "Biologic dentistry" or "Huggins protocol" or "Dr. Hal Huggins". I haven't gotten detoxed completely from the Hg, but it was step in the right direction and i will need to keep detoxing in various ways. Hope this helps,Sharon

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Thank you Sharon. I have been on the same path as you. My background is in finance but all I have done for the past year is medical research non-stop. In addition I believe that the nickel they put in my breast caused the fungus to grow in my breast. My biotoxin doctor said that even though I'm allergic to nickel it wouldn't have caused mold to grow in my breast. I say bull s#%$. As soon as they put that in my breast I started to grind my teeth like crazy. I broke the only cap I had and the tooth above it. I then fractured two of my teeth and had many fillings replaced. This was

before I had the clip in my breast removed. The grinding stopped and the plaque build up stopped. My pockets of 7s went down to 3s and 4s. My guess was that nickel was used in the fillings that were replaced. I still have two amalgam fillings and will get those removed soon but I developed a biotoxin disease. If your body is sensitive to a metal (for me it's nickel and I can't excrete nickel) then it causes fungi to grow. I believe this is what happens with autism as well only it's mercury that can't excrete. It's my theory and I am going to see if Dr. Shoemaker will work with me on this.


Sharon Hanson

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